THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppner, OR. Thoraday. Jn 24, H7. Pf 5 j C Around the pot 'By Julie NeUonnd Robin Baker Those attending the Hells Canyon Jr. Rodeo at Halfway, Oregon over the weekend were: Glen Griffith, compet ing In bareback and bull riding events; Laurie Childers com peted in barrel racing ; Dawn Peterson, pole bending and placed second in barrel rac ing; Todd and Brett Sherer, pole bending and breakaway calf roping. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sherer, Mrs. Clco Childers, Mrs. Robert Peterson and Mr. and , Mrs. George Griffith made up the cheering section for the lone contestants. Dawn Peterson goes to the State High School Rodeo Finals in Prineville, June 24. Dawn will be competing In goat tying, pole bending, barrel racing and break-away roping. At the present Dawn is leading the barrel racing and is third In pole bending by points. Mr. and Mrs. Doc Sherer drove to Redmond and picked up their granddaughters Carol Lee and Judith Barnhart. From Redmond they went to Salem to visit their other daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ripka. Carol Lee and Judith came home with their grandparents for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson Jr. attended the family reunion in Lyons, OR. Mr. and Mrs. James Kin nick and daughter, Shara visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker on Friday. Mrs. Kinnick and Mrs. Baker are sisters. Mrs. James Swanson was a dormitory supervisor at 4 II summer week which was held at Oregon State University In Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett returned last wet-k from a six-day trip. They spent the night with Denny Swanson and family In Auburn, VA, from here they went to Seattle. They visited Vancouver, B.C., caught a ferry in Anacortes and cruised through the San Juan Islands up to Victoria. B.C. They returned to Port Angeles, drove to Ilwaco and then came home. Mr. and Mrs. David Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker went to Pendleton Sun day to a three fold family celebration at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger cele brated their 54th wedding an niversary, Mrs. W.M. Ramsey her birthday and all fathers in attendance were honored. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Kin caid took their daughters Margaret and Mary, Anne Murray and Iorl Frock to Silver Lake. WA, where they will attend Northwest Basket ball Camp this week. Lisa Martin is also attending the camp. Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett went to Kennewick last Thur sday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Swanson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akcrs attended Slate Grange in The Dalles. On Saturday they drove to Portland to pick up their granddaughter. Ramona Akers, line Ridge, S D., who will be visiting for awhile. Hcppncrltcs A new or iifdrr In your future? If ofonlnt't: Ed Wells at Keith Farley ( hrlrr-l'lT mouth Inf. The W alklng Man's Friend' I'rndlrlnn Vh.Vt -Mil Home Phone 271 OKI belly stove Julie Akers of Gresham is spending a week. Tim and Sharlene Arends traveled to Eugene last week end to attend the afternoon wedding of Jodi Snow Hanna to Gary Weeber, both of Eugene. The ceremony was held in the Rouge Room, which overlooks the Willa mette River, in the Valley River Inn. A reception was held at a friend of the newly wed couple's home. Others attending were Joe and Jeri McElIigott, Clarks ton, WA, (Jeri was matron of honor for her sister) ; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith, Mr. Bill Snow and Jeff and Teresa Turner. Steve Doyle of St. Helens was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Arends for three days. Melene Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Martin, Moses Lake, WA, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Martin. Bunchgrass Rebekah Lodge No. 91 had their annual birthday party June 17. They met at Beechers for a no-host luncheon and later met at the home of Vera Rietmann for the regular lodge meeting. A birthday party followed the lodge meeting with an ex change of gifts. Minutes were read by Edith Mathews from an old lodge meeting June 17, 1926 (50 years ago). Also records were read Irom 1950. Tentative plans were made for a fall bazaar, food sale and card party to be held October 21. There were 15 members present and one visitor, Mrs. Ollie Tompkins. Glens Ferry, ID. Bunchgrass has now reces sed for the summer. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Undstrom were Mrs. Lind strom's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Quiller Burns from Eagle River, Alaska. After spending a few days in lone, they went on to Texas. Mrs. Elmer Griffith from Hiersche's Nursing Home was also a visitor. The Undstrom's children, Stephen, Norfolk. VA; Susan, San Francisco and Christina, Tacoma are home this week in preparation for Susan's wed ding this weekend. Featured story-tellers at the Library Story Hour last week were Cathy Gutierrez and Tammy Shimp, for the 23rd was Natalie Tews and on the 30th will be Betty Rietmann. Following the story hour children are welcome to remain and check out books. lone library has some mat erial from the American Re volution Bicentennial com mittee, showing sample pro grams three different cities are working on. It's called "Community Discovery "76" and is about Galveston. TX; Tacoma, WA, and Quincey, MA. There is also book on old Germany cookery. Anyone Interested in looking at any of these books is welcome. COLE ELECTRIC Motor Btwindiafl Indu-lrldl Commercial r'nrm and Home prndleton 276 776 1 Att't'lt ATK Ht'SINFKH MACIIIM'.'M Kert inn Morrow County Complete line of Olfire Fqulpmenl k Supplle S M-F.H JiFRVICE HrrmUlon 17 Sit IISSN. 11 I'Ure k hi 1rf p. F.loise Kbert and Ralph Delamarter meet with Mrs. Pat Straub at coffee hour given for Mrs. Straub in lleppner. State librarian meets with Morrow officials Eloise Ebert, soon-to-retire State Librarian, and Ralph.. Delamarter, senior consultant with the state library visited in Heppner last Tuesday. They Joined Mrs. Weatherford in attending the coffee given for Mrs. Straub at the Jack Sumner home that morning. They met with library board members and Heppner's Ma yor and the entire County Court and the County Planner at the public library between 10:00 and noon. Miss Ebert explained some of the recent changes in the state laws pertaining to public libraries and their operation and financing. She answered questions about library ex- School painting Anyone interested painting the old De mocrat Gulch School house well it's rea dy. All help and dona tions are tax deduc tible. Anyone inter ested in preserving the schoolhouse with a new coat of paint should contact Bill Weatherford, 676 5013 or at 676-5504. C rr mini i rrrg Birth Duane Trevor is the new son of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Du naway of Lexington. Duane was born June 11 and weighed a whoppin' 8 lbs, 11 oz. Duane's new grandparents are W.H. Nichols of lone and Mr. and Mrs. Irvan II. Rufener of Anabel, Missouri. His great grandpa rents are Archie Ni chols, Lexington and Mrs. Walter Faulk ner. Missouri. Winn in mm nm i Sign Up For SWIM Beginners Advanced Beginners Junior Llfcsaving (Requirements are To sign up during pool hours: $2.50 for each class First Sessions Begins: pansion procedures. She was complimentary about the lo cal library's progress and seemed very pleased with the Children's Room which was added late last year. After Miss Kbert, Mr. Dela marter, Heppner Library Board Chairman Randall Pet erson and Board Member Myrna Johnson had lunched, they were able to learn about the growth taking place in the north-county area from Port of Morrow's Rupert Kennedy. The State Librarian said she was especially delighted with the cooperation evidenced here and with the interest shown in the library's welfare and growth by the people of the City of Heppner and by the Morrow County officials. The two from the state library arrived at 9:15 a.m.' after an overnight visit in Condon with Gilliam County Library Board members and officials. They left Heppner at ; 2:30 to travel to John Day to ( visit with the Grant County Library Board that evening. Introducing; The Toro Grassmastcr EyfeZZZ Folding handle I '0ft,o'e n ' . Hiah-Toraue H : H I i WESTER?! AUTO . m TV V, I mm BUUSMrWIBIlllitlllllWMiMIIIIH'''i" - 3 (I -Quick-Chan,.- Q L- 11 3 uK.r.r ff- -vl J. J a -UWItaPt ' 'f! 3 ch..Toe.-- 1 i June2S-2 . it? W 07 "J I Firdtpcd S XX g 3 1 bl.d.cuti V J ,., I S H 1 st-cleanly """" f Oregon Chief . . I I Haven't you done without a hTillrJ I i X fill 1 ll I FARM AND BUILDERS SUPPLY I I rVxVF FrC W mj w . .. , g "Vt m j mmm mmm ----- c , - , iryers . , i 'TLS iCcIery 270 f v v lessons Mm ,k " V' C I Red Plums WV X Pre-school water awareness if J . - : ' intermediate j llO b. No. 1 Spuds Q30 11 yrsof age and 2-5 or 7-9 Tues.thru Frl., Sat. & Sun. 1-5 July 6-9 13-16 HEPPNER SWIMMING POOL Lexington reports Grange has laws explained By Delpha Jones Lexington Grange met on Monday evening starting with a potluck dinner at 6:30 with the main dish being roast elk with the trimmings. Following the dinner the group was entertained with an instructive talk by Allen Seig ler of the Oregon State Motor Vehicle Division, on the pro cess of obtaining the now required driver's license with the photo, where they will be obtained and the rules con trolling this. Questions con cerning other new traffic laws were asked and many new de velopments in the drivers program were discussed. A game was played with sticks and racing cars with Berl Akers, Pat Wright and Leo nard Munkers winning prizes. Donna Cutsforth and Leo nard Munkers were obligated by County deputy Berl Akers, and newly reinstated mem bers Pat Wright and Edith Munkers were welcomed. Reports from those visiting the State Grange session were heard, and a committee to Award winner A Boardman man, Charles W. Acock, is among scholarship and honors winners from the School of Agriculture at Ore gon State University. Acock, of Rt. 1, Bo ardman, is a senior. His field of animal science produced him the American Society of Animal Science Scholarship medal. Acock was among 15 awards winners. $339.95 F " pass competency test) I E a fMny Boy m IVTfifff nrinn . ... build a fair booth was appoint ed, Cecil Jones, Leonard Mun kers, Barbara Cutsforth and Delpha Jones. There will be no meetings in July or August due to harvest. Pomona Grange will meet on Saturday the 26th with an evening meeting in Board man. Delpha Jones entertained with a Rebekah card party at her home on Monday after noon with Venice Hendrickson as co-hostess. The ladies played on the porch of the house and refreshments were served the following: Norma Rea, Alma Vinson, Hilda Yocom, Maureen Davis, lindee Devine, Florence Mc Millan, Marie Yocom, Ruth Robinson, Marion Robinson, Venice Hendrickson, Debbie Petit and Frances Williams. Hi was won by Norma Rea, low Maureen Davis, traveling Mrs. Rea and Mrs. Hendrick son. Debbie and Jan Marquardt spent last week in Newport where they visited their sis ters Carlita and Lolita Mar quardt. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Mes senger and daughters of Portland were weekend visi tors in Lexington where they visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Messenger. Carrol installed a sound system at the Lexington Church of Christ with special wiring for the hard-of-hearing members. Mr. and Mrs. William J. VanWinkle were visitors home fi WESTERN AUTOf jl tf YOU CAN OWN A WESTERN AUTO ,. STORE IN: Heppner, Oregon There an opportunity available in Ihe above towns for a Western Auto Associate Siore selling hardware, sporting goods, automotive supplies, furniture, refrigerators, freezers. wah trs. televisions. C.B.'s, radios, other electronics, etc. We will train you, help install your store and provide counselling after you"re open. Financing is available to qualified prospccl- " you're interested in owning your own Western Auto Associate Store call this toll free number today. 800-821-7700 Ext. 818 Or write: R. T. Renfro. VP. Western Auto 2107 Grand Ave.. Kansas City, Mo. 64108 Be sure to provide your phone number and complete address. t 1 Pacific lllltl 11 tllSy IBS I Ml r i si a White Toilet Tissue I roll pak from Portland where he is receiving medical attention. They returned to Portland on Sunday evening. Pete Klkiger is a patient in St. Anthony Hospital, Pendle ton. Mr. and Mrs. William Klinger and sons visited him Saturday. Michael Klinger, Beaverton has been visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Klinger and Helen McCabe this week. Alonzo Henderson of Hood River was a caller in Lexing ton Monday. Pat Wright, her daughter and her mother, Mrs. A.F. Majeske spent a couple of days this week in Portland where Pat attended a meeting and the group visited a sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mounts. . 1 1 JMEN'S TUEfla j! f( The Store of i titd Personal Service: , Pro-Keds ! Badger Leather, smooth and suede j! leather, tricot foam lining. Terry- v 1 1 cloth covered, full sponge cushion- ;! ! ed insole, padded tongue. Solid and , j stripes, sizes 6V2 to 13. $21.95 Cocktail Shrimp 690 4.I ilie 750 Court Strooi f.lcrhot t prarm 111 11. Heppner Charlene Whitney and da if-; ghter Kimberlee of Portland were weekend callers at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mar quardt and sons, Connell, WA, were visitors at the Bill B. Marquardt home over'1 the weekend. ""' Mr. and Mrs. Doug Connor, Kennewick, WA, are " the parents of a daughter born Monday in that city. The baby is the great granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and great great granddaugh ter of Mrs. Cora Burnside, Spray. " Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stea gall were Spray callers Sun day where they attended the Spray city picnic. i S Florence McMillan spent the weekend at the G.E. Irvin home in Pendleton and all attended a Bristow reunion at Cove, Oregon on Saturdays S.7 Oregon Chief tyeiners 12 01. fV. summertime LvtTEDnf snviriEs Lg. Cantalopcs 190 farM-klltMl linate Court St Or. G7G-S343