Pi?e 12. THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner. OR. Thursday. August S. 1976 1 ( i I - 1 ' i J . c I : r M i s V I'M f I : i , v , V--' N J L - V J. INTERIOR wv upTva'X AND . " ) ... - ..FOR A IT v L I Xl i ) j j7 iff OIILY J y A Greav Painf at a Great Low Price OTil CITERIOR 2nd EXTERIOR O Can be used on concrete, . brick, cement block, cinder block, stucco, stone, wallboard, plywood, primed metal, wood and surfaces painted with oil or water base paints. O Dries In One Hour O No Lingering Paint Odor Surface Preparations (pan free from tresM, wax. chalk, and looae tcalina; paint Patch all hole and crack with a suitable pi tc hint: compound. Application May be brushed, aprayed or roller coated. One coat ii usual ly sufficient but two coats art advised for best results, dean all equipment, immediately after use. with winn soapy water. Provide proper ventilation and heat In cold weather. Mixing .stir paint thoroughly. Do not add thinners or similar solvents. If thinning' necessary use a Minill amount of water. ADO $1.00 FOR MIXING AND TINTING IASI RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EXTERIOR USE OLD WORK NEW WORK Remove all dirt, ehalk and areas by . . . ... . , washing thoroughly with a trModium n " unpalflted aurfacea prime coat phosphate Mlution. Remove all loose with a mixture of 1 auart Emu Isa bond and acaling paint by scraping, sand- u fc ,f tat xp Mftt with Ing and wire brushing to a clean sound surface. On extremely chalky material as K corns from the ea. surfaces prune with mixture of I quart of Emulsabend te each gallon of paint 4x8 Sheets 30 Inch $2.19 12 Inch $2.69 50 Inch $3.29 34 Inch $469 CIC FilHRE YARDS SAVE YOU MOKE! Big Pierre has this point prepared especially for them. You can be assured that we would not put our good name on the label if we were not positive of it's excellent quality. We're proud to announce this paint is now available at all our Lumber Yards. We know you'll like it! Just try it! we're sure you'll like it! Choose either interior or exterior paint . . . and you have paint that goes on easy and will last for years. And, best of all, look at this low, low low price! Available only from Big Pierre. if 0L3 240 lb. Stcl Tcb Clasi Guard Seal Tab '23.C J m,. Classtex StlfSeoIincj t Vesr Warranty. Tture (Mmulstea Wood tlrala Deaaty.. Independence Shanle tUss C f irs lUted For Addded ProteeUen '41.19 &4 r All Armstrong ALL r3 '3 i LJ OFF ,r 1 en. Price i i ,h -j Mi Uva . v-t- -J f l i l.-t 19. IMS te9. IMS - Now J " U9 IMS H J tea. .tS Now aJetT New si-f . 20 OFF r"c. o SHRUBS o SHADE TREES and FRUIT TREES Af Rkhkmi mnd fK lhKi Owty ma.-r. :p fllJIh f (()) A' r tl " ? " " 1 rvr:r I t'iZX Now $5. 49,o IWTolirJniSiwK.tT-oNKc.U.s I f fTTS Tl i v , . . . t k 111 1 til VII Mr i Mwwiincarrinj:cacaniincc 1 (. , j - I J E 1 I r 1 "fN I KcciVKtcs: Avwxtmcnt 01 iu ni(.,ios V - - i I If t- r i , 1 J anii-5rtinlcr insert, ami riOmuiaic ..... f -.All r 1 -Jr Yf tuning uiJf.Moddl. foo IToitr Drill Kil. M-''ypl"- M h 1 1 A h Mill? V, Ajreatclorc..n.tn8ihccMf.. kci-iul Ki:I.Hif. A, KsS J U ..WJ ; r v. 1 iasiiiL" --j.- mu 11 T V I 'i J XkWYi f I - ll 1 T ' JiaPs. X WWW V X LV II1SULATI0I1 SPECIALS j V2"t$ Kraft. Reg. $4.1 Now $4.SI x1S Kraft. Keg. $3.8? Now $S.49 Above 40 Sq Ft. RolU 1 4x15 Foil. Reg. $9.53 Now $4.98 ; 3Vj"xI5 Foil. Reg. $4.49 Now $5.29 Reg. Price D U Yflurteff J Heme Ifflprevemeiit Ceetert tf M j ji : 'H-.iH f j P9. Ift-'J All OTHtl PANIUNO IH STOCK. EiCHUMD KEK'IEVICX PASCO KEKIUTCS lyfese Mijhwof I4MIII 101 H. Wetlileioon JJOO W. Covrf Hefmlrte-MrWy Ntwoy SIMUt S47.77M (S01) 347-1350 - f .