THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR. Thursday, July .. 1976. Page $ 0 i n sign WO BITS foci n ivy The Heppner city council accepted the resignation of Ernie Ceresa Tuesday night during the regular July meeting, Ceresa, on a two year term, Harold Eric in Harold Erwin, 68, Heppner, who was grand marshal of the Westward Ho. Parade in the 1971 Pendleton Round-UP, died at Pioneer Memorial Hospital Tuesday. Mr. Erwin owned and oper ated a grain cleaning and cattle buying business in Heppner until his retirement because of ill health. He was a member of the Oregon Cattlemen's Associa tion and active for many years in 4-H and Morrow County Wranglers. He was a member of B.P.O.E. No. 358 and a life member of the RCA. Mr. Erwin was born March 21, 1908 In Preacott, WA. He married Inez Clivon in Walla Walla April 17, 1943. Survivors are the widow, Heppner; a daughter Shirley Clark, LaGrande; a son, Gary Erwin, Boise, ID; his mother, Sara Mae Erwin, College Place, WA; three sisters, Delia Mae Sanders, College Place, Joyce Sanders, Walla Walla, and Irene Hess, Buenos Wedding McQuisten-Wilson united Diane L. McQuisten and Thomas Y. Wilson were mar t ried June 28 at a 2 o'clock ceremony performed by Jud ge Paul Jones. Faith Chinney was the bride's attendant. Best man was Vance Bennett. The bride's parents are Ben McQuisten, Haines and Ina , Carlson, Monument. Attending the ceremony aC- fL 2s VaM r inn Sr -Jr Phones: (Groc.) J 4jfTesh Seedless Grapes S5C ib. Cucumbers 190 Oranges Hills Variety Liinrh Mont 11 M mwm would have been up for re election in November. Cer esa resigned effective July 7 to take a new job in Burns, OR. His post will be a four year Aires, Argentina; brothers, Hap Erwin, Walla Walla; and Charles ErwiruPrescott; four grandchildrentwo great grandchildren ; and numerous nieces and nephews. Services were 2 p.m. Friday at the United Methodist Chuch in Heppner. Services were 2 p.m. Friday at the United Methodist Chur ch in Heppner with the Rev. Steven Tollefson officiating. Kathryn Hoskins and Dor ene Grace sang "When It's Round Up Time In Heaven" and "My Father's World", accompanied by Rikka Tews at the organ. Casket bearers were W.E. Hughes, Pat O'Brien, Allen Hughes, Jerry Brosnan, Mer lin Hughes and Howard Bry ant. Concluding services and vault interment with ritualis tic services by B.P.O.E. No. 358 were in Heppner with Sweeney Mortuary in charge were Eric McQuisten, Haines; Terry McQuisten, North Pow der and Jason Stilles, Monu ment; Debbie and Dee Dee Curan, Michael Curran, Illi nois; Tommy Jr., Tina Marie and Robbie Wilson, lone, children of the groom. The couple will reside in Heppner where the groom is employed by Kinzua Corpora tion. jf up-' MARKET 676-9614, (Meal) 6769288 & FRESH t. Donn mc for 1 A f $1.00 lbs for We lira Family Sliced Bacon lb. pk. 790 $1 term this fall. The council also heard from First Federal Savings and Loan officials who say they want to put a mobile bank in Heppner. Oren Allison, man Obituaries of arrangements. Persons who wish may make contributions to the Round-Up Hall of Fame in Pendleton or to the charity of their choice. John Happoid John G. Happoid, 80, Hepp ner, died Thursday at Hier sche's Nursing Home in Pen dleton.' Survivors include a sister, Louise S. Lane, Portland; nieces Betty Murphy, Pen dleton, and Marjorie Wright, Lexington, and several other nieces and nephews. Mr. Happoid was born in Biglow in Sherman County and had lived in Heppner most of his life. He was a member of the Veterans of World War I. He served in the Army during that war. He had worked for many years for the Heppner Lumber Mill. Comprehensive plans should begin soon Work on a four city compre hensive plan should get start ed within the next couple weeks, according to Dave Moon, Morrow County plan ning commissioner. The plans were to begin July 1 but revisions in compliance schedules have stalled the project. The schedules have been updated, Moon said, and the county is waiting on a Land Conservation and De velopment Commission ruling. lttt!!ll!ll!milIIIIMI1lllllllllllllllllttMIMIimi!m!!!!Mimilimiim!!!!!!IM!!!m!!MII!1!li liUUilUiiittUiiM Bisquick 40 Hi C Fruit Drink, Asst. Flavors Spam Lunch Meat MD Bathroom Tissue Mission Macaroni Cheese Dinner Betty Crocker Mashed Potato Tillamook Baby Loaf Med. Cheese Uptoa Tea Bags 1W Ct Nablsca Uitz Crackers Kimblrt Extra Absorbant Diapers Pork JS Prices effective TWtday, FrMav A aging officer at First Federal in Pendleton, and Bert Arndt, promotions, spoke to the council. The proposed bank would be in the form of a 31 foot A graveside funeral service will be Thursday, 11:30 a.m. in the Willamette National Cem etery in Portland. Burns Mortuary of Pendle ton is in charge of arrange ments. Henry Stotts Henry Stotts, 64, Heppner, died in Pendleton Friday. He was born Aug. 1, 1911, in Carmichael, Canada. He had recently retired from Kinzua Corporation after 25 years of service. He was a veteran of World War II and was a prisoner of war in North Africa. He married Lora Gilma in Lewis ton, ID, shortly after World War II. Besides his widow he is survived by his daughter, Lora Lee Stotts, at home. Services were held Tuesday, The LCDC grants should be available, Moon said, after the commission has ruled on the compliance schedule revi sions. "We can't do anything till we get the money," Moon said, noting that a planner has not been hired yet. One full time planner and a part time secretary will be hired by the cities of Heppner, Lexington, lone and Irrigon on the joint LCDC funded project. 950 ot. f j t 3 990 690 12 . 4 pak 4 I or $1.03 n, Budsuo..79Cj I -3 -'2 in, $2.99 II Ot Daytime $2.19j Steaks Saturday Julv M-lf I 13 II $1.59 0301 H ir J i r I $1.(11 motor home, equipped with banking essentials, including a safe, lobby and desk. The project would be a joint program with Boardman, Ar lington and Heppner. Right a July 6 at the Heppner Chri stian Church with the Rev. Edwin Sikes officiating. Carl and Betty Marquardt sang "Beyond the Sunset" and "Good Night and Good Mor ning" accompanied by Kath ryn Hoskins at the organ. Casket bearers were Morris McCarl, Kenneth Smith, Ar chie Alderman, Howard Bry ant, Bob Lowe and Jim Rog ers. Concluding services and vault interment was at Hepp ner Masonic Cemetery with military honors by American Legion Post No. 87, Heppner. Sweeney Mortuary was in charge of arrangements. Meeting sloted Rhea Creek Grange will hold an opening meeting and potluck supper Friday, July 9, 7 p.m. Guest speaker will be Danita Hardy, Jefferson, OR, who has been an A.F.S. exchange student in Hol land. She will show slides and tell of her' experiences there. WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Automotive SHERRELL CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sales A Service 3rd & Main Hermiston Building Supplies SEE I S FOR ALL VOI R BUILDING SI PPLIES We feature Boysen Paints TUM-A-LUM LU MBER CO. Tim Moore, Mgr. 432 SE Dor ion 274-6221 PENDLETON Cafes, Lounges CalS LOINC.EACAFE Specialist in mixed drink and fine foods. 676-.VU.I Heppner Construction i CIRCLE !)" TRENCHING Guaranteed Performance Irrigation Drain Tile Power Cable Bonded and Licensed for Sewer and drain fields Trenrhing of all kinds toberl Dunran llrppnri ril.sJS-J.Ua RIVFHBENI) CONSTRI CTION CO. C oncrete Aggregate Crhed Rork Drain Rock Asphalt Paving F.xrat aling i't.rading Umatilla. OK. 122-4223 "i M.i UM ATILLA READY-MIX Open every weekday, and Saturdays and Kundavt if necessary. I'll ; sin or aT now, none of the three cities has a big enough population to feasibly put a five day a week bank in town. The mobile bank would be in Heppner two days a week, in Boardman twice a week and in Arlington, one day a week. The site for the bank is south of the Arco Station on Main Street. The bank would be housed in a garage type structure with a porch, paved and landscaped, the First Federal officals told the coun cil. Monies deposited in the bank would be kept in the local bank, Arndt said, and would not leave the city. The banking facility meets the city's zoning codes but the council asked for metal or cement type building for fire code purposes. The bank officials want a pole structure for easier salvage in the event a permanent structure be built. The temporary building will be 18 feet wide and the PARTICIPATE IN DEVELOPING AN OFF ROAD VEHICLE PLAN FOR THE UMATILLA NATIONAL FOREST Come to the public meeting on July 12, 7:30 p.m., Heppner District Rangers Office, Heppner, OR. Drugs, Prescriptions HERMISTON DRl'G Free prescription Mail Service Open9a.m.lo7p.m. Gifts for all occasions Snack Bar MEDICAL CENTER -PHARMACY Free mailing service on prescriptions Hospital Supplies Open Mon Fri.9 6p m. Sii 1 . 9-1 p.m. Located in the Medical Center. 1 1(H) Southgate Pendleton 276-1531 Floor Covering KEIMIC Fl.OORCOVERING Carpets, draperiet, linoleum counter tops, ceramic tile, flooring. undries Sale A installation 5M. 1st St. Hermiston. Or MAR FJ.OOR COVERING Carpet, linoleum, ceramic Tile, kitchen cabinets Free estimates All work guaranteed Matt Hughes 422 Linden Wav 7 4U Heppner Furniture Curtis Mathes TV QuaiarTV, Norge A Admiral Appliances Largest selection of furniture in the area I2t N. F. HermUtoN M74964I Bra. 03 T WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPIJ ANCEH See hs M-Iire y on buy y our color TV or sere system 2SI W . Hermiston Ave. M)7 Z?oi HrrtnWloN officials said they would en tertain metal structure pos sibilities to meet fire codes. Opening of the bank is set for Oct 1. In other business, the coun cil: approved, after three meetings, the building permit for David Grey to put a $17,700 mobile home on Shobe St. The council had earlier ruled against the proposal because of a single opponent to the home. This week, they ruled in favor, 4-1. ok'd the hoods on parking meters for the July 9 sidewalk bazaar. heard from Steve Ander son, city engineer. Anderson went through the city's water system and found a few minor wrinklers but said they should be ironed out in about two weeks. One problem, he said, was air in the water. He said he would check into the problem and come back before the council with a proposal to solve the problem. Furniture TWO-VETS DISCOl'NT FURNITURE 2:tuS.E. Court Pendleton. Oregon 276-1674 Hydraulics & Welding Jim's Welding Service Either in the shop or on the job. Hydraulics. Hose St fittings Jim Barrett Riverside Ave. ' Heppner Bus. 676-5KIC Home C76-817S Insurance RAY BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY Health. Fire. Auto. Marine Group Plans Ray Boyce. C76-S3X4 (76-W25 llcppaer. Cabinets r : i Laundromat HEPPNER I.AUNDROM T Monuments SWEENEY MORTUARY Cemetery, grave markers Granite, Marble, Brmttt 24-Hr. phooe 171 tr(;i I224 Also srrv Ing lone A l esUigtaw Heppner, P.O. Bs IT discussed the new state traffic codes and said all four city police officers had studied the new laws and had been to school for them. was thanked by the wim club parents, represented by Dan James, for sponsoring the team and putting the squad under the city's liability insurance. Rodeo results Tara Mahoney placed se cond in the girls calf riding and Don Peterson placed second in the senior barrels at the Hells Canyon Jr. Rodeo. Cindy Dougherty with partner Richard Moulton, Dayville took first in team roping. Cindy also took first in girls senior breakaway. At the Hermiston Team Roping Cindy and Cliff Dough erty took first for fast time. Nursery Nursery Stock. Shrubs, trees, instant lawn (Delivery avail.) Landscape & Irrigation DANIELS EASTERN OREGON NURSERY 619S. Hwy 39S Hermiston, OR 567-926 Optometrist , DR. E.K. SCHAFFITZ Optometrist Nrxl to Hotel Heppner enlianve. C76-H65 UeppneY Saw Sharpening ED S PRECISION 4W A TOOL SHARPENING SERVICE Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph. 67S 9913 or 676 9281 AlfaUaSt. Heppner, OR. WHEAT White 3.3J Jar Red MlJaael Barley IM.N July. Aag Sewing Machines SINGER SalcsAServfe We repair all makes and mdela GKIK.ANS Approved Singer Dealer 243 S. Mala) rrndleta Vila Insurance' MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TITLE C O Title IniWaare Office la Peters RMg. tt?tl lief ff t,ltift,tlimtttittitmi!ltl,tHH,mitHmmimH1HHMtHHtHm!!mtHmHtHHHHmHmmmHmmmittfmMtfmm