Page 10, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner. OR, Thursday, April , 1976 GffllGON NEVS Frances Rose Wilson Four Riverside High Scliool girls, accompanied by Pastor and Mrs. Robert Schmoll attended Campus Days at Northwest college, Kirkland, WA last Friday. Those going included Melanie Rayner and Donna Ziemer, Boardman; Rosie Mesteth and Tammy Rock, Irrigon. Winners in the Sunday School Kite Contest, at the ' Assembly of God Sunday School were Donny Rock, first place. He will get a free airplane ride next Saturday as his prize. Larry Wilson, se cond place will take some of his friends on a boat ride in Al Partlow's new boat. A potluck dinner was given for the Rev. and Mrs. Harry Hubbard. March 28, to wel come them to the Baptist Church. He is a retired mini ster and will be working with Pastor Charles Ashby. who lives in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sanders traveled to Prineville and Medford where they visited relatives, returning home by way of Salem where they visited their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. James Forney and family. Sunday dinner guests at the Sanders home were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Price. Hermiston. Ann Gasser. a sophomore at the University of Oregon Eugene, received a trophy in a singles debate at a Washing ton college. Later Ann and a classmate Randy Freeman received a team trophy. Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A R. Gasser. Irrigon. Heppner FOR ELKS ONLY Thurs.. April 8 Lodge 8 pm. Fri.. April 9 Happy Hour 5-7 Dinner by Jim 6 8:30 Mustic by Don Hill Sat.. April 10 Dinner by Jim 6-8:30 Music by Don Hill Sun. April 11 Elkdo2p.m. Dinner 3 30-5 .30 p.m. Monday. April 12 Happy Hour 5-7 p m Wed .April U Pinochle 7:3o pm. B.P.O.E. FARMERS-RANCHERS STOCKMEN See the all new studded-T Plastic Fence posts. Tough, rugged, longer lasting and cheaper than steel. Call Sid Zinter Jr., Pacific Northwest Distributor. 422-7441 or 422-7138 n CHEMICALS Bronate $3450 per gallon In 5's Buctrll $3050 per gallon in 5's Butyl Ester 61b. $1050 per gallon In 55's Pettyjohn Oil Company J Mayor Chester Wilson and his son John Wilson. Boise. ID, attended the funeral of Mayor Wilson's aunt, Lena Wilson, 85, Portland. She had visited in Irrigon many times. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Griffin and family were called to Shady Cove to attend the funeral of a nephew, Deeno Reed the son of Mr. and Mrs. Coy Reed, former Irrigon residents, who was killed in a motorcycle accident. Visitors at the E.A. Steph ens home included Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parke and family, Portland and Mr. and Mrs Arthur Benson. Salem and their 3 grandchildren of Boise. They were taking their grand children home after having them for a visit. The Baptist Church and the Assembly of God are planning a sunrise service and Easter morning breakfast for the community of Irrigon. This has become an annual event. KIYEKSIDK HAS BICENTENNIAL THEME "Those Were the Days" was the Bicentennial theme of Ri verside Junior High School's annual fund raising dinner last Tuesday. Under the direction of Vic Marchek and the junior high staff, sludents. parents and teachers worked In give the menu a regional and cultural flavor. Corn on the cob represented the contribution of the Ameri can Indians. Fried chicken from the south, baked beans from New England, tacos from the Spanish-American southwest, cole slaw and salads helped to fill out the menu, and what could be more American than hot dogs and apple pie? Students in knee britches and tri-cornered hats, long dresses and bonnets served the tables in a colonial section adorned with the 13 starred flag of the original colonies. The Gay 90 s era was depic ted by a Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor, complete with store front and sundaes. Students in flat -top straw hats, handlebar moustaches, and bow ties, long full skirts and leg o'mutton sleeves cleared tab les Peggy Brandt played tunes reminiscent of the era on the piano The nostalgia of the 3's came through with a live band pluying rock n roll. A large portrait of "The Fonz" smiled over Arnold's Drive-In. uhere lieboppers in slicked back hair and rolled up jeans, pony tails and mid-calf skirts even tried the Twist. Costumes of the !h century and 1890s were lion and discussed in the social studies classroom. Then the students made up or put toCetlHT some very authentic looking costumes. Obituaries MAGGIE REYNOLDS Mary Bailey received word Sunday, April 4. of the death of her twin sister, Maggie Rey nolds at Gleneden Beach, OR. The twin sisters celebrated their 88th birthday, Feb. 5, at the Bailey home, Heppner. Several years ago Mrs. Rey nolds suffered a stroke and had been confined to a wheel chair. Survivors besides her twin sister include her eight child ren. Herbert, Ephrata. WA; Bob Anderson, California; Charles. Oregon City; Tom, Grants Pass; Dick, Seattle, WA: Elsie Freil, Astoria: KateStenfors, Portland; Margaret Raymond, Cham poeg; and numerous grand children and great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are pending. NEVA SCHIEF Neva Schief, 56, died Friday at her home in Gladston. Mrs. Schief was born at Hardman May 9, 1919, the daughter of Bert and Hattie Emery Bleak man. She attended Hardman Grade School and graduated from Heppner High School. Mrs. Schief and her former husband, Jerry Haddox, were in the grocery business in Hermiston for 25 years before selling out in the early 1960s. They operated the Thrifty Market, which later became Stewart's Market. Mrs. Schief had lived in the Portland area the past 12 years where she was a book keeper for Fred Meyers Stor es. Surviving are brothers, -Kenneth Bleakman, Hermis ton: Percy Bleakman, Bea verton ; and Owen Bleakman, Baker. Graveside services were held Wednesday, (yesterday), April 7. at 2 p.m., at Heppner Masonic Cemetery. Burns Mortuary was in charge of arrangements. WMES SOI CUT FOR BK.WEKY AWARDS State Youth Commission chairman Jean Babson an nounced that the names of young persons who have per formed outstanding acts of bravery or service during 1975 are being sought by the Com mission. The Young American Medal may be awarded to a person under age 19 who is a resident of the United States and who hns exhibited exceptional cou rage or who has rendered out standing service. We a W Hi Y GILES TItEE SERVICE lONE-LEXINGTON CEMETERY MAINTENANCE DIST. NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING The public hearing of the budget of the lone-Lexington Cemetery Maintenance Dis trict. Morrow County, Oregon, for the fiscal year 1976-77. beginning July 1. 1976, shall be held April 19. 1976. at 8:00 p.m., at the lone City Hall, lone. Morrow County. Oregon at which time any person may appear to discuss the budget or any part of it. The budget for the fiscal year 1976-77 was prepared by the cash account ing basis, and is consistent with the accounting basis used during the last two years. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.. at the office or Robert B. Abrams. Attorney at Law, 274 North Main Street, Heppner. Oregon 97836. The Budget Document or any portion of it, may be obtained for $2.25 complete or 1.75 per sheet at the office of Robert B. Abrams. Attorney at Law. 274 North Main Street, Heppner, OR. The total budget require ment for the District for the 1976-77 is $18,474.55 and the District proposes to levy a tax in the amount of $14,024.55. For the fiscal year 1975-76. the District levied a tax of $12,265.62. making an increase of $1,758.98 for the next fiscal year, beginning July I. 1976. signed Dean Hunt Chairman lone-Lexington Cemetery Maintenance District Published April 8. 1976 CEMETERY CARE NOTICE People wishing to have their Cemetery Plots taken care of on an annual basis at Heppner Masonic Cemetery should send the $10. ihi payment soon to allow time to get the work done. ELAINE S. GEORGE, Secretary Box in Heppner. OR. 97836 Published April I. 8. I76 Names and supporting doc uments should be sent to the Governor's Commission on Youth. 555 13th Street N.E.. Salem. OR 97310 on or before July 31. 1976 Further details concerning the program may be obtained from the same office. sell Quality Tires COMPACT LINE sin nici tax biborliftf iOOili 1M7 1.47 Soikrlinf 520x13 1191 1 40 feiMiRfl I7li14 23.45 1 11 Molk 540.15 MM III MolMwk (OOiU IMS 1.17 M4 $1.00 If H Tr4 Gabnr - JacEtor SHOCKS! Carry Ovt hit Jt 700a 1 S Mvwrli VC 750.U $0OiUJ AWwwk $$ii$ i s l v2r loitt) ' z -1 - " PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION Upon Question of Levying a Tax Outside the Limitation of the Oregon Constitution and Electing Directors and local Committee Members Notice is hereby given that an election will be held In Morrow County School Dis trict. State of Oregon, from 8:00 a.m. to8:00 p.m., on April 20. I96. for the purpose of submitting to' the qualified voters of said district the question of levying a tax for the fiscal year 1976-77 outside (he limitation of Section II. Article XI. Oregon Constitu tion, in the amount of $1,121,019.00 and for the. pur pose of electing directors and local committee members. The reasons for such levy are: 1. Increases in salaries for certificated and support ser vice staff. 2. Increases in related fixed charges such as Retirement, Social Security, Workmen's Compensation. ;i. Cost increases in text books and teaching supplies. 4. Increases in certified staff lo take care of projected enrollment increases. J. Increases in costs, ser vices, and materials for school operation. 6. Present tax base of $166,157.00 is inadequate to operate the schools. Polling places will be: Heppner Elementary School. Lexington District Office, lone IliRh School, AC. HoiiRhton Elementary School and Ri verside High School. Dated this 1st day of April. i;t. signed: Sadie I'arrish. County Clerk Signed John Matthews. ( hai iman. Board of Directors Published April I. 8. IM7 LUBE SPECIAL $14. Due to the good response to my" $14 lube special where I furnish oil, filter, and give a complete lube job, I have decided to continue it indefinitely. The only change will be $15 for 4-wheel drives. Also see me for new or. used tires and recaps, exhaust system work, shocks, sport wheels, batteries, wheel packs, etc. Competitive prices. VERM'S UI1EI1 STATION Heppner, OR. 6765184 t UP TRACTION PICKUP I I ftKI J Mi 0I Kv Ht 9 A m M ft ! X' 1 ta.t FEATURING GOODfYCAH . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to ORS 477.250, notice U hereby given that public hearings will be held for the purpose of providing all owners of lands an oppor tunity to be heard on matters pertaining to the budgeting of moneys required to defray the cost of fire protection and sup pression within the boundaries of the Eastern Oregon Fire Protection District and for privately owned lands in Baker. Crook, Deschutes. Gil liam. Grant. Harney. Hood River. Jefferson. Malheur. Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa. Wasco and Wheeler counties within the boundaries of the Deschutes, Malheur, Ml. Hood. Ochoco. Umatilla and Wallowa-Whitman Na tional Forests. Hearings will be held at the following places: West Central Oregon Di vision. Friday. April 9. 1976, 10.00 a.m.. at The Dalles Division Headquarters. The Dalles. Oregon: West C entral Oregon Divi sion, Monday, April 19. 1976 10:00 a.m.. at Prineville Division Headquarters. Pri neville, Oregon; Northeast Oregon Division, Fridav. April 23. 1976. 2:00 p.m.. at La Grande Division Headquarters, La Grande. Oregon East Central Oregon Divi sion, Thursday. April 22. 1976. 2:oo p.m.. at John Day Division Headquarters. John Dav. Oregon. Copies of this budget may be inspected at the Eastern Oregon Forest Protection Dis trict offices at John Day. Prineville. The Dalle and La Grande. Oregon. JEStllROEDER. STATE FORESTER Oregon State Department Of Forestry Published April 8. 15. 1976 ov Reasonoble Prices vuoa TUSOESS FAIRiC RADIAL K.0OOMMWAMANTT It5 4$t.00NNTm SQC44 t urn M4$I00NT SEIBERUNO 200 POLYESTER WMTf MAC 24JJ 13.12 24.42 27.M 2.7 27 Jt 27 M VM )1.M J172 UV tin 112; HJ1 2147 I1J4 24.17 kdd 00lNTfU CAMPER ftKI 'IT. 1140 H 4tl 1 JITt 111 4fU 410 4S1I tW 1011 SAMPLE BALLOT STUB NO. TO BE TORN OFF SPECIAL ELECTION BALLOT FOR DOG CONTROL IN THE CITY OF HEPPNER TUESDAY. APRIL 20, 1976 from 8:00 A.M. Io8;00 P.M. MARK A (X OR CHECK MARK () IN K VOTING SQUARE AFTER THE WORD "YES" OK AFTER THE WORD "NO". QUESTION: Special Election to drtermine whether dogs shall be permitted to run at large within the corporate limit! of the City of Heppner. 1. Shall dogs be permitted to run at large within the corporate limits of the City of Heppner YES NO' "Heading for deecher's" lone, Oregon LIVE MUSIC Friday and Saturday Allen Frank and the TOMAZONES 9-2a.m. FRIDAY NIGHT l obster Dinner $6.50 Land and Sea $7.50 SUNDAY SPECIAL: Honey Buttered Chicken $2.25 Chicken Fried Steak $2.50 BOLIDE RADIAL 40.000 MM WAMAMTT tin PtiCI TAX Will Jin m 155,11 M.44 1.11 U5.ll Jttf 1M 15.11 $ IN 175.14 4111 Ml I55.M 41 11 U5.1J 4II IH IM It 00 snimixsniroiYBTH WXIHWAUtUCKWAll 1h Iffi y-y- (" mil'' 11,1 " If y 23 tnf) I VM zv, IH iVWI I 11,7 L W ifeil SU4 IN S AJ" $1.00 II No fr r HIGHWAY llivinin PICKUP vn ui nni riKi m mxs 14i7 2117 IH m,,, JS.M 4.J IH ia MK 1" l 44JI ,,, iai 44.42 tit ,hlM HM 1M " j iky litKnf with BY BOARD MEMBER SATURDAY NIGHT Special Dinner Steaks (6-9 p.m. only) $295 ma 21.41 123 24.M US 1JS 24J7 2-54 2JI I & CAMPER bko opkl (fl V- (Get more miles from Miles) Ym WI kite l ( t llermlkto ar Peadletoa U r H. 422-7254 lone, Ore. 441 U. Main Heppner 676-9481