Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 19, 1976, Page Page 5, Image 9

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    THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppnw, OR, Ugidty, Amwt 19. 1976. PAGE FIVE
Around the
pot belly stove
By Julie Nelson
Robin Baker
Leo Crabtree, secretary of
the lone Masonic Lodge re
ceived word that Robert E.
Harbison Jr. died August 7 In
' Eugene, OR. He was born July
4, 1909 In Hood River, OR. Mr.
Harbison was a member of the
lone Masonic Lodge for 46
years. He owned a Myrtle
wood shop In Lanlois, OR.
Before leaving Morrow Coun
ty he lived at Morgan where
his father, Robert Harbison,
Sr. ran a grain warehouse.
Sharon Gellnas of Caldwell,
ID was a visitor at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Crabtree from August 7-12.
Her two children had been
here visiting for several
weeks, they returned home
Aug. 12.
Michelle La Rue and Kris
Pettyjohn returned home Sat
urday after spending a week
at Hldaway Horsemanship
Camp, near Ukiah, OR.
Those boys from lone at
tending Northwest Basketball
Camp this week are: Robin
LaRue, Shawn La Flue, John
Murray, Kevin McCabe, John
Lindstrom and Jerry Riet
mann. The members of Beta Om
ega Sorority met In the lone
City Park on Friday, Aug. 13.
The sosority will again spear
head the Cystic Fibrosis cam
paign with Sue Proudfoot as
chairman. The campaign will
be held in September. Our
goal for this year Is $65.
Much of the meeting time
was spent discussing the Levi
Ball the sorority will sponsor
on Oct. 9. We also discussed
the possibility of doing some
thing new and different for the
kids on Halloween, more will
be decided at our regular
September meeting.
Lexington news
PWG meets at Indian Hills
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steer
wed in Pendleton
i -
Cheri Jo Whittaker
.iiiliiilllllll Illimmiiimiiif
A September wedding
is planned for Cheri Jo
Whittaker, Pilot Rock to
Michael G. Hedman,
The engagement and
forthcoming marriage
is announced by Mr. and
Mrs. James W. Whit
taker, Pilot Rock.
The bride-elect is a
graduate of Pilot Rock
High and attended Blue
Mountain Community
Michael graduated
from Heppner
High School and Oregon
State University.
0 ' 1
Rev. Miller to be
instituted August 29
On Sunday, August 29, 10
a.m., the Rev. Kenneth 0.
Miller will be instituted as
rector by the Right Reverend
William Spofford, Bishop of
Eastern Oregon at All Saint's
Episcopal Church.
The celebration of a new
ministry will also be a recom
mitment on the part of the
communicants and members
of the parish to the work of the
Church and her Lord Jesus
Christ. A reception will follow
the service In the parish hall of
the church.
The members of the com
munity of Heppner are wel
come and Invited to be a part
of any or all of the festivities.
The reception will begin at 11
The clergy and members of
other churches In Heppner
and the surrounding area are
asked to attend and also offer
prayers for All Saints' pariah
and her new priest.
visiting Engagement
Sister Marie Brady and her
father have been In Heppner
visiting the father Bernard
Brady's brother Larry Brady.
They will also visit two other
relatives In Oregon after
leaving Heppner, another of
Mr. Brady's brothers In The
Dalles and one of his cousins
In Portland.
They enjoyed their visit
here and eipect to return to
New York about August 20.
Sister Marie Brady serves at
the St. Boniface Convent.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pet
tyjohn announce the forth
coming marriage of their
daughter Dee Ann to Archie
Washington, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Washington. Los
Angeles. CA. The ceremony
will be September 4. 2 p.m. at
the First Emanuel Lutheran
Church, Portland, OR.
All friends and relatives are
cordially Invited to attend.
Cheryl Lynn LaFountain
and Harry Duane Steers
became Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Steers in a July 31 ceremony
at the Calvary Baptist Church
in Pendieton.
The bride is the daughter of
Jack LaFountain and Shirley
Sellers, Placerville, CA. The
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Steers, Heppner.
The 5 p.m. wedding was
officiated by Rev. Kieth B.
Altared flowers of white and
yellow gave way to the bride
as she was given away by her
father. She wore a sheer
organiza and lace, long tradi
tional white gown. It had a
high neck, empire waist and
lace sleeves. The sheer skirt
was ringed with wide flounce
ending with a chapel length
train. She wore a finger tipped
She carried a bouquet of
carnations and roses.
Peggy Thornton, a neighbor
and friend, served as matron
of honor and Delbert Bin
schus, brother-in-law of the
groom served as best man.
The matron of honor wore a
floor length cream colored
Rev. and Mrs. Meve Tol
lefson and their sons, Greg
and attended Vicki's 10 year
high school reunion at Good
ing, ID between Aug. 11 and
18th. Vicki was toast mistress
at the banquet.
After their return they have
planned a Methodist congre
gational open house at the
parsonage on Church St. They
have Invited folks to drop in
after church on Sunday,
August 29, to visit and see the
recent parsonage improve
ments. The Tollefsons have been in
Heppner a little less than two
months. Nampa is Steve's
home town. They will visit
with his parents the Dayton
Tollefsons there, and will stay
with her family at Gooding.
Her father is Judge Charles
iii r
Need youri
l.l . I
Shotguns Rifles
10 above wholesale cost
Winchester, Ithlca, Remington,
Weatherbces, Mossbcrg, Savage,
Marlins, and Hugcrs
&U Market-
1 n r
Qtnun I . J
l in a. u m u n
J- or I
I BrollorJ
r i. j n
I .... I.I
dress. It was a V neck with
gathered sleeves, ruffled at
the bottom.
A wedding reception was
held at the bride and groom's
home in Pendleton where they
will reside.
The groom, a four-year vet
eran of the Navy, is now
working for the Forest Service
and will attend college in
Pendleton this fall. The bride
is employed by the Pendleton
child care center.
The Christian Business and
Professional Women's Council
met at Indian Hills in Pendle
ton August 10. A luau buffett
and ice sculpture, south sea
fruits, Pulao, and Polynesian
Chicken was served on tables
at pool side. The speaker for
the evening was Jack Kuy
kendall, Eugene, OR, a safari
and Alaskan hunter.
Special music consisting of
Hawaiian music and sacred
selections was by "The Pau
hanas" of Hood River and
Everett and Ethel Bagwell of
Attending from Lexington
were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mar
quardt and daughters Lolita,
Carlita and Sherry; Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Marquardt and
Charma; Mr. and Mrs. John
Collins; Mr. and Mrs. T.E.
Messenger and Norma Mar
quardt, Eula Bloods worth,
Catie Padberg, Florence Mc
Millan and Pat Wright.
Ann Cich is employed at
Central Market in Heppner.
Cathy and Susie McConnell
of Enterprise have visited this
summer with her sister and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt of
Eugene have been .visiting
friends and relatives in Hepp
ner and Lexington. They have
made their home in The Dalles
the last few years but have
recently moved to Eugene.
While in eastern Oregon they
are also visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Jackson of Her mis ton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lowry
and family and Sally Lowry of
Mt. Vernon and Judy Melvin
of Madras visited Mrs. Low
ry 's daughters and their
families on Saturday, Mr. and
Mrs. John Edwards and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. J. Van Winkle.
Mrs. Frank Robinson Jr.
and Mrs. Frank Robinson Sr.
spent a couple of days in Rich
land, WA, last week where the
young daughter of the Frank
Robinson's was receiving
medical attention.
Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Messen
ger Sr. spent the weekend in
Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Irvin and
Vicky Walden were Lexington
callers Sunday from Hermis
ton. Mrs. B.J. Doherty is a
patient in St. Vincent's Hospi
tal in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barak
have had as house guests over
the weekend Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Beach of Sun City, AZ,
who is spending some time
this summer in Hood River.
They with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Peck and Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Nelson enjoyed din
ner and an afternoon of visi
ting at the Peck cabin Sunday.
Three Links Gub met at the
home of Florence McMillan on
Thursday. Plans were discus
sed for the country store at the
Fair and committees appoin
ted. Door prize was won by
Maureen Davis. Refresh
ments were served to Catie
Padberg, Irene Padberg, Ma
ureen Davis, Leita Messen
ger, Venice Hendrickson, Del
pha Jones and the hostess. The
next meeting will be at the
Irene Padberg home and the
October meeting at the Hen
drickson home.
Mark Klinger of Beaverton
has been visiting his grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Klinger this week.
Jeanette Piper is visiting
this week with friends and
relatives in Portland.
You can depend on
NH3 Aqua Dry Fertilizer
AG Chemicals Seed
Animal Health Products
Ken Smith Sales & Service
Bob Davidson Sales & Service
Bill Davidson Fieldman
Dennis Reich Branch Manager
Boardman 481-292 Heppner 676-9103 Lexington 989-8525
Come In
And Relax
Enjoy An
of Dancing.
Music by Bill
Bonnie and Dan
Aug. 27 28 & 29
Fri. 9-2 Sat. 8-2
Sun. 5:30-??
Fri., Aug. 20
By Jim Rogers
6:30- 8:30p.m.
Elks Lodge
Enjoy the Fair & Rodeo
r to the Fair City
sil25 Homo of the
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in Heppner Offer Complete Service
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Shop: 676-5170
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All Major Repair on Diosol Specializing on:
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Diosol Engines
Hwy. 730
Irrigon, Ore.
124 Main Street