Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 01, 1976, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    fYont Page 2, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppoer, OR, Thursday, April 1, 197$
Pot Belly Stove
By Julie Nelson
Red. white and blue candles will be used as centerpieces for
the Spring Cotillion, Saturday night, lone American Legion
Hall. Following their usefulness as decorations the
homemade candles will be auctioned off. All proceeds from
the auction and the dance will go to the lone Volunteer Fire
Department. From the left, Barbara Stefani, Li Ernst and
Robin Baker.
10 off Dlack powder guns
and accessories ,
C B's and equipment
1 boys 5 speed bike reg. $124.95 Sale $76.00
1 girls 10 speed bike reg $109.99 Sale $76.00
1 boys 3 speed bike reg $79.95 Sale $64.76
1 boys 20 inch dirt bike reg $79.99 Sale $69.76
Lest three days of Spring Sale :
Rototlllsrs-Lawn Mowers Radios
mmi ti mil mm
Why dig by hand? Rent our Ditch
Witch Trencher by the day or hour.
Wayne Wilson 676-5316
The large machine digs 3Va ft. deep from 4-14
inches wide, at 12 feet per minute. The smaller one
digs 2 ft. deep, 5 inches wide at I ft. per minute.
Rent them by the tool hour or day at Wayne's.
Wayne's Diesel & Auto Repair
at Jkn's Welding
I' t
- ,r 4
ool's Sale
i ..
t1! i ilJklJ
Up to
40 OFF
Toys as marked
- ' 'JL
I T T !.- i
l z -' -
' ' ?. A
Extensive smone uaiuagc
resulted when a fire started in
. . i -i
Pthe breaker box at the Bell
iiuiiiv - - w
Quick response by volunteer
firemen and neighbors pre
Lms lata Mnndav eveninn.
vented further loss.
Marge and Dee Davis have ;
returned from a vacation with
Marge's father. Glen Collins
and his wife in Seattle, WA,
their first visit in six years.
They also visited in Renton
and Pasco, WA and with
Marge's brother and wife,
Lynn and Joanne Collins and
at the home of an Uncle, the
Bud Maleys.
Mrs. Davis says these folks
are planning to be here in May
for a family reunion and will
attpnd Snrav's annual rodeo. J
Buying Temper-ware by the set
any time is a good value. Because
you save 20 on the open stock
price. But, now through April 24th,
you can save an ADDITIONAL
15 when you purchase a 16-piece
service for four or a 45-piece
service for eight in any Temper
ware pattern.
10 per cent off on all merchandise
during Moon lite Sale
Thursday, April 1, 7-9 p.m.
(Sorry; B DP. closes attain.
Mrs. Elizabeth Martin, Wa
terloo, IA, has been visiting
her son and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Martin. During
spring vacation they drove her
to Lindsey, CA. While the
Jerry Martins were in Califor
nia they visited his cousins in
Concord, Fresno, and Hemet.
Lisa had the opportunity to ski
at China Peak near Fresno.
They also toured San Francis
co and visited Disneyland.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Peter
sen spent the week sightseeing
in Vancouver, B.C. On their
return trip they stopped In
Tacoma to visit Marv's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kinnick
and daughter Shara of Silver
ton, ID are visiting for a few
days with her sister and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Milton Morgan Jr. was in
Washington D.C. and on his
return trip he stopped in
Portland to bring his grand
children Brian and Natalie
Peck here for a visit. Mrs.
Marilyn Peck came Tuesday
to pick up her children and left
Bev Dohertv. Unda La Rue
and Julie Nelson went to the
Epsilon Sigma Alpha spring
district meeting in Hermiston,
Sunday. An election and
installation of officers was the
highlight of the meeting.
Shirlene Burton visited her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Burton in St. Helens during
spring vacation. Her father
had been hospitalized and was
able to come home while she
was there.
Com unity
There will be a 50 year
presentation for Mr. George
Krebs at the A.F. & A.M.
Masonic Lodge, lone, Wed
nesday, April 7, 8 p.m. All
friends and relatives are invi
ted to attend.
The Junior high baseball
team will have their first
game April 1. It will be a home
game with Arlington and
game time is 2 p.m.
The lone Cardinals opened
their baseball season with two
victories, defeating Echo 31
March 19, and winning the
return match in Echo 94
March 26.
In the first game the
Cardinals were held to one hit,
a single by shortstop Todd
Peterson. The Cougars were
also held to one hit by lone
pitchers. Winning pitcher was
Joe Rietmann with Kim Gut
ierrez giving relief in the fifth
inning. The two pitchers com
bined for 16 strikeouts, Riet
mann getting ten and Gutier
rez six.
In the second game the
Cardinal bats erupted for six
hits. Collecting hits for the
Cardinals were Todd Peterson
with a double and a single,
Bob Gates a single, Kim Gu
tierrez a single and Joe Riet
mann a triple and a double.
Getting the victory on the
mound was Todd Peterson
with 5 strikeouts. Peterson got
relief help from Rietmann and
Gutierrez with both players
striking out five Echo hitters.
On March 31 lone hosted
Arlington and on April 2 they
will host Adrian at 4 p.m. April
S they travel to Riverside and
will play at 4 p.m. and to
Arlington the following day for
a 2:30 game.
The League games will
begin April 13.
Two weeks ago Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Brlstow and family
of Tillamook and Mr. and Mrs.
Tommy Brlstow and family of
Portland visited with their
father Ed while he was In the
hospital in The Dalles. Mr. Ed
Bristow has been home for
several days and has made a
couple of short trips to his
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brink
man, Havre, MT visited for
four days with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Krebs and family.
Mrs. Dode Krebs was a fea
tured speaker at the Oregon
Purebred Sheep Breeder
Assoc. in Monmouth. Her
husband Henry accompanied
her on the trip.
Many college students were
home for spring vacation.
Coming from Oregon State
were: David Warren. Greg
and Sherrie Wilson, Shauna
and Kay Bergstrom, Charlie
McElligott, Cherl Carlson,
Dick Snider and Clinton
From University of Port
land were: Peter, Joan, Mary
and Kathleen McElligott and
Mike Collins.
From O.I.T.: were Rick
Peterson and Paul McElligott.
From LaGrande were Mari
lyn Warren and Cassy Chapel.
From B.M.C.C. were Paul
Petersen. Gayle McNary and
Michael Warren.
From Deaconness Hospital,
Great Falls, MT was Ann
Calendar of Events:
Spring Cotillion. lone Am
erican Legion Hall, April 3,
9:30 1.30.
Traveling Food Sale, lone
Topic Club, April 2, 1:30.
The lone Topic Club had a
r - rrrrmmrrTTrTi.
HrpPNfff on f
dessert luncheon prior to their;
meeting at th United Church
of Christ Social room. Host,
esses were Margaret Morgan
and Jean Nelson. ,'
The speaker was Cllni'
Krebs. He showed slides and
gave a description of hit year
in Canterbury. New Zealand,;
He waa one of five exchange
students at Lincoln College.
Guests were Rev. Bill Arth
ur, Mrs. Dode Krebs, Mar
garet Troedson and the Hepp
ner Bookworms Frances Mit
chell, Faye Ferguson, Justine
Weatherford, Helen Currin,
Marian Brosnan. Marian Ab
rams and Ruby Becket.
Their traveling food sale on
April 2, 1:30 will be to rslse
money for the librsry. ;
Mrs. Ted Metcalfe (Wills
Johnson) visited with Mr. nd
Mrs. Ralph Crum during
spring vacation. She Is teach
ing near Salem. Riding up
with her was Kristin Nelson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Nelson.
Mike McElligott, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry McElligott
was home for his spring vaca
tion the first week of March;
he is attending Carroll College
in Helena, MT.
Kathy and Rick Gilbert,
daughter and son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Montgomery left on
the train March 19 for a trip to (
California. They visited Dis-i
neyland. Knotts Berry Farm,'
African Safari. Sea World and
San Diego. They flew home:
March 26. Kathy is a sti'dent
at B.M .C.C. and Rick Is in high
Maureen McElligott. who is
teaching in Paisley, visited
her parents and family, Mr.j
and Mrs. Don McElligott
during spring vacation. !