Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 08, 1976, Page Page 7, Image 7

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An Informal two ball tournament and barbecue was held at
WCCC on Saturday, July 3. The twenty persons in attendance
were teamed up for the event and the following teams won
the honors.
Low net team winners were Francis Doherty and Norma
Harrison with a 38.5 score. Jeff Edmundson and Chris
Borgan came In second with a 43.5 and Gary Hunt and
Jeanine Hunt were third at 45.
KP was for the second shot and the team of Dave Harrison
nd Lois Hunt won two balls for their shot. John Edmundson
and Doug Gunderson were actually fourth In least putts but
received the award anyway. Those with less putts were
winners In other categories.
Regular men's play will be held on Saturday this week as
there Is a visitation to KInzua on Sunday. Play will begin at 9
a.m. with Alan Nistad and Neil Parks In charge. At 4 p.m. the
same day, there will be a flag tournament and family
barbecue. A to I bring dessert and J to Z bring salad. Anyone
needing a ride to KInzua should contact Bob Jepsen.
The weather continues to plague the ladles on their
Tuesday morning golfing. The day was windy as the local
gals hosted ladies from Willow Run, Echo and McNary.
Low gross winner for Willow Run was Diane Thetherell and
Maggie Marston won low net. Long drive and KP honors went
to Florence Hulden. There were dual winners for Echo also
as Ruth Burnett won loss gross and KP and Lena
Poffenbarger took awards for low net and long drive.
Pansy Murray topped the McNary ladies to win low gross
and Inez Tingey won low net. KP was won by Jeanne Clark
and Leila Leitch won long drive honors.
For the local ladies Vicki Edmundson scored well to win
low gross and low net honors went to Norma Harrison.
Monica Jones used her potential to win long drive and KP
award went to Marie McQuarrie.
The local gals traveled to John Day for a visitation last
week and Lois Hunt was the low gross winner. Eddie Skow
won long drive and was second low gross scorer. Low net
went to Pat Edmundson.
There were not enough sign up for golf lessons but a class
will be offered again in the fall.
Early rally
insures Kinzua
win over Echo
THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Hfppner. OR. Thursday. July . '. Pg '
A A sw .-dm,. ..n''iii.
Scoring three runs In the
first and third inning, paced
Kinzua past Echo 6-2, last
Tuesday night at the Hermis
ton Junior High field.
In the first inning, shortstop
Keith Curnutt put Kinzua on
the score board with a ball hit
into deep right field for a home
run. He knocked in Bill Baker
and Lavern Van Marter who
were put on base with a walk
and error.
The next scoring came in
the third when Baker, Van
Marter and Jamie Sands hit
La Grande lead brings loss
LaGrande swimmers took
an early, 28-0 lead, lengthened
it to 43 and staved off Heppner
rallies to take dual meet
swim win Monday, 243'
LaGrande won the first four
relays and took a 28-0 lead. At
toe time, the LaGrande team
lad 84-21 but Heppner came
plashing back in the breast
stroke. LaGrande's lead was cut to
four points at 106'-102' after
29 events but they took a
commanding second led with
more relay wins to hold on.
Disqualifications, not to
Heppner coach Doug Sams'
liking, thwarted the efforts of
Heppner swimmers numerous
Despite the loss, Heppner
tankers broke five pool re
cords. Doug Holland ripped the 50
meter freestyle record for
11-12 boys with a 49.01
clocking. Later, he stopDed
the old record in the 60 meter
Shelly Biddle broke a 30
meter eight and under mark In
the breaststroke, Bonnie Ar
lington busted a 60 meter
breast stroke for 13-14 girls,
and Karln Kenny broke the
11-12 girls 60 meter backstroke
LaGrande strokers broke
eight other marks.
Heppner results follow:
rntyU relay I u4 aa4: Biddle,
Bergttrom, Argotoast, Heath Mcond; 11-11
glrta: Kenny, Laughlin, Ward, Ward tint:
Bergstrom, Arbogast, Skow. Zlta third:
11-14 glrk): Biddle, Arbogait, Airing urn,
Connor second; 1J-I4 koyt: Holland. Smith,
Kerr, Wiion tint, I and aader glrk): KelU
Bergatroffl second; I aid aader eeys: Cam
George second: II 12 girb: Karen Kenny
first. Lotll Laughlin aecond n-12 fcaya: Doug
Holland first, Shane Laughlin first, Bryan
Kerr second; i i-i 7 gtrh: Diane Holtane first.
Shelly Grace second.
Breetulreke: I aad esders Shelly Biddle
first; l aad aader girls: KelU Bergslrea
Ellen Arbogast third; l aad aader aeyt:
Greg Connors first; girl: Lottie
Laughlin Ue for first: Cindl BergsU-om
(Continued on Page 8)
76'ers win softball
The 78'ers emerged from
the Heppner girls softball
league with the title last week
with an impressive, 12-0
Glen Ward's 76'ers bumped
off four other teams from
Heppner and lone.
Following in second place
was Roberta Klaus' Interna
tionals with an 8-4 mark. John
Gochnauer'; squad finished at
5-7, one game up on Les
Paustian's Levi Risers at 4-8.
lone finished in the cellar
with a 1-11 record, coached by
Joan McEIligott.
The season finals was a
picnic in lone when Klaus' In
ternationals bounced the lone
girls, 10-7.
singles. Kevin Dick hit to first
bringing Van Marter and
Sands across the plate before
the inning was over.
Echo threatened to score in
the fourth with men on second
and third base but ended short
of their scoring bid.Their only
two runs came in the seventh.
Kinzua's Gary Kemp and
Mike Smith were left on base
later in the game unable to
Tim Bellamy, Bob Ball, and
Dan McBride failed to hit
safely for Kinzua.
The next home game will be
Tuesday, July 13, against
Valley Aviation at 7 p.m.
At a special council
meeting last Tuesday,
the city of Heppner de
cided to sponsor the
Heppner Swim Team
for insurance purposes.
When the city spon
sored the team, the
squad will now be cov
ered with liability in
surance through the city
with no additional cost
to the city. The adoption
and sponsoring of the
team was passed, unanimously.
By Oreille Cutsforth
One time I was up there with a big truck. The stock racks
were on the truck. Old Roscoe was standing there looking at
that truck with an old 35 automatic remington in his hand.
One of those awkward guns to carry.
We used to call them a pine limb. He looked at that truck
and looked down at the gun and he said, "You know Orville,
I've shot more elk with this gun than that truck will hold."
Then he looked down at the gun and back at the truck and
says "Oh, a lot more than that."
When he died and I found him in his trailer, mere were 63
elk teeth in a jar besides all the elk he had shot for the
neighbors. Many and many a tag that he had filled for the
rest of the party. Many a hunting expedition came home with
everybody an elk and he had killed them all.
One time he killed seven bull elk, and you could reach one
hand and touch an elk an reach the other hand and touch
another one until you could reach the whole seven. They were
piled, the seven of them, on less than 50 feet of ground.
I'll tell about that. It was in Moon Meadows up in the
Granite country. He was walking across the meadow and a
band of elk came by and the snow was deep and he killed a
couple of bulls and he dressed them out in the evening and a
little while later while he was dressing these, along came two
more bulls and he just sat still there in the deep snow. The
snow was three or four feet deep and when the two bulls came
by there the next morning and another migrating herd came
by and he dropped three more in the same place.
Only Roscoe could have done this.
Next week: not tired after 120 mile walk.
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