Page 8, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR, Thursday, Dec. Is I Save money . . . Pay cash! Phone 676-9228 Cards of Thanks We wish to thank all our friends for their gifts, gener ous contributions and other acts of kindness since our recent fire. A special thanks to the Hardman Community Center for giving us the shower, and to all those who attended and presented us with gifts. Also, thanks to everyone who helped fight the fire. DEAN & BONNIE GRAVES 2. Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Ph. 676-5528. 29tf MENTAL HEALTH: Hepp ner. 8:30-5 p.m. daily except Wed . 12:30-9 p.m. Irrigon. Mon. and Thurs., 922-3357. Emergency: 676-5032. 3. Lost & Found LOST: oeige goose down jacket, the Elks Club, night of Nov. 29. Please call Randall Peterson. 676-9200 or 676-9466. 44c 4. Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Janitorial and light maintenance work. Approx. 15 hrs per week. Send application to P.O. Box 704. Heppner, OR 97836. WANTED: a correspondent to cover the Boardman area news. Gazette-Times, 676-9228 6. Wanted WANTED TO RENT: 3 or 4 bdrm. home in Heppner or Lexington area by Jan. 1. 676-5061. . 42tf 7. For Rent FOR RENT: 4 bdrm. home. Contact Tom Hughes for further information. FOR RENT: studio aparf7 ment. $95 mo. 422-7587. 18tfc APARTMF" Y.V rent: call 676-5890 . 41tf FOR RENT: 2 bdrm duplex in Heppner. Call 276-3421. 9-5 p m. 42tf 8. Services FOR STEAM GRAIN rolling call Ed Martin. 422-7473 after 5 p.m. 31tf Clean carpets professionally clean with new portable steam cleaner. Rent Rinsc-N-Vac at Coast-to-Coast. 11c 9. Livestock FEED 4 facilities, to over winter calves on a feed plus vardage basis. Terry Thorn berrv. Hermiston. 567-8248. 44c WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish. Ph. 567-6065. ltfc Bred Charolais cows and heifers. Some cow-calf prs. Reg & performance tested. Dick Gerttula. P O. Box 769. Stanfield. OR. PH. 449-3580 after 7 pm. 43p 1.0. Farm, Garden! Let us gravel your driveway, Pettyjohns Supply. 76-9J57. FOR SALE: D-4 cat. good condition. $2,500. Call Percy Cecil. 676 5857. 43c 24 ft. Wide 3 bedroom 2 bath, all electric storm windows. Only $13,900 KNAPP MOBILE HOME DISCOUNT Hermiston McNary Hiway Will consider anything in TRADE assirie 12, Furniture, Aooliances PIANO FOR SALE: small 40" high console piano. Will sacri fice to responsible party in this area. Cash or terms. Also . organ with automatic rhythm. Ph. collect 503-58M214 or write Adjustor, 388 Commer cial NE, Salem, OR 97308. 43c We sell and install finished kitchen cabinets. Pettyjohns Supply. S76-9157. Elec. deep-fryer, never used; was $3995. sell for $25; Coleman stove w-stand. $20; Coleman metal folding table w-4 stools. $20; II pc. camp cook set. $10: 1 elec. insect killer, $5: 12 Leghorn pullets. $2 50 ea.; 1 elec. biscuit warmer. $8; about 100 Corpus Juris law books. $20. Cliff Williams. 42tf USED FURNITURE: Wurlit xer organ, roll top desk, other misc. items. Call 676-9498. 42tf FOR SALE: Biltwell recliner, 1 yr. old. used very little. Ph. 676-9496. 44p 13. For Sale FOR SALE: tire chains for 14" tires, $15. 30 goose decoys $15. 675-9752. 43p FOR SALE: spark oil heater & 220 gal. tank.; 36" range, best offer. 676-5524. 44p FOR SALE: one dual action cycle exerciser, like new. Call 676-5394. 44p FOR SALE: elec. deep-fryer, never used, was $39 95, sell for $20; Coleman stove w-stand, $20; Coleman metal folding table w-4 stools, $20; 11 pc. camp cook set, $10; 1 elec. insect killer, $5; 1 elec. biscuit warmer, $8; about ino Corpus Juris law books, $20. Cliff Williams. Unfinished furniture, desks, $39 95. Pettyjohns Supply, 676 9157. DOLLS and doll clothes. Opal Cook. 360 Green St. PH. 676-5583. 44c FOR SALE: 12 ft. steel boat and trailer. 676-5062. 39tf Truck load insulation sale, 3'i" fiberglass. 13c. sq. ft. Pettyjohns Supply, 676-9157. 14. Automotive 4 mo old Stutz PU canopy; will fit sm. foreign PU or short narrow box. $300 989-8192. 42tf C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam, Starcraft. Caldwell and Mar lin boats. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. PH 567 8419. Hermiston McNary Dam Hwy. 9tfc FOR SALE: 1966 White Lin coln Continental. $495 or best offer. Call 676-9917. 15. Real Estate FOR SALE: Meador Apts. 4 units on 5 acres, $28,000. Easy terms, 676 9192 after 4 p.m J7tf FOR SALE: 5 bdrm house, lg. kitchen, din. rm., fam. rm 2 baths. 2 fireplaces. Ig yd. with partially covered deck ; lots of storage. 360 Skyline Dr., 676 5021. 40tf 567-3305 11, 1975 Billing for small classified ads is expensive. Classified ads are on a rash in advance basis, unless customer has a regular commercial account with the Gaiette-Times. If so, classifieds will be billed monthly. The alternative is to raise the rates to cover rising costs. Rates remain f I for the first three lines of ad copy; 50c per line for each line thereafter. Display classified advertising. 11.40 per column inch. Cards of Thanks, classified rate. mln. $1.50. Deadline. Tuesday noon. Not responsible for errors not reported within 7 days. 15. Real Estate NEW HOMES. Valley View Estates, eligible for 5 per cent tax credit to Dec. 31. 1975. Excellent view lots for sale. Homes and lots can be inspected by calling Darl Hagey, 676-9183 or 676-5562. CATTLE RANCH handle 700 head, irrigated pastures, nice buildings, machinery location, will accept smaller ranch trade. BBLCO West 1507 Fourth; Spokane 747-6318. IS TWO HOUSES for sale. 425-135 Water St . Call 676-9702. 45p 12 extra large building lots for sale. Real close to your job if you work at the high school or Forest Service. Buy one for $6,000 and get the second one free. Randy Lott 676-5811 16. Mobile Homes 1975 Marlette, 24 x 25, less than dealer cost, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, all appl, carp, drapes, all elec. Shingled roof. $19,000 cash. Call 567-5298. 43c FOR SALE: new 28 ft. x 68 ft. mobile home, on 1.45 acres with private well. Fenced plus shed and landscaping. 676-5074 after 6 pm. 32fc "Santa Sez FOR MOM Fireplace Accessories Wood Baskets $17.95 PETTYJOHNS Marbro I'lTti cars, trucks. 2HO-Z sports cars. Contact us for super deals. . We will be glad to bring our demon strator cars to Ilrppner. tall for a demonstration ride. .We hate a fine selec tion of used trucks, pickups and cars. Contact: Dan Hays l.yle.Sprlggle l.arry Brown Gene Brown 276-0330 Marbro Datsun SIS S.K.Dorian Pendleton Specialists In Track-later Tractor Repair Aulnrnolite Welding We handle truck hoists, beds and racks, both factory and custom-built : tractor cabs and gooseneck type trailers Air Conditioning B&C Repair Shop 122-7 m (I Eot mi miss IONE 122-7123 14. Automotive Large Stock of 75's Must be Moved 1 975 Pintos. pickups, Pontiac Ventura & I.enians 1975 Pontiac Driver Ed.. 4 dr. well equip. SPECIALS: 1S72 Ram-hero (clean) chrome wheels & large tires USED CARS: 1971 LTD. 4 dr. sdn. 16.400 actual miles, reg. gas 197:1 Ruick EaSabre. 4 dr sdn. air cond. 1972 Ford Maverick. 4 dr sdn. econ. unit. 1970 Ford Falcon 4 dr sdn. econ. trans. 1979 Pont. J dr. sdn. clean l7 Ford 4-dr sdn. PICKUPS: Clean units & good trans portation 1974 Ford Mi) 1974 CMC 'iT 4 x 4. PS-auto-air cond. 1973 Ford 'iT with canopy 1973 Int. tT PU. 6 cyl. 4 spd. I3.500 actual miles. 1973 Ford ',T PU 1972 CMC 'jT 4 x 4, PS-air cond.. auto. 1971 Int. 4 x 4. S4T flat bed 1970 CMC 'iT. I x I. PS-auto 1970 Chev. tT. 4 x 4. PS. 4 spd FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC BUCK FORD CMC TRUCKS Ma) and ( base. Ilrppner Phone S7K-9II8 Keith Farley Chrtsier-I'h mouth Inc. The Walking Mans Eriend' Pendleton i'h.27-7:ill Home I'hone 276-0."7fi tooooooooooooocoooood MERRY CHRISTMAS V Ccmpbell m Motors TOYOTA 2122 M HcrmNon Iti Vi7M. MrytAm Thanks to Morrow County Residents who have patronized us through sales and service. Heppnerites A new or used car in i i tour future? il Ifsoronfacl: j Ed Wells $$3 Jeep Toyota ' V Public Notice ORKCJON CIRCUIT COURT, MORROW COUNTY PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of EMMAHAC.KK, deceased NO. 1759 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed personal represen tative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the undersi gned person representative at the office of Robert B. Abrants. Attorney at Law, !74 N. Main. Heppner, Oregon, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice. Dated and . first published this ith day of December. I75. HARRIET E. SHAW Personal Representative Address: 3035 NW McKinley Corvallis. OR 97330 Published Dec. 4. II. IS. 1975 PUBLIC NOTICK Summons No. 55X7 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County Eastern Oregon Convention of Christian Churches, an Oregon Corporation Plaintiff v. John Doe. and also all other persons or parties unknow n claiming right, title, estate, lienor interest in the real properties described in complaint herein. Very Few Miles To Lower Prices MARLETTE DEALER Single and Double Wides MADISON PACIFIC Mobile Homes of Hermiston Hermiston McNary HiWay DINNER STEAK SPECIAL $2.95 (6-9 p.m. only) Includes salad , vegetable, baked potato and roll Defendants. To JOHN DOE, and the above named defendants. In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court on or before the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons; If you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for In its complaint, to wit: For a decree declaring and adjuglng that plaintiff own absolutely and is entitled to the quiet and peaceful posses sion, to the exclusion of defendants, of the following described real properly: All of Lots number Eleven (II) and Twelve (12) in Block 26, in Irrigon, Morrow County, Oregon. This Summons is published bv order of the Honorable William W. Wells. Judge of the above entitled court made and entered on the 19th day of November, 1975. directing publication of this Summons once each .week for four consecutive weeks in the weekly Catetle Times, a newspaper published and of general circulation in Morrow County. Oregon. Date of first publication November 27. I97S. K. I). Swinburnton Attorney for Plaintiff 108 W. Main Street Enterprise. OR97K28 Published Nov. 27. Dec. 4. II and 18. 1975 Mil EAT White J.ilDec. 3.47 new crop Red J.78 Dec. Barley 93.00 Dec. Factory Direct 567-2360 Heading for lone, Oregon Saturday, December 13 HOSPITAL NOTES Patients at Pioneer Memor ial Hospital (his week are: Laurence Graham, William Snow and Holly Crum, lone; Danny Wilson and Frank Robinson, Lexington; Roberta Evans. Condon: Archie Pad berg, Carrie Becket, Gladys Jones. Richard Rainey, Bill Wilson and Debbie McDaniel, all of Heppner. Patients dismissed were: Hazel Cantril. Fossil; Donna Ellison, Klnzua; Irvin Hop kins, Condon: Mary Green" and Lucille Peck, Lexington; Michael Hausauer. Phil Sin erius. Patricia McCarly, Har old Kerr. Marilyn llnitt. Alvin Vinson and Steven Beardsley, all of Heppner. THE GAS SAVERS Volkswagen-Rabbit Dasher-Audi Mel Winter Volkswagen Pemllrlon, Oregon 2 NEW & USE!) MOBILE HOMES on our lot. ready for Heppner customers. Free set up and delit en Mel W inter Mobile Homes Pendleton. Oregon 27-:lll JIM'S WELDING SERVICE Let Jim do ft, either in the shop ,L or on the job. t Hydraulics, Hose & Fittings Jim Barrett lliiinrlX'i NCfi llm s;fi..)i 0000000000000000000i Beecher's" Dance to tlio music of the DEPOT II 9 til 2 a.m. V BIRTHS A To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gordon Ellison, Kinzua. a daughter. Cindy Jean. 7 lbs. 4 oz.. born Dec. 4. 1975. Grandmother is Dorothy Kirpatrick. Hawaii; great grandmother is Clarice Shaw. Hoquium, WA. Riverside Ave. Heppner. OR. NEW CHAIN BHAKI Stopt a moving chain in milliseconds to reduce the hazard from kickback) I I Only McCulloch offert I this professional safety feature for such a low price. Standard hraturt on all taws. Sm ont demonttnttd today' M09?-5 Remember we service what we sell Pettyjohns 676-9157 U.'A ' "