Front Page 7. THE GAZETTE TIMES. Heppner. OR. Thursday. April I. 1978 THE GAZETI1STIME Log truckers iv in honors 4 " m mm mtm S1O8 t.n. r (MM m Mmm Tal AS On I TMi SWH I li T;r" . f-' : v K ; - j) ' v V;. " v : '!t.l';,:Yvv.c:vi . ' V .''.''., i . li' Janice Plumb and Rory Stillman Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Plumb. Corvallis. OR, an nounce the engagement of their daughter. Janice, to Rory Stillman. on of Mr. and Mr. George Stillman. Hepp ner. Janice Is a gradual of Siuslaw High School. Flor ence. OR and Rory is a grad uate of Heppner High School. Mr. Stillman is serving in the U S. Navy, Mira Mar, CA. Miss Plumb Is attending Pacific Christian College. Fullerton. CA. A June wed ding Is planned at Corvallis. The Oregon Log Truckers Association (OLTA) honored hundreds of log truckers from Its various chapters through out Oregon last weekend, be stowing safety awards In two categories. "The total of recipients (eight top awards and 383 cer tificates of recognition) this year set a record for our 15 year old organization and re flects a strong safety con sciousness", said Safety Com mittee Chairman Frank Berns, Roseburg. Honorees were recognized at the OLTA Spring Con ference at Eugene's Valley River Inn, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 28, 27 and 28. The four winners of the top Industrial safety awards those who showed the finest safety records of all within their various size-of-owner-shlp categories were Ken neth L. Boring Trucking Co., of Forest Grove; Gene Whit aker. Inc., of Wilbur; D V F Logging, of Elkton; and D 4 R Trucking Co., Hood River. Traffic Safety top awards wen to Vincent Spenner of Sublimity; Bly Logging of Klamath Falls; FJM Truck- Publlc Notice A public meeting of the Budget Committee for the Heppner Water Control Dls trlcl will be at 7:M . Tuesday, April 11. 1178 In the Conference Room, Gilliam Blsbee Building. Heppner, Oregon. ' At this time the budget message and the proposed budget will be pre sented to the budget com m it lee for tbelr consideration. A copy of the proposed budget will be available at Bank of Eastern Oregon. Heppner. Oregon. Anyone may discuss the budget In whole or In part with the Budget Committee. GENE PIERCE. Budget Officer 1 Published April I. 1978 Public NOTICE notice of sodcet kaxjng mmmi mm. mi X Q m m mm mm . mt mmmm, mm mm mm tf mt. mi ikM WUcu m mm mmm mm mi mm '!" 1 mm mm ItZft-lsJ? I 9rd of Dlltctsrt m mm m mmmm m mumi mmm, mm mm f19 At"i wm m tmt- lBfU U is-38 i mi mmm mt ham mmm mm mm m 4mm mm SurffM. fj mj pal ml S. (tin - - m Ci mm, Mil Of TAX uvt mm omosuocCT aisouncB imlm n1m mmlm it i i-it4.ti iimt.ii IIMlltlMWM taMUMMMUn) 1 mnii ' niTif.f? I h.itmlJ lmmaS Of mmtMltomm 1mmm -0- JhslttU . -0- -V- JAM -0- fVMS HOT SS4UHUM M S VOOMM TS TO SI ISV1U rm. - SM (mmm, m hmrnt Cmm ymu mmnm mi mmm . . mi tmmd Qm XjOiriVJlT MB WTO; Tn r -- !" 0-" Cmm) ' ' Ta mmm mi mmm TmI Crnurn) omm 1mm U Omm mm mmm T-- mmm mmi jiija ouuu 1 ruios asquaM tm uvt of tmmm (mmmm m hmrnt ( M A UM TaS TO IUC1 WS BUOUT cm sal M mmmm mi mmm tmt Cmmt Omma Ta At Omm i"' ' 1mm , 0 M M S T t A4 Vm 1mm mmm 1 ...... 4 V T- S- M- t.mi--f Ta M - 1mm A4 V Ti s 4 Unr SWM u"""" UT 0 fmmm tJiiw M -t iW" rvM r Li r I iH Iml T i : I ) 1 LAI LAi I t.i (Suit 1 M.BJ 1 !!. -m-r mmm m . .. I S .11 I11 " ing of Roseburg and Chester . Graf, Myrtle Creek. Among those receiving In dustrial Safety Certificates from the northeastern Oregon Chapter were: Lester Cras ser, Heppner; Norman Paul lus, Heppner; Robert Voile, Irrigon. The awards are an integral part of the annual conference and reflect perfect safety per formance for the year 1975. LOCAL SCHOOL COMMITTEE STL'DV The Morrow County School District local long range planning committee for the Boardman-Irrigon area will hold a special meeting on March 31. 8 p.m. at Riverside High School. Boardman. The Morrow County School Board has asked the commit tee to consider the future use of school property in the Boardman area. The district's concern has been prompted by a number of requests for lease or purchase of school district property and by additional plans that have been advanced for the deve lopment of the City of Board man by Oregon Potato, Inc. The O.P.I, plan has propos ed a neighborhood school concept for future school development in Boardman. The school district board has generally favored a campus type arrangement centered around the present Riverside Jr.-Sr. high school. This committee is also ex pected to consider future school needs in Irrigon. The call is out to singers, dancers, and other perform ers all over Oregon, as audi tions begin for the state's oldest and best -known talent showcases. The Oregon State Fair's All-Oregon Talent Show is seeking performers of all types and ages for its 1976 edition. A "sincere desire to perform and entertain" Is the only requirement for entrants, says Talent Show Coordinator John RietZ. Auditions will be held across the state during April, says Rietz. Location and date for tryouts in Eastern Oregon will be held at The Dalles, April 19, Poy Lets Income Tex With IRA and KEOGH First Federal Savings Vi-rC ASDI l0mmmmrtim0r NOW VA YXFMTS IN STOCK: W 3 W R Delphinium v lb Basket-of-Gold 1 vTfP Strawberry plants KA A Fertilizers. AA NW plant soil mi fcfl rift garden tools WjJ K Seed Potatoes Onion Sets Herbs joy IJ Green feed Store Lexington-lleppner Hwy. m 676-9422 J O n O D 1 J m-ji' -S f f c i WAMEl IDliSE FOODS 4 : - t - 1 ' r"C l"ir ' - 1 y f3 j. 1 i r i u lii.r.i lnr,rlCi fi (Si (9109 IJfl) ii mm ri:4iMUin?ii-nH'rf