Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1975)
Page 12 THE GAZETTE-TIMES. I Classsiied i Save money Phone 676-9223 5 ffvw was Cards of Thanks I would like to thank Dr. Carpenter. Dr. Gifford and the hospital staff for the wonder ful care they gave my mother, Lula Wilkens. during her stay there. MAE EKSTROM I wish to thank my friends and relatives for their kind nes. Special thanks to Dr. Wolff and the nurses. WILBUR GOURLEY The Grand Squares dance club of lone wishes to thank Willows Lodge No. 66 for providing the use of their ball for our square dance lessons. 2. Notices We will be closed Saturday afternoon. Dec. 27. Evans Lumber Yard. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Ph. 676-5528. 29tf MENTAL HEALTH: Hepp ner. 8:30-5 p.m. daily except Wed . 12.30-3 p m. Irrigon. Mon. and Thurs.. 922-3357. Emergency: 676-5032. FREE: ideal Christmas gifts: 2 gray fuzzy kittens. Call 676-9298. 45P 4. Help Wanted' WANTED: a correspondent to cover the Boardman area news. Gazette-Times, 676-9228 HELP WANTED: Janitorial and light maintenance work. Approx. 15 hrs per week. Send application to P.O. Box 704. Heppner. OR 97836. WANTED: exp. part time bartender. Contact Jim Rog ers. 676-5551. 5c 6. Wanted ' WANTED: playpen and car seat. Ph. 676-9203 after 4:30 p.m. weekdays. WANTED TO RENT: 3 or bdrm. home in Heppner or Lexington area by Jan. 1. 67161. rt 7 For Rent FOR RENT: studio apart ment. S95 mo. 422-7587. IStfc FOR RENT: rooms by the month. SfiO. SS0 and $40. Hotel Heppner. 676-9494. 47c 8. Services CI. in carpets professionally , I. :in with new portable steam . . in.-r Rent Rinse-N-Vac at l-,,,ll-lo('o.T't. l'C FOR STEAM GRAIN rolling call Ed Martin. 422-7473 after 5 p.m. 31,f 9. Livestock WILL BUY crippled, retired, and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish. Ph. 567-6065. fc 10 Farm and Garden . . - A ntH SALE: LM cai. b condition. $2."' Cecil. 676-5857. Call Percy 43tf FOR SALE: Circle J double horse trailer. Also Montgo mery Ward 4-wheei hay wa gon. Percy Cecil. Ph. 676-5857. 12 Furn.. Appliances USED FURNITURE: Wurlit zer nrtfan. roll top desk, other miK items. Call 676-9498. 42tf 4 in Franklin stove, table w, stereo, wagon wheel wng lamp: Bev Steagall. 989-8413. 24 it. Wide 3 bedroom, 2 bath, all electric storm windows. Only $13,900 KNAPP MOBILE HOME DISCOUNT Hermiston McNary Hiway II consider anything in TRADE Wi Heppner, OR, Thursday. Dec. 25, R38S81SSRfflS . . . Pay cash! w www FOR SALE: elec. deep-fryer, never used, was $39.95, sell for $20; Coleman stove w-stand, $20; Coleman metal folding table w-4 stools, $20; 11 pc. camp cook set. $10; 1 elec. insect killer, $5; 1 elec. biscuit warmer. $8; about 100 Corpus Juris law books, $20. Cliff Williams. 13. For Sale Ski Area Employment-jobs available now at some of the west's greatest ski resorts. Tahoe, Sun Valley, Aspen, and others. Send $2 for valuable directory. SKIWEST. Box 1026W. Aspen. CO, 81611. 46c PUPS for sale: German. shorthair-English pointer cross. Reasonable, 676-5229 after 4:30p.m. 45p C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam, Starcraft, Caldwell and Mar lin boats. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. PH 567 8419. Hermiston-McNary Dam Hwy. fc REPOSSESSED: 1975 New Home i-i open arm w stretch stich for knits, auto button holer, feather stitch, etc; nearly " price. $15 per mo; 20 yr. guarantee. 1974 Singer i-x; stretch stitch, makes button holes, blindhems, etc. Full prize $75. or 10 pmts. $8 per mo. 676-5554 after 6 p.m. 46p 14. Automotive 1973 Toyota Corona, 4-dr. deluxe sdn. Excellent cond., new tires. Percy Cecil, Ph. 676-5857. tf FOR SALE: 66 Ford Falcon, runs good. 676-5058. 46c ALPINE CANOPY, fully insu lated, fits lg. wd. bx. Wayne Bourrie. 230 N. Chase, or Chris at Central Market. 45p 4 mo. old Stutz PU canopy: will fit sm. foreign PU or short narrow box. $300. 989-8192. 42tf 15. Real Estate NEW HOMES. Valley View Estates, eligible for 5 per cent tax credit to Dec. 31. 1975. Excellent view lots for sale. Homes and lots can be inspected by calling Darl Hagey. 676-9183 or 676-5562. TWO HOUSES for sale. 425-435 Water St. Call 676-9702. 45p FOR SALE: 2 bdrm home, carpeted throughout, laundry rm. ends, bk porch, partia. bsmt . Situated on lg. nice lot in Heppner. Excellent location, fenced yd. fruit trees and 113.000. Call Anne Doherty. 676-5050. 45tf. FOR SALE: two 2 bdrm houses in Heppner; separately or as a unit. Good invstmt. propty. 676 9762 or 676-5510 16. Mobile Homes FORSALE:4bdrm.plyrm. 2 full baths, mobile home on 1.45 acres. Private well. comp. landscaping w fence and sheds. 676-5074 after 6 p m. 45tfc FIREPLACE OWNERS: we can convert your fireplace into a circulating furnace to heat your home while enjoying a fire. Save on fuel costs and burn up to 30 per cent less wood than you normally use. Economical, versatile, fully assembled, seconds lo install. Send for brochure. Checkmate Distributors. Box 589. Lexing ton. OH 978.19. c 567-3305 4aMkA 1975 J BillinK for small classified ids is expensive. Classified ads re on a cash in advance basis, unless customer has a regular commerciai account with We classifieds w ill be billed monthly. The alternative Is to raise he rates to cover rising costs. Rates remain II for the first ,hree lines of ad copy: 50c per line for each DMav classified advertising. $1.40 per column inch. Cards of Thanks, classified rate. min. 11.50. Deadline Tuesday noon. Not responsible for errors HOW. ow-- MERRY CHRISTMAS 'Ccn.pbcll 7 Motors iysli!!f TOYOTA 2122 N W Hermiston Ph. 5K7 til Tovota Jeep Thanks to Morrow County Residents who have patronhed us through sales and service. Heppnerites A new or used car in g your future? ' If so contact: Ed Wells I Keith Farley :? Chrysler-Plymouth Inc. S-Thf Walking Mans Friend j Pendleton Ph.2.S-iJl Home Phone 276-0576 i &::::: Specialists In Track-layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding r handle truck hoists, beds and racks, both factory and custom-built: tractor cabs and goosenet k ty pe trailer Air Conditioning B&C Repair Shop 22-7UK (I.KOCIIII.DKHS IONF. tl extra large building lots for sale. Real close to your job if you work at the high school or Forest Service. Kuy one for M.ooa and get the second one free. Randy Lott 676-5811 Jcsae James lovad chill o much that ht rafuaad to rob hank in McKinnty. Ttxaa, haeauia thlt'l whtra hit favorite chili parlor was locaUd. II I. M 10 over Invoice 7 new double wides 3new14ft.wides plus set up delivery MADISON Mobile Homes Hermiston McNary HiWay v, not reporieo wi.n.n . 14. Automotive Large Stock of 75's Must be Moved 1975 Plntos, Lemans Pontlacs A 1975 Pontiac Driver Ed.. I dr. well equip. SPECIALS: l972Hanchero clean) chrome wheels A large tires 'fSKDCARS: 1974 Toyota. 4 sed. air cond. 1974 LTD. 4 dr. sdn. 16. KM) actual miles, reg. gas " 1973 Buick l.aSabre. 4 dr sdn. air cond. 1972 Ford Maverick. 4 dr sdn. rcon. unit. 1970 Ford Falcon I dr sdn. won. -trans. 1979 Pont. 4-dr. sdn. clean 1967 Ford 4-dr sdn. PICKUPS: Clean units & good trans porta lion 1971 Ford "ili 1971 CMC iT 4 4. PS-auto-air cond. 1973 Ford 'jT with canopy 1973 Int. T PU. cyl. 4 spd. 13.306 actual miles. 1973 Ford 'jT PU 1972 CMC 'iT 4 x 4. PS-air cond.. auto. 1979 CMC jT. 4 x 4. PS-auto l978 t hev,T. 4x4. PS. 4 spd FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIU-MKK FOKD CMCTRl'C'KS Max and ( base. Heppner Phone S7R-9I IS Marbro !I76 cars, trucks. 2hZ sports cars. Contact us for super deals. We will be glad lo bring our demon strator cars to Heppner. (all for a demonstration ride. . . .We hate a fine selec tion of used trucks, pickups and cars. Contact: Dan Hays l.yleSpriggle Larry Brown One Brown 276-0330 Marbro Datsun 515 S.E.Dorian Pendleton WHEAT While lied ll.irlet 3.51 Dec. new crop .1 ? Dee. 9I.IKI Dec. Factory Direct PACIFIC of Hermiston 567-2360 tun i n iiiliiiiiiimniiiinniniiiiiiiiv.i.Al If you receive food 8f'8 under jour Christmas tree, care for them properly. Molly Saul. Extension home econo mist, has the following sug gestions: Hard cheese (such as Ched dar. Gouda. or Swiss) wrap the cheese tightly and store in THE GAS SAVERS Beetle Rabbit Scirocco Bus Dasher Audi Fox Audi 100LS Audi Volkswagen Mel W inter Volksw agen I'endleton. Oregon Met Mwim Mobile Homes 20 homes NKW&TSF.n MOBILE HOMES on our lot. ready for Heppner customer. Free set up and delivery The WAGON WHEEL CAFE a LOUNGE We will be closed Thurs. thru Sunday, Dec. 25-28. We will open Monday, Dec.29, at 6a.m. Merry Christmas to all our WHO DOES IT? Service Automotive SIIERRELL CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sales & Service 3rd & Main Hermiston Building Supplies SEE I S FOR ALL VOI R BUILDING SUPPLIES We feature Boysen Paints TI M-A LI M LI MBER CO. Tim Moore. Mgr. 432 SEDorion 27M22I PENDLETON Cafes, Lounges Cal S LOUNGE CAFE Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. Heppner S78-50I5 Construction CIRCLE "D" TRENCHING Guaranteed Performance Irrigation-Drain Tile Power Cable Bonded and Licensed for Sewer and drain fields Trenching of all kinds Robert Duncan Heppner PH. 176-5330 RIVERBEND CONSTRUCTION CO. Coi.rrete Aggregate Crushed Rock Drain Rock Asphalt Paving Excavating A Grading Umatilla. OR. 922-4223 UMATILLA READY-MIX Open every weekday, and Saturdays and Sundays if necessary. PH. 676-9406 or 989-8467 Christmas food gifls Ihe retrigerator. It will keep several months unopened (es pecially if there is a sealed wax covering). If mold deve lops, cut off the mold and a good portion of cheese beneath it. Cheese spreads and cheese foods-pasteurized vacuum sealed Jars may be itored at room temperature. After op ening, store them In the refrigerator and use within one or two weeks. Dried fruit-store dried fruit In tightly closed contain ers in a cool spot. Check periodically for mold. Extend storage life by refrigeration or freezing. m V Heppner FOR ELKS ONLY Sat.,Dec.27 Murray Orwick Wedding reception Live music 9-2 a.m. Wed. Dec. 31 New Year's Eve CrabF.eed 6:30 Dance to Depot II Thurs . Jan. I Club Open 1-B:30p.m. Come and watch the Bowl Games! Happy New Year" B.P.O.E. friends and patrons HAS IT? Directory Drugs, Prescriptions HERMISTON DRUG Free prescription Mail Service Opena.m.to7p m. Gifts for all occasions Snack Bar MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Free mailing service on prescriptions Hospital Supplies Open Mon-Fri.96p.m. Sat 9 1p m. Located in the Medical Center, llOOSouthgate Pendleton 276 1531 Floor Covering KE1M1G FLOORCOVERING Carpets, draperies, linoleum counter tops, ceramic tile, . flooring, sundries Sales Installation SO N. lit St. Hermiston, Or. M&R FLOOR COVERING Carpet, linoleum, ceramic Tile, kitchen cabinets Free estimates All work guaranteed Matt Hughes 422 Linden Way I7S-MU Heppner Furniture Ho-jwcQwrni RICK'8 HOUSE OF DISCOUNTS New A Used Furniture Appliances Authorised Norge Dealer! 2200 N. First. Hermiston 367-8960 WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES See us before you buy your, color TV or, stereo system 254 W. Hermiston Ave. 567-2201 Hermiston rfrf; 1. Jams. Jellies and preser-vei-lhese products may be itored at room temperature If sealed with paraffin or sealed under vacuum with canning lids. Refrigerator tempera lures will lengthen Ihe storage life of opened Jan. If mold develops, remove the mold and a good portion of the product beneath It. Cakes and cookies store these product! at room temp erature, or freeze them for later use. Nuts-refrigerate or freeie nuts In airtight containers for longest storage lite. Unshelled nuts may be itored at room temperature about ilx mon ths. Discard any nuts that show signs of mold or spoil age. (This mold it toxic). "Heading for Jteecier's lone, Welcome In at D EEC FREE Smorgasbord at midnight 0 Qifmrn Richer II W" DONALD L.TONMNG 103 N. lit, Hermlaton. OR M7-S74S-Home J67-2397 Far all your Insurance aeedi, evening appoltme,,t available RAY BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY Healtb. Fire. Ante, Marine Group Plans RayBoyce,676-S384 676-9621 Heppner eSSUTT Laundromat HEPPNER LAUNDROMAT! Monuments SWEENEY MORTUARY Cemetery, grave marker! Granite, Marble, Bronte 24-Hr. phone 76-9600 or 676-9221 Also serving lone A Lexington Heppner, P.O. Bos 97 Optometrist DR. E.K.8CHAFFITZ Optometrist Next to Hotel Heppner entrance. I76-946S Heppner iff Patients l Pioneer Memo rial Hospital Ihis week are: Thomas Howell. Pete Gill inan. Donald Carler. Gladys Jones. UsMiurd Kumnierlund midC.reluCox.allof Heppner. ; pttilenta dismissed this we ek were: Wayne Bull and Siwnn Green, lieppner; Sunih Potter. Lexington. WEATHER Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Hi Uw Prer. M 24 32 28 31 23 27 24 27 24 37 24 .03 40 28 .32 Oregon the Mew Yeer HERS' pan Regular Sunday Special ED'S PRECISION SAW A TOOL SHARPENING SERVICE Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph 676 9913 or 676 9281 Alfalfa St. Heppner. OR. Phy scians-Surgeons GERALD A. JONES, M.D. Phytklaa and Surgeon III E. Ilurlbturt Hours: Men. thru Thurs., 9 a.m. 12:30 p.m.; LMp.m.-Sn.m.t llermisloa,OR.97S3 Radiator Service JONES RADIATOR 8ERVICE Now lath time to get your Harvest equipment ready before th rusk season I1IS N. 1st, 867-6916 Hermiston, OR. Sewing Machines SINGER Sales A Service We repair all makes and models GROGANS Approved Singer Dealer 241 S. Mala Pendleton 276-23S2 Steel Siding NORTHWEST ALUMINUM Aluminum and steel siding awnings, carports, patios and skirting Pendleton, OR 276-4854 276-J737 Title Insurance , MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TITLE CO. Title Insuranct Office la Paters Bldg. Heppner