THE GAZETTE TIMFS. Mpppner. OR. Thursda' gt. 23. 1978. Page 9 Vi&m U7fiTPT MJJJJ UIJULSxD W 1 mml tl twl I rjjn Li CARD OF THANKS The Morrow County Histori cal Society would like to thank everyone who helped on the Fall Festival and the dedica tion of the old Fairvlew School Site on Sept. 11. A special thanks to the lone School District for their help and to Mike Howell for running the movie projector. 32-lc 2 NOTICES TO GIVE AWAY: Sm. female dog, part poodle, part terrier, 7 mos. old. See Diane at Apt. 12, Evergreen Terrace. 32-lp Mental Health Clinic: Hepp ner office open daily. Board-man-Irrigon area Tues. and Thtirs. For appointment either area telephone 676-9161. After hours emergency contact through Sheriffs office, 676 9910. 31-33c YOU can steam clean carpets professionally clean with new portable Rinse-N-Vac. Kent at Case Furniture. 14c Friday, Oct. 1, 5 p.m., is the deadline for filing nomination petitions for general election. The mayor and 3 council positions are to be voted on. Petitions available at City Hall, Heppner. Marshall Lov gren, recorder. A gift for all occasions; let flowers do it. The Tony Patch. . 676-9126. 15tfc. New Rinse-N-Vac steam cleans carpets cleaner and keeps them -cleaner longer. RentatCoast-to-Coast. ' 17c 4 HELP WANTED WANTED: secretary, ability to type 70-80 wpm., keep fine records and books; answer phone and take charge of office. Sal. open. Contact Tri County Health Services. Hep pner. 31-2c Experienced florist, salary open, advancement possible. Apply at Posy Patch, Hepp ner. 32 1C Working mother needs live-in sitter for 3 children, ages S and 8. Prefer woman on Soc. Sec. Contact Mary Wilson, Box 287, lone. 97843 or call 422 7543. 322c 6. WANTED WANTED: to rent or lease house or cabin In the moun tains around Heppner. Would consider almost anything. Call 422 7557, lone. WANTED TO BUY: new or used Newhouse or Victor traps. No. 2. 3, 4 4 preferred, but all sizes considered. 989 8528. 32 3p 7. RENTALS FOR RENT OR SALE: new three bedroom home, 676-5594. Sltfc FOR RENT: studio apt. $99 mo. Call 4227587 after 6:30 p.m. 21tf STILL FOR RENT: J bdrm house, refrig.. heating & kit ,chcn stove furnished, TV cable. 19 ml. S. H-rr""". f"1 md to house. Ph. 676 5852. FOR RENT: furnished studio apt. $no mo. No pets or children. Call 423 75)9. 32 lp 8. SER VICES PIANO LESSONS for adults or children, beginners or advanced students. Call 676 5379 Geneva Blackburn. 31 3c SCHOOL: High school at home in spare time. If you left school without finishing, write today for free brochure about our home study method, diploma and accreditation. American School of Chicago, 630 Marion N.E., Salem, OR 97301, or phone 581-4046. 31-3c 10. LIVESTOCK & POULTRY FOR SALE: Quality market hogs. Will deliver to Follett's. K. Haguewood. Ph. 676-9759. 32-2p Mallard ducks for sale, call 676-5834. 30-3C WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish. Ph. 567-6065. ltfc 11. FARM EQUIPMENT Poly-posts rugged and dur able, cheaper than steel. Call 422-7138 or 422-7441. lotfc Used chain saws $50 and up. Pettyjohn's Supply 876-91S7. 32-3c 10 hp., B110 A-C tractor with 42" mower & grass pickup. 7 yrs. old. City of Lexington will take all bids until Oct. 5, 1976. 31-3c FOR RENT: Portable engine powered post-hole digger, Pettyjohn's Supply, 676-9157. 31-3c New & used McCulloch chain saws, will trade. Pettyjohn's Supply. 676-9157. 3I-3C MISCELLANEOUS Tropical fish; supplies & custom tanks; specialty or ders. Tim Loyd, 614 N.W. Bailey. Pendleton. 276 5245. 7tf HURRY Sentry Hardware Sale ends this Sat. Pettyjohn's Supply. 66-9157. 31-lC CARPORT SALE: Sat., Sept. 25; 9 to 4, 650 W. Sperry. Clothes, toys, Avon bottles household items. 66-5058. FOR SALE: Honda Mini-bike; geese, 13 ea; 1973 Honda CL 100. 676 5397. 32-3p Save time and $$$. Let us foresight your rifle. $1. Pettyjohn's Supply, 676-1157. 32 4c YARD SALE: 385 Linden Way; Sat., Sept. 25. Furniture, tires, wheels, misc. items. 32 lc OLD WOODEN Building, 22 x 48 ft., to be torn down soon. Interested persons for all or part of wood, contact Ed Gon ty, 679264. 32 1c TV Membership for sale, $90. ph. 989 8567. J1-2C FOR SALE: Leblanc Vlto clarinet and case, excellent condition, $160. 422 7192. Jl 3c The Gate tte-Tlmes will pay 50 cents copy for the first IS July 29 Issues returned to us in excellent condition. 31tf BROWNING automatic 22 long rifle; light weight, breaks Into t pieces, shot only twice. A steal at $95, reg. $150. 422 7588. 31- 18. FURNITURE FOR SALE: 1975 G E. Console Slereo. 4 foot console with beautiful styling, all wood cabinet, AM FM radio, auto matic turntable large built-in speakers with crossover net work that recreates great sound. Also play I track tapes. Need responsible party to make monthly payments of $19 to start at purchase, or will crept $152 cash. Call for Credit Mgr. 676 W04 32 7p 21. CAMPERS & TRAILERS '61 Chinook Camper, 8 ft. needs some work. Will sell cheap or trade. 676-9235. 31-2c 22. CARS & TRUCKS C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoany Starcraft, Caldwell and Mar tin boats. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. PH 567 8419, Hermiston-McNary Dam : Hwy. 9tfc SAVE UP TO on all used cars and trucks this week OVERSTOCKED with Subaru trade-ins. WAS JOJL y a Olds Cutlass I.M. .uto. jgg $3753 " p.s., i.e., mora. " 7 UncolnContMartlf. 700 CAQQ J beautiful and loaded. J30 s 73 JTmora-00'' 3193 27S3 72 ISVt!it-,'M' 2293 1833 71 f;ntp?'eM- 2198 1493 71 dZ;. 133 693 71 SSSS 2593 2293 70 TZSIISZSl"' 1593 1293 70 Dodge CfcarterBT.446 logo icq M maa.. auto. p.s. . ' ECONOMY RIDES JI w 75 ZSSi'S? 34S3 31 S3 7c rord Pinto tW.J door. I 37 o ana a eyt.M.. ... 1.600 miles -3 "ja 7 tZ2!&. 333 3033 73 ;:,'.u'":." 2733 2533 ft Chat Vsga SW, 6 cyt. s. oortQ 101 73 nt.,. package 2233 13i3 72 0atsaBl2tW.ldoorseda. -gg, ICOQ lc t1iiy1top.soasd.ckia 1 oa f AMCHornat.4door.6cyt. 17QQ 71 Ispd.waconomtcal ' 3 US 71 natmtpWer convertible ?7Qa 4irjt I spaed, radlals, class WSO 70 4 1153 993 COMMERCIALS unm WAS J0W 75 iTuVeo."?-'' 4993 3933 75 SrS"'1 93 S3 75 Kjr- 5393 5293 75 r.;rre':ci.V' 5933 5333 75 ?J.lL,cy' ,p4' 4453 3893 74 :.rdTpo".4."pi;t ss 4533 74 i- ,4 ,,rt' 4493 3933 74"' 4038 3593 74 Cl' Tom . . 4lg3 35S3 speed, p.a.. p a. 1,,,M 73 vTr"'"' 3933 3393 73 T9'lj?f:l'"4- 3933 3193 72 izz::z:z: zibs 71 SJT.IC 2433 1933 70 ZZZXOS-, 2293 "93 68 1533 1633 66 JSSif 1033 733 65 12"ZSM tC 1033 833 POTS jMI bow 69 yti'iT'1'"' 333 5s3 63 ijyi?,""'' 833 533 g7 pamWwRtM.V4.Mts. ggj 5Q3 CC Cfctilmpsta.sperteenp. cot AQ ea 14. ttc. eW c-3 t"' 58 Jm.i.ti. 2g3 ig3 67 133 93 HARLEY SWAIN L USID CAR A TRUCK CINTtR 1I1SN. IST.-KlRMtSTON CB RADIOS: installation, re pair. AM-Fm radios, tape players, Sid Zinter Jr. 422 7441. 27'm 1960 Chev, 4 dr. sdn. Ph. 676-9724. 33P FOR SALE: antiques; oak table w-3 leaves; hdwd 3 drwr dresser w-tall mirror. 676 5209 after 5. 30-3c Guns, good selection will take trade. Pettyjohn's Sup ply. 676-9157. 31-3C onlv! we are 617-SSSI 22. cars &TRUCKS FOR SALE '63 Chevrolet pickup, good condition. Ph. 676-5806 after 5 p.m. 29-tfc 23. REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE: 420 Riverside. Can be seen by appointment. Call 676-9637. 32-3c New three bedroom home with garage. Large rooms, carpet ed throughout, elec. heat, split shake roof. $28,000. 676-5594. 31-tfc 3 bdrm, new carpet, fireplace, large corner lot, view, family room, nice yard. 6764456. 31-7p FOR SALE: house in lone, write P.O. Box 74, lone, OR 97843. 26tfc FOR SALE: Approx. 4 acres divided into 50 x 100 ft. lots in the Hardman area. There are 17 50 x 100 ft. lots and one 1-acre lot. Will sell any part or the entire parcel. Close to hunting and fishing. Call 676-9746. - 15tf FOR SALE: 2 side-by-side 2 story duplex. All modern con veniences, 3 yrs old, will go max. State GI loan. Rental will help make the mortgage payments. 6764456 or 676-9632. 26tfc FOR SALE: Beecher's Cafe, lone; Bob Secolo Realty Co. Call Roy Lindstrom, 256-0421 Res. 658-5653, Portland. 24tf Pintos- Mustangs Maverick in stock $250.00 Rebate on above units 74 AMC Matador Air cond. 64 OLDS 4 Dr. Clean unit 69 CHEV. 4 Dr. Sedan Air cond. 74 FORD 4 Dr. Sedan Power 72 FORD 4 Dr. Sedan Power 74 CHEV. VEGA 3 Dr. 7 1 PONTIAC 4 Dr. 62 DODGE P.U. Clean 65 FORD 2 Dr. 67 FORD FAIRLANE 2 Dr. 73 PLYMOUTH DUSTER 59 GMC P.U. See Phil Doherty on any of the above units. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Ph. 676-91 16 23. REAL ESTATE i Ranch p for i i Sale I! v, X' Morrow County ' Y xirrigated ranch, A If ,026 acres, tlborderlng Boeing. f.900 acres under f.cultlvation with Irrigation equip- p ment. Modern 4 i v... . Zbedroom home, s 'plus out buildings Grain elevator g Zwith truck scales. -K $Owner will carry JL V. contract. For more in for k motion contact, Roy Lindstrom, & f: BUB 5LULU v. v. REALTY, INC. 256-0421, X Res. 658-5653 V. s;::kkkkmk:-:::k::kkkkk::k House for Sale. 3 bedroom 380 S. Gilmore. Ph. 676-9200 or 676-9466. 17tfc. vf?7lH FIX AJ ' 5f All 1976 9 126 fast 23 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 180 Quaid St., 3 bdrm home, lg fenced yard, l'i baths, fireplace, $30,000. Call for appointment only. Ph. 676-5562, Darl Hagey . , 26tfc , CLASSIFIED RATES Billing for classified ads is expensive. Classified ads are on a cash in advance basis, unless customer has a regular commercial account with the Gazette-Times. If so, classi fieds will be billed monthly. Rates are $1.50 for the first ten words or less, or 15 cents a word. If the ad runs for 3 weeks, the third week is free. If the ad runs for 4 consecutive weeks or more, the rate is 10 cents a word. Cards of thanks are $3.00. For quick results, call 676-9228 or 676-9402. Specialists In Track layer Tractor Repair! Automotive Welding We handle truck hoists, beds land racks, both factory and custom-built: tractor cabs and gooseneck type trailers Air Conditioning B & C Repair Shop J22-7409 CI.KOCHII.DER.e 'l 5?Sv mill -rr! the purchase of any to Oct. 1,1976 Was MI95-2595- M295 s795 s2995-'595- Main THE GAS SAVERS Beetle Rabbit Scirocco Bus Dasher Audi Fox Audi 100LS (VX Audi V Volkswagen .Mel Winter Volkswagen Pendleton. Oregon 27i-::ru m. warm Mobile Homes 20 homes NEW & USED MOBILE HOMES on our lot, ready for Heppner customers. Free set up and delivery COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rewinding Industrial - Commercial Farm and Home Pendleton 276-7761 White $3.02 Red WHEAT $3.02 Barley $108 I Sale Price -J?995 695 J695 -J2095 '895 -'2295 -'1045 '495 '195 J99 -J2595 '495 Heppner, Oregon