Page 4, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR. Thursday, Jan. 1, 1976 LDUrJGTON NEIVS Party Comments: Oh, I have my Christmas decorations put away for the year, my diet will be for the next four months, or it's just 363 days til Christmas. Visiting the W W. Weather ford home for the holidays were Carol, Ross and Wendy Haberlach, Port Orchard, WA; Bill, Bette and Adam Justin Haberlach, Medford; Ann and Ray Chenahll, Walla Walla, WA. Karla will be visiting her parents until the New Year. Only two of the family members were unable to spend the holidays with their parents. Billy and Tere sa were absent, but they sent gifts to each family member from Japan. Kathlene Healy visited with her daughters and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lieuallen and Mary Kay, Adams; and Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Rich, Port land, over the Christmas holidays. June and Don BeUenbrock have been visiting with Stew art and Sheryl Cribble, Myrtle Creek. Word has been received that Doug Gribble has been install ed as Masonic Chaplain at Centralia, WA. At the Nomad Restaurant a twenty-fifth wedding anniver sary was held for Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Skoubo, Board man. Mrs. George Sicard and the Gunnar's daughters Pat, Linda and Cathy were host esses. Jim and Lucia Barrett's home has been the scene of children home for the holi days. Jim's daughters Bobbi and Patti, Sherwood, are visiting for the holidays, also Steve, Diane and Arron Part low were over from Boardman for Christmas Day. Tom and Cathy, Corvallis; Curtis and Tom Curtsforth are also home from college. Jo and Howard Pettyjohn's holiday visitors were Larry and Kerry Pettyjohn, Bur bank, WA; Dee Ann and friend, Archie Washington, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Pettyjohn, Harvel Pet- , tyjohn, Arlington; Bill and Wanda Pettyjohn and their two daughters. The palles-, Betty Colbitts and daughter" Jennifer, The Dalles. Also ma Dean and Bonnie Graves and son Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Drake, Jon and Kelly, Stockton, CA, and Mrs. Claude Drake, Rich land, WA, visited at the home of Mrs. Roy Drake during the holidays. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warren for Christmas dinner: Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Prindle over the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Guinn and daughters Shannon and Kellie, Coeur D'Alene, ID; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bell, Brian and Jodi, Salem; Mike Phelps, Corval lis; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brown, Coeur D'Alene, ID; and Mrs. Hazel Guinn, Fossil. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reid and son, Robby, LaGrande, spent Christmas at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ruth Reid. Christmas weekend guests at the Archie Padberg home were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tucker, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ross, Can by; and Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Tucker and daughter Mindy, Salem. Chri stmas dinner was at the home of Eldon Tucker and family, lone, and was prepared by Mr. Tucker. Later in the day, most of the family went to Pendle ton to visit Mr. Archie Pad berg, who is a patient in Room 411, St. Anthony's Hospital. Blue Mountain Community College hopes to offer a cross country ski workshop in Hep pner tentatively scheduled for Saturday morning, Jan. 17. If there is interest in such a workshop, Carol Bohnen kamp, an experienced cross country skiier from Pendleton will spend 2-4 hours discussing the equipment and mechanics of cross-country. A follow-up of one or two days of cross-country skiing may then be scheduled; however, this depends on community inter est. There will be no charge for the initial workshop. If subse quent workshops are schedul ed, a minimal fee will be charged to cover the instruc tor's expenses. Anyone inter ested in attending the initial . cross-country workshop should contact' Anne Doherty, 676-5277 by Jan. 10. The combined Christmas party of the Lexington Christ ian Church and the Oddfellow Rebekah Lodges was well attended. Starting with a turkey potluck dinner, the group was visited by Santa, who visited with each young ster and presented them with bags of candy. Gifts were exchanged and the group was entertained with some very good musical numbers. Deb bie Pettit was presented the white felt Christmas tree skirt. Pre-holiday guests of Erda Pieper were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall and Jodi, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Pieper and sons Jim and John, Hermiston and another son William who was home on leave from the Marines at Camp Pendleton, CA; Mr. and Mrs. Leland McGill, lone; Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pieper, Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Dick and children, Portland. Mrs. Erda Pieper and Paul Morey spent Christmas Day at the Arnie Pieper home in Hermiston. Visitors at the Bill Mar quardt home over the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mar quardt and family, Connell, WA and a daughter Norita, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Chick and family visited over the holidays with his parents at Eugene. Delpha Jones Eugene Sawyer, Benton City, WA visited relatives and friends in Lexington on Christmas Day. Carlita and Sherry Mar quardt were business visitors in Portland Friday. Lolita and Joyce Marquar dt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marquardt are at home from Puget Sound College. Lolita will return on Saturday while Joyce will remain at home this term. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bellamy, Condon, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hughes on the weekend. Mrs. Homer Hughes has returned home after a stay in a Walla Walla, WA hospital. Cleo VanWinkle from Hier sch's Nursing Home, Pendle ton, visited on Christmas with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. William VanWinkle. Other recent callers were Mr. and Mrs. Bob VanWinkle, Ironsides, OR. A Christmas luncheon and business meeting for the Holly Rebekah Lodge and Club was held at the C.C. Jones ranch on Wednesday. A potluck dinner was enjoyed. A business meeting was held with chair man, Carolyn Howard presid ing. It was decided to have installation on a Sunday after noon in January, due to the unexpected weather condi tions during the month. A Oregon Chief sliced bacon 1. $1.59 Chamber of Commerce, Elks Lodge " Mon.noon Heppner Lions Gub 1st & 3rd Tues., Wagon Wheel 6:45 a m. Boardman Lions Gub 1st h 3rd Thurs., Boardman Grange Hall 8 p.m. Senior Citizens Dinner . Elks Lodge, Tues & Wed. 4:30p.m. ' Boys Scouts of America, Elks Wed.,7p.m. San Souci Rebekah Lodge, Heppner, 1st & 3rd Fridays New Years Dance, Hardman Wed., Dec. 31, 9-? Library Open House Sun., Jan. 4, 2-4 p.m. Social Security Representative, Neighborhood Center Fit, Jan. 9, 10 Fri., Jan. 9, 10a.m.-12pm. lire uuiuoi njc v,iuu, ,,) "Meeting & potluck, Elks Lodge Tues, Jan. I,,. New Years Eve Crab Feed and Dance, Elks Gub Wed, Dec. 31, 6:30 kraft snsass American Cheese HILLS Old Fashioned FRANKS 2 $1.69 USDA POT ROASTS blade cut $1.19. arm cut $149 990 KRAFT miracle whip salad dressing 97C r B&r.i Baked Beans 20.. 690 WESSON Salad Oil 30- $1.39j Prices effective Jan. 2-3 NABISCO Nllla Vanilla Wafers MARINA bathroom tissue 590 4 "i 690 ooo 430 CARROTS 1. 2 nt 330 MARKET Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 Radishes or green Onions 100 bunch POTATOES No. 1 10 790 Valentine Card party is plann ed at tha IOOF Hall on that date. The January meeting dates will be changed with no meetings in January and a make time in July. The door prize was won by Irene Pad berg. Florence McMillan had as overnight guests on Christmas night, her daughter and fami ly, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cool, Pendleton and a grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sawyer, Benton City, WA. Donald Majeske were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burke O'Brien, Butter Creek on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Whitney and Kimmberlee returned to Portland after a week spent at the C.C. Jones ranch. Other visitors on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Irvin and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Irvin, Rieth, Vicky Walden, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Smith and child ren and Jim Heller, Hermis ton; Mr. and Mrs. John Kar- ran an children recently returned from the east coast where he has been stationed with the U.S. Air Force; and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones and Michael, Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mun kers, Salem, were recent Lexington visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson recently returned from Portland where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMillan. They returned with Sam's new book "Gathering of the Clan", a recently completed history of the McMillan family of Lexington. He has done much research on this book, going to Tennessee where he obtained many of his facts. Mrs. Nelson will be glad to show the book or it can be obtained by writing to Mr. McMillan. , Time to ring in with our best wishes for the coming year! Thank you for your patronage. Eliilorrotrj niitf 7 m 2S " iSB-aiia rowers Lfiu Your Friendly Local Cooptrttivt Lexington, 989-8221 F05 FOR res? 0 0 0 IFF SAVING NOW AT M tM t M W M W M M i Choose from Elovcn Valuable Gifts! 250 'zrr Mi HlMl MrMhrif mmmammmmmmmm wtm. mmmm k, C -H w. jiMin ilium l.M'- The future always looks brighter for savers and especially those who save now at First Federal . . . and that's because you can choose a Free gift from eleven selections all in addition to the high interest regularly paid on your account. All you do is open a new account for '250 or more or add '250 or more to an existing account Put hurry Offor llmltod to Invontoryon hand. $5C00 or more minimum deposit your choice of . . . 20O0 or more minimum deposit your choice of . . . Ha I WliHlili I . M t mmmmipmmmmmm. hi km mmmt. MMm Mytaf 4BpMt mm mm mm mmt ut,k,mmim FSII fill i mv rf Umm tmn mmmt frtil wh.i.i. h y jiti .c, r t 5w rm m T 7 5 fill mmtmmmm, tm r t5w rl wHhM rf 1 v 5 mi iGtlk ibort 91 Spoilt minimum yo cm "ciili in" id iliU rtcolvt your cfcokiof vaivefcJt gifts. Rates Pcid on Savings 5 25 E? H2 5 39 7Va '1000 minimum 6 yart VAV. 1000 minimum 4 yan 6 1000 minimum 2'i yari '1000 minimum 1 yar 5 M000 minimum 90 days On4 Frw Qlfl pwr tccovnt Qfftf avrt wt mppfr Olftt ot mmJhbi. (Spiral 0.06 7.79 6.90 6.72 3.92 Hiumt r.uL J First Federal Savings ltd wt.bwtn tHmm,a N0 IOAN AltOCIATION mWmWmmmWmmmmSaWHmmmmWm