Page 2, THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppner, OR, Thursday, Mar. 25, 1976 Horse sense By ERNEST V. JOINER i c W .' REMEMBER THAT. The tax assessor who asks to come inside your home or business for information that may affect your taxes cannot legally enter without your consent. No city, county, state or federal inspector can legally enter upon your property for any purpose whatsoever, against your will, unless he has a valid court order describing exactly what he is to inspect-and he had better inspect nothing else. This applies to building inspectors. IRS agents, OSHA officials, fire inspectors, animal control officers anybody. This applies not only to your home but to your place of business. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in See v. City of Seattle 1967) "... the Fourth Amendment bars prosecution of a person who has refused to permit a warrantless code-enforcement inspection." That isn't all the court said. "The businessman, like the occupant of a residence, has a constitutional right to go about his business, free from unreasonable official entries upon his private commercial property. The businessman too has that right placed in jeopardy if the decision to enter and inspect for v iolation of regulatory laws can be made and enforced by the inspector in the field without official authority evidenced by a warrant ... In addition, while the demand to inspect niay be issued by the agency, in the form of an administratibe subpoena, it may not be made and enforced by the inspector in the field, and the subpoenaed party may obtain judicial review of the reasonableness of the demand prior to suffering penalties for refusing to comply ... the decision to enter and inspect will not be the product of the unreviewed discretion of the enforcement officer in the field " The IRS has a sneaky trick of dummying up its own -valid search warrants." It looks official, but it isn't. Take a close look and you'll see it is signed by the District Director of the IRS. not by the proper judge of a proper court. If you are served with a warrant, read it closely. It could be a phoney. Any person can refuse admittance to his residence or. business by any government official in the absence of a valid warrant. Of course, the official can usually backtrack and get a proper court issued warrant. But here again, that warrant must describe exactly what is to be seized or inspected. If anything other than the described objects are seized, or if any inspection is made of other things or conditions than set out in the warrant, the warrant has been violated and you have the right to appeal to the courts. Much of the harassment by government officials high and low. could be avoided if each American took time to learn the safeguards to his liberty firmed up 200 years ago. The best place to start is with the U.S. Constitution. It is fascinating reading. It is a living thing. After 200 years it , shines like diamonds among the documents ever adopted as a ' guideline for free men. Know it and use it. It's the only thing ! standing between us and the tyranny of big. burgeoning government. Sound 'off i ANTI-CORPORATION FARM INITIATIVE m Opponents of the anti-corporation farm initiative now " being circulated in Oregon are distorting the intent and the actual provisions of the proposed constitutional amendment, according to W.C. Harris. Oregon State Grange Master and president of the Save Oregon's Family Farms coalition sponsoring the initiative. Those fighting the initiative effort are currently spreading the rumor that the Oregon State Grange has withdrawn its , support of the initiative and is recalling petitions. "This is absolutely not true." Harris declares. "There is no reason to withdraw1 the petitions and the Oregon State Grange, along with the Farmers Union. NFO. and the AFL-CIO. stands 100 per cent behind it." The nature of the organized campaign against the initiative has taken prettv substantial form. Harris says. The opponents are making every effort to confuse the voter, spread apprehension, and twist the facts." he charges. There are no loopholes in the proposed law that would permit large corporations to farm under false pretenses. Harris maintains. The measure, in no manner, shape, or form would inhibit the organization or operation of family farm corporations regardless of size. The initiative would not prohibit cooperatives from offering the services they now make available to farmers. The measure has to do only with actual farming operations, he said. Many other false issues in addition to the ones I have briefly iisted are being spread throughout the state", the Grange Master charges. "It is unfortunate that spokesmen for the conglomerates are resorting to this kind of tactic to confuse and alarm the voters. We welcome honest, democratic discussion of all the provisions of the proposed measure but we want debate on the actual provisions of the measure .. We hope the tvpe of tactics the opponents are using will spur the effort on the part of our supporters to push the petition drive to a speedy and successful conclusion. TUITION FOR WF.I.FXKF. RECIPIENTS Proponents of an initiative petition calling for an Oregon constitutional amendment lo prohibit employable persons lr-mi receiving welfare pay. ntcnt kicked off their signa ture campaign today in Sa lem Oregon currently has more people p'r l'al"IJ rece""1 public assistance than any other Hate in the nation. The petition proposes it constilu tu.iul amendment that would require recipients and appli cant to participate in a job placement, work or training program in order lo be eligible lor public assistance. Appli cant or recipients of public would be terminat ed if they refused a bmiafide utter fr employment Tie pnjwed amendment direct the legislature to enact legis lation to carry out the provl yum of the measure Sponsor of the petition are Sjlenl Majority and Slat Representative Curl Wulfer. f .stlvrrton. Wolfer and Silent Majority executive board chairman Jack Unhurt. Hub bard, announced the start of the signature campaign at a press conference in the Capi tol Building. Lenhart and Wolfer said almost 6X0O0 valid signatures are necessary on the petition to place the measure on the ballot Although they are just beginning their organized ca mpaign. 4.000 signalunas have already been collected. The petitions must be submitted to the Secretary of State w ith the necessary signatures by July 2 Silent Majority has establi shed an office for the signa lure campaign in the Chamber ol Commerce Building in Woodburn. The office has a 24 hour telephone service. j)3 9B 5HU. Wolfer and Lenhart encouraged Interested per Kins to call or visit If the required signatures are collected the proposed constitutional amendment will he placed on the November General election ballot for vote of the people. A simple majority vote required lo make the amendment a part of the Oregon constitution ' ' A 'I i I: ' ' "So Much For That. Now Let's Go Find Out What The Facts Are. it The mail ! pouch EDITOR: In May we will get a chance to vote on the dog pound issue. For any of you that are undecided may I suggest a few things that might help you make up your minds. A casual stroll down town, or a trip to the school ground might have some effect on your thinking, but if you are really brave you will try to ride a bike. Ifyou wore your boots downtown, carried a club to school, and a can of hair spray with you on your bike vou probably didn't encounter any problem, but if you didn t then perhaps you will come close to the same cpnclusion I did. Heppner does need a dog pound. Of course, if we all abided by one of the rules set down by the Responsible Pet Ownership Council, the dog problem that Heppner has would disappear. The rule is, I do not let my dog trespass on my neighbor's property. But let's face it. people don't keep their dogs at home. For some strange reason they seem to think that "Old Rover" is happier running all over town. The fact that his life is in danger never seems to enter their minds. Getting run over is something that happens to other people's dogs, never to theirs And the possibility that their dog could be suffering in some alley or field, unable to get home, never! And eat garbage, not good "Old Rover", he only eats Alpo. The truth is that not only does he eat garbage, but he also litters the neighbor's yard in the process. It seems to be a toss up over which short comings are easier to over look, that of our dogs or our children; two dogs were poisoned here recently, but again, that happened to someone elses dogs. I find it exceedingly odd too. that no one owns a dog that barks all the time, or chases cars, or kills cats, tears up the neighbor's garden or bites. It seem obvious to me that allowing a Jog to run loose not onlv is endangering his life, but also is a definite menace to society. The numerous dogs that appear on the school grounds each day not only increase the chances of another child being bitten, but present another very serious problem. Quoting from an article distributed by the Multnomah Co. Animal Control Section, "there are 65 known zoonoses, diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Most of the dog and cat parasites will not develop to maturity in a human adult but can migrate through the tissues of a child or a debilitated person, causing symptoms from mild to fatal. In a pregnant woman, parasites find a tender home in the unborn child, preferring brain and eye tissue where they encyst until years later. Physicians gazing through the pupils of patients with vision problems have been startled to see tiny worms swimming along In the fluid of the eyeball. Eyes have been removed as cancerous-only to have the surgeon discover visceral larva migrans was the real culprit. Some surveys suggest that as many as one third of neighborhood dogs may be carrying pinworms. roundworms, tapeworms, heartworms. whipworms, liverflukes, rickettsia. brucellosis, leplospirosis. tuberculosis, heptitis, salmonellosis, ring worm, or rabies. Symptoms for most of these diseases are a few weeks of fever, aching muscles, headache, high white cell count, anemia, or wheezing. Doctors do not routinely test to pinpoint these infections since each test is expensive and there are so many obscure and unstudied possibilities that no one knows how many of our "flu" attacks are really due to animal-carried germs. , Feces are a source of food for flies, rats and roaches. One dog deposit can hatch M8 flies, even if it hai been buried 18 Inches in the ground. Dog urine kills vegetation, even trees. It is also a fact that pets may contact human Infections such as mumps, measles, tuberculosis, diptheria. and scarlet fever, and pass them back to humans. If these facts are not enough lo induce people to keep their dogs home. It then seems to mc that force must prevail, strict enforcement of a leash law and a place for the dogs that are picked up. There are some people who believe that spaying and neutering everything with four legs and fur Is the solution to the dog problem. While sterilization would do much to cut dow n on indiscrim inate breeding. It does nothing to cut down on Ihe dogs we need to eliminate! A roaming dog. whether spayed or neutered will still continue to deposit a mountain of residue all over town. A leash Is still the cheapest and most effective birth control method available. The American Humane Assoc., American Kennel Club, American Veterinary Medical Assoc., and the Humane Society of the United States, all stress the control as well as care of a pet. I personally think a dog owner has an obligation lo their pet to train him to be an obedient, well mannered member of society. It Is not fair to a dog lo be turned Into an outlaw hated by the neighbors, and feared by small children, and this Is what happens to dog that is allowed to run all over town. Ihe saddest part is that you the dog owner may not even be aware of It! ( It may take some time and effort on the part of the dog owner, but it is sure worth it to have an animal that is well : trained. It could even save his life. There is another avenue open to those of you that are opposed to the building of a dog pound because It wiU raise I your taxes. The Humane Society is a privately funded ' organization that will step In to help a community solve their . pet problems. Interested citizens can contact the Humane ty society in Portland. The address is P.O. Box 11364, Portland. ' OR 97211. The phone number Is 285-0641 t i The myth perpetrated by some individuals that dog pounds are nothing more than a form of canine Dachau, has done much to contribute to the dog problem. In reality a well run dog pound performs many other duties other than euthanization. These duties include, enforcing city and county animal laws, dealing with emergencies web u animals in traffic, dangerous animals, animals In trouble, impounds stray animals, shelters ownerless and lost animals, investigates, prepares evidence and testifies i in court on animal cases, removes dead animals from public property, quarantines animals that have bitten and educates the public to be responsible animal owners. I would Imagine that an animal shelter would work much in the same way. Either way something must be done before a tragedy occurs that will make us all sorry we swept the "dog problem" under the rug. t it , . Man's best friend, what a ludicrous phrase that has become. Man's acquisition, man's toy, to be destroyed or abused on a whim. The dog was domesticated to be a working partner to man. to keep him from getting kmely, and to be a prt of the family. We have turned him Into man's number one urban problem! That's some reward. KAY WALSINGHAM EDITOR. 1 would like to address the following letter to all parents of Little League youngsters and any person interested In the Little League program. The 1976 Little League season Is fast approaching and It is lime to elect officers for the coming year. Officers to be elected are a five-member board of directors who will elect a president, vice president, sec. -treasurer , and a player agent. The present officers are: Board of Directors Laverne Van Marter Jr., Dale Holland. Del Piper, Wayne Hams and Art Stefan! ; President. Lindsay Klncald; Vice President. Wayne Hams; Secretary treasurer. David Dollarhide. Some of the present officers no longer wish to serve. II you are willing or know of someone who is willing to be elected to the Board of Directors of W.C.L.L. or to serve in some other capacity such as an officer, coach, umpire or corekeeper now is the time lo stand up and be counted. As parent members of W.C.LL., It is requested that you attend the meeting March 30. 7:30 p.m. at the Columbia Basin Electric Coop, conference room to elect the above, officers and discuss the upcoming season. LINDSAY KINCAID, Prea.W.C.LX. EDITOR: I am deeply grateful for the publication of Mrs. Weatherford'. dissertation on the Morrow County Kilkenny family in her Bicentennial Forum. Keep up Ihe good work. These family word portrait art very worthwhile. JOHN r. KILKENNY Portland THE GAZETTE-TIMES MORROW COUNTY'S NEWSPAPER Bel 7. Heppner. OR. I7M6 BubtcrlptkMi rate: M per year la Oregon, 7 elsewhere. Ernest V. Joiner. Publisher Ernie Ceresa. E4ttr Publish every Thnrsday n4 enter as .economists matter at the pt t Heppner, Oregon, airier the act of Mtrth I, 1171. Seeon4-elaM postage psld at Heppner, Oregon. DEAR MISTER EDITOR: ,.,. The feller, wound up talking about wimmen and politics a little early Saturday night at the country store so Ed ffiitfXowin somehort subject, to fill out the mjj. Ed had two leftover clippings that he said had the .ame message in em. One told about dentists havmg he highest suicide rate of any perfessional group in the country, and the other was on nurotic dogs. , What it is. declared Ed. is that folk, pile thdrf and worries on our dogs and dentists til we drive bo h of em cS This Piece Ed had pointed out that a the reason so many dentist, kill the rselve. is that they g. burdened with the fear and hatred of their pat.enU u A fel er naturalcan hatesomepun that hurts him Ed declared which mean, that dentist look, right In the face of ( hate all day ever day. If. enuff to warp a feller', outlook on life, was Ed. words, even if the patient la hating and fearing the work and nctr8bnrodk.',i; Le Grubb. that tel.. u, why barber, don't rate on the .uicide wale. He can talk and the dentist can't, or at least the dentist can't get talked back to. The barber i. working on the same head the dentist work, on, allowed Zeke, but he can talk to it while he work, on It. There', somepun about a human being', voice that dries up fear and hate, Zeke .aid. and the barber .oaks his customer, in talk. Most of what he say. goes right on by. Zeke declared, ut a feller sitting in that chair reading the "Haircut $4 sign and recalling when a haircut and a shave was a quarter needs words a. relaxing a. a hot towel on hi. beard. Even with all hi. pain killer, and modern equipment, a talking dentist can't get much rise out of a feller with hi. mouth num or full of drills and assorted picks and shovels, Zeke allowed. A. fer the dogs, Ed reported where a clinic In England Is treating S.000 mentally ill dogs a year. The piece said most of the mutts is put on tranquilizers so they can sleep nights, but some has to be counseled by sychiatrists. Ed said that was a encouraging report. With all the dogs trying to keep a stiff upper lip in country where inflation i. hitting 30 per cent a year and taxes go up to 98 per cent, the wonder I. that more dogs don't crack up, was Ed', word.. " The piece didn't go into It. but Bug Hookum wondered who counted all the dogs in England that was treated last year fer busted ribs. Bug said he figgered the nurotic dogs was the one. that was yelled at by nurotic people, but what about the one. that got a .wift kick in the side ever time their owners come fjome from buying the week', groceries. Mister Editor. I've heard about scapegoats, and I reckon there's somepun to this scapedog Idee, but the jury's still out on scapedentists. A feller usual goes to the dentist cause he, hurting, so I figger he ought to love whoever eases the pain. Yours truly, MAYOR ROY. "FIRST OF ALL" MEANS. NO OPTION By G.E. Nikandrr Pastor, Lexington Church of Christ Paul in writing lo Timothy brings out the importance of the prayers of God', people for the leader, of our nation. 1 Timothy 2: 1-2 is his exhortation "I exhort therefore, that , first of all, supplication., prayer.. Intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men : for kings. and for all that are in authority: that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life1 in', all Godliness and honesty." , . , ., ' ' If Paul told Timothy the Importance of a prayerful intercession for governmental leaders, than we as a body of believer, have the same responsibility. This is a great responsibility not for a favored few but to each Individual who is concerned about our nation and the souls of men and women. To know the truth is that intercession and supplication are not Just prayer words but through the Holy Spirit lo have power to have victory over all power or satan. We are not ' only liberated, but the liberators. It is more than patriotism but a truly spiritual concern for a nation. We see all the corruption and are so quick to bring condemnation when we should have a spirit of compassion with a forgiving spirit toward any leaders who have betrayed their trust. It is our responsibility as believers not to accuse the government, but to intercede for all who govern. God gave a promise in 2 Chronicles 7; 14 "U my people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their .in and heal their land". We need to be alert to the fact that it I us "God's people" who are called by the name of Hi. son Jesus: He is summoning to prayer. Our nation isn't about to fall Into repentance, but God hasn't required that first. What he has called for first is for us to pray and when we do we have reason for expectation. II Is not a Bicentennial crusade, but it may be Bicentennial crisis, the Holy Spirit is seeking Intercessor.. Let us as believer, minister healing to our land. Proclamation Local Government Week Whereas, the citizens of Heppner are a prldeful people who are Interested In the well being of this community and; Whereas, they are Interested In observerlng and taking an active part In the planning of Ordinances, Resolutions, Land Use, Resources quality and other local laws and; Whereas, the City Council and City Planning Commission wishes to provide the best possible services and environment for Heppner, and; Whereas, local government rnect. Ings are open meetings at which all citizens are welcome to attend; Now Therefore, I Jerry Sweeney, Mayor of the City of Heppner, do proclaim the week of April 5, 1976, "Local Government Week'1 and do encourage' all citizens to attend Council, and Planning Commission MeetlngVand to 'contribute their Ideas and desires. JERRY SWEENEY, Mayor.