Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 06, 1976, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    Page 7,
Pot Dolly Stovo
Rv Julir Nf loi
The Junior-senior banquet
was held the evening of April
23. "Philadelphia Freedom"
was the theme with bicenten
nial decorations throughout
the room. The Invocation was
given by the Rev. Bill Gra
ham. The dinner was prepar
ed by the mothers of the Junior
class and was served by
sophomores Dennis Thomp
son. Rick Gilbert, Brian
Rietmann, Carol McElligott,
Natalie Tews and Susan
Queen Arylinda Aldrich and
King Skye reigned over the
Junior-senior prom on the
evening of April 24. Crown
bearers were J.J. Osmin,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Osmin and Gary Rea,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rea.
Music was bv Jade.
A marvelous job of decorat
ing was done by the junior
.class members (and some
seniors too) and their advisor
jMarv Petersen. They chose
the theme "How the West was
Won." Old barn siding was
along the walls and carica
tures of the senior class
students were framed and
: hung on the walls. Tables were
built out of cable spools and
sold after the prom. Also a bar '
was built with eighth graders
Robin LaRue, Tammie Shimp,
Kim Pettyjohn and Todd
j Sherer pouring punch from
behind it. The punch was
served in beer glasses and
each person at the prom was
allowed to take their glass
, home as a souvenier.
Following the prom break
fast was served at the
American Legion Hall by the
parents of the junior-senior
Mrs. Lee Pettyjohn and
Mrs. Charles Doherty took
Joan Doherty, Debra Palmer
and Terry McElligott to Athe
na for a tea held In honor of the
Girl's State Delegates. Joan
and Debra are lone's dele
gates and Terry will be a
junior counselor.
Monica Swanson and Made
line Buckendorf spent Thurs
day through Saturday in
Eugene for the AAUW State
Mrs. Linda LaRue and Mrs.
Julie Nelson spent last week
end in Corvallis for the
Epsilon Sigma Alpha State
Linda was voted State Par
liamentarian and was instal
led, along with the other new
officers, Saturday evening
prior to the banquet. She took
office at Sunday's general
Their husbands Del LaRue
and Ken Nelson accompanied
Enroute to Corvallis, Mr.
and Mrs. LaRue stopped in
Portland to visit her brother
Butch Winters.
On the way home Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Nelson spent Sunday
night in Salem visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle John and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Milan Whit
tler and family. They returned
home Monday.
The Dealing Dozen Pinochle
Club met at the home of
Margo Sherer. The high prize
went to Nancy Leavitt, second
high to Bev Steagall and low to
Marilyn Childers.
Mr. Ray Heimbigner spent
two days in Bend as a spec
tator at the National Cham
pion Pool Tournament. He had
the opportunity to chat with
Minnesota Fats and received
his autograph.
Mr. Heimbigner is spending
a few days with her new
granddaughter in Portland.
CWA, Willows Grange, will
meet at the home of Wilma
Martin, Condon, May 7. The
luncheon will begin at 12:30
and members are to bring a
salad or dessert.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rea and
Christopher and Gary went to
LaGrande Wednesday to visit
her brother John Howton. He
is recovering from spinal
surgery and is doing fine.
Jr High
y BIRTHS 4 Heart Surgery
A boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Holtz and has
been named Brian David. He
; arrived April 30 and weighed 9
' lbs, S oz.
Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Hoiness, Portland
and Laura Holtz. lone. Great
grandfather is Dan Burns,
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Lin
; neil (Bonnie Akers I.Arlington
are the parents of twin girls.
' They were born April 30 at The
Dalles Hospital. Brenda Kay
weighed 6 lb. It or. and
Phoebe Ann weighed lbs, H
, oz.
Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Berl Akers, lone and Mr.
and Mrs. Don Linnell. Board
man. Great grandmother is
Mrs. Jesse Hartfield, Condon
and great grandfalher Is Mr.
, W.F. Zastrow, Hermiston.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vin
cent Jr. (Una liemioinnrr,
Portland, are parents of a girl
Jennifer Raeann. She was
born April 30 at Bess Kaiser
Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Heimbigner, lone,
and Mr. and Mrs, Andrew
Vincent Sr., Eugene. Great
grandmother is Hanna Heim
bigner, Odessa. WA.
NoOce Is aere by i
the Board Directors I iNe
West EilenslM Irrigation
District acting a nrd of
rqaalliattoa will meet on the
Uth day May 1171. at l
hour of "clock p.m. In the
VYI Etii Irrigation
PMrkt " efftrr fc!Mlig t
rrlg. rron. for the "r
po of re !!: correct
In ( the assessment and record
in the HmI
Intension lrrtto District
In Irrlgon. Oregon, lor the
Ib.jm-cOo of
Wrli:lesloo. Irrigate
Dated at Slanfleld.Oreiwi
this l&tn day nt April IITf
Mr. and Mrs. Don Munkers
spent six days in Portland,
where their granddaughter is
a patient at Doernbecher
Memorial Hospital. Michelle.
6 months old. underwent open
heart surgery April 28. Her
progress is excellent. Michelle
is the daughter of Kay and
Dave Alldntt.
The lone Jr. high boys were fourth in the track meet
against Pilot Rock on April 22. Robin LaRue came in first in
the high Jump, and third in pole vault; Dennis Stefan! was
first in long jump and fifth in discus; lone was third in the
hurdle shuttle relay and third in the distance relay 100 x 4;
fifth in the 100 yd. shuttle, third in the 50 yd. shuttle and
second in the medley relay; Todd Sherer was first in the 1320
The Jr. high girls tied for fourth place with the results
being: 440 yd. relay, second (Margaret Doherty, Kelly
Pettyjohn, Brenda Patton, Tammi Shimp); 50 yd. shuttle,
first 410 Margaret Doherty, Teena lindstrom, Sandra
Thompson, Diane Morter); 100 yd shuttle, second (Kelly
Pettyjohn, Margaret Kinkaid, Lisa Meyers, Brenda Patton);
distance relay, fifth (Lori Prock, Mary Kinkaia, Kris
Pettyjohn, Tanna Hams); high jump, fourth (Sandra
Thompson, Mary Kinkaid. Michelle LaRue;; mixed
distance, fourth (Margaret Kinkaid, Diane Morter); 880
mixed relay, first 1:46.8 Brenda Patton, Mike Conklin,
Tammi Shimp, Robin LaRue; open 100 yd. dash, third,
Tamml Shimp.
On April 29 the junior high boys and girls had a track meet
in Heppner against Riverside. Umatilla and Heppner. The
boys placed second and so did the girls. The results are as
Long jump. Cathy Gutierrez, second; discus, Cathy
Gutierrez, fourth: softball throw. Sandra ThomDson. fifth:
Last weekend members of
the Heppner High Rodeo Club
participated in the approved
Oregon State, High School
R(Mi-o Association events at
Madras. Again the girls from
Morrow County outpointed the
Maureen Healy won the
Girls Ail-Around by placing
high in three different events:
barrels, pole bending and goat
tying. Dawn Peterson who
entered the rodeo as an
individual entry, not a mem
ber of the club, won the
barrels and tied for first in
pole bending with Maureen
and a girl from Adrian.
high jump, Michelle LaRue tied for second and Mary Kinkaid
placed fifth; medley relay, fourth (Margaret Doherty,
Sandra Thompson, Diane Morter, Tanna Hamms); 440 yd.
run, Lisa Meyers, fourth; 100 yd. dash, Tammi Shimp, first
(12.6), Kim Pettyjohn, third; 220 yd. dash Tammi Shimp,
first (29.3); 660 yd. run, Kris Pettyjohn, second, Martha
McElligott, third; 440yd. relay, first 57.9 (Kelly Pettyjohn,
Brenda Patton, Tammi Shimp, Kim Pettyjohn).
1320 run, Todd Sherer, first; 100 yd. dash, Dennis Stefani,
fifth; 440 relay, third; 70 yd. high hurdles, Mike Conklin-first
tie, Verlen Stathem-third, Leslie Thompson-fifth; 880 yd. run,
Leslie Thompson-third, Scott Martin-fourth, Brett Sherer
fifth; 220 yd. dash, Robin LaRue-third tie; 440 yd. dash,
Bruce Millman-fourth; 120 yd. low hurdles, Mike
Conklin-first; Medlay relay, first (Verlen Stathem, Greg
Rietmann, Robin LaRue, Todd Sherer); high jump, Dennis
Stefani -second: long jump, Dennis Stefani-second.
At the Arlington Mayday meet on April 30 the boys and
girls won the track meet.
In the intermediates (age 14-15) the results are: long jump,
Jerry Rietmann-second, Cathy Gutierrez-first UlW),
Martha McElligott-fourth ; discus, Todd Sherer-fifth, Cathy
Gutierrez-third; shot put, Bruce Millman-fifth, Cathy
Gutierrez-third; 100 yd. dash, Jerry Rietmann-second, Kim
Pettyjohn-first (12.8). Brenda Patton-second ; 880 yd. run,
Todd Sherer-first, Martha McElligott-first (3:03.2); Steve
Hoggatt-second; 220 yd. dash, Mike Conklin-first, Kim
Pettyjohn-first (29.8), Brenda Patton-second; 440 yd. dash,
Verlen Stathem-first, Tanna Hamms-first (8:5.4), Bruce
Millman-third; 440 yd. relay, Bruce Millman, Glen Krebs,
Jerry Rietmann, Verlen Stathem-first and Brenda Patton,
Tanna Hamms, Kim mtyjonn, Martha McElligott-first
(61 2)- cross country, Steve Hogatt -second; 120 low hurdles,
Mike Conklin-first, Glen Krebs-second; one mile run, Todd
Sherer-first: high jump, Tanna Hamms-second.
The junior high boys and girls (age 12-13) results are: high
jump, Dennis Stefani-second, Robin LaRue-fifth, Sandra
Thompson-fifth; long jump, Dennis Stefani-first, Gregg
Rietmann-third, Margaret Kinkaid-fourth ; 100 yd. dash,
Dennis Stefani-second, Robin LaRue-fourth, Tammie
Shimp-first (12.5); 880 yd. run, Leslie Thompson-first, Scott
Martin-third, Lisa Meyers-second; mile racewalks, Shawn
LaRue-first, Brett Sherer-third, Teena Lindstrom-second ; 22
yd dash, Gregg Rietmann-first, Robin LaRue-third, Tammi
Shimp-first (28.6), Kelly Pettyjohn-fifth; 440 yd. relay, the
boys came in fourth and the girls in second (Kelly Pettyjohn,
Sandra Thompson, Margaret Kinkaid, Lisa Meyers).
The midgets (age 10-11) results are as follows: shotput
Craig Gutierrez -third, Tom Shimp-fifth, John Murray-fifth;
long jump, Casey Fargher-tie for fourth, Margaret
Doherty-second; 100 yd. dash, Tom Shimp-third, Margaret
Doherty-fifth, Tammie Holtz-third; 880 yd. racewalk, Roger
Morter-fourth, Kris Pettyjohn-first (2:56.0), Mary Kinkaid-second-
440 yd. relay the boys came in third and the girls in
second' (Anita Palmer ,Lori Prock, Diane Morter, Tammi
Holtz- cross country, Jeff Hamms-third; high jump, Mary
Kinkaid-first 4V), Michelle LaRue-third; 880 yd. run, Kris
Pettyjohn-first (5:24.3), Diane Morter, second. j
In the last junior high baseball game lone defeated
THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR, Thursday, May 6, 1976
Cards win on road
The lone Cardinals traveled
to Maupin last Saturday to
meet the Wasco Redsides. The
Cards came home with a 9-8
win and a share of the CBC
West lead. The win tied the
Cards and the Sherman Coun
ty Huskies for the 1st place
It was a hard fought contest
with the Cardinals scoring the
winning run in the top of the
7th inning and then hanging on
for the victory.
Joe Rietmann pitched 6
innings for the winners strik
ing out 9 batters before Kim
Gutierrez took over the mound
in the 7th inning.
Boosting their batting aver
age for the Cards were Riet
mann with 3 hits, Gutierrez
with 2 hits and Bob Gates with
a triple.
On Friday. April 30, the
Cards traveled tp Condon for a
12-2 victory in '5 innings.
Getting the mound duty was
Kim Gutierrez who also had 3
hits for the day. He allowed 4
walks and struck out 7 in 5
innings. Other players getting
hits for the winners were Bob
Gates 2, Todd Peterson, Dan
Akers, Joe Rietmann and Tim
Cheney with one each.
The next action for the
Cardinals was Tuesday, May
4, when the Cards had a
showdown with the Sherman
Huskies at lone.
The winner of this game will
have sole possession of first
place in the CBC West. '
Friday, May 7, the Cards
will host the Heppner Mus
a inpie.
Heading for Beecfier's
lone, Oregon
Country Western
Saturday May 8
Depot 1 1
Dinner Steaks $2.95 6-9 p.m.
Mother's Day Specials
Turkey Dinner $5.00
Roast Beef $4.50
Friday Night
Lobster Dinner $6.50
Land and Sea $7.50
Pedro Tournament starts May 10. 7 p.m. Bring your pardner.
.1 i
" '
-m. i.M urn "' " 1 I
For the yester-years
and the tomorrows.
Z Flowers Say It All Pi W I
African Violets Green Plants 7 (jioitu ioJ
Honrs Mled bouquet
Do you want to play
T m m Hll
w - -
1 Heppner, Lexington, lone team now
being organized ior yiayci a
1315 years of age
ju NoTryouts
Everyone Plays
1st Practice May 8, lp.m.
Fair Grounds
Applications at
School Offices
Bring applications and
entry fee to first practice
Saturday, May 6. Make checks
payable to Hermiston Baseball
. Contact:
Jim Swanson, 422-7162 or
Lindsay Klncald, 422-7152
We must not lose our choice for
Eastern Oregon representation in Congress.
Is the ONLY primary election candidate
from Eastern Oregon.
Republican Candidate
U.S. Representative
2nd Congressional District
EXPERIENCED: Outstanding record in
federal government administration
County Chairman
State Budget Chairman
COMMITTED TO: Tax reform
Control of inflation
Decentralized federal government
VUH Cittn to trrX Tom Mrrr. C. John Own. Ttm
4G.m Nristol Av . KUroth Kollo. Oron 71
t.,h Smith. Chairman Hurna, f )rn
- i
I'.blHhed May t. J