By Julie Nelaon The United Church of Christ will have series of special services (or the (our Sundays of Advent at the regular worship hour. These services are designed to Involve the whole family, especially the children. The Free Diabetic Detection Clinic had a good turn out; approximately 80 were tested. A big thanks to Pat Wright and the ladies who helped with it. Beta Omega Chapter of ESAheld their December bus iness meeting at the home of Monica Swanson. Bill Sheribon, service work er for State of Oregon's Children's Services Division wss guest speaker and he emphasized that Morrow Cou tyty is In need of foster homes. April 10, 1976 has been set for the Spring Cotillion Dance and all proceeds will go to the lone Volunteer Fire Depart ment. There will be a traveling bake sale Dec. 19 beginning at 10:30 a m. Orders will also be taken by calling Linda La Rue, 422-7468 or Bev Doherty, 4227177. A progressive dinner for members and their husbands has been planned for Dec. 14. lonr Jr. high boys and girls basketball teams will play Riverside here on Thursday, Dec. 11. The boys will play in the new gym at 2 p.m. and the girls in the old gym at 2:30 pm. lone High School girls and boys basketball teams will host Riverside on Tues day, Dec. 16. The girls will begin at 4:30 p m.; boys JV game, 6 p m. and boys varsity. 8 p m. Polnsettlas Also artificial arrangements and cut flowers Need a gift, let flowers do It 0k AChristmas gift that says something new all year TV-770 Sony Black G White r- ' 10OS solid state 70 detent Ul Fcrwmid selection . Built-in bfltteryfecrwrcje convenient ACDC or batteryopetdted(wopiiwlatxessai)'KjW: OH CUre-fiee screen lot indoor i outdoor viewing White iaNi-t k Earphone included for peiwrwi (I - TFM-C650W Full-feotofe FMAM Digimotic clock rodio in omoctivf white cobirwt to fit ony decor lory Demotic dock includei AM ond PM indiconon . 24 hour olorm preset system goes off crt , some time eochdoy Choice of wokmg ro rodio or buer olorm Alorm level volume control Snooze Dor ollowj on fl minute nop before olorm ooes off o second time preset mtervot 01 up ro t now Continuous tone control its a earn: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker re the parents of a son, Bridger John, born Nov. 13, weighing 6 lbs, 4 '4 oz. lie Joins a brother Mike. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John B. Roper, Milwau kee, Mr, and Mrs. Dave Baker, lone. Great grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Q. Thomas, Columbia, MO, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker, Wood burn, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger, Pendleton. Mrs. Irene Swanson has recently moved to the Willow view Apartments in Heppner. Moving Into her mobile home are her granddaughter, Cher yle (nee Turner) and husband, Matt Greenup. Visiting Mrs. Irene Swanson over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Swanson, Mike and Kellie, Seattle. They were here to attend the recep tion for Cheryle (nee Turner) and Malt Greenup which was held at the Elks Lodge in Heppner, The American Legion Auxi liary is placing a box in the bank for donations of canned goods. They cannot accept home canned goods. This is to help the Neighborhood Center for Christmas baskets. Church Notice The first of this season's Ecumenical "Singspirations" will be held at the United Methodist Church, Sunday, Dec. 14, 7 p.m. This continues the custom of once a month, on the second Sunday, of people from the various churches joining together for the song fest. Refreshments will follow the service. Everyone is welcome. Thw'' "x-10 ,v "r,y OOIM.O p wchronw trim viewing Sleep Timtt turns set off outomaticolly. after ( a; Julie Nelson. Lexington, Is the new correspondent for the Gazette-Times in the lone area. Julie is married to Ken Nelson and they have two daughters Jill and Heidi. We welcome Julie to our staff and ask lone residents to call and relate their news to her at 989-8494. HOLIDAY BREADS CARROTT SANDWICH BREAD 1 c. finely grated raw carrots I c. brown sugar 1 tsp. baking soda 1 Iblsp. melted shortening 2 eggs Combine carrots, sugar, baking soda and shortening in a large bowl. Pour on boiling water and stir just to mix. Set aside until cool . . . beat eggs with a fork and add to the cooled carrot mixture. Sift in the baking powder, salt and all purpose flour. Stir in whole wheat flour. Fold in walnuts. Pour into a greased loaf pan. Let stand S minutes. Bake In moderate oven (350 degrees) 1 hour. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack. Bread slices better if allowed to stand, wrapped in aluminum foil or plasiic wrap, in a cool place overnight. Makes 1 loaf. LEMON BREAD one-third c. melted butter lc. sugar 2eggs P j c. sifted flour , J, 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp. sail Blend well the butter and sugar; beat in eggs one at a time. Add extract. Sift together dry ingredients: add to egg mixture alternately with milk. Blend just enough to mix. Fold in lemon peel and nuts. Turn into greased loaf pan. Bake in slow oven 350 degrees, 45 55 minutes. ZUCCHINI 3 beaten eggs 2 c. sugar 3 tsp. vanilla lc oil 2 c grated or shredded zucchini Mix first 5 ingredients in a large bowl. Mix next 6 ingredients together then stir into egg-zucchini mixture until blended. Pour into 2 greased loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees about 1 hour. Makes two loaves. GET YOUR iiTTinrau Gifts for the women in your life Jackets Dresses, long and street length Coats, leather-fur lined Blouses, dressy white Blouses, junior and ladies Skirts long Pant suits Sweaters Nightgowns, long Night wear, baby dolls Robes, long or short Slips Gloves Hats Panty Hose o Gift Certificates Layaway Plan Lebush The shoppe that keeps prices where .aI mill etiAn t hnmo Ci 1ITr, i JLm. fc.i. I llli V- ti Up. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 14c. sifted, all-purpose flour lc. whole wheat flour 1 c. chopped walnuts 'ic. milk i4 tsp. almond extract 4 tsp. vanilla extract 1 Tbsp grated lemon peel 4 c. chopped pecans BREAD 3 c. flour 1 tsp salt 1 Lsp. baking soda 3 tsp. cinnamon i tsp. baking powder lc. chopped nuts 1' 9 Shoppe Santa surprises Wranglers The annual Wrangler Christmas party was held at the Annex Bldg, Dec. 7, 5 p m. A large crowd was present for the potluck supper, com plete with holiday decorations and Christmas tree. The event was hosted by Gwen and Jack Healy. Jean and Norman Nelson and Marilyn and CTeo Childers. The business meeting, held after dinner, concluded with election of officers for 1976. Elected for the coming year are: Lee Palmer, president; Bob Mahoney, vice-president; Ann Schwarz, secretary; Gw en Healy, treasurer; Direc- B1VECC sets buget date The Blue Mountain Com munity College Board of Edu cation and Budget Committee set April 20, 1976 as the date for the college's annual budget election and elected Ben Hold man, Pendleton, as chairman of the Budget Committee. BMCC has no tax base, so must hold a budget election each year for funds to operate the college. The committee also elected Wally Wedin. Milton Freewater, secretary. Also on the ballot April 20 will be three positions on the Board of Education. The posi tions currently held by Bob Rietmann, lone; Joe Green, Pendleton, and Ken Dauble, Weston will be up tor vote. Rietmann was appointed by the board last summer to fill the post vacated by Dorothy Krebs. lone, who resigned on the advice of her doctor. State i law requires the position, which has two years to run. be placed on the April ballot. Both Green and Dauble were elected to their positions and are nearing the end of their terms. Deadline for filing for the three board positions is March 16, 1976. Members of the budget committee, in addition to Holdman and Wedin, are Bill Etter. Pilot Rock; Homer Hughes. Lexington; Fred Ni shimura, Boardman; Bob Slangier and Bob Mautz, both of Pendleton. Board members, in addition to Rietmann, Green and Dauble. are Chairman Har mon Springer, Malachi Cam pbell and John Hansell. all of Hermiston. and Jim Whitney, Pendleton. The Irrigon Assembly of God Sunday School Christmas program wiil be held Sunday, Dec. 14. 7 p.m. A ttend Worship Services This ASSEMBLY OF GOD SS 9:45 a m. Woship 11 a m. Sun. Eve. service .... 7:00 Bible Study Wed. 7 CATHOLIC Catechism Mon & Wed Worship: Heppner. Sun 11 a m. Saturday 6:30 p m. lone. Sun 8:45 a m. Saturday worship 6:30 St. Patricks CHRISTIAN SS 9 45 a.m. Woship 11 -m. Eve. Serv 7:30 (Hl'HCH OF CHRIST. ' Lexington SS 9 45 a.m. Church U:00 Sun. Eve 7:30 Bible Study, Wed 7:30 THE Clll'RCII OF JESl'S CHRIST OF LATTFRDAY SAINTS Heppner -Lexington Hwy. Priesthood a m. SS 10 a m. Sacrament 11 m. Relief Soc., Tues. 10:30 APYM & YW .... Wed. 7:30 Primary Wed, 7:30 METHODIST SS Worship 9:45 a.m. ...11 a.m. Heppner Gazette-Times Page 5. tors lor 2 years, Archie Ball and Lee Padberg; for 1 year term, Ed Martin, Jerry Dou gherty and Pat Dougherty. Bob Van Schoiack was ap pointed rodeo board repre sentative from the Wranglers. The horse show superinten dent, Dick Sherer will head the committee to revise the horse show. A board of directors meet ing in January will outline the schedule of events and calen- dar for 1976. Following adjournment, Sa nta Claus arrived to provide treats for all and gifts for the 12 and under youngsters. The lone Trailriders held their first meeting of the new 4 H year, Nov. 17 in the lone High School library. One of the first items of interest was to elect officers for the coming year. Elected to office were: Debora Palm er, president; Anita Palmer, vice president ; Donna Palm er, secretary -treasurer; Lau rie Childers. reporter; Kim Pettyjohn, sergeant-at-arms. Other members include Kris and Kelly Pettyjohn, Scott. Todd and Brett Sherer, Dawn Peterson, Anne Murray and Roger Childers. Tammy Holtz was accepted as a new member. The club leader is Mrs. Del La Rue. The main topic of discussion was the making of reigns and vests for future parades. Another meeting of the group was held Tuesday, Dec. 2 at the lone High School library. Because nuclear power is cheaper than electricity gen erated from coal, it will help hold down energy cosU. The Christ mas Seal People Thank You... ...forgiving more this year, so we can do more to fight lung disease It's a matter of life and breath!, Your local LUNG Association mm i CongrtM shall make no law respecting an tHabliihment of religion, or prohibiting th free ticercit thereof... The Conititution of the United States "And when ye stand praying, forgive, it ye To trr it human, to forgive divint. have ought ginst any: A)fMndf Pop that your Father also which is In heaven may forgive your trespasses." -Mark 11:25 These religious messages are being brought to you each week by the following civic minded, concerned merchants THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppner, OR. Thursday. Dec. 11. 1975 Bookworms Review 'Leaving Home' An amusing, pleasing, lov able, Irish Catholic family is featured in Arthur Cava naugh's warm, haunting nov el, "Leaving Home." The author dedicates this book "To my father and to the memory of my mother, who was Catherine." Lucy Peterson presented an enthusiastic review of the novel to the Bookworms at their November meeting in the home of Ruby Becket. She said that parts from the book had appeared in both McCalls and Redbook magazines. The parents are the princi pal characters, but their five children add humor and interest to this great depression-time novel. The author begins with the funeral of the mother, and flashes back to incidents that took place during earlier years during the couple's romance and during- the long period of raising their children in bust ling Brooklyn. Mrs. Peterson compared the novel to "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" and to various stories written about the Irish, Catholic Kennedys of Boston. She read several passages from the book and extolled the writer's ability to provide poignant descriptions. For those who have known New York City and Brooklyn, the review of events and characters in the various parishes will be especially interesting. For any reader who likes a book that is hard to put aside, "Leaving Home" is highly recommended. The New York Times rated it "tender and vivid." The ( c f Wecome to Lines OT 5porT5Wcdi , UIUU3C3 i sweaters, plain or fur-trimmed, 1 ..ii r l. lAn i4raccac . r . f sleep and loungewear. BankAmericard and Master Charge welcome Custom giftwrapping Anna Lee's 204 S. Main 276-2182 i ' 4 ft V-7 Washington D C. News said. "Folks who complain that there's nothing decent to read these days should rush right out and get a copy of 'Leaving Home.' " Mrs. Peterson used the paperback copy, a Fawcett Crest publication, which came out in 1972. The Heppner Public Library has this book in its adult fiction collection. Rent certicates not required Rent certificates are no longer necessary for persons claiming renter property tax refunds. This message appar ently bears repeating, says John J. Lobdell, director of the Oregon Department of Reve nue, because so many land lords are calling the depart ment requesting rent certifi cates. Lobdell says the legislature dropped the rent certificate requirement more than six months ago and the change applies to persons filing cla ims on or after Jan. 1. 1976. Lobdell asks that all persons aware of the law change pass the information along to other Oregon renters and landlords. He also advises renters to keep their rent receipts and canceled checks to substanti ate the amount of rent paid in case the revenue department audits their claims. UIaiiPAP Weekend EPISCOPAL SS 9:45 a.m. Adult Ed 9:45 a.m. Worship 10:30 HOPE LITHERAX SS 9:45 Childrens Choir 9:30 Adult Choir 10:00 Worship 11:00 Bethel Bible Series Tues 8 00 Youth Group e-o Wed 6:30 VALBY LUTHERAN, 10E Worship 9:00 SS 10:15 Choir Practice 10:15 Bethel Bible Series Wed. 8 :00 Youth Group E-o Wed. 6:30 NAZARENE SS 10 a.m. Morning Worship k Junior Church 11 a.m. Eve. worship p m. Wed, Bible Study 7 p m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sabbath SW 9 30 Worship 11 a m. I N1TF.D CHI RCH OF CHRIST. IONE Choir, Wed 7:30 SS :45 a.m. Sunday Church Service U a.m. o76-9264 pevpic win anwp iiwi.iv. 5561