Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 17, 1976, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Page THE GAZETTE-TIMES. H,Pp, OR. Tor-.,. J .1. .... oaoao
Morrow County
cowboys, cowgirls
Take Ail-Around
rodeo hardware
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Morrow County was well represented last
weekend at the Morrow County Junior Rodeo,
taking four of the five top all-around honors.
Ron Parrish of Bend won the senior
all-around cowboy award but after that the
titles stayed in the county.
Janice Healy of Heppner and Dawn
Peterson of lone Ued for senior girl all-around
honors. Junior all-arounds went to Lexing
ton's Jana SteagaU and to her cousin. Rocky
Steagall from Irrigon for the junior all-around
Mary Healy, Heppner, won the Jody Rugg
Memorial trophy, in which a girl must be
entered in the cow riding event to win.
Almost 200 cowboys and cowgirls invaded
the Morrow County Fair and Rodeo Grounds
this weekend for Saturday's on and off rain
and Sunday's on and off sunshine.
The busy weekend saw the senior
all-around cowboy take a first and third in
senior divisions. Parrish was Ued for first and
second in the bareback riding with an
impressive 61 total. He was Ued in the rough
action with Mitch Gregg, John Day.
Parrish was third in the saddle bronc also,
taking on the tough work in the rodeo for
persons, nine through 8. Bo McMillan of
Milton-Freewater was first with 62 points,
followed by Nolan Edwards of Echo with 58
and Parrish had 57.
Two Morrow County girls were knotted
after Sunday's compeUUon for senior
all-around girl. Janice Healy was third in the
steer (Jobbing and fourth in the barrel racing.
Miss Healy 's 1.8 clocking in the dobbing
was .4 off Allison Sherrell of Hermiston's 1.4
winning time and just off Lisa Snow of Echo
at 1.6 for second.
Dawn Peterson won the senior girls
breakaway roping with a 6.8 time, way ahead
of Pat Robinson in second for Bend at 8.0.
A cousin duo, Jana and Rocky Steagall stole
all the hardware in the junior division race for
Jana was first in the barrel racing with a
19.1 clocking, just ahead of Wade Bertsh,
Stanfield and Maureen Healy, Heppner, Ued
for second at 19.2.
Miss Steagall also Ued for second, third and
fourth in the girl's calf riding with a 50 mark.
She Ued with Kim Pierson of Redmond and
Kathleen Van Schoiack of Heppner. Sandi
Adams of Hermiston won the event with a 55.
Rocky Steagall, an impressive cowboy in
area rodeos, won the steer dobbing and the
calf roping.
Steagall dobbed his steer in 1.6 seconds, a
full .8 seconds faster than second place Lyn
Akers of Prairie City in 2.4. In the calf riding,
Steagall had a 58 mark, ahead of Don Knox,
Bend at 55.
In the open daily team roping. Jack Taiburt
and Mike Vrendenburg of Roseburg and
Myrtle Creek. respecUvely were first in 14.5
Mary Healy and Shan Leonard, Heppner and
Baker respectively, were second in 22.9.
Results of the rodeo follow.
J Bator Barrels: Jana Steagall, Lexington,
19.1; Wade Bertsch. Stanfield. 19.2; Maureen
Healy. Heppner. 19 2; Jackie Beck. Walla
Walla. 19 3; Anorea neck. Walla Walla, 19 3;
CanHi ArLims Hermiston. 19.4.
Poie bending: Brett Sherer, lone, 20 6; Tim
Reed, Lowden, 21.5; Maureen Healy, Hepp
ner, 21.6; Andrea Beck, Walla Walla, 21.7;
Amy Hicks, Prineville, 21.8; Jeff Craig, Walla
Walla, 21.8.
Breakaway roping: Sam Willis, Redmond,
5.8; Bill Taylor, Pendleton 7.5; Cliff Dougher
ty, Heppner, 8.0; Kyle Driggers, Haines, 8.9;
Clay Newton, Prairie Citv. 15.7: Mike Currin,
Heppner. 19.4.
Boys calf riding: Rocky Steagall, Irrigon,
58; Don Knox, Bend, 55; Tom Ramoss,
Ashland, 54; Virgil Morgan. Irrigon 53; Dan
Cary, 53; Chris Jasperson, Walla Walla, 52.
Girls Calf Riding: Sandi Adams, Hermis
ton, 55; Kim Pierson, Redmond, 50; Jana
Steagall, Lexington, 50; Kathleen Van Schoi
ack, Heppner, 50. ,
Steer dobbing: Rocky Steagall, Irrigon, 1.6;
Lyn Akers. Prairie City, 2.4; Dale Scheefer,
Kennewick, 2.7; Clay Newton, Prairie City,
3.7; Tony Currin, Heppner, 4.4; Kyle
Driggers, Haines, 4.7.
Jana SteagaU. Lexington. All-Around
Junior Cowgirl and Rocky SteagaU. Irrigon.
AH-Around Junior Cowboy.
Senior Girls Cow riding: Valorie Klotz
back. Bend, 64; Lyssa Brown, Stanfield, 61;
Nita Nichols. Echo, 61; Jackie Grindstaff,
Princeton, 61; Shan Leonard, Baker, 59;
Ellen Larson, Bend, 57.
Girls barrel racing: Marne Beck, Walla
Walla, 17.4; Elizabeth Reed, Lowden, 17.5;
Dawn Peterson, lone, 17.6; Janice Healy,
Heppner, 17.8; Donita Adams, Prineville,
18.3; Mary Healy, Heppner 18.3.
Girls steer dobbing: Allison Sherrell.
Hermiston, 1.4; Lisa Snow, Echo, 1.6; Janice
Healy, Heppner, 1.8; Dixie Driggers, Haines,
2.0; Cindy Dougherty, Heppner, 2.4; and
Marcy Gibbs, Bates, 2.7.
Girls breakaway roping: Dawn Peterson,
lone 6.8; Pat Robinson, Bend, 8.0; Nita
Nichols, Echo. 12.5; Nellis Peila, Burns, 31.2;
Mary Healy, Heppner, 35.9
Boys bareback riding: Mitch Gregg, John
Day, 61; Ron Parrish, Bend, 61; Arlen
Driggers, Haines, 58; Rod Retherford, John
Day, 56; Wayne Huwe, Irrigon. 55; Steve
Sword, Vale, 50; Glen Griffith, lone. 50.
Saddle Bronc: Bob McMillan. Milton-Freewater,
62; Nolan Edwards. Echo, 58; Ron
Parrish, Bend, 57; John Griffith, lone, 55;
Terry Brown, Milton-Freewater, 53; Darren
Goree, Roosevelt. 52.
Calf roping: Steve Vredenburg, Myrtle
Creek, 25.1; Gary Aichele, Walla Walla, 26.9;
Dave Steagall, Lexington, 29.1; Jack Taiburt,
Roseburg, 31.6; Jim Foss, Brothers, 33.3;
Aaron McCall, Myrtle Point. 36.2.
Bull Dogging: Jim Foss, Brothers, 6.1;
Arlen Driggers, Haines, 10.8; Gary Duncan,
Walla Walla. 10.9; Jerry Gentry, Heppner.
15.3; Wade Nichols, Echo. 16.6; Ron Currin,
Heppner, 34.1.
Boys cow riding: Aaron McCall, Myrtle
Point, 62; Jerry Hicks, Prineville, 61; Loren
Hoephner, Milton-Freewater, 59; Mike Ad
ams, Spray. 59; Cay West, lone, 59; Kenny
Rice, Bend, 57; Darren Goree, Roosevelt. 57.
Ron Parrish. Bend. Senior Ail-Around
Cowboy; Janice Healy. Hrppoer and Dawn
Peterson, lone, tied for Senior AH-Around
Cowgirl; Mary Healy, Heppner. Jody Rugg
Memorial Trophy.
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Which end is up ?
Stop ihe clock I
Bill Smith of Lexington and Joyce Young of
Pasco won the two halves of beef raffled off
through Ucket tales for the rodeo. Proceeds
from the UckeU go to the Western States
Rodeo Association. The Junior rodeo com
mittee wishes to publicly thank
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Ho now, ho now - Ho boy.
S Pofebradiag: Brett Sherer. lone, 20 6; Tim Memorial Trophy. ,
At Bend
Gonial BovoU Sharmo pr00t todetal unj, d.rtctiy to toc.l and ..... Oo.fnmont. Th.t f.porl olyour Qovtrnmti piar P"bl.j
wVounSTcon P.r?K:.p.K,n m d.t.rm.n.ng your oov.mm.n . IKnoo how me my w,H b. .rl No "T cpUMf of
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DiKrinmMiivff w
Olden family holds reunion
Ihe Omeo ol Rmt hf log. Wh.. D C. 2023.
The descendants of Memo
Oldm. homesteader in the
Fairview District, south of
lone in 1R82 met for their
annual reunion June 12 13
near Bend. OR.
Cliff McCabe and Don
Harris were hosts for the
event at the Harris' lodge.
Those present were the
famtbes of Winnie OloVn
Chrwman, Jewue OldVn Hen
drrton. Lnla (Udcn McCabe
and Grant Olden.
Thowe attending were: Ab
nrr and F.thH Chrisman,
MoMyrock. WA; Lonnie and
I Verne Henderson, Hood
River; Betty and Don McTav
ut. rortland. Grant and Helen
IWrtdenon. Summerville;
OvAfkrfle and Raymond Um
drll. r,irte. Ann and Ho
ward Eubank. Condon. Mar
W and Howard Davtaon,
Kal mtt hmmf, Arlinelnn.
Or.: Cliff and Winona
Cabe. Gackamas;
Eleanor and Ron Vaw.
Winona and Billy. Portland;
IUn and Peggy McCabe. Dan.
Mary. Tom and David and
their guest. Tim Archer,
Portland; Shirley and Don
Harris and Kim, Portland;
Helen McCabe. lone; Arleta
and Gary George, Michael.
Mark and Kristine. Beaver
ton; Ruth McCabe, lone, and
Alvin and DeAnn McCabe,
Randy. Kimmie. Lori and
Glady Snider, all of lone.
Beck graduates
in largest class
Al;in lf iUxk. !me. gradu
aird lnm On gon College of
Education IjI Friday. Jum
Reck. almg with 72S oihcr
graduates. compriM-d Ihe six
th largest las in (K'E'i
Uimard W. Kice. pirli.i
paling In hi last t-ommewe-menl
as H'K presidnl. deli
vered Ihe addrcM. He will
rm)n .Wa ih Met Mnanl
HiglMT Kiliw aiKHi rbMHMi In
jiiK'cesvHr. probiibly rarly
m-xl riir
Tlie graduau-s lts year will
include J0:l wlm received
mailer ifc-grees. miwtly in
etlm-alMHi. and 5.H who were
grauteit Iwchelors' degrees,
in ihe Iwi-helors. Wrt were in
itlm aiMHi and Ihe remainder
in veil other field T.
loear iiwHiate in arts
To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Wilhelm. Heppner. a son.
Stacey James. I lbs., 10' i oi .
born June 15.
Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. James Wilhelm. Hepp
ner and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Allen. San Diego, CA.
Great grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Vine Pa-Mock.
Sweet Home. OR; Mr. and
Mrs. WO. King. Brecken
ridge, TX and Mrs. leila
ait. rwr r
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Sadlt Parrish
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