Page 5. THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner. OH. Thursday. April 29. WTft Lcii:.-!:n IIcvs Around The Pot Belly Stovt KvDflphaJMM The Blue Mountain District No. 10 of the Federated Garden Clubs of Oregon held a meeting In Pendleton April 24. Members of the lone Garden Club attending were Mrs. Edith Nichoson, Mrs. Lee Pet tyjohn, Mrs. Kenneth Palmer, Mrs. Pete Klinger, Mrs, Fred Martin, Mrs. Irene Padberg and Mrs. Norman Nelson. During the meeting it was announced the lone Club had received first place for the Yearbook. District awards were presented to Donna Pal mer who is first in the Conser vation Poster contest and second to Debra Palmer; first in Conservation Essay went to Debra Palmer: Diann Mortcr received first for her Conser vation Poem; and Cathy Cheney received honorable ' mention in Conservation post er. The lone club extended an invitation to members of the district to meet in lone for the spring meeting in 1977. Mrs. Pettyjohn gave the presidents report. Mrs. Fred Martin gave the district report on Native Flora and Mrs. Norman Nelson, District Awards Chairman, presented two aw ards of Appreciation. The advisory council for the senior nutrition program at the lone mealsite met last Wednesday. Members present were Mable Ring, Jessie Childers. Helen Martin. Delsie Chapel and Jean Nelson, Ida Coleman was out of town. Pat Bnndle. Heppner Neighbor hood Center and Lynda Soder holm, senior program coordi nator for the five counties in District 12, conferred with the group. They reported the dist rict budget for raw foods at each mealsite has been cut because more mealsite have been added. This will neces sitate larger contributions from individuals participating in the program. They will also be happy to accept any con tributions of surplus garden produce and meats. Other services provided by the senior program include blood pressure readings the third week of each month and help w iih problems in Social Secu rity, food stamp program, legal aid. property tax relief, medicare, etc This program is a a liable to any senior citi zen On Friday. April 23. lone hosted Sherman in a rain shortened tennis match Three ot the seven scheduled mat ches were cancelled and only Iwool the four played went the regulation distance. New Arrivals Sportswear & H0USFH5H ONfr Phone IONE GARDEN CLUB Plant Sale & Country Store Wed., May 5, 10-4 p.m. IONE LEGION HALL Pie, cake & coffee will be served 000000 Plants Available Orders Taken Call: Thelma Ling 422-7476 Helen Martin 422-7142 Edith Nichoson 422-7205 ,Hifl.iMlv niMtni. annaaU. perennial hri l. hi H and Maple tree TM toranr pn(Ml a a mmmiinih sen ke DANK OF D jlastern Oregon itiMBKi. rtctiAt. Dtrotrr In boys doubles, Kim Gutie rrez and Dan McElligott lost to a strong team of Craig Col quitt and Dave Simantel In straight sets 3-6, 4 6. In boys singles. Rick Gilbert had split sets with Mark Gosson 6-3 and 1-6. Due to the rain, the match was determined by a tie breaker with Rick carrying it to the final point before losing 4-5. The girls fared no better. In Doubles, Terry McElligott and Carol McElligott lost to Jill Moreau and Debbie Mc Nab 2 8. Because of rain their match was shortened to . the pro set. In singles Susan Thompson lost to Vicky Mar tin in straight sets 1-6, 2-6. Those whose matches were rained out were Stuart Keene. Clint Carlson, Donna Palmer, Darcy Rea and Arlene Can non. The third time was a charm. After being rained out of two previously scheduled meets, the weather finally cooperated on Monday, April 26 long enough for lone to host the Arlington tennis team. Playing first singles for the first time, Carol McElligott lost to Julie Steward in a pro set, 0-8. Jeanie Piening started out slowly in her singles match with Robin Clough. but pulled out a 9-7 victory. In third singles. Tammie Tucker lost to Irene Davidson 0-8. In doubles. Terry and Carol Mc Elligott lost in straight sets to Julie Steward and Robin Clough 34. 4-6. In second doubles Donna Palmer and Darcy Rea defeated Irene Davidson and Janice Steinke in a pro set 81. Jan Petersen and Lorl Bergstrom dropped a close match toTamara Morris and Tami Anderson 7 9. QF STUH-ATS I'l, F IN SKILLS CONTEST Students from lone High School recently participated in the Mid Columbia Eastern Oregon Career Education Skills Contest held at Blue Mountain Community College and Pendleton High School. The contest w as designed to give students an indication of the quality of their training in various career areas Blue riblxms were awarded to stu dents whose skills would qualify them now to take jobs in the world of work. Red riblxms were given to students who performed well, but who m-ed additional study to bring their skills up to job entry let el competency . Rolert Reitel. Imie business education teacher reported Terry McElligott and Laurel- coordinates 676 - 9426 1 wiurahcx coaroMTuw I fit Julif V hn ta Piening won red ribbons in accounting. Mrs. Jeanne Howell report ed the following home econo mics students won awards: Kim Cofenas-blue in story telling and table setting; Grace McElligott- blue in facings; and Maggie Baker red in equipment identifica tion. Darrell Wilson stated that Tim Cheney won a total of five ribbons in electricity, elec tronics and auto tune up including two blue ribbons in the electronics competition. Also participating in the auto tune up contest were Dan Akers and Harvey Childers who won blue ribbons and Richard Keene w ho won a red ribbon. FOSTER fiR.WDP.XRKN'TS PROGRAM There is a possiblity that a foster grandparents program will be started in Morrow County. The foster grandparents program is to provide part time job opportunities to low ' tcome, persons living in Morrow County so that they may give support and care to children with special needs. The activities that a foster grandparent might be involv ed in are: social activities, talking,, listening, walking with, reading or simply hold ing a child, support and assistance in child learning situations, or therapy; per sonal care, such as awaking, dressing, feeding a child, bathing and putting a child to bed: and social contact and interaction with other child ren. The program pays a stipend i non-taxed for four hours of work per day. five days a week to eligible low -income persons. Applicants must be in reasonably good health and age sixty or over. Persons who would be interested in working in the foster grandparent program should contact Pat Brindle. Neighborhood Center. 676 5873 or John Brenne. Project Dir-. eclor. 276-4474 or 276-1711. or. by writing to Box A. Pendle ton. OR 97801. For .Graduation Give Bulova Accutron For tvtfyon who appreciates tt prtclM lima, Bulova guaranttts th accuracy ot vry Accutron watch tomnin a mlnuia month. And tf precise time to see our selection ot Accutron watches is right now. From 195 to $1800. His 1M Her: 1M Ntnui Uftrn tw tat nm. ft M war ' i mm - ff- ! Kti I AM. W . itt ww it. nmn n. vttm Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hughes last week were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Shodin (nee Janet Kendall) and sons Carl, James and John, The Dalles, OR. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Van Winkle returned home Satur day from a week's stay in Portland where he received medical attention. Linda Van Winkle, a daughter who is teaching at San Mateo, CA, accompanied them home for the weekend. They all visited Mrs. Cleo Van Winkle who is a patient in Hiersche's Nursing Home, Pendleton on Sunday. May Campbell has been transferred to Pioneer Memo rial Hospital from Pendleton. A son, Don Campbell from California has been visiting here this past week. Recent visitors at the Catie Padberg home were Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Vinson, Monument and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Padberg. Dayton, WA. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday evenings there will be evening services at the Lex ington Christian Church with John Whitman speaking on "The Gifts of the Spirit." AH are cordially invited. The social rooms of the Lexington Christian Church was the setting April 18 of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Messenger Sr.. Lexington. Hosted by the couple's children and fami lies. Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Mes senger Jr., Hermiston; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Messenger, White City; Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Messenger. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Messenger, Por tland; Mr. and Mrs. Bill B. Marquardt and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marquardt. Lexington, the anniversary celebration got underway at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Messenger greeted their guests at the doors. Mrs. Messenger was attired in a gold colored dress and he in a tan outfit with a golden tie to match her gown. The roses in the corsage matched those adorning the tiered cake decorated with white bells with pale pink centers in between the layers and cascades of pink roses and golden leaves about the cake. Traditional golden bells and white ribbon adorned the top. This cake centered the serving table flanked by small white baskets of white daisies, roses and carnations ties with white chiffon ribbon and matching pink napkins. Crystall punch bowls and silver coffee and tea services were placed at each end of the table with matching silver and crystal nut and candy dishes. The gift table was centered with a money tree flanked with crystal dishes filled with Easier candies. Serving and pouring were Irene Padberg. Freda Majes ke, Florence McMillan and Catie Padberg. In charge of the guest book was Elsie Fox and Tracy Messenger. Assist ing those pouring and serving were the following grand children: Norita. Charma. Lolita. Carlita, Billy June Marquardt and Lois. Elaina and Kathi Messenger. Those in charge of the kitchen were Pat Wright and Delpha Jones. Leila Barlow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bar low. Heppner and Truman Messenger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Messenger of Boardman were married May 5. 1926 in Heppner. OR. They have spent their entire married life in Oregon, mostly eastern Oregon, where Mr. Messenger was stationed w ith the State Highway Depart ment. All of their children were present and guests traveling were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammel. The Dalles and son Frank Hammel. Seattle: Ruth Messenger. Hood River; Mr. and Mrs. William Hammel and son Brian. The Dalles: Hazel Carpenter and Zearl Gillespie. Boardman: Ray and Rachel Barlow. Eugene: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Connell and family. Enter prise: Lola Breeding. Irrigon: Elaina Messenger. Matilda Pierre and Mrs. Ray Farmer. Pendleton: Joey and Kayrene ('razer. George and Barbara 'Meates. Pilot Rock: Mr. and iMrs. Barnhard Shodin and sons John. James and Carl. ; Dallas; and Mr. and Mrs. Sam ' Bellamy . Condon and guests from Heppner. lone and Lex ington. .' The lovely floral arrange ments for table and about the rooms were from the wedding (Mi the 17th of their grand diiughter. Joyce Marquardt ?and Randy Hughes at the Christian Church. Heppner. IIOMK INTERIORS ;iiNol E l IIEI.II Home Interim Company UinqiH't was held in Ru hl.imt. WA. Friday ninhl Mrs luiura lluv. mir local display er. attctHk-d the (tinner along with several Kinua women who bad earned the right to go to the Unique! They enjoyed a giNxl dinner and two mini lmus nl the use ol Home Interior things in the home. The group received a gill lir c.uh otic lor coming from so lar to aiteiHl the lamucl 4 Winning door pries were .lrv Miarrn Hell. Mr. Patsy Mi Minn. Ifc-ena Iteul and Mrs Barbara la is. Kinua women attending were Shirley ihr Dinah Jack). IVeiva Rent. Patsy MiMiun and Lun a I lire Buy 6 pak-12oi. PEPSI Reg.PrIce Get 6pak 10 oz. BUBBLE-UP for bottle dep. ..only F.1TF Whole Kernal Corn 303 sz. 3 - $1.00 NABISCO RItz 1b box 7SC Crackers PACIFIC Cleaned y5c Cocktail Shrimp 2 Oregon Chief Qt;r Smoked Picnics yDV CmmU J Unlet ITrvftr i win hiiuiv 59C Prices effective Friday and Saturday, April 30, May l NEW Ml ( I I B FORMED The 4 H sewing club met at the home of Jane Rawlins. March 20. The following were elected to office: Linda Nix. presi dent: Lela Briedenbach. vice president: Tami Gotham, se cretary and Claudia Huston, reporter. We discussed names for our new club but did not make any final decision. Club meetings will be held every two weeks. We later went down to look at patterns and fabrics to find how much material is needed for purses we are making. Our next meeting is April 3. We met April 3 at Mrs. Rawlin s home and we dis cussed and decided on a name for our new 4 H group. We decided on "Sew It and Show If as the name for our club. Lisa Nix and Sheridan Sweek served refreshments. The next meeting will be held April 10. CLAUDIA HUSTON. Reporter JJ o BOYSEtJ'S OEST iriTEfMOi? LATEX FLAT Over 1,700 interior colors Easy to apply with brush, roller or spray High-hiding flat finish Soap and water clean up Dries to the touch in 20 to 40 minutes Superior color retention REG. $11.85 GAL. (m colors higher) BOYSEf J'S DEST EXTERIOR LATEX FLAT Hundreds of Easy to apply with brush, roller or spray Durable flat finish Soap and water clean up , Dries in 2 to 4 hours , REG. $13.25 GAL. dome colors higher! DW Y 1st SALL. It Lexington, The Two Trackers 4 H Club met at the fairgrounds for their last meeting. Twelve members and one guest. Brenda Campbell. lone were present. The members agreed to sell food at the cow cutting horse meet April 9-10. Several mem bers gave reports on the following breeds of horses: Arabian. Morgan. Thorough bred. Quarter-horse, and Ap paloosa. Merly n Robinson, club lead er, explained summer school at Corvallis in June and a summer camp during July. Older members w ill help at the Snack Shack during the Junior Rodeo June 12-13. SYLVIA MARIE LADD. Reporter BUTTONS 1 BISCUITS MEET The Buttons and Biscuits 4 H Club went with our leader. Mrs. Roberta Klaus to Board man on Saturday. Feb. 28. We attended a fashion show and l IS j bvlU exterior colors to choose from KDLTS mm Oregon ft Potatoes nmtlm J" 1 2ofcy $139 ORANGES 8 lbs V m r Mo. 2 Golden Del.,Red Del. Court Street Market Mrpm' Urm killl artimaH Ul N. Court St. Heppner tea. and saw clothes thai we might sew. On Match !. we met at Mis Klaus's home and sewed on our aprons When we finished sewing them, we will embroi der on I hem. MICHELESAI.ING. RefMirter. Green Feed s:. Store BEDDING PLANTS onion sets and seed potatoes Lex-Hep Hwy 676-9422 '-J ) t ) t M 989-8586 Freshc" STRAWBERRIES 2cups89CJ f S i Cabbage 130 for $1.00 APPLES 270 "EEM LATEX FL VlHOUTTEX I HOUSEHUNT YARD rrsnnnnrO mm DISCOUNT PRICES ON CASE GOODS Or. 67G-9G43