Page 8, THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Save money . . . Pay cash! Phone 676-9228 1 Card of Thanks I want to thank each and everyone who remembered me with cards, visits and other acts of kindness during my illness. GEATTA COX Words cannot convey our deep thanks and appreciation to all those who have extended to us their assistance, sympa thy and prayers during the time of Gladys's illness and death. To those at the hospital, Dr. Wolff, the staff, and our many dear friends we can only say, "Thanks," and God bless all of you." THE JONES FAMILY Thanks everyone that took part in my Christmas. It was wonderful. God bless each one. LEONA SMALL WOOD Thanks to all my friends apd relatives for the many kind nesses during my recent convalescense. BILLHEALY To all my friends and neighbors, many thanks for gifts, flowers, cards and all the kindnesses extended me during my recent illness. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses for their efficient care. ARCHIE PADBERG 2 Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Ph. 676-5528. 29tf MENTAL HEALTH: Hepp ner. 8:30-5 p.m.-daily except Wed.. 12:30-9 p.m. Irrigon, Mon. and Thurs., 922-3357. Emergency: 676-5032. 4 Help Wanted WANTED: a correspondent to cover the Boardman area news. Gazette-Times, 676-9228 HELP WANTED: Janitorial and light maintenance work. Approx. 15 hrs per week. Send application to P.O. Box 704, Heppner, OR 97836. 6 Wanted WANTED: good milk cow to freshen before March. Call after 6 p.m.. 676-9777. 48c WANTED: volunteers for Lis-ten-Appreciale-Praise Equals Progress project at Heppner Primary. Grandparents pre ferred. Please pick up infor mation forms at stores. 47c WANTED: good used easy chairs for Listen-Appreciate-Praise Equals Progress proj ect at Heppner Primary. Will pick up and slip cover if necessary. Please call 676 9128. 47c WANTED: good used floor lamps for Listen-Appreciate-Praise Equals Progress pro ject at Heppner Primary. Will pick up. Please call 676 9128. 47c 7 For Rent FOR RENT: rooms by the month. S60. $50 and $40. Hotel Heppner. 676-9194 47c FOR RENT: studio apart? ment. $95 mo. 422-7587. 181 fc 8 Services 'Clean carpets professionally c lean with new portable steam ; cleaner. Rent Rinse N-Vac at i Cnasl-lo-Coast. He WE SERVICE what we sell. Pettyjohns. 676 9157. 1)H STEAM GRAIN rolling fc. call Ed Martin. 422 7473 or 384 3811. 31" 9 Livestock Poultry WILL BUY crippled, retired' and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish. Ph. 567-6065. Ufc 10 Farm and Garden Let us gravel your driveway, Pettyjohns Supply, $71 I5J. FOR SALE: D4 cat. good condition, $2.Soo. Call Percy HeoDner. OR. Thursday. Jan. SSSKKiSsX a 12 Furn., Appliances Freight damaged stereo RCA console, reg. $379, now $275. Lotfs Electric. 676-581 1. 47c USED FURNITURE: Wurlit zer organ, roll top desk, other misc. items. Call 676-9498. 42tf 13 Misc. For Sale C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam,' Starcraft, Caldwell and Mar lin boats. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. PH 567 , 8419, Hermiston-McNary Dam ,Hwy. fc Ski Area Employment jobs available now at some of the west's greatest ski resorts. Tahoe. Sun Valley, Aspen, and others. Send $2 for valuable directory. SKI WEST, Box 1026W, Aspen, CO, 81611. 46c 14 Automotive 1974 Ford Courier, exc. cond., low mileage, radio, hvy duty bumper, mirrors, $2850. 676 5179 after 5 p.m. 47c Heavy duty tire chains to fit 750 x 16 tires. Never been used. $30. 676-9228. 46tf 1970 Datsun 240Z, $3300. Call 676-9634. 50c FOR SALE: 1973 Suzuki, MX-250. exc. cond. $600, 1973 Suzuki TS-185. good cond. $250. 1971 Hodaka 100. re-built eng. lie. & street legal & extra parts, $250, contact Jim Wish art, 140 S. Gilmore, Heppner. 15 Real Estate FOR SALE: two 2 bdrm houses in Heppner; separately or as a unit. Good invstmt. propty. 676-9762 or 676-5510. 45tf 16 Mobile Homes FOR SALE: 4 bdrm, plyrm, 2 full baths, mobile home on 1.45 acres. Private well, comp. landscaping w fence and sheds. 676-5074 after 6 p.m. 45tfc FIREPLACE OWNERS: we can convert your fireplace into a circulating furnace to heat your home while enjoying a fire. Save on fuel costs and burn up to 50 per cent less wood than you normally use. Economical, versatile, fully assembled, seconds to install. Send for brochure. Checkmate Distributors. Box 589. Lexing ton. OR 97839. 48c THE GAS SAVERS Beetle Rabbit Scirocco Bus Dasher Audi Fox Audi 100LS ' Audi Volkswagen Mel tt Inter Yolktvtagrn Prndlrion. Oregon , mr mnrtn Mobile Homes j 20 homes NEW A USED MOBILE HOMES on our lot. ready for Heppner customer. Free rl up and delivery Heppnerites A r or used tar In vMir future? If so contact: EdWefis at Keith Farley Chrysler Plymouth Inc. The Walking Man s Friend Pendleton r.276 4l Home Phone 1765"6 i 8, 1976 Billing for small classified ads Is expensive. Classified ads are on a cash in advance basis, unless customer has a regular commercial account with the Gaiette-Times. If . classifieds will be billed monthly. The alternative to to raise the rates to cover rising costs. Rates remain tl for the first three lines of ad copy; 50c per line for each line thereafter. Displav classified advertising. $1.40 per column Inch. Cards of Thanks, classified rate. mln. II.M. Deadline. Tuesday noon. Not responsible for errors not reported within 7 days. 14. Automotive Large Stock of 75's Must be Moved 1975 Pintos. Pontiacs A Lemans 1975 Buick Driver Ed., 4 dr., well equip. SPECIALS: 1972 Ranchero (clean) chrome wheels A large tires I'SEDCARS: 1974 LTD. 4 dr. sdn, 16,400 actual miles, reg. gas. 1973 Chevelle, 2 dr. hd. top 1973 Buick LaSabre. 4 dr. sdn. air cond. 1972 Ford Maverick, 4 dr. sdn. econ. unit 1970 Pont. 4-dr. sdn. clean 1968 Ford Falcon, exc low mileage, clean PICKUPS: Clean units A good transportation 1974 Ford i 4 x 4 1974 CMC ',T 4 x 4, PS auto, air cond. 1973 Chev. 'a T pickup 1973 Ford i T with canopy 1970 Chev. 3 T. 4 x 4. PS. 4 spd. 1971 Bronco, good unit. 2 seater. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC BUICK FORD GMC TRUCKS May and Chase. Heppner Phone 676-91 IB Specialists In Track-layer Tractor Repair Automotive W riding We handle truck bed . and racks, both factory and custom-built; tractor cab and goosenei k ty pe trailers Air Conditioning B&C Repair Shop 122-7 HM ( I KOCIIII DKKS iom: i22-:ra New Homes & View Lots above llrppner Hospital for tale by Kiniua Corporation. House meet Federal and local banking requirement. Phone 676-9183 or 676-5191 WELL DRILLING ATTINTKJN ' AtMttS A t ANCHIIS Of I A STUN OH CON i U at ri n i I ft 4k n tw t kv mt what 4 wmm.Um m "WE CAN CUT IT" WALLACE WELL BRILLIMG Call P!'! 10 over Invoice 7 new double wides 3new14ft.wldes plus set up A delivery MADISON Mobile Homes Hermiston McNary HiWay f Legal Notice NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to ORS 294.401. that a meeting of the Budget Com mittee of Morrow County School District will be held on the 12th day of January. 1976, at 7:30 p.m. in the District Office in Lexington for the purpose of receiving the budget message and budget document of said district for the fiscal year 1976-77. This is a public meeting where deliberations of the Budget Committee will take place and any person may appear and discuss proposed programs and the budget with the Budget Committee at that time. A copy of the budget docu ment will be available at the School District Office. Boi 368. Lexington. OR 97839, at the time of the meeting. MATTHEW P. DOHERTY. ' Budget Officer Published Jan. I, 8. 1976 . Hi Low Prec. Wednesday 35 21 .18 Thursday 26 7 Friday 31 13 Saturday 39 22 Sunday 48 38 .44 Monday 47 32 .31 Tuesday 42 32 Wednesday 1.8" snow; Monday. 1" snow. Precipita tion for Dec. was 2.06 against a norm of 1.38. In 1974 we had 1 67. Precipitation for the year was 12.57 against a norm of 13 28. In 1974 we had 10.70. Backhoe Service Dig Irrigation Ditches Excavating Installation of Septic Tanks and Drain Fields Gravel. Dirt Hauling Evperiencrd BONDED and LICENSED PETTYJOHN'S Farm and Builder Supply Heppner Heppner No. 358 FOR El. KS ONLY Thurs , Jan 8 Ladies Night Chicken Dinner ' 6:30p m Reg. Lodge 8 p m Fri .Jan 9 Dinner by Jim Steaks-Seafood 6 8.30p m. Wed .Jan 14 Pinochle 7. 30 B.P.O.E. ba af mm. as M h. dfc ? W" 37 770 Factory Direct PACIFIC of Hermlston 567-23G0 BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Russell Timm, Pocatello, ID, are the parents of a son, Nathan Sean, born Jan. 3. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Melby, Hep pner and Mrs. Florence Timm, Boise, ID. Mr, and Mrs. B.A. Wohlford, Delta. UT, are the parents of a son, Shane Mieheal, 6 lbs., 13 oz., born Dec. 22. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer. lone, and Mr. and Mrs.( Rod Esselstyn. Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hedman, White Sands Missile Base, NM, are the parents of a son, Endy Allen, 8 lbs, 1 oz., born Dec. 24. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Hedman, all of Heppner. Great grandparents are Mrs. Mae Turcotte. Marquet te. MI: Alva Jones, Heppner; and Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Fellers, Eugene. ' Patients admitted to Pio neer Memorial Hospital this week are: Mary Ann Loiland, Condon, and Herschel Mur dock. Kinzua. Patients dismissed were Verna Salehenberg, Condon and Marilyn Hiatt, Heppner. WHEAT White Red Barlrv 3.59 3.18 new crop 3.65 92.00 WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Automotive SIIERREI.L CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sale A .Service 3rd A Main Hermiston Building Supplies SEE I'S FOR ALL VOI R BUI.DING SUPPLIES We feature Boy sen Paint Tt M A -I.I'M LUMBER CO. Tim Moore. Mgr. :i2SEDorion276-C22l PENDLETON Cafes. Lounges CalSI.OlM.EACAFE Specialist in mited drink and fine food. STSVIIJ Heppner Construction CIRCLE "D" TRENCHING (iuaranleed Performance Irrigation-Drain Tile Pow er Cable Trenching of all kind Robert Duncan Heppner I'll RIVERRENI) CONSTRUCTION CO. (onrrete Ajgrrgate (rushed Roik Drain Rork Asphalt Paving Etravaling A Grading Umatilla. OK. 122 4221 UMATILLA READY-MIX Open every weekday, nd Saturdays and Sundavi If necessary. PH.i;t tlMas WMI i . t ! Drugs. Prescriptions HERMISTON DHt G Free prescription Mail Serv ice Open a.m. to" p.m. (.ills for all occasion Snack Bar MEDICAL ( ENTER PHARMACY Free mailing service on prescriptions - Supplies tiM-n Mon Fri 9 6p m. I p m hit . ileil in the Medical Center. I HHiSouihgate Pendleton 27ii I VII Floor Covering KEIMIG FI.OOIU () ERING ( arpel. draperies, linoleum counter top, re ramie tile, flooring, sundries Sale A installation JooN. 1st St. Ilrrmikton, Or. MAR FLKR COVERING Carpel, linoleum, rrramlr Tile, kitchen cabinet Free estimate All work guaranteed Mali Hughe 122 Linden Hay Heppner Furniture wu"v.mnl'..- KICK'S HOUSE OF DISCOUNT! New A Used Furniture A Appliances Aulhorited Norge Dealers 22o N. First. Hermiston WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES M-e Ms helore vou hu Vour color TV or stere system lit W. HermUton Ave. Ul im Hermiston , . yc i v ta try. y.,c,f , .... , . ; r , ' - - ' ,4 If 7 J?Vi-.' A familiar scene in the Hydraulics & Welding Jim's Welding Service Either in the shop or on the job. Hvdraulics. Hose A fitting Jim Barrett Riverside Av e. Heppner Bus. 676-iXI8 Home 676-8176 Insurance RAY BOYCK INSURANCE AGENCY Health. Fire. Auto. Marine Group Plan Ray Boyce. 676-1381 676-W2S Heppner THIS SPACE FOR RENT $8.00 mo. Laundromat HEPPNER LAI NDROMATT Monuments SWEENEY MORTUARY (emetery, grave markers Granite, Marble, Bronte 24 Itr. phone I7H0 ori;i!22l Also serving lone A l.eilngton Heppner, P.O. Bos 17 Optometrist DR. E K. SCIIAFFITZ Optometrlsl rl nlliitrlllrpinrr rnlranie. Heppner ' A f ' mountains of Eastern Oregon Saw Sharpening ED'S PRECISION SAW A TOOL SHARPENING SERVICE Satisfaction Guaranteed 11) 676 9913 or 676 9281 Alfalfa St. Heppner. OR. Physcians-Surgeons GER ALD A. JONES, M.D. Phvtician and Surgeon IKK.Iiurlburt. Houm: Mon. thru Thur., a.m. I.:;lip m.; 1:30 p.m.-J p.m. Fri , Sa m. -I p.m. HrrniKton. OH. JTHtx Radiator Service JONES R DIATOR SERVICE Now Is the time to get your harv est equipment ready before the rush season 1315 N. 1st. 57914 Hermiston. OR. Sewing Machines SINGER Sales A Service Me repair all makes and models GROGAN.1 Approved Singer Dealer 2I1S. Main Prndlrion 276-2352 Steel Siding NORTHWEST ALUMINUM Alumlnum'und steel siding awnings, carports, patios and skirting Pendleton. OR 276-4854 276 3737 TUIq Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office In Peters Rldg. s;i mii Heppner Cecil, 676 5857. 431