THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner. OR. ThwmdBj. July 1. Pf j Around theT? pot belly stove Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ernst this weekend were Mrs. Ernst's mother, Mrs. Foster of Summer Lake; grandpar ents Mr. and Mrs. McClellan of Salem, and sister, Elaine Condon with daughter Delys- The lone Rainbow Girls Assembly No. 89 attended Grand Assembly In Corvallis. Arlene Cannon was the Grand Representative to Kansas. Tammy Tucker was the Gra nd Choir Representative. Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen chaparoned the girls. Arlene Cannon met ,' her parents in Corvallis and the family took a holiday to the Oregon Coast. Miss Tuck er returned to lone with the Condon Girls Assembly. Mrs. Keith Yates, Dayton, WA, was here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Marv Peter son. Visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Baker was their daughter Mrs. Randy Tachel la and sons David and Drew, of Pendleton, OR. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helina, Seattle, were houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvor sen. The Helina 's were here to attend the Susan Lindstrom wedding. Mrs. Helina Is the sister of Mr. Roy W. Lind strom. ' Sharon (Crabtree) Gelinas, and Frau Michel of Fulda, GermanJ&lsited in lone after a 10-day vacation in Salem where they stayed with the Don Scheelar family. They also visited the E.L. Scho lar's in Portland and the Ron Crabtree of Tacoma. After a visit in Bellvue, WA, with the Larry Scheelar family they returned to the Oregon Coast and toured Astoria. Complet ing their stay In lone Frau Michel left for her home in Germany after a pleasant and interesting first visit to the United States. Mr. Rick Kandle of lone spent his vacation with a trip to Montana and Yellowstone National Park. Mr. Kandle has returned home with a beautiful collection of slides of his holiday. Mr. Kandle also spent time photographing Grand Tetons National Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crabtree jf Tacoma visited lone Fri day. Sunday the Leo Crab tree's and granddaughter Ali 14 and the Ron Crabtree's motored to Sandy, OR. where they had a visit with the Stan McGills, formerly of Cecil, OR. Debra Palmer has returned borne from Corvallis after spending a busy and enjoyable week at Girls State. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer drove ber down to Corvallis and remained for the Friday evenings opening ceremony. They viewed the vespar which was held Inside and the closing candlelight ceremony outside. Debra was elected city reporter of Bane City and was also secretary to the West WATCH FOR REED'S MINI MART OPENING THIS WEEKEND LOCATION; At the west end of Service Station, HOURS: 7a.m. to 9p.m. Mon.thru Sat. J! . By Julie Nelson and Robin Baker . County Senator. She and others published the daily state press newspaper. Being secretary she attended and took notes at the House Ses sions and meetings. In order to obtain these positions a three-minute speech on "Why I want the Job" was given in front of 270 girls in attend ance. - She wishes every girl could attend girls state and she gives the American Legion Auxiliary a big Thank you! The lone Varlsty Cheer leaders have left for the D.C.A. cheerleading school at the University of Portland. They are Debra Palmer, Carol McElllgott, Kim Cofenas and Natalie Tews. The girls will return home July 2. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin were visited recently by granddaughter Melene Mar tin. Their son Melvin and grandson Mark were here to help with the farm work. Sunday the Martin family re turned to their home in Moses Lake, WA. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Doh erty attended the American Legion Convention last week In Seaside. During the busi ness meeting the lone unit was presented two awards. The first award was presented to lone for being the first unit in the state to reach its mem bership goal. The second award was for lone reaching its goal before the Nov. 11 goal date. Joan, Rick, Margaret and Donny Doherty spent last week in Albany with Bev Doherty ' sister, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vearrier. The week consisted of a trip to the Enchanted Forest, different dining cuisines, and a drive to the airport where they greeted their grandparents who had Just returned from a trip to Scotland. Mrs. Fred Nelson Jr. broke her ankle while fishing at Bull Prairie over the weekend. First aid was used and her husband Fred was assisted by Simon Winter of Lexington and Ed Johnson of Butter Creek. Mrs. Nelson required surgery on Monday at Pen dleton Community Hospital and will be in a cast for three months. The lone Ponytail Softball team had their ' end of the season Pool Party and barbe cue at the lone school grounds Monday night. Invited were the four Ponytail Softball teams from Heppner Hospital notes Patients at Pioneer Memo rial Hospital this week are: Clara Dunn, Hermiston; Lora Pettyjohn, Levi Connor and Brandy Miracle, all of Hepp ner. Patients dismissed this week were: Shawn Crandall, Condon; Ray Cripss, Kinzua and Jason Palmer, Heppner. Reed's Mobile Heppner Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nelson Maness-Nelson wed The lone United Church of Christ, lone, was the setting for the June 19 wedding of Ann Lisa Maness and Charles Alfred Nelson. The bride is the daughter of Chaplain (LCD and Mrs. Charles M. Maness, Jr., Red stone Arsenal, Alabama. The grooms parents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson, lone. Chaplain Maness, father of the bride, officiated at the 2 p.m. ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her mother. The bride chose a white satin gown with a lace overlay and portrait neckline. Her chapel train was of lace and an illusion veil fell from her headpiece of white satin roses. She carried her mother's white Bible with a single red rose with baby's breath and ribbon streamers. She wore a necklace of white gold and pearl surrounded with dia monds, a gift from the groom. Jan Maness was maid of honor for her sister. She wore a dress of blue French my stique with an empire waist. . Lighting the candies was Kristin Nelson, sister of the groom. Jim Swanson was best man. Ushering were Kerry Peter son and Chris Lovgren. Wedding music was by Mrs. Paul Tews. Mrs. C. M. Maness Jr., mother of the bride, wore a gown of cherry French mysti que, fashioned with long sleeves and a portrait collar. The groom's mother, Mrs. Watch for Our Sidewalk Bazaar Sale I Bargains lone. Garanw a LIVE MUSIC Sat., July 3 Country Western "TheFogitivesare back again" 9:00 p.m. till 2:00a.m. Saturday Special Dinner th Pr iunday Norman Nelson wore a Jacket dress of lavender and pink jersey. Both had white orchid corsages. A reception was held in the church social rooms. Assisting with arrangements for the reception were Mrs. Vera Rietmann, Mrs. Bill Riet mann, Mrs. Bob Rietmann, Mrs. Clell Rea, Mrs. Helen McCabe, Mrs. Van Hubbard, Mrs. Marion Palmer and Mrs. Darrel Wilson. Pouring coffee and punch at the reception were Mrs. H.W. McElhinny, Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs. Kenneth Nelson and Mrs. Howard Slonecker. Cutting the cake were Mrs. Alfred Nelson, Mrs. H.W. McElhinny, Mrs. Stuart Mc Elhinny and Mrs. Bruce Rankin. Mrs. Bruce Rankin and daughters Nancy and Julie attended the gift table. The bride chose a green and rust striped pants suit with a white orchid corsage for their wedding trip to Portland the coast. The bride attended the Uni versity of Maryland, Munich, Germany and graduated in June 1976 from Athens State College, Athens, Alabama with a bachelor of science in education. The groom attended lone schools and graduated from Oregon State University. He spent two years in the service before returning to work on the ranch with his father. The couple will reside at the Nelson ranch, north of Lexington. Galore Friday, July 9 MEN'S WEAR Oregon Steak $3.25 p.m. Sara Marie Green up won her father, Gregory Greenup a 6 pound, 14 ounce beef roast last week. Little Sara, about 12 days old today, was born on Father's Day, June 20 and won a prize from the Beef for Father's Day program. Mildred Eubanks, lone, was chairman of the program and will present the lucky father with the roast. Besides her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Greenup, Heppner, Sara Marie was greeted into the world by grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gentry and Mr. and Mrs. Don Green up, all of Heppner. Great grandpar ents are Mrs. Mar garet Healy and Mrs. Peggy Moyer, both Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gentry, Pendleton. A diamond ident is a gft of love Speidel's Diamond Heart Ident is truly a beautiful and lasting gift With a genuine diamond set in a delicate heart drop, tt'i as personal as any gift can be. In yellow or white, $19.95. Give this gift of love. She'll never forget you. . ' 177 i LTD u&taiite$ DANCE Saturday July, 3 1976 Music By DEPQT J 9-1 a.m. $2.50 single $4.00 couple Fair Pavilfion WIoiTOr County pnn Grain Grorcrc uial. FARMER OWNED 8 Orf KM Oikf Smoked Picnics Fresh Whole Fryers Ore gM Cfclef Lg. Dinner Franks &eny Boy Margarine Toilet Tissue Court Otroot Evans-Bergstrom vow. (Continued from Patre 4) Flower girl was Kimberely Kroll, Paterson, WA. Best man was Kenny Eck man, Heppner friend of the groom. Groomsmen were Hal and Bruce Bergstrom, bro thers of the groom; Wayne and Monte Evans, brothers of the bride, and Kyle Robinson. Sandy Matheny sang "The 12th of Never" and "Wedding Prayer", accompanied by Ann Lorenzen at the organ. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Heppner Elks Lodge. Assist ing were Carlene West, Bev erly Wright, Janice Cutsforth and Pauline Matheny. Pouring at the reception were Janice Spa aiding, Kathy Gilbert, Lori Anderson and Jennifer Raymond. The five-tiered wedding cake was made by Mrs. Ron Haguewood. Serving the cake were Judy Bennett and Kristi Haguewood. Attending the gift table were Jan Bergstrom and Robyn Riddle. Jan Terjeson and SaflyMatheny were in charge of the guest book. Following a wedding trip to Store Hears: KM. to P-M. MAD ST. HEFPNEH PH. 67S-920O Sponsored by the American This adve rtUr mrnt AND CONTROLLED I lb. for 890 IV 570. 890 690 J inupkg $1.59 U crhot corn Canada the couple will make their home in Hermiston where the groom is employed by Sandpiper Land Co. The bride and groom both graduated from Heppner High Pioneer Hospital notes Patients at Pioneer Memo rial Hospital this week are: Clara Dunn, Hermiston; Col leen Greenup, Ola Ruggles, Alice Luttrell and Paul Hisler Jr., all of Heppner. Patients dismissed this week were: Frank Woody, July 3,1976 Bicentennial Fireworks )- 29th Annual Display lone Memorial Field By American Legion post no. 5 'i 4 VjJ-i ? sparklers .1 'i By American Legion COME JOIN THE FUN STARTS AT DUSK RANK OF D JZastern Oregon I July 4th ,, . iirllnr'nnm . ' t m '" '1' " fV'V 1 "' ti'1",i"' uu BUEMIFAST CITY PARK one-half plate $1.50 full plate $2.50 Legion Heppner Post Is ipoasored by" Your Friendly Lexington, Cocktail Shrimp w ...5v Del Monte Italian Style Green Beans cu P I School. The bride attended Eastern Oregon State College: and Blue Mountain '-Community College, and was a princess on the 1975 Pendleton Round-Up Court. Condon; Jeanie Stlrewalt, Spray; Janette Ayers, I-ex-ington; Lori Bunten, Hermis ton; Don Bellenbrock and Cheryl Salvatore, Heppner; Fannie Griffith, Herman Hav ecost and Erika Bergstrom, lone. 4 4 1 Snack Shack and p Auxiliary 1 butb m a cot 7-11 a.m. No. 87 Local Cooperative Oregon Price effect! FrkUy Sitarday. JJy M 4 f or 41 f f Lettuce 3. 090U New Snst 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sundays You arc invited to stop and look around 270 Closed July 4 I ear 1 f K A 111 M. Court St Hespner Or. C70-C343 Lemons 100 each t.9. We wish you all a Happy 4th of July I J