Page 9, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR, Thursday, May 20, 1978 m ; v y i f 7 ' ' Liu j L.joo I s 5 J . .... 1 .. f 1 Card of Thanks We wish to thank everyone who has been so kind and considerate In our great loss and sorrow. The words and cards were of great comfort. We wish to thank the Rebekah Lodge, the Degree of Honor and those who furnished food for the nice dinner. JUNE FIELD'S FAMILY and her brothers & sisters We are very grateful to the members of Rhea Creek Grange and the visiting Gran ges for the recognition given us at last week's meeting. We thank you all for the gifts we received. Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Cutting Thanks to all the nurses, nurses aides and doctors for the wonderful care Iva Payne received while in the hospital. Also thanks for all the flowers, food and cards from all our friends. FRED PAYNE LEROY GARDNER FAMILY We take this opportunity to thank everyone who worked, supported and-or donated their time, effort and sale items to the United Methodist Church Lawn Sale. Saturday, May 15. Due to the generosity of everyone, the sale was a success. United Methodist Women I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent cards and flowers and to all who visited me while I was a patient In Pendleton Community Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Carpenter and Dr. Collis, and to all the nurses for their kindness. NORM R1CKERT We wish to thank the members of the Heppner Garden Club, the lone Garden Club and other friends for the very pleasant farewell party given us last week. Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Cutting I wish to extend my sincere appreciation to friends and relatives who remembered me with cards, flowers, visits and other acts of k kindness during my recent illness. My special thanks to Craig Cooley, Dr. Carpenter, nurses, nurses aides and all the staff at Pioneer Memorial Hospital for their comforting care. : And last but not least my dear family who have done so many wonderful acts of kind ness for us since I came home. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all. ARTSTEFANISR. Notices Rent new Rinse N -Vac light weight steam carpet cleaner made for heavyweight bs. Coast tooast. 14c MENTAL HEALTH: Hopp er, 8 30 5 p m. daily except Wed 12:30 p.m. Irrlgon. Emergency: 676 5032. for your convenience OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY PETTYJOHN'S Farm & Building Supply Lost Double key ring with multiple keys on It. Reward If : found, please return to the I'Oaietle Times, 140 '' If you have merchandise to ;glv to the lone Church : Auction, June . call lull, 122 7T. Jerry 43 7513 or Don 123 7123. IC ; Attention Fishermen: night crawlers for salt; also II ft. fiberglass boat. Check at i llrppoer Barber Shop or call ! l7SI90of m Scissors sharpening, Includes pinking shears; sewing mach ine repair, all makes; Mon day, May 24 at Case Furni ture, 674-9432. 14c CATS! Who needs them? Earl L. Soward has them, different ages, FREE! 989-8410. 14p 4 Itelp Wanted HELP WANTED: cook want ed for the Heppner Child Development Center, 10-2 p.m., no exp. necessary. Call Monica Swanson, 676-9246 or 422-7162. 15C 6. Wanted WANTED: to rent or lease, 2 or 3 bdrm house. Write Rich ard Howe, Box 343, Heppner. 15c WANTED: small to med. size tractor w-loader. Must be in gd. mech. cond. P.O. Box 337C, Heppner, OR. ISp 7 For Rent FOR RENT: 2 bdrm apt. Call after 6 p.m. 422-7587. 14tf APT FOR RENT: available June 1. L.E. Dick, 676-9920. 15c 9 Livestock, Poultry WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish, lit. 567-6065. ltfC 10 Farm and Garden 10.000 bu. steel grain bins for immediate delivery $2,500. Set up also available. Call Walla Walla 509 529-7476. 17c New Rinse N-Vac steam clea ns carpets cleaner and keeps them cleaner longer. Rent at Case Furniture Co. l&C BOYSEN Ext.. 1 cent paint sale; Viko latex house paint. Pastel base, 2 for $13.26; darker colon slightly higher. Lexington Lumber Yard. 989 8586. 1C FOR SALE: J D. hay swather, model 800. 1972, like new. New hay conditioner. Ken Turner, 676 9710. ,6c Hotwater heater on the blink? We have them in stock and will install them. Petty John's Supply. 676 9157. FOR STEAM GRAtN rolling call Ed Martin. 422-7473 or 384 3811. SlU nraan s.apn rx Store J SCOTCH -V NAILS Now Available f 1 W J 676-9422 12 Furn., Appliances CIl RADIOS: Installation, re pair ; also AM FM radios, tape players. Sid Zinter Jr., 423 7441. c FOR SALE: cout h, matching love seat, green rocker and dining room table and chairs. IfiOO or best offer. 969 8568. IMf Now In stock, holding tank chemical and special toilet liMu for your recreational vehicle. IHjHm Ropply. 6781157. 14C Coleman Camping headquart ers, stoves. Ice chests, water higs, lanterns 136 70, Petty ynt Supply 676 1157. 14c -f 1 TIT. 13 Misc. For Sale Tropical fish; supplies & custom tanks; specialty or ders. Tim Loyd, 614 N.W. Bailey, Pendleton. 276-5245. 7tf ROPERS: I have J. Anderson ropes; team & calf. Neil Beamer, 676-9743. Hp Poly-posts rugged and dur able, cheaper than steel. Call 422-7138 or 422-7441. lOtfc FOR SALE: 2 big & sturdy picnic tables w. formica tops plus bench. 676-9192 after 5 pm. Mc FOR SALE: almost new side by side Sears Refrig-freezer; call 989-8532. 15c 14. Automotive On Display USED CARS 1974 Chev. Vega, 3 dr. good unit. 1971 Ford Maverick, 4 dr. sdn. lots of econ. trans. 1974 Ford 4-dr. sdn. power equipment 1171 Pontlac Grand Ville. 4 dr. except, low mileage, real good car 1970 Buick 1969 Plymouth. 4 dr. wgn. Ideal family car. 1967 Ford. 4-dr. t69 4-dr. Chev. with air cond. PICKUPS ECONOMY UNITS 1973 Courier. 34.009 miles CHEVROLET 1973 i Tt wheel, auto. 1970 4 4 x 4 1959 truck equipped with 100 gal. saddle tanks, Sth wheel, good rubber, ready to go. 1955 i Ton FORD 1976 F1S0 4 x 4. 6587 miles 1974 4 x 4 XLT deluxe trim, ir cond. new tires CMC 1974 4 T 4 x 4 good smlt. good cond. INTERNATIONAL 1973 4 x 2 8.000 miles brsnd k Michelin tires, air cond. CALL PHIL DOHF.RTY ON ANY OF THF ABOVE UNITS FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTI U'-Bl ICK FORD GMC TRICKS May and Chase, Heppner Phone ;-! IS FOR SALE: 1951 Ford truck with racks; $200. Call 67 5861, 7;30a m.to4-30p m. 15c 1971 Buttaco 200 dirt bike for sale, or will trade for older model pickup. 989532. 15c M If Interested in a new or used car, call Phil Doherty. Farley Motor Co.. 679116 or 67 5188. 14tfc C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam. Starcraft. Caldwell and Mar tin boats. Mercury motors and E2 Loader trailers. PH 567 8419, Hermlston McNary Dam llwy. fc FOR SALE: 195 Rambler, txcellent running, needs min or body work. $150 firm. 430 Riverside. Hrppw''. ,4P 14 1971 llodaka Dirt Pike. 100 cc. S sp., tuned exhaust, helmet; $203. M. Howell, 675002 or 7 9642. Hp 14. Automotive Heppnerites A new or used car In your future? If so contact: Ed Wells At Keith Farley Chrysler-Plymouth Inc. "The Walking Man's Friend' Pendleton Ph. 276-7341 Home Phone 276-0576 FOR SALE: 3 bdrm. older home on 2 lots. Fruit trees, Ig. garden spot. $12,500. 676-5528 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE: 12 ft. metal boat and trailer. Call 676-5062 or 676-5588. Ml Specialists In Track-layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding We handle truck hoists, beds and racks, both factory and custom-built: tractor cabs and gooseneck type trailers Air Conditioning B&C Repair Shop 422-7409 CI.F.OCIIILDKRS IONK 422-7423 15. Real Estate HOUSE FOR SALE: 2 bdrm, 365 Linden Way. $5,500 cash. Richard Rothe. P.O. Box 381, Boardman, OR. 97818. 14p FOR SALE: two bdrm home on double lot. Handy man can make Into 5 bdrms. Call 676-5079 or stop at 565 Elder St., after 4:30 p.m. Larry Anderson. FOR SALE: Meador Apts.; on 5 acres. $28,000. 679132 after 5 p.m. lf FOR SALE: spacious older home; alum, siding, compl. renovated. 4 bdrms. 2 baths, fully carpeted, mod. kitchen, all new wiring, plumbing it heating system. See to appre ciate. For appt. call 676-9426 or 6769425. 4 bdrm remodeled older home on lg. lot w -storage shed. Elec. ht., l' baths, completely rewired & fire detection units insulted. Call for appt. 676 9467. 14c New Homes & View Lots above Heppner Hospital for sale by Klnma Corporation. Houses meet Federal and local banking requirement. Phone 676-9183 or 676-5191 ACCURATE BUSINESS MACHINES Serving Morrew County Complete line of Offkt Equipment Supplirs MLKA-KKRVICK tlrrmtaon M7-4M II9SN.IM rbrt cols tixcmic Motoe sjawiadiaf tndutrUl - Commercial f irm and lYmtlrlon 277761 THE GAS SAVERS Beetle Rabbit Scirocco Bus Dasher Audi Fox Audi 100LS ATX Audi V Volkswagen Mel Winter Volkswagen Pendleton. Oregon 276-;Mill Mtt mem 'Mobile Homes. 20 homes NEW & USED MOBILE HOMES on our lot. ready for Heppner customers. Free set up and delivery Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of BEN J. CARNEY. Deceased. NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed personal Represen tative of the above estate. AH persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the undersi gned personal representative in care of her duly appointed resident agent, who is Dennis A. Hachler. at 245 S.E. 4th St.. ! P.t). Box 4S8, Pendleton. Oregon 9TS01. within four months after the date of first publication of this notice. Dated and first published , this 20th day of May, 1976. VIRGIE MARIE CARNEY Personal RepresenUtive Published May 20. 27 and June 3. 1976 selection plus $avii:gs 71 TayoU Corolla 2 door, 1600 e, 4 speed, disc srakts, buckets, sorot $2997 Fall Delivered Prieo MAMCSporUbout Waco. cyliader with port? "X" packaga '4190 Fall LMJrwd Prko 7JEEPCT5 0 cyllader, roll bar, trattUa tiros, ssoral $4599 FB Dobvored Prtcw Over 100 Cars aad Plfkaps Ope Ssl. Campceu Motors vn i Si AMC Toyota J" INVITATION TO BID A. An invitation to bid is extended by the Board of Directors of Morrow County School District. Morrow Cou nty Oregon for replacement of windows in a school building. Work to be performed under one General Contract which will include all required work. Sealed bids will be received until Monday. June 21. 1976, at 8:00 p.m. at the school administrative office, Lexing ton, Oregon. Bids will be opened publicly at the regular board meeting to be held at the stated time and place. Bids received after the time fixed cannot be considered. Bidders and oth ers properly interested are invitd to be present at the bid opening. B. Documents: 1. Specifications, including number of windows to be replaced, may be secured at the office of the Morrow County School District Super intendent. Box 368. Lexington. Oregon. C. Deposit: I. The bidder is required to furnish ten per cent (10 per cent) of the base bid in the form of a certified check, a bank cashier's check or bid bond representing a guaran tee that he shall execute all items as outlined in the docu ments, specifications and plans. D. Right to reject bids: 1. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities or to accept the bid that represents the best interests of the school district. 2. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the time set for this opening thereof, unless the award of the contract is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30 days. E. By order of the Board of Directors. Morrow County School District. Morrow Cou nty, Oregon. Signed: John Matthews Chairman of the Board of Directors Published May 20. 27. 1976 CEMETERY NOTICE Heppner Cemetery will be cleaned of all flowers, both real and artificial, ten (10) days after Memorial Day. May 31. Anyone wishing to save their artificial flowers should pick them up before June 10. Heppner Cemetery Maintenance Dist. Board Published May 27. June 3. 1976 NOTICE OF FILING APPLICATION FOR A CHANGE IN POINTS OF DIVERSION AND PLACE OF USE OF WATER Notice is given hereby that Jim and Don Key have filed aa application for the approval of changes In points of diversion and place of use of ground water. Certificate of water right issued to Don C. aad Jim M. Key and recorded at Page 42S26. Vol. 34. State Record of Water Right Certificates, con firms a right to the use of 2.23 cubic feet per second of water from five wells for the irrlga tkM of 40.0 acres In SW'i NE'i. MO acres la SE. NE"i. 40.9 acre la SW4 NW'i. 40.0 acres In SEi NW'i. See. 4.. 40.0 acres In gW! NF.'lO acre InSE'i NE'i. 34.1 acres In SW NV and 40.0 acres In SEa NW Sec. . T. J. N.. R E.. W.M.. with a date of priority of April 27. ISM. The five wells art located (I) 1990 ft. S. and 30 ft. W.. 12) 1910 ft. S. and20ft. W..3) 1910 fL it. and 2M ft. W.. (4) 1970 ft. 8. and 3950 ft W'., and IS) 2000 ft. ft. and 7s0 ft. W.. all from the NE coraer of See. 4. being within the tl I) SKi i NK't and 3 4) SK' i NW i of Sec. 4. and 3) SW'i NE'tof Sec. t, T. 3 N R. 27 F... W.M. The applicants herein, own ers of the lands above descri bed, propose to change the alar of of water to the Classified. SaVe money . . . Pay cash! Phone 676-9228 Billing for small classified ads is expensive. Classified ads are on a cash in advance basis, unless customer has a regular commercial account with the Gaxette-Times. If so. classifieds will be billed monthly. The alternative is to raise the rates to cover rising costs. Rates remain $1 for the first three lines of ad copy; 50c per line for each line thereafter. Display classified advertising. $1.40 per column inch. Cards of Thanks, classified rate. min. 11.50. Deadline, Tuesday noon. Not responsible for errors not reported within 7 days. irrigation of 124.0 acres within a circle in the NW'U of Sec. 4. 64.1 acres within a circle in the NE'4 and 124.0 acres within a circle in the NWi of Sec. S. T. 3 N.. R. 27 E.. W.M.. and to irrigate these lands by means of one of the wells above described as being located 1920 ft. S. and 820 ft. W. from the NE corner of Sec. 4, being within the SE' 4 NE'4ofSec.4, T. 3. N., R. 27 E.. W.M.. and by means of two other wells located (1) 190 ft. N. and 40 ft. W. and 2 ) 400 ft. N. and 40 ft. W.. both from the NW corner of Sec. 32, both being within the SE'4 SEV4 of Sec. 30, T. 4 N., R. 27 E., W.M. All persons interested are notified hereby that a bearing will be held at the county courthouse at Heppner. Ore gon, on July 15. 1976 at 9:30 a.m. All objections to the proposed change, if any there are, will be heard at said time and place. Any and all objec tions shall be prepared in writing, one copy to be served on Jim and Don Key, RL 1. 25 REASONS TO BUY YOUR USED CAB OR TRUCK FROM HARLEY SWAIN-SUBABU 75 CHEVROLET ViTosi pkkup, 6 eyL 4 spd. low snilea 74 FORD F250. 3604spL Power steer, deluxe canopy. Low mileafo. $4498 74 FORD ' Ton. V 8 Aut. Power steering;, Aztec gold. Clean. W198 DODGE 'A TON 4x4, aut. V8, power steering. . $3498 72 FORD k TON 4 SPEED. Radio, sharp. $2998 72 CHEV Vi Toa. VS. Aute. Fewer sterin2753 70 FORD BRONCO 4x4, 302 VS. 3 speed. Nice. $2638 "69 VOLKS BUS, 7 pass. New paint. Reeeat engine work, MT98 "60 CHEV lt TON CARRYALL. V8, 3 speed, immacwUta. 698 74 FORD GRAND TORINO BRAHM. 4 dr. aedaa. Loaded. Low aules. $4198 73 OLDS CUTLASS "S". Leaded wit extra. $3298 73 FORD MACH I. V8, aateaaatic traan. Special. $3293 73 CHEV. CAPRICE CUSTOM X dr. kardtep. Leaded! '2698 71 VOLKS SEDAN. Cleaa aa they cess! Sea it! $1793 -71 AMC HORNET. IcyLaete. Radio aad ktr. $1298 71 KARMANNGHIA. Super lew aallasge. IxamacwUte. 12598 70 AMC HORNET, 4 dr. eyL 3 speed, ir aad radio. Uwsaileace. 11338 67 MERCURY 4 DR. SEDAN. Lets of traaiporUUoe left ia this ea. t493 65 RAMBLER STATION WAGON. Law smflea. 6 cyl, 3 spd. FW rack. Vary ciWaa. $798 THE TURKEY CORNER 71 BUICK ELECTRA Leaded. W as $1498. "W CHEVELLE STATION WAGON Was $338. Coed value. 61 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Waa $398. Take away! 17 CHEV 'A TON PICKUP Waa $1098. A reel geed deal! 68 CHEV. " TON PICKUP. Waa $1238. Yeura tar HARLEY end USED CAES AIJD TRUCIIS Kite's Umbo Box 1S44, Hermlston, Oregon 97838, and one copy filed with the Water Resources Depart ment. Salem, Oregon 97310. together with a $10 filing fee. at least 10 days prior to the date set for bearing. If no ob jection is filed, the application may be approved by the Water Resources Director without a bearing. Administrative rules pertaining to the Wing of a protest will be furnished by the Water Resources Depart-, ment upon request. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this Uth day of May. 1976. JAMES E.SEXSON Director Published May 20. 27. June 3. 1976 . $393 $398 $298 $798 1733 SWAIN el est the W7 9SS4