Save money . . . Pay cash! Phone 676-9223 1 Card of Thanks We thank our friends for their many kindnesses. Harlan and Delia McCurdy Many thanks to my friends and relatives for their pray ers, gifts and support during my recent surgery and conva lescence at St. Mary's Hospi tal in Walla Walla. BARTON CLARK We wish to thank all of our friends for helping to make our 40th anniversary such a lovely day. The beautiful cards and gifts were much appreciated. Carl and Mildred Rhea The members of Beta Ome ga Sorority would like to say a big Thank-You to the following businesses and organizations who supported our Spring Co tillion: Bristows Market, lone Schools, St. Williams Catholic Church, lone Ameri can Legion, Morrow County Grain Growers, Columbia Ba sin Electric and Bank of Eastern Oregon. A special thank you to those of you who purchased tickets and attended our dance; you made all of our work worth while. Because of your sup port we are donating $200 to the lone Volunteer Fire Dept. See you next year. Beta Omega Chapter Epsilon Sigma Alpha Words will not express our thanks for the care I received by the nursing staff and Craig Cooley. inhalation therapist. Pioneer Memorial Hospital; Larry Pearson, inhalation therapist. St. Anthony's Hos pital. Pendleton: Drs. Gifford and Carpenter, Heppner Med ical Clinic: our friends for their thoughts and prayers and God's help. We are grateful. Harley and Helen Young and Family 2 Notices WATCH for your SENTRY Sale Catalog in the Mail Today. Pettyjohn's Supply SPRING RUMMAGE SALE. April 23-24. Sponsored by Heppner Swim Team. Call Arbogasts. 676-5058. or Bid dies. 676-9247. evenings. 8tf Need a gift? Let flowers do it. Posy Patch. 676-9426. tent new portable Rinse-N-Vac that steam cleans, rinses .Hid vacuums carpets profes Mtmnllv clean. Coast -to-Coast. . . ' MENTAL HEALTH: Hepp er. 1:30-5 p.m. daily except Wed.. 12:30 9 p.m. Irrigon. Mon. and Thurs.. 922-3357 Emergency: 676-5032. 3 Lost and Found - FOUND: Lg. white Samoyet! male dog at farm home near lone. 422-7459. 4 Help Wanted WANTED: Part time help retail lumber: hardware. Pettvjohn's Supply. 676-9157. 10c WANTED: full time cook and part time cook. Apply I to 5. Pioneer Memorial Hospital. lie 6 Wanted Kinzua emplow-e want to buy: 3 bdrm house in Hepp ner. Lexington or lone. Ph. 443 3511. 12p WANTED: House cleaning? The lone United Church will pick up anything you may bt discarding lhal would be suitable for auction. Call 42 7296.422 7535.422 7122. 10c 7 For Rent FOR RENT: furnished 1 bdrm apt. in Heppner. Call Dennis Doherty. 676 5550. 10c 9 Livestock Poultry FOR STEAM GRAIN rolling call Ed Martin, 422 7473 or J84 3111. 31tf Horseshoeing: Call Wayne Evans. I7f41tttveningi. ltl Page 8, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR, 9 Livestock, Poultry FOR SALE: weiner pigs. 676-5823 after 6 p.m. 10c WILL BUY crippled, retiree and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish. Ph. 567-6065. ltfc Hogs, ready to butcher, limit ed quantity, U-pick, call 422 7441, 422-7138 after 7 p.m. 11c 10 Farm and Garden S HP Garden Tiller $265; 1 used 3'i HP Garden tiller $99.95. Pettyjohn's Supply 676 9157. Poly-posts rugged and dur able, cheaper than steel. Call 422-7138or422-7441. lOtfC FOR SALE : 1967 D6B Cat ; one 14 ft. dozer blade; two 26.5 x 25 used combine tires. Cash sales. Vern Nolan. 676-9969. 9tf See us for prefinished kitchen cabinets, we sell and install. Free estimates. Pettyjohns 676-9157. 8W Green Feed Store 50 lbs. Friskie Sauces $8.50 bag onion sets and seed potatoes Lex-Hep Hwy 676-9422 12 Furn., Appliances FOR SALE: 42" Franklin Stove; console stereo; Early American end tables; misc. items. 989-8413. 10p FOR SALE: box springs, mattress & frame. $25. 422 7206. lOp CB RADIOS: installation, re pair: also AM FM radios, tape plavers. Sid Zinter Jr.. 422 7441. c FOR SALE: couch, matching love seat, green rocker and dining room table and chairs. $600 or best offer. 989 8568. lotf 13 Misc. For Sale 1 cent sale: Boysen Flat Latex Paint. Buy 1st gal. reg. price; 2nd gal. 1 cent. Lexington Lumber Yard. 9X9-85H6. Tropical fish; supplies & custom tanks: specialty or ders. Tim Loyd. 614 N W. Bailey. Pendleton. 276-5245. 7tf TO GIVE AWAY: 7 German Shorthair-Golden Retriever puppies: 8 wks old. See at 367 Linden Way or Ph. 676-5003. lie Cloverleaf decorative blocks. 70 cents each. Lexington Lumber Yard, tss-itlM. , YARD SALE: April 1S-IS; 430 Riverside. Heppner. Starts at noon. 9p FOR SALE: 16 ft. fiberfoam boat; new 65 hp Mercury motor, skies convertible top & winter cover; complete Ph. 676 9238. 10c Coming Soon: Exterior Latex paint I rent sale. Lexington Lumber Yard. txs-KUt. FOR SALE: 12 ft. metal boat and trailer Call 676 5 or 676 5588 lwf Interested In new aluminun siding Check our prices am save. We install or you install Pelt) John'! Supply. 676 9157. 14. Automotive 1975 Yamaha Endure. $00. Less than 400 miles Call 675074 after 6 pm, He Heppnerites A new or aed car la your future? Km contact: Ed Wells at Keith Farley Chrysler-Ply mouth Inc. The Walking Man's Frfcnd' Prndlrton Ph. 171-7111 Home Phone 274574 Thursday, April 22, 1976 . ii .i....:ri Billing I or mu t"" -r --- are on cash in advance basis, unless customer ka a regular commercial account with the Gaiette-Tlmes. II m. classifieds will be billed monthly. The alternative is U raise the rates to cover rising cost. Rate remain f I lor the first three lines of ad copy; S8c per line lor each tine thereafter. Display classified advertising. $1.46 per column Inch. Cards r '. a .... i iiu tvt1in. Tuesday of Thanks, ciassuieo rair. - " noon. Not responsible for errors not reported within 7 days. 14, Automotive On Display 1976 F-600 Ford truck, hoist. 16 ft. comb. Ready to go to work A few 75s left at a real buy 1974 Ford 4-dr. sdn, power equipment 1973 Plymouth, 4-dr. sdn., low mileage, power equip ment and air cond. 1971 Pontiac Grand Ville, 4 dr. except, low mileage, real good car. 1970 Buick 1969 Plymouth. 4 dr. wgn. ideal family car. 1 967 Ford. 4-dr. PICKUPS ECONOMY UNITS 1973 Courier, 34.000 miles. CHEVROLET 1973 ij T 2 wheel, auto. 1970 J4 4 x 4 1959 truck equipped with 100 gal. saddle tanks, 5th wheel, good rubber, ready to go. FORD 1974 4 x 4 XLT deluxe trim, air cond. new tires CMC 1971 4 T 4 x 4 good unit. . air cond. INTERNATIONAL 1973 4x2 8.000 miles brand new Michelin tires, air cond. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONT1 AC-BUICK FORI) GMC TRUCKS May and ( base. Heppner Phone S76-9I IK FOR SALE: 1972 Volkswagen van: $2500 or best offer. Ph. 676-5201. 10c 15 Real Estate FOR SALE: 1 to 4 lots, Lexington. 989-8539. l"p FOR SALE: 3 bdrm. older home on 2 lots. Fruit trees. Ig garden spot. $13,500. 676-5528 after 6 p.m. He New Homes View Lots abote Heppner llopital for sale by Kintua Corporation. Houses mrel Federal and local banking requirements. Phone 676-9183 or 676-5191 FOR SALE: spacious older home: alum, siding, compl. renovated 4 bdrms, 2 baths, fully carpeted, mod. kitchen, all new wiring, plumbing A heating system See to appre ciate. For appt. call 676-9426 or 676 9425. 16 Mobile Homes I' 12 x 50 ft.. 2 bdrm Buddy Trailer. Ph. 384-4115 or 384 4157. lie Specialists In Traik later Tractor Repair , ulnmit4le Melding We handle trurk hoist, bed and racks, both factory and custom-built: tractor tab and gooseneck I tpr trailer Air Conditioning B&C Repair Shop mum ci mm mi nuts mA U naive. Classified td 16 Mobile Homes THE! GAS SAVERS Beetle Rabbit . Scirocco Bus Dasher Audi Fox Audi 100LS ATX Audi Volkswagen Mel Winter Volkswagen Pendleton, Oregon 276-361 1 am wtmrm Mobile Homes 20 homes NEW A USED MOBILE HOMES on our lot. ready for Heppner customers. Free set up and delivery Aloha trailer, 16 ft, sleeps 8. $800. 676-5067. lOp FOR SALE: 15 ft. camp trailer, gas stove It refrig. Sleeps 4. For. more informa tion, call 676-5028. 9p 1971 Security travel trailer, 18 ft. long, tandem axle, self contained, like new. Call 676-5810. f NOTICE: 15 per cent discount . on all farm equipment radia tors for material and labor until May 1. tf Jones Radiator Service Hermiston, OR Legal Notice PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE OK MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice is hereby given that on .Monday. May 10. 1978. at 10 a.m. the Board of Equaliza tion of the County of Morrow, Oregon, will meet at the County Court House. Heppner, Oregon, to publicly examine the assessment rolls for said County of Morrow, for the tear 1976 and to correct all errors in valuation, descrip tions, or qualities of land, lots or other properly assessed by the assessor. The ratio between assessed and true rash value adopted b the Board of Equalization pursuant lo ORS 3U9.0.H is DM per cent. It shall be the duly of the prrson interested lo appear al the lime and place appoint ed. Petitions for adjustment of assessments must be filed with the Board of Equalization not later than Ihe Monday of the week following Ihe first week lhal Ihe Board is in session. EVERETT II HSHMA.N, Assessor, County of Morrow. Oregon Published April 22. 29. Mav S. 1976 U r PI BI.IC HEARING NOTICE The Morrow County Court will hold a public hearing, under Ihe provisions of the Morrow County Zoning Ordi nance at 11:0 a.m.. Wednes day. April 28. 1971 at Ihe North Morrow County Office at Irrigo) lo consider Ihe follow ing matters: 1. Proposed amendment lo Ihe Morrow County Zoning Ordinance to change Ihe definition of "Mobile Home Park" from Iwo la four mobile homes. Explanation: Mate of Oregon regulations have re cently changed from Iwo to four mobile homes lo consti tute a mobile home park. 2. Appeal of decision by Morrow County Planning Commission to allow a second mobile home on property owned by Ralph Minnkk, Irrigon. The property Is local rd In T S N. R H E. See. 23. Tax U4 332. I N acre, on Idaho Avenue near 4th St., wel of Irrigon. PAUL W.JONES. Judge. Morrow County Court fabllshed April 12. 117 IONE-LEXINGTON CEMETERY MAINTENANCE DIST. NOTICE OF SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION Notice is hereby given pursuant to ORS 259.090 and ORS 259.100 that a special District election or the lone Lexington Cemetery Main tenance District of Morrow County, Oregon, will be held in such District and State on the 25th day of May. 1976, between the hours of 8:00 a.m.., and 8:00 p.m.. Pacific Daylight Time, at the following places: City Hall, lone. Morrow County, Oregon. City Hall. Lexington, Mor row County. Oregon. At this time there will be submitted to Ihe legal voters of the Cemetery District the question of establishing a tax levy for the fiscal year 1976-77 for the sum of $14,024.55 as submitted by Section II. Article XI, of the constitution of the State of Oregon, which fiscal period commences on July 1. 1976. and ends June 30. 1977. Said levy shall be placed upon the 1976-77 assessment rolls and the taxes will be due and payable on November 15, 1976, February 15. 1977, May 15, 1977 and August 15, 1977. The reasons for establishing this tax levy are for the payment of employees sala ries, supplies and equipment for the operation and main tenance of the cemeteries within the Cemetery District, WHO DOES IT? Service Directory Automotive I Drugs. Prescriptions I Furniture ZZr-5ry ,1 SIIERRELL CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sales A Service 3rd A Main Hermiston Building Supplies SEE US FOR AI L VOI R BUILDING SUPPLIES We feature Boysen Paint TI M A-I.UM LUMBER CO. Tim Moore. Mgr. 432 SEDorion 276-6221 PENDLETON Cafes. Lounges Cal'S LOUNGE CAFE Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. t;s-.V)i:. Heppner Construction CIRCLE "D" TRENCHING Guaranteed Performance Irrigation-Drain Tile Power Cable Bonded and Licensed for Sewer and dra in fields Trenching of all kind Robert Duncan Heppner PI 1. 176-55 5 KIVERREND CONSTRUCTION CO. Concrete Aggregate Crushed Rock Drain Rock Asphalt Paving Excavating 1 Grading Umatilla. OR. 922-4223 A? UM TH.H READY MIX Open every weekday, and Saturdays and Sundays if necessary. PH. 676 9106 or 9 8 17 Construction William N. Hamilton General Contractor custom home building and general construction P.O. Bos 1211 Heppner, OR ITS SI II or ITS 511 J Public Hotico all as required by the laws of the State of Oregon. The votes will be by ballot upon which will be marked "Tax Levy" ) yes and "Tax Levy" no, and the voter shall cross the parenthesis with an x In It between Ihe "Tax Levy" and the word yes. or between the word "Tax Levy" and the word no, whichever ludicates his choi ce. All voters will vote at lone City Hall. lone. Oregon, or Lexington City Hall. Lexing ton Oregon. By the order of the District Board of the lone-Lexington Cemetery Maintenance Dist rict. Dated this 18th day of April, 1976. Signed: Dean Hunt, Chairman Published April 22, 1976 NOTICE OF SPECIAL FLECTION TO ESTABLISH A TAX BASE FOR THE IRRIGON RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT STATE OF OREGON) COUNTY OF MORROW) ss. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Irrigon Rural Fire Protection District Tax Base election is hereby called to be hrld on Tuesday, the 25th day of May, 1976. between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time in HAS IT? HERMISTON DRUG Free prescription Mail Service Open9a.m.lo7p.m. Gilts for all occasions Snack Bar MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Free mailing service on prescriptions - Hospital Supplies Open Mon -Fri 9 6pm. Siit 9 1pm Ux iiteI in Ihe Medical Center . linoSouthgale Pendleton 27fi I.Vtl Floor Covering keimk; floorc -over ing Carpet, draperies, linoleum counter top, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries Kale A installation 500 V 1st SI. Hermiston. Or. MAR FJMMiH COVERING Carpet, linoleum, ceramic Tile, kitchen cabinets Eree estimates All work guaranteed Mall Hughes 422 Linden Way 76-9II8 Heppner Furniture iiou'WKowrr$;:. Curtls-MathesTV QuaiarTV.Norge Admiral Appliances Largest selection of furniture in Ihe area 220 N. F. Hermiston 567-S96 WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIASt ES sifii before ou hus our color TV or sterea system 254 W. llermlloa Ave. 117 2201 Hermiston Cabinet (ailom Cabinet W illiam N. Hamilton General Contractor P.O. Box 121 1. Heppner (76-5111 or (76 114) and for the Irrigon Rural Fire Protection District. Morrow County. Oregon, there will be submitted to the qualified voters thereof the question of establishing a new tax base for the Irrigon Rural Fire Protection District in Ihe sum of $7,000 pursuant to the Oregon Constitution to be effective for the fiscal year beginning July I. 1976. SADIE PARRISII, County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon Published April 22. 1976 Patients admitted to Pio Memorial Hospital this past week were: Hazel Can trill, Fossil; Jeanie Stlrewalt, Spray; Jamea Hams, Alta Edger. Jamea Launer and Linda Sinerius, all of Heppner. Patients dismissed were: Margaret Wehrll and Nora Petersen, Condon ; Esther Havekost and Paul Snow, lone; Kenneth Rogers and Annabelle Schwarz, Heppner; and Edwin Winkleman, Lex ington. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY; HELP WANTED: RN or LPN wanted for Asher Clinic, Fossil. Gen. medical work including some lab and x-ray. Exp. preferred. Asher Clinic, Box 307. Fossil, OR. 763-2725. 10c TWO-VETS DISCOUNT FURNITURE 230 S.E. Court Pendleton, Oregon 276-1(74 Hydraulics & Welding Jim s Welding Service Either In the shop or on the job. Hydraulics, Hoe k fittings Jim Barrel! Riverside Ave. Heppner Bu. 676-5816 Home (76-8176 insurance RAY BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY Health. Fire, Auto, Marine Group Plan Ray Boyce. (76-51X4 67H62S Heppner Motorcycle llinlon s Cycle Clinic New Location Hermliton-McNary Hwy 5(7-3359 Home of Hodaka.CZ. Indian Laundromat HEPPNER I.AUNDROMATT Monuments 8W EENEY MORTUARY C'emrlery, grave markers Granite. Marble. Bronte 24 llr. phone (76 ttOtttf (76-9226 Also serving lone Lexington Heppner. P.O. Box 97 Music Yamaha Pianos A Organs nly At Ea.lern Oregon Mok ueitloClnswyesOa In Pendleton era , in i , j rrS " I 4 -BIRTHS To Mr. and Mr. Roy Taylor Jr., Heppner, daughter, April Ann, 7 lbs, 13' ., born AnrU 19. 1976. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stein, Denver, CO; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor Sr Heppner; Polly Wagner, Belle Vernon, PA. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor, Chappell, NE; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thomason, and Mr. and Mrs. Buford Stein, Ft. Lupton, CO. . To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed. Heppner, a daughter, Andrea Dawn, 7 lbs, IS ox., born April 20, 1976. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Russell. Frultland, ID; Mr. Clifford Reed, Hepp ner; and Mrs. Gifford Reed, Ontario, OR. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson, Ukiah, CA; Mr. Rlnehart, Payette, ID; and Mr. Tom Russell, Burns, OR. Hi Low Prec. 63 31 ' Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday St 51 53 52 60 52 30 30 32 35 35 42 .10 .04 .06 .02 .17 Nursery Slock, Shrub, trees, Instant lawn (Delivery avail.) Landscape A Irrigation DANIELS EASTERN OREGON NURSERY (IS. Hwy 395 Hermiston. OR 5(7-92(7 Optometrist DR. E.K. SCIIAFFITZ Optometrist Next In Hotel Heppner entrance. (76-9M5 Heppner Saw Sharpening x ED'S PRECISION SAW A TOOL SHARPENING SERVICE Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph. 676 9913 or 679281 Alfalfa St. Heppner. OR. While 3.(1 Apr, May 3.SS July. Aug. 3.72 Apr. 3.72 July. Aug. 91 M Apr. May Red Barley Sewing Machines1 SINGER Sale A Service We repair all makes and models GROGANS Approved Singer Dealer 243 S. Main Pendleton 276-2352 Jttltl nsurancn MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office la Peter Rldg. C4HI2 Heppner Trucking MARKLE TRUCK LINE, INC CalO GrainGeneral Com mad Hie 6141 E. Court Ave. Pendleton. OR. P.O. $17, ""WHEAT