THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR, Thursday. Sept. 2, 1976, PAGE FIVE 4i Party Lin The sound and ihu of fall are being seen and heard throughout our county. (With exception of the farmers with grain still to be cut.) There are the early morning football practices for the high school boys. Mothers frantically finishing the school shopping for their youngsters. Families trying to take a few days off before the good weather disappears, Teachers organizing at school for the opening date Sept. 7. Most of all the Labor Day weekend means the final farewell to our summer of 1976. Hrlan and Vivian Maxwell and Joan Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warren have just returned from a month's vacation in Tahiti. They were guests of Vivian's parents who live in Pirae. Tahiti. Hrlan was the printer at the G-T, but chose to further his education, he and Vivian will be leaving for Salt Lake, where Brian will be attending the L.D.S. Business College. They are visiting with the Paul Warrens until they move. o Word ha been received that Doris Wutklii was hit by a car, in Lincoln City two weeks ago. She is In the Lincoln City Hospital. Art thinks it will be about three months before she will be able to go home. o The Sorolomkt Club is becoming very active again. Their annual rummage sale is to be held Oct. 15-16 at the Fairgrounds and they are ready to pick up all donations. Eluine George said to call any of the following for pick-up. Niidine O'Brien, Molly Becket, Lenna Smith or Marlene Gray. Our parade chairman. Jim WUhart. has good reason to have a big head, (for at least one week, Jim). The only event I was able to attend during our fair and rodeo was the parade and a great one it was. Jim Ackley, is to be patted on the back for his terrific band and the musicians are to be thanked for volunteering. So far all I have heard that dampened the parade was the Patterson family activities when Maxine's legs were hit by Chris Rietmann's go-cart which ran away during the parade. It seems that Chris got out of his vehicle to restart it and off goes the cart, without Chris. Maxine's feet and legs are badly swollen and bruised, but she thinks she will be out and around very soon. o .... Returning home, from a trip to the East coast, helping her daughter and son-in-law Dr. Jerry Rich and Ailene move to Baltimore, Md. is Kal Healy. Mary Doherty helped drive the U-haul truck across the states, but she returned home at the beginning of harvest. Kal was able to help her daughter get settled in their new home, then she visited friends in Mass. and Wisconsin, returning in time to help her granddaughter, Mary Kay Lieuallen, Adams, Or. celebrate her birthday. Church plans fall activities 'I J fOffP) I -irr i r L - r rYs At the Heppner United Methodist Church fall activiti es were being planned and begun this week. On Tuesday Rev. Tollefson called a special meeting with the Sunday School teachers. Their classes will begin at 9:45 on Sept. 12. Wednesday evening the Uni ted Methodist Women held their first fall meeting with their president Barbara James in charge. Thursday evening, tonight, the Administrative Board of the chuch is meeting with Chairman Clifford Green pre siding. Next week the United Meth odist Youth Fellowship will have its first Wednesday evening meeting at 7.00 on Sept. 8. The Suzannah Circle will beein its fall activities on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 9 at 2:30. I il l ..... ' -J I ' i r" " f Yrr i. rP i r I ! ! jr j 1 1 i. ' t-. j'lh lis . Some of work was at county fair. County tl state ffafe OREGON STATE FAIRGROUNDS, Salem-Tole painting is very big in Morrow county and all the champions in 4 H toie painting exhibits at the 1976 Oregon State Fair hail from that Eastern Oregon area. Barbara Devine, Heppner,' claimed the championship in the intermediate phase of Tole Painting I with her exhibit of a wooden clock. Melody Gochnauer, Heppner, painted a wooden box to claim the reserve championship. Susan Gray, Heppner, claimed the championship of the intermediate division of Tole Painting II with her entry of a metal tray featuring flowers on a black background. Reserve champion is Alice Abrams, Heppner, who is showing a metal pail with matching tin cups. The pail is filled with popcorn for the fair. Janette Piper, Lexington, took the championship in the intermediate phase of tole painting IV with her exhibit of a wall plaque with mirror. In the senior division of tole painting IV, Linda Keithley, Heppner, claimed the purple ribbon with a wooden cup hanger. Reserve champion is Anita Davidson, Lexington, who finished a small wooden cabinet. Receiving a blue award for 4-H tole paintiing exhibis was: TOLE PAINTING I (2 wooden articles): Senior (age 15 and older): Shelley Thompson, Heppner. miliHiil 5!!C - fV'nVtf .lfflttttfftfUffttfftittfffffffttfttf MMMIMMMMUMMIilHMIIflliUIUIMaafliMHN aami - i.. a m mm m " m m a a a a jMMHHaHMatjMiiHM1M .ma m b a dt? ml m aim MfMiwU ill M rauiLas il l 1 III 1 I t If Yen UssH Pemt . Haw l Thm T!m . ! & Wf EXTERIOR W MMSS iKINTERIOR .-1 lWfE) LATEX W A ' fQM.g WlATEX ffTli W ff ( ff I House Pain ir ff Fla Well I f - faf 1 Itfh Boy Latex hous paint makca the H H '$UjM A VtrrTJ J M PUK.!l Bojr V.U In 80 hih -JsXpK&A F W ) J ' TJT2 different beeauM of Its treater durabUity K& l4ATF2 W In hiduif. one coat looks like two. fZflff V W 0 : Ti7tYffi7it M n, co,or ""Un and is backed by nearly .( w Odorless I f f r 0 Exeellen color retention. TJSTr Roll, an amoothly without fePl$)- :l T U 1H 'aki I pleaie P " ' WllM y0U U fl L4 I UktlVII 4 Q . Hundred. offaalUon wtort ai, JW F m 5 HOUSE PAINT U 5fl d Toxhi" Mul protecUon for years, Ml w w W U L r7y tV I Superior DurabUity Troven On Coat -m sT A 0V. (Cr "N. -v v Ml Crack and Peel Ilidlnf , V V Oil LI I , ipil y44iaMBdaAilarfaiJaMWa ' . v I I I r;:i n i it : v& ' 0 v ) DUTCH BOY EXTEOIOH STAIfJ jour hom that rustJe look a No primer Beetled , Color retention double that of ohenl tAp stains .la minute latex dry i:y soap and water cleanup REG. $7.2? Ml. . v v' JUi tf lit tlf If If ft II INTERIOR LATEX SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL mm. a C(tn v tfitttt't n4 t vat nj (f. 14' if 1 -hlZj ?:: 1 1 t GAL. UoU J REG. $11.3? i Wzj J 1 I M III I I GAL. IP Si) Hi K 1)0 " Yowrwlf and lJ V" I "X . LJ . rv- ml ill 1 H It mJ lli C tfirv. t f niciiLAno rrt! liil EWIGK PASCO HEnniSTO'l 111 ill 1 IHHI iily-Pou HiaHw.y 20? N. Woh!nBn 2300 W. Court Htrmiifon-McNary "" """" 943.9111 311-9141 547.7716 (503) 317-2530 ii Hiwoy I