Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 23, 1976, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    THF r.47FTTF-TIMF3, Hrppnfr. OR. TTiurt- ,, Sfpt. 23. 197s. Pigt j
; Feeling a little different this Thursday? Maybe this is
' because fall officially arrived yesterday, Sept. 22 and
summer 1976 has ended. Some of us are very uncertain that it
ever began.
The Bob Shumans are working hard at putting a firm,
cement foundation under their home on S. Gilmore St. Now
, even if the earth quakes, they will be OK.
Some Heppnerltes will be off to the annual community
auction in Arlington this Saturday, Sept. 25. Some unusual
big Items will be offered. The Arlington Methodist Church
, makes arrangements and serves a luncheon at noon.
From Tulsa, OK were Dick and Vickie Hynds, who stayed
with Vicki's parents, George and Annabelle Steagall. Then it
was on to Pendleton, where they stayed with Dick's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynds Jr. and viewed the famous Pendle
ton Hound-Up. Dick is an economic analyst for the Williams
Energy Co., Tulsa, OK.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Holt and two daughters, Oregon
City, were recent Heppner visitors, staying with Mr. and
Mrs. C.J.D. Bauman, Jack's parents.
' Jim and Curtis Cutsforth and sister, Diana Partlow, drove
r to Denver, CO, to visit their brother and wife, Tom and Cathy
Cutsforth. Diane flew home and Tom and Curtis drove home.
Tom is stationed in Denver, CO.
Mrs. Norma Vawter, Boise, ID was visiting with her uncle
Clarence Bauman and Mrs. Bauman recently.
Mrs. Olive Hughes is at her home In Heppner after
spending most of her summer at the home of her son and
family, William B. Hughes, Roseburg.
On June 1, she attended the 60th reunion (Class of 1916) at
Oregon State University. Olive also went to Hawaii for a two
week vacation with son, William and his daughter, Mrs.
Ellen Marshall.
The Erwin Anderson home was kept active with grand
daughters Lisa, Shelly and Alison Parent, Milwaukie;
Suzanne Martin , and a friend Ramona Reish, Lakeview,
visiting for the months of July and August.
Dee Martin and Nancy Parent, mothers of the girls, came
for them when school time came near. Dee and Nancy spent
their vacation with their parents and attended the fair and
rodeo while they were here.
Other guests at the Anderson home for the rodeo were Ben
and Charlie Vaughn, Portland.
It was vacation time for the McCabe family. Ernie and
Mary Jean spent the first half of the week In Seattle where
Ernie attended a meat seminar. Then it was on to the coast
for the rest of the week. Pam and Laurie drove to the coast
and stayed with them.
Laurie will be able to come home to stay in three weeks.
She will still have to return to the hospital for treatments, but
she is now out of the wheel chair and in a brace.
It was smiling faces on all of us when Jerry Sweeney told us
that son Mike had passed his state bar examination and will
be admitted to practice law in Oregon. Proud daddy and
proud friends you have Mike. Of course there will be an
official announcement later in the paper, I just couldn't wait.
Ms. Susan Zita graduated
from Salem Hospital School of ,
Nursing, Salem, MA on June '
13. She is presently employed
as a registered nurse at the
Veterans Hospital, Portland, t
Sue is the daughter of
Dorothy Zita and Richard 1 V
Zita, Aloha, OR. f i m-y
i. 4 ' "
Susan Zita
Promise ring i fo precede the engogment. Just the thing to
toy "lovs is on it woy . . . forever"! Thii block accent
with beautiful diamonds, or 10 karat flower shaped yellow
gold ring with genuine diamonds, is just port of our lovely
i f L . . M . . i. . t j n . ... ., , ... ...
iu uiui youuw or wmre goio collection snining wim brilliance
ond love Come in today ond see
Storo hours; 9am to 6pm
Heppner 7 Main
Dorothy Zita
Justine Weatherford
how sweet o promise con bet
St. 676-9200
Pettyjohn-Washington wed
The First Emmanuel Luth
eran Church set the scene for
the September 4, afternoon
wedding of Dee Ann Petty
John, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Pettyjohn, Hep
pner, to Archie Washington,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Washington, Los Angeles, CA.
Pastor Beistel officiated at
the ceremony.
The altar was decorated
with pastel pinks, blues, and
yellow carnations, baby's
breath and gladiolas.
The bride given in marriage
by her mother and father,
wore a high neckline with a
brocade bodice that emphasi
zed the empire waist, leading
to a satin, floor-length gown
with sheer sleeves attached to
nine-inch brocade, finger-tip
cuff of white net. She carried a
bouquet of cascading white
roses with miniature carna
tions of pastel pink, blue,
yellow and baby's breath.
The maid of honor was
Kerry Moore. The brides
maids were Terry Hall, cousin
of the bride and Kerry Petty
john, sister-in-law of the bride.
Tracy Aaron, niece of the
groom was the flower girl.
Lighting the candles was
Stephanie Aaron, niece of the
The bridal attendants wore
light blue organza print, floor
length halter dresses with
attached capes. They carried
nosegays of pink and yellow
miniature carnations, blue co
lonial poms and white baby's
The best man was Fred
Ushers were Larry Petty
john, brother of the bride and
Darryl Clift.
Sharon Healy sang "Time in
a Bottle", played by Cheri
The mother of the bride,
Mrs. Jo Pettyjohn wore a
floor-length light green pat
terned gown with three-quart-
er length sleeves. Mrs. Walter
Washington, mother of the
groom wore a turquoise blue
floor length chiffon gown with
g Gold & Soft
I Oleo
fc Upton
t Tea
t Nabisco
I Snack crackers
p Western Family
h sauce
Pot roasts
m m m m m m m av- ar u m m
Arm cut (CHOICE) 99
Beef liver
n TTf?H
Western Family
rt f t
diicea oacon
matching hat. Also attending
were grandmothers, Mrs. Ra
ymond Pettyjohn, Arlington
and Mrs. Dorris Graves, Hep
pner. A reception was held at the
First Emmanuel Lutheran
Church Hall. The hall was
decorated with blue and white
Assisting at the recpetion
were Jody Sanders and Sandy
Richardson, cousins of the
bride. Cutting the cake were
Cheri Carlson, cousin of the
bride, and Shirley Aaron,
I j ;. Y,.l l , bzL .
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Washington
sister of the groom.
Attending the guest book
was Dianna Pettyjohn, cousin
of the bride. At the gift table
was Tiena Pettyjohn, cousin of
the N-ide.
The bride wore for her
going-away ensemble a beige
street length dress with mat
ching shoes.
The couple's honeymoon
trip was to Victoria, B.C.
The couple will reside in
Portland where Archie is em-
'1.59 Dog or cat
4 for l.00 Klee -nex 200 ct.
i - j Li v ui r
)U5UA( lb.
mm mm am
39 ii m,r
ployed as an apprentice ele
ctrician for Bonneville Power
Administration. Prior to his
present employment, he was
in the U.S. Navy for four years
and attended Portland Com
munity College.
Dee Ann is employed as a
registered nurse at the Good
Samaritan Hospital, Portland.
Dee graduated from Heppner
High School in 1971 and gra
duated from Good Samaritan
Nursing School in 1975.
Out of town guests were:
Mrs. Louis Carlson. lone; Mr.
and Mrs. Steve Pettyjohn,
Atlanta, GA; Mr. and Mrs.
Walt Hill, Walla Walla; Ms.
Cheri Carlson, Klamath Falls;
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Richardson,
Heppner; Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Sanders, Missoula, MT; Ms.
Janice Washington, La Puen
te, CA; Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Pettyjohn, The Dalles; Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Pettyjohn,
Arlington, and Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Pettyjohn, Bur bank,
Jolly Time
Pop corn yeUow
Purex y3 gai.
J 17 lb.
hr in in n c x i
nfczi Corn l
Cleo VanWinkle of Heir-
sche's Nursing home is a
patient in Pendleton Com
munity Hospital, recuperating
from a broken leg received in
a fall. Her son and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. William J. Van
Winkle visited her on Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stam
back of Haines were weekend
callers at the C.C. Jones home
and all attended a birthday
picnic at Bull Prairie, honor
ing Bobby Jones of Camp 5.
Marion Robinson was hos
tess to a pinochle party at her
home on Tuesday. Those pre
sent were Carolyn Howard,
Maureen Davis, Florence Mc
Millan, Leila Palmer, Debbie
1 Pettit, Leslie Jones, Fran
Cook, Ruth Robinson and the
hostess. Prizes were won by
Mrs. Davis, low; Mrs. How
ard, high and Mrs. McMillan, ;
pinochle. Refreshments were
served to the guests.
Erda Pieper and Paul
Morey recently attended the
Pieper-Lange wedding at St.
Peter's Catholic Church in
The Dalles. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arnie Pieper of Hermiston
and granddaughter of Erda
Pieper. A lovely reception was
held at the church parlors
following the ceremony.
Ear Miller was a Portland
business visitor over the
Paul Morey had as house
guests this week his sister,
Betty Thomas of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McCabe
of lone and Mr. and Mrs. C.C.
Jones spent last week at the
beach house of Charlene Whit
ney in Lincoln Beach.
Wm. J. Van Winkle is a
patient in Pioneer Memorial
Hospital in Heppner.
The Christian Business and
Professional Women's Council
met at the Vert Memorial on
Tuesday of last week. Attend
ing from Lexington were Rena
Marquardt, Irene Padberg,
Leifa Messenger, and Flo
rence McMillan and Norma
Marquardt. Speaker for the
evening was Barbara Mankee,
8 for
for 891
Prices effective 'f
41 IN
mur. trt. oar.
Sept. 23. 24. 25
(Groc.) 676 9614,
m -
(Meat) 676 9283
Lexington news
Wena tehee, with special mu
sic being offered by a vocal
trio from Weston, Jim Scheur
man and Linda and Steve
Long. Program was food
To Mr. and Mrs. David
Moon, Heppner, a daughter,
Stacy Lynn, born Sept. 15,
weighing 7 lbs, 9 oz. Stacy
joins sister Deana.
Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Waldron, Idaho
Falls, ID; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert C. Neal, Spokane, WA;
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moon,
Pendleton, OR.
Great grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Stan Simpson, Spo
kane, WA; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Waldron, Halfway, OR and
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pelsen,
LaGrande, OR.
To Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Cutsforth, a daughter, born
Sept. 17, at Good Shepherd
Hospital, Hermiston, OR. Toni
Lynn weighed 8 lbs, 4 oz. She
joins a brother, Shawn.
Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Fritz Cutsforth and Mr.
and Mrs. David Jones, Lex
ington. Great grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth,
Alta Cutsforth, Mrs. Vivian
Elder, and Vernon Prock; Mr.
Dismissed from Pioneer
Memorial Hospital this week
was Toyna Jones, Kinzua.
Admitted was. Bill Van
Winkle, Lexington.
Buy two pairs
of marvelous
Mojud pantyhoso.
NO. 3
BO u iiiQu!!
u x
iew PXdyc lop
ftjnryrtos wflh intorccJ
tc or sarxJoftx
PorrfyhOM In tarOalKx.
atVurt baste.
drying by Ruby Kirk.
Charma Marquardt has en
rolled in Portland State Col
lege, moving down last week.
and Mrs. Dave Haaek, CA,
and Mr. and Mrs. Hank Piller,
Great-great grandparent is
Mrs. E.R. Prock, Portland,
A son, Israel James, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. James
Mathew Healy, on Sept. 16.
Israel James weighed 6 lbs, 14
Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Healy, Heppner;
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shrader,
Gold Beach, OR.
Great grandparents are Ida
Coleman, lone and Elma
Ismert, Gold Beach, OR.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ronald
Becket wish to announce the
arrival of their adopted son,
Anthony Lawrence, born Aug.
19, weighing 8 pounds, 9
Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Becket, Hepp
ner; Mrs. Dorothy Thompson,
Portland; Mr. Lester Thorn p
son, Prairie City and the only
aunt, Miss Molly Becket,
Great grandparents are
Mrs. Carrie Becket, Heppner;
Mr. Nick Alfonso, Tacoma;
and Mrs. Lessie Thompson,