Page 8. THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppner, OR. Thursday. Mar. 18. 1976 rv, . , , , , r , i ' - ' - "' j Lll ilMi.w .mil"1 ' I""'M" '1""'J""T' w - - ---v ' : v i ; 11 11 The Office on Main St.. lone is being rebuilt. Contractor Cliff Aldrich adjusts his string line before adding more concrete blocks. USDA recovers food stamp funds The U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA announc ed that nearly $4 million in undeposited food stamp funds have been recovered and said all unaccounted for funds would be recovered or the states billed for any shortages bv June 30. The Department also said it " will institute a new system by mid-year' that will enable it and the states to more rapidly identify possible fund short ages or late deposit problems. The Department began a nationwide audit of the food stamp program last October when it discovered irregulari ties at one of the 14.254 food stamp issuance agents outlets around ' the country. These iiaents. who sell food stamps to people who qualify for the program are selected by the states. They fall into four general categories: (It post offices (2 1 government offi ces, usually county welfare offices 3) banks, and (4) other places, primarily credit unions, private businesses and so-called check cashing cen ters, which are often control led by banks. As these agents take in money on food stamp purchases (the "purchase" requirement that program participants must pay i. they are required by regulations to send this money to a federal reserve bank whenever 1 thev accumulate $1,000. 2 on a weekly basis, or (3 in any case, to clear their books by the end of each month. A special task force of auditors began checking the records of the agents except for the 2.115 post office centers which are reviewed periodi cally by postal auditors. The task force quickly established that the records of more than 10.000 of the agents were in apparent order. It also found that about 1.300 of the agents apparently were not following proper deposit requirements. About 1.000 of these, however, were minor instances of not depositing small amounts of funds for a week or more. The agents usually had the funds in separate food stamp ac counts. Administrative action is being taken to get these agents in compliance with the program provisions. It's Radial Tire Time !! More Savings thru March Sale " miles m SERVICE GAS SAVINGS RADIALS SEIBERLING RT78 SERIES 1 STEEL RADIAL BR 78-13 ER 78-14 FK TH 14 GR 78 14 IIR78 14 GH78 l" HR78 I.". JR 78-15 LR 78 15 4MHM mile Written Warranty Reg 4 38 4 53 69 5651 59 61 64 21 59 61 64 21 66 77 7071 Sale F.E.T. 64 2 11 48.32 50.86 53.65 57.79 53 65 57.79 60.09 63 64 2.49 269 289 3.07 2.97 3 15 3.31 347 Service Warranty Policy 1. Free Flat Repair 2. Free lire replacement :i. Free Tire rebalance 4. Free lire rotation 3. Free lire inspection . Free air check 7. ( ash refund guarantee X. Women HaU fixed free Hank Americard F'asscnger Car W78 retreads Now buy 2 retreads & save !! . 78 X 13 s.'8 C78 13 K7K 14 F78I4 (i78x!4 II78M4 .VioxIS i;78xl5 H7HX15 J78X15 Price w ith like cappable exchange 2S30.1K) 2-S32.O0 2 $33 00 2 $35 00 2 $ 38 00 2 $10 00 2-SJ5.O0 2-$:18u0 2$40 00 I'ukup Hwy. Comm. Rttreads 670 x 15 2$33 7ix 15 6.5m x 16 7X 16 75o X 16 Price w ith like cappable exchange 2 $40 00 2 $35 00 2 $42 IX) 2 $50 00 Traction Crip 'Supvr All Grip 670 x 13 2-117.00 Tiiox 15 650 x 16 7ki X 16 750 X 16 2 $46 00 2 $10 00 2 $49 00 2 $53 00 Price with like cappable exchange mmvsm GOODYEAR CUSTOM ter POLYSTEEL RADIAL Was Now F.E.T 64 35 41.70 2 4: 81.33 58 S7 3.15 DK 78 14 HH 78 13 Goodvear Cushion Polyglass 1178 15 73 55 48 96 3 35 CoiKlvear Poeruhion D78 14 34 50 24 84 I" WT. Gnodvear Polyglass Radial wt GK7frlS 5850 4300 3 12 I 7 "7 "1 r rami ins I.FS SCHWAB BATTEHIfcS l-CallUelniUll free In Heppner r. iyt i:ii.t tr, ij exch. excn. I Goodyear A I jjes Schwab TiretJ PILES TIRE SERVICE (Get more miles from Miles) 441 N. Main 6769481 Oregon Lung submits budget The Eastern Region Council of the Oregon Lung Associa tion, composed of nine coun ties, recently submitted a proposed 1978-77 budget of $36,833 to the State OLA Program and Budget Com mittee for ratification and incorporation into the overall state OLA budget. Representing Morrow Cou nty on the Eastern Council are Justine Weatherford, Heppner and Delpha Jones, Lexington. Delpha Jones is also a repre sentative director for the Eastern Region Council to the State Board of Directors. She will represent the Eastern Region Council with Franklin W. Patterson, Baker at the next OLA Annual meeting in Portland at the Sheraton Hotel, April 29-30. Morrow County residents benefit each year from the health educational efforts of the Lung Association funded by the Annual Christmas Seal Campaign. As of Feb. 27, a total of $447,330.59 had been receied statewide through the generosity of Oregon contri butors to the 1975-76 Christ mas Seal Campaign which ends officially March 31. The Christmas Seal Breath mobile provides free pulmo nary function tests in Morrow County annually and will be giving the breathing tests again this fall at a date later to . be announced via the Heppner Gazette-Times. The Lung Association re cently provided Pioneer Me morial Hospital. Heppner the use of a Video-Cassette play back unit and along with COM ED (Council of Medical Education and Development provided various medical ed ucation cassettes requested by medical personnel of the hos pital. The Lung Association purchased the Video playback units for the eastern region a year and one-half ago to offer a valuable continuing educa tion tool for medical personnel particularly in rural settings such as in eastern Oregon where attending conferences and seminars require exten sive travel and time. The people in the communities benefit most by the medical personnel's opportunity to keep up with modern, ever changing medical informa tion. Video education will continue on a year around basis. The Lung Association works throughout the year to reach school children at all grade levels with literature on resp iratory health and the effects of cigarette smoking and air pollution on ones health. The Lung Association is constantly answering requests from school teachers and young sters for health literature, films, slides, posters, displays and other teaching and learn ing aids. Some activities scheduled for this year in addition to the above mentioned include pro grams dealing with nonstnok ers rights. Youth Alert Pro grams in Schools, Health Fairs. County Fairs. Asthma tic Christmas Seal Camp for Children, Emphysema patient Self-Help Programs, and a Respiratory Care Symposium. Although tuberculosis is no longer the overwhelming threat to ones survival it used to be. a continued vigilance is absolutely necessary to con trol the tubercule bacilli, and the Oregon Lung Association is dedicated to promoting professional education on TB Modern Management princi pals as TB patients are cared for at home or In general hospitals. The Oregon Lung Associa tion's Eastern Region thanks all who gave to this year's Christmas Seal Campaign and welcomes suggestions from all Morrow County residents as to how OLA can better serve the respiratory health needs of the county. -imnnrlnr,nrOULllUirg Special Galvanized KooTing saie Corrugated 26 in wide - Covers 24 in. Ail Lengths in Stock 8 ft long Tea 10 ft long M" ea 12 ft long '5" ea 14 ft long '6" ea 16 ft long '7" ea This figures $23 Per Square (March 9-13) Htrm-McNiry Hwy. 587-2226 1st tint During the past hv yean the retail price of an average car in America rose 37. This means that a car that cost $4,000 in 1971 costs $5,400 in 1976. The way we see tt, we can't do anything about bringing down the price you have to pay these days, but we sure can do something about stretching out the time you have to pay it in. 1 hat whr we now offer 48- months to pay That's the key to lower installments (or you. Depending on S M HOI. LOW SI B MAINTF.N AM K Columbia Basin Electric took a scheduled interruption at the Sand Hollow substation March to do some needed maintenance work on the regulator by -pass equipment. They also replaced insulators in the substation. DAY FARMERS RANCHERS STOCKMEN See the all new studded-T Plastic Fence posts. Tough, rugged, longer lasting and cheaper than steel. Call Sid Zinter Jr., Pacific Northwest Distributor. 422-7441 or 422-7138 CHEMICALS Oronate $3450 per gallon In 5's Ductrll $3050 per gallon In 5's Butyl Ester 6 lb. $10.05 per gallon In 55vs Pettyjohn Oil Company 422-7254 lone, Ore. f ; l ... 1 1 2 I the purchase price we can mve vou UD to 48 . - ... months to pay lor tne new car, van. cam per or light truck vou buy. How do vou ao about it? Easy Just come to any ol our 143 branches throu out the state and ask about our simple- interest FirstLoan lor Oh- Urcrlj UT-47 autos. 1st times add upThere are so many 1st times in your life: 1st times for sav ings and checking accounts; for 7H investment certifi cates; for new home and home improvement loans; for First Day & Night Teller; for Fust trust services and Fust retirement programs. YouU find that these 1st times add up to a frame work of supportive servicos that grow as your needs grow in the business of life. YouU realize, too, that help ing you make a success of that life Is one very impor f tant reason why we're in business. Member FDIC. In tho business ol Ufa thsiws a 0 si tun aw H foreveryihlng. FIRS T HMIONMj BAMIC ofobegon to m