Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1976)
Pag 6, THE CAZETTK-TIMFS. r? Around Janet Beitel won two blue ribbons for commission paint ings and also two white ones at the County Fair. Dianna Hams received a blue ribbon on her pencil sketch. Scott Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Martin, attended the Northwest basketball camp in Spokane, WA, and won the Mr. Defense Award in the collegiate division. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree left Friday for Tacom J"" Saturday. They and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crabtree departed from Seattle on the Princess Cleanup day The Country Women's Activities of the Willows Grange will be held Friday, Sept. 10. The ladies will meet at the Grange at 9 a.m. for clean up. There will be a no-host lunch at Beecher's Cafe with the business meeting to be held at the Grange Hall in the afternoon. The meeting date has been changed because of the Pendleton Round Up festivities on Sept. 17. i McCurdys Return Harlan and Delia McCurdy recently returned from a month-long trip which covered much of the west. They traveled with their daughter Mickey and her husband Leo nard Gilman, son of Mrs. Walter L. Gilman and brother of Heppner Police Chief Dean Gilman. As Delia tells it, "Mickey and Len came for us in their motor coach and we four traveled across Idaho, Utah and Colorado to Eagle Nest, KM, where the Gilmans have leased the Moreno Ranch land grant a really big spread. Sunday School At 9:45 on Sunday, Sept. 12 seven classes will begin at the United Methodist Church. These one-hour sessions will dismiss at 10:45, just fifteen minutes before the morning worship service which goes back to 11:00 after being at summer time of 10:00. Bernice Nash will supervise 2 and 3 year olds; Shirley Connor will teach those Who are 4, 5, and 6; Linda Breiden bach will have the 2nd graders through the 4th graders. Children from the 5th grade through the 8th grade will meet with Cindy Green. Vicki Tollefson will teach the high school class. Garden Club All persons interested in gardening are cordially Invit ed to the first fall meeting of the Heppner Garden Club on Monday, Sept. 13 at the Bob Lowe home on East Fairview Way, at 8:00. Birdine Tullis will show slides of the Japanese Garden in Portland and talk about Japanese and their flowers. The Heppner Garden Club regularly meets on the second Monday evening of each month. Heppiw. OR. Thursday. Sept. the Pot Belly Stove Julie Nelson Margarita for Victoria, B.C. They had a four hour cruise through the Straits of Juan de Fuca. On Sunday they left Victoria on the Coho boat for a one and one-half hour cruise to Port Angeles, WA. From there they motored down the coast to Ocean Shores to join the rest of the family. They arrived home Monday. I want to thank Robin Baker for helping out this summer and the other gals too (you know who you are). If it hadn't been for all of them we wouldn't have had any news at all. You will notice a shortage in news this month but it should pick up in October. Friendship Night The State Director of the Degree of Honor Protective Association, Mrs. Beatrice Clausen, will visit the lodge here on Sept. 14. Members are to gather for a Friendship Night at 8 p.m. at the lodge hall. Each member is asked to bring a guest. "They are at present sum mering 1500 head of steers and have permits for elk hunters for October and December. The country there is a beautiful wilderness. Their house is at a 8500 foot elevation and is surrounded by lovely quaking aspen trees. The area has the largest herds of elk in the world. "After three weeks on the ranch, Mickey took us through Taos, Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Gallup, and we visited the Painted Desert and the Petri fied Forest. We traveled across Arizona and California to Long Beach. From there we visited grandson Lance Gil man and his family in San Diego and our former home in Dulzura where our friends all gathered for a party for us. "We had Mickey's birthday dinner at the restaurant in Seal Beach that Brent, the younger Gilman son, mana ges. It was a wonderful trip for us both. Bright-eyed Harlan, now 87, saw most of the sights before anyone else and could point out things to the rest of us." Delia concluded by telling that last year the "kids" took her and Harlan to Canada, this year for this great trip through the southwestern sta tes and next year "maybe we will get to Maine." Gardner's School Line Up X Sweaters Shirts . . jlj rLz" Jv - In many different LtVlO ! X HCS r'il Machine wohoble, V I X O 'jfffc. Y!.!i L frail's n-.Gif popu- I t 1 ft . 1978 Bishop institutes Rev. Ken Miller The Rev. Kenneth D. Miller was instituted as rector of All Saints' Episcopal Church by The Rt. Rev. William Spof ford, Bishop of Eastern Ore gon on August 29. During the service Mr. Robert Abrams acted as litantist, Fr. Miller read the epistle and Fr. Louis Perkins read the Gospel. At the time of institution during the service, various members of the parish family offered signs and symbols of the ministry to Fr. Miller asking that he be priest, healer, reconciler, preacher of the word and a man of prayer among them. Theta Lowe presented a loaf of bread she had baked and along with wine the parish family asked that Kenneth receive them and be amongst Births Word has come from grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leonning of McMinnville that their son and daughter-in-law Roger and Marguerite have a second son. Ryan Russell was born August 29 in Portland. He weighed 7 lbs., 8 oz. He joins a brother, Andy 3 years old. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tim Moore, Pendleton. The Roger Leon nings reside at 1670 N.E. Juni per Ave., Gresham, OR, 97030. Dr. and Mrs. L.D. Tibbies Hey We Are Tri-County Seed Cleaning Co. Formerly Harold Erwin's Grains Cleaned and Treated Serving Morrow, Umatilla, Gilliam Counties Frank Halvorsen Joe Halvorsen Ph. 422-7107 Ph. 422-7143 I' 1 them as one who breaks the bread and blesses the cup among them. In the celebra tion of the Holy Communion prayers were offered for the welfare of the ministry of All Saints' Parish which both Kenneth and the family mem bers will share together as part of God's family in Heppner and the wider world. The service was warm and meaningful with many frier from other churches in the community as well as from lone coming for the reception which followed in the Parish Hall. The Rev. Miller, his family and all the members of All Saints expressed their appre ciation to all who joined them to celebrate the new ministry either with their presence or through their prayers. are joyful about the birth of a new grandson Darell Warren Tibbies at Eureka, CA. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Larry Tibbies and the little brother of Barbra, 3. OVER THE TEE CUP COMING EVENTS: Family Barbecues: Sunday, Sept. 19, 4 p.m. Sunday. Oct. 3,4 p.m. A-I salads, J-Z desserts Work Day Sat.. Sept. 25. 9 a.m Board of Directors Meeting Wed., Sept. 29, 7 p.m. MR. FARMER Ready To Serve You Meeting The first meeting of the CB persons will be held Sunday, Sept. 12, 7 p.m. at the Woodwork ers Union Hall Main St. Heppner. All Interested parties are invited to attend. Irrigon news IRRIGON A birthday so cial was given at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 2., on the lawn of the Joel Stahl home. 18 guests gather ed to honor Mrs. Joel (Norma ) Stahl, Allen McCoy and Wal lace Stahl. Shirlene and Anthony Stahl and Ricky Pummel, dressed in costumes similar to a Farrel party, welcomed the guests with bells and the birthday song. Costumes and arrange ments were made by Mrs. Wallace (Grace) Stahl. A table loaded with sandwiches, fruit salad, cakes and punch were served. Perry Pummel who was M.C. for the event brought his telescope and as darkness came the guests viewed the craters on the moon. IRRIGON Mr. and Mrs. Warren McCoy of Irrigon attended the National Vet erans of Foreign Wars Con vention in New York City. McCoy is Senior Vice Com mander of Oregon and Mrs. McCoy is State Guard. Espiscopal Church Beginning yesterday. Sept. 8, The Eucharist was cele brated at 10 a.m. and will continue to be so offered every Wednesday. The service will be proceeded by a short service of healing through the Laying on of Hands and prayer. The Daily Offices of morn ing and evening prayer will be said in the church at 8:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. most weekdays, with some exceptions. The parish church and services are open to all who need or desire to be part of them. Plans are underway for a parish-wide education pro gram to begin on Sept. 19-20. Young people will begin reli gious training and instruction on a school released-time basis on Monday, Sept. 20. Confirmation classes will begin early in October. Those desiring to learn more about the Episcopal way of doing things are most welcome. After the final instruction opportunity is given to those who may wish to make some kind of commitment to the Episcopal Church to reaffirm their baptismal vows in the presence of the Bishop. Bishop Spofford will come on Decem ber 18. Rector Miller la in the church office most mornings from 8:15 until noon. He invites visitors. Summer Clearance on- Long Dresses VrTops & Sweaters & Jeans & Pants Dresses Pantsuits A special early-fall meeting of the Official Board of the United Methodist Church on Thursday evening, Sept. 2, established several activities for the year. A directive from the church General Conference, held this summer in Portland, asked that each congregation work Historical Society The Historical Society board of directors met at the County Fairground on Friday even ing, Sept. 3, to go over final arrangements for their Fall Historical Festival Day. It was announced that County School Superintendent Matt Doherty will be the Master of Ceremonies at the Fairview Monument dedica tion and that Gene Pierce will M.C. the dinner and program at lone High School. Harold Becket showed one of the stainless steel grave Senior citizens are entitled to free passes again this year to all school activities. They may be obtained at the office at the High School. Come in and visit fH0U5EFfl5HION Main St. Heppner, Oregon 676-9426 Autumn fashions ... in a foliage of tones. Plus f beautiful accessories as well. In our col lection for today's sophisticated woman. & J Winter ( Coats I j services on and study three priorities during this quadrennlum : World Hunger, Evangelism and Ethnic Minority Chur ches. The board appointed a local chairperson for each area: Barbara James, World Hunger; Justine Weatherford, Evangelism; Ella Smith, Eth nic Minority Churches. markers that the society members will be putting at unmarked, pioneer graves throughout the county soon. Society president Delpha Jones announced that director Hazel Lewis, Irrigon, has submitted her resignation from the board. A replace ment will be selected at the next board meeting on Sept. 20 at the C.C. Jones home. COLE ELECTRIC Motor ' B. winding Industrial Commercial Farm and Home Pendleton ' 276 T761 AGLOW meets at the Potrdma High School ftprikrr: 1-oltTlnnlrjr. Oregon State Pm Ideal We also have I vmGardener's I I LJL, I High school Mens Wear U j P.E. clothing lUW! (Mb NX I 11111 I Suits