PAGE FOUR, HIE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppaer. OR, TnurtW, Augvtt 19, 1978 By state chairman lone gsirden club recognized Id f Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dames Sandra M. Wright became Mrs. Gordon M. Dames in a double ring marriage ceremony July 24 in Weston. Sandra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Flaiz, Heppner, was given away by her father at the Church of the Brethren. Rev. Mark Carmichael officiated at the afternoon wedding. The bride wore a gown of centennial style with wide flair skirt and a belt tied in back. The gown had a fitted bodice with wide straps set on ecru lace panel down the front with a ruffle around the bottom. The bridesmaids dresses were the same style as the brides, in orange jersey with blue flowers and butterflies. Flowers for the wedding were nosegays of orange roses, blue baby's breath and with carnations and blue ribbon. Maid of honor for Sandra was Janet McCurdy, a friend from Pendleton. Bridesmaid was Rita Gibson, a niece of the bride. Best man was Keith Dames, brother of the groom. Usher was Richard F. Flaiz, brother of the bride. VOWS A eddin8 reception was held at Pendleton Elks Lodge. A wedding trip was spent at Wallowa Lake and Portland. The couple willlive in Adams where the groom is employed by Joe Smith, AMC Jeep in Pendleton and the bride works at Webb's World of Tires in Pendleton. Sandra is a Heppner High School graduate and Dames graduated from Pendleton High School. Wright- Dames exchange U1 1 MS Si M - Servian Brochfast 7 to 9 ALU Tuesday thru Friday "Also All Dcy Serving Delicious IIAPDUflGEtlS - HOT BOSS COFFEE -SODA POP Sponsored by Morrow County 4-H Council DANK OF unm astern Oregon Arlington - font iiippntr THE GAZETTE-TIMES Mrs. W.H. Padberg, assist ed by Mrs. Van Hubbard, hosted the lone Garden Club meeting at her country home August 11. Fourteen members gathered to hear Mrs. Allaine Dallas of Pendleton, Director of Blue Mountain District No. 10, give special glimpses of the 1976 Oregon Federation of Garden Clubs' State Conven tion held in June at the Thun derbird Motel in Portland. Mrs. Dallas brought a surprise guest with her from Pendleton, Mrs. Ellen Cam bers, past District Director and current Horticulture-East Chairman. Both ladies report ed that the Bicentennial theme of the convention was carried out beautifully in the table favors, centerpieces, special floral arrangements and the costumes of a square-dance group that provided one even ing's entertainment. They also noted that appro ximately 500 people were in volved in workshops, demon strations, slide presentations, tours, awards presentations and business meetings every moment of the 3-day conclave. Blue Mountain District No. 10 received 26 of the state awards and the lone Garden Club was recipient of 11 of the 26. Mrs. Dallas congratulated the group and also read a congratulatory note from Cla ire Belcher, State Bicenten nial Chairman, praising Dis trict No. 10 for the results of their special project, a book of "Historical Trees and Shrubs' of this district. Rachel Jackson of Stanfield, District No. 10 Bicentennial Chairman, assisted by Pat Pettyjohn who designed and tooled the leath er covers for the book and the research by the 11 garden clubs in District No. 10 pro duced a beautiful and extre mely interesting book. Copies of it were presented In Heppner to the State Library at Salem and the Oregon Historical So ciety. One copy will also be presented to the Umatilla County Library and will be loaned to other libraries throughout the Blue Mountain District. Mrs. Cambers told of her visit to the Federated Garden Clubs' National Headquarters in St. Louis, MO, this past summer. She also reported on activities and projects spon sored by the Federation and changes made in some of the rules of contests and awards. She noted that Blue Mountain District was the leader In donations and support of Federation projects in the state. i Following the business me eting of committee reports next month's prograr.-, was announced: "Landscape Eva luation" led by Mrs. Norman Nelson and a mint-flower show with the theme; "Flowers Can Be Fun." Mrs. Frank Osmin will host at her home Septem ber 8, 10 a.m. Duvall reunion held Sunday, August 7, relatives of Mrs. Amanda Duvall gath ered for a potluck dinner and visiting in the basement dining room of the Heppner United Methodist Church. The dinner was served by Mrs. Ida Farra for Mrs. Duvall. Those attending were Mrs. Duvall's brother Vernon Waid and wife Sue and their son Jim from Portland and Amanda's sister, Mrs. Lula White, Pilot Rock and her son Vivian White and his wife June and two of their three sons, Craig and Neil, from Anaheim, CA. Mrs. Duvall's grandson Lo ren Wickersham and his wife Pearl and their children David, Linda, Keith and Janet came from Portland and her granddaughter Lois Oring- dulph and her daughter Kara Lee came from Lake Oswego. Amanda's nephew Lloyd Waid and his wife Norma from Ukiah and Lloyd's daughter Karla and her husband Bud Lewis came from Hermlston as did nephew Kenneth Waid and his wife Helen and dau ghter Susan. Also present was a friend John Lunde ' Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reid and son of LaGrande were guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Ruth Reid, his mother - " . i FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 HOURS 10-5 r i I 1 i f J! If I ' , .'-; y.'V2 VP IV Ln A1 1: f ' ; i iv;ti . Hcfuu-Aon REAM'. 1 J I . I ! I rA l -Jfl I it 1 M i 1,1 r - 1i t.i a. 0- 'nMfc.if t.Tti':''dJ'jm' With you in mind, we've enlarged and modernized our facilities to better serve you. Please join us Friday for free coffee and donufs and meet our staff. HERIYIISTON u ROFF's REALTY r CONSTRUCTION CAL STEVEN'S INSURANCE f S3 SOUTH HVT, 335 ACROSS rnOf.t DUNES MOTEL