Page . THE GAZETTE TIMES, Hner. OR. Th-rSy. Dec II, rs AcrordL-f t "Alaska" esa gaasae. oatU f hv4 m Alaska i-a t be sky fwjr. ceru a fwwd. caa (A cUt. 30 cess aad a feair cjt t up to C la Aarharage. a tsa f)5 sa.-dx-S tCil aad the sort ordered kamUrger as gssng la U 23 Far those ha pits en tra .-ig to the 45riJ Sale, a would be efl wi taks a trailer a Ure as the cost ad a t bedrwxa ?rtsrat it rental lor KS Every once m a afcie, I (ck 69 the book C!ir. pvn of Wheeler Cout-fy s Pat and read ewerpti at ra.4s Jadk &". a coctnbuUoR, C&mmwuim,, Past and Pre via, the Aatone section, leads m to bei-t.e. that Astute had ?- 'e a cwfcrfuJ past .o the g'jfel Klines. Some muse such as the Spanish Cukt Placer yielded C.a&-Iia returns each year to tfc early iy Jack Ti'f- no about the fanning, sheep, cattle and hrr.ber csr,pt, to the murders hkil were frequent in the area. The Amna Pmxhie Oib met at Eiiene Padherg$ last Wednesday evening. Miry W'msht won high, Bartara Cutstortth amwid and PfcjUa Piper traveling. Mr. and Mrs Orvu'Je Cuta forth are vitir.g their daugh ter and vrwn-la , Deems and Lisa Watson in New Liara. LA., la ekwme their 25b grandchild. JofcaOrviIle John as bom a lev month ear!) evghmg u a pour.d arid one-half and has been ficra to Fort Sum Huston. TX here there are better intensive premature facilities for turn. Those b know Roberta Fraser Anderson. iU be saddened by the news that her husband. Rictor. died iasi month at tbr home m Portlard. Last eek I wrote that Gladys Hehker moved to her nev home in kne. U 1 chitted aorne of the peofAt ho betpH CLadi mwe, natnefy Edie and Ltard Mjrikert and Fn!7 Cutiforh. What I anl t k&c a. yrf how far d.d that risuutrt go- T!e Karrhn aj Otarjie Creemap eAfef rtrepcxa as fetid S:jray res the Fat Lige Asststx vidi the buf.'H daaser err Car$tH- C. Kaifcy Peeser. Asss Sdrtarr. Jeaa Bttx. Sue Creece). Utry ILSteney aad Jasit Cu?ris Heptaj ai the t.t Utie as Js S.5tM5. trene SaftK aad Pegry Myer swed puvis and coffee. Tasiay BraatMi ad Laone T:Tr ere a charfe ot the gjets hoc MoRjca Saasson sened the rake (kMoH&n jests re C3en ad Biy Laarsr. Prt.d, Bo6 wj Jaa pjrfjon. Pe&dt.e; Fay astd J.m lhJr. Kerasennri. A; Mr. and Mrs Garwsee Grees Kicb and Y Crwssjp asd Vart awl K.Jte Crwsjp. YvC 'jtrA Km i".ri.'4 ere Carohu McNaBey asd Fra cne Twri Bnsfj. Port land Mr, aad Mrs Ecirt JUi efl aad Mr. ad Mrs BJt eathtrfrd a yea- r.g the Medicals Eri exht U:. fceid ai LV Sow'Js Pa.-i Exks. PorJasd.. I! mas La4s itftt Ttsurs day eefar ai the Eki Loice i'is Beverty Cundence. Jeaa Aai Tanr'aad R-ta 'f the bas.'es. Pswxfiie Taners were Ls da SctiuJ'i. Martha Vas Sctx jack. arid Careys C&se. Dvar prize Tnrers Ahisa Padfcerj aftd Mary ikLeJ Wiaaena! the bndge taties er Happy Graham. Da ay Ctlj arid Elaine Gewrf Severance family reunion A Sr-raae faiRjj meee aas bHd at the hseae f Mr. artd Mrs Pjj Ca.rpte-3 re nW..S Ar&iiflj were Mrs. Cape5 s saier. Syhia Sr eraace. Lt Aafeies. CA. her trsther ard fc ife. Mr aarf W.- hM H. Seeraac, Qias. A Ihr.r tat, Dt Ca.-pe?l ajc J. CA, a.d thr riadsa. BJ3 Caa pt3 aad trak PtrtLaad. T& "as she tsr& tase as rjht sars that Mr. aad Mrs.. Ca.rr:pt3. her saser, bmher aad safer -ts-Ua lave all bees tofetiher. Fsur of a are the W year cart and is r oxs'Jas trass a. Mrs Ct;c3 rated Later. Mr. asd Mrs Puffer Capt2 e:na.aed she -'JS a dffxr party, J aJS the a--i)y present Fc fera:jeBss ekSed Fy Caapfaea., sob Refer, grartddaaghter Xaary Caaa pti Vats ad great p-arid-6x jXtT. K'4, .Vasd Bob Love )urf draped in the office to shnr us a Christ mas Card be receded frvm relatives ui Lrlind. Written on the card mere sorr.e iwtes Or sentence reads. " are tinr.injf into a reaJ "Larfcy and Joan" lleaninf A.ter B'A and his ife found a Pu-jget's Thesau rus. tterjr ere do kr.gfr m the dark It means retired per vr. Add that to jour des criptive vocabulary. Myrna Johroo. Hepprier. ts the r part-time secretary for the EztensMO Service, replacing Mary Lynn Zinter ho resigned recently to become a full time farm ife Myrna and her husband. Pjbert. med here from Los Angeles. CA Katherme Wright and EUis McHofaeru. Hermiston, ere married recently in Hermis- Soom people briieva that if foa slMp vita foot ckaet loor opea. Are you gr to r.-e aiwut ctperoiaAg at the Jjtm R-gh School dance ! have beets asked. What cas 1 say. the dajs dresses are goo, faded jtaas s brrb settes are the st)le I th-rk I caa saieiy assume the st.udeets all had a good trre Mr Beck aior tth the rest of the ctaperves iH ltA A a rtis the ecra ryjn to let rJ-se U-vr-ts hae their dances The stadersli re preity tU m cortroi of the darice and !he decorations ere tti the Christmas ther. Chr.sTas vaca'Kio for ail Morro Cour.'y f.hU .r& m;th a I 30 pm dsrr.issal Ti-yia. Dec. 23 Scbwi will revume VI'jrda. Jan. 5. l'7 angels visiting public library AJkrig -;Jj the adj aad db..kireB ho nee to crk is aad check out books, the Hrppner Puhbr Library it peai4 to hare a grsup of a&feis tiS.ttig there Crxugh the hohday period. The t o srr.a2 day cases oo tid paper. rVxfc aiad ch--ta arrets TVs areis have come frwa various parts of the orid aod ere creaited over a ior sas of tcme Earhr mtt year they -3 retarB to thr faJ-time booes rh Madge Tafmntm. Inn Emis. Ida Farra and Jastise Weatherford. The coiiectjoe of ssjJJ dts loased by the Joisa Bredi hachs attracted Easy favor a.jJ CMr,mer,ts. h is possAie that m-e-est shesa -J succeed the a.'eis m the Ltrary d-if-s Meeting Notices Kola Coral, Teacher of the Year ,VU Ces ai, a hea. edaara txa tirffr ad EaysMod A RIafwro. tas bees Baaed Crefaa Teadurr of the Year fc art. Sts Drartaseal of EAaratjf of-acais anrtarnoed iasi FrJy A teclrr at Ertwv Jmx RgS fee 11 years, Mrs Canal 41 ai tas taught Lrxag tte. SrajBde and BertsL Mr. Ovaf's p.jasof7 f Uidhfflg. resiv arsd be ing fad- ad firs Mrs. CpaJ as graiated -.t m bachtsors degrr m edytaljae frwa the t'srversaty of Idaho aad rece-vvd a masters 4t?rre m ben&i teactesg from the l'Ker2y ef Ortf -je Her tmtawd Serge, is ertpiwed by the Norttess er ladUBEnaJ Lamp Ca. They have fcur cfeidreB. three da ghters asd a ace. asd arv a R3shcr Mr aad Mrs Cera! tx-jgt& for the LrurtoB Schooa. Na for the fegh achaol a&d Serg far the rvJb grade iirei the sehociJ ciaed m 1K9 Vcaen request cppoisineits 2 .voor witi law resjars anfli3l a the .Ax Fars Vsi' C5jm mt-eitdenug Jiiw 3t 'e frsS tm wane 'i 'J 2ti'ae4 i trJioary acaar tiiies TV A'.s!i -it ht cana mg Jar ahmc J sroe Jjr wtaes it the fits mm. fy Nw. O. ITS 'tnrs haj autei la- a: aae iry aamtaams mtirTsatuit Pesaaert Tm-t sjpaf shr tui & acaSesmies CM. I, Ia TV fmaJ tat' Jar al ftHs.caOiist.. mt lttding oo rrria:iral. se he at tte acad eiry s Jam. XX. If1 lteresae ystxrf wmnn gtajtt rserac; thrr sttt&totrt or re$rM!Kaom a to hrgir ts me: mattor jrsress. TVy ttm cm rs lw tttftr Ratrac atii asSkauec l 2 C-.awa LauKMB CTTior IS A Far Aradessy. CO Mat Hi bad luck! Joan j 'a WiUao as som m'o the US. Navy and will fyrt Ujt banc training in Orlando. FL. Jan 2 Juamta ts Lhe daughter of Mr and Mrs Hubert Wilson. H-pvner It as getting late Sunday evening. Fred Himux) notic ed the fog as really rolling in. Sa'urday had been Juli ann's birthday and Sunday as their Tfh wedding anni versary They had made plans to drive out of town to celebra'e the tao special event! To the rescue came Ron and Olivia Palmer serv ing dinrw-r to Fred and Juliann Fred said. "Our evening turned out to he very special, because of the Palm ers " The PJa Creek Grange Cor.rr.x' Christmas party I! he hrvd Fr.da. Dee. II jth a program and pxJuck sv stanuig at p m Sis Souo Pehefcah Lodge iU bold their nert regular meefir Friday, Dec 1 At this time they will have their Christmas party, with enter tainment and exchange of The Morrow County Plan nirig Commission iil meet Monday . Dec. IS. I 30 p m at the Cojrt house. Heppoer. OR. Turkey Trot rated success "The Tariey Trot aas a great success." repxrted Xa dsae O Br, at the Lrrheoe meetir of the Heppoer Sora ptasas laertsataJ. Dec. X She ais reported a gaa n ft sctKKars&u? f jnd. but as aratie 1 gn the exact xsmjrst at tts torae Assaf-jiag O Br e the cv r.x".s ere Maries Gray, Mr m4 Mrs Robert Ahr.TiS.. Mr ar.j Mrs Ciay tom SHk.. Cla-ta Yraard arid Pat Wnght Special dsaris aere gi-vra to the stierT s department mb4 to E.j Cos r thesr he'p FUim kr eietti ere dacussed. The res made paas for gifts to oeetfy fare Jj aad the ooe are to bnr carried gds to rhe rrf.'.g t1 Thtrsday A sooai ga'herr for trs avJ their hashaads ts Khed-d for Dec 15. at the M.k Gray residence Christmas food sale Ajriemcai htfm Amxdnry, Vox IT. m-JL btuj a CbrisSKas Jd saie Frvisy . Dec. a. I a m u Jbt ftm ktoty f the K?poer Bsc ei AEMrxas Ltjob tad Asco lary eaee&ers ad faxilies of Past bo C. fieppaer. t3 boid Cieisr smd C&rtstmas party at the Le$: Hsl Sunday. Dec 14. ii pm AJ veterass of a ars aad thesr famines are weicorae to attend. ( A3 atteskla( are rrmaxVd to brag a caa or package of food tor G&rcstsas baskets aad aa a p4ate of ChrB-tmas goodies for She feasting table Saata a-iS be n far a rmt aad treat far the chudres. A3 age group -.2 eejey the cartooas shows by the "fairhiJ morw man " Bunctigrass Rehekaa Lodge rt Dec. 4 at a oo-hot kocbeoB at Beechers The krrheoa as fo5oed by a Christmas party at Mabel pjrs. oath games aad an exchange of gsJts Paeire members mere present Mrs EtheJ Gannger as a guest A short business meeting as held. am 'TV aimufc! Ctrtsaras Gre tm Virt-shne of 3w Heiaer mrae Oti n awed fc 1Mv3t . . c 51 p je a she ttttMnettc ef 3 llaited Meth dift Ourrt Gar Clh mrmihers a il neei ta there c T lie a inef meeting TV puhlr mi srd and eaA r-wa is adird ! bring rarjetc shears or cTcers A S rea cer charfe a-J prrn or ftt grvems needed far a -e'-4 ar aotr raag and Sie L-e hane fwes. va-Etu trims atad (Cher sspc&es -2 he nr sa'Mt F-n . Ean A. Ctftmg -J aigacs gre xMCrirtaaRs far Kakmg arrangeests for front doer d&puayi ad kr ta:e deeoratiem He tas dretbprd Jertisayirs that are very atrepratae asd which have frw to be ae3 recesv ed pas: years Gardes Cijb eaeahers -23 aer ctcTee aad caokjes Axcg. She rvessig It ts hoped that stadrces "J come to the class prwsytfy s deaortra tK ca brjps atlpn Chamber of Commerce. Eiks Lodge lfr ;cr Laons Ou 1st 4 ltd Tsies . agoo Wheel Ekardsan LaoAt Oub 1st A 3rd Thars. Buardmao Grange Hall Srenor Cttiietts Dinner E3ls Lodge. Tues A Wed hv Scouts of America. Elks Mon Noon film Ipm 4 30pm Wed. 7p in. City Council. Oty Hall. 1st Mob of month Ipm W omens Neweners Club. 1st Moo of the month. Wagon Wheel Restaurant . . noon Softest. Coram Christmas Tree MaaSt Sun, Dee. 14. lam Sao Soun Rebekah Lodge. Heppoer, 1st 4 3rd Fridays Part of Morro Meeting. Boardmaa . Thurs , Dec. 211. Ipm. Livestock Groam Annual Meeting. Elks Lodge, all day . . . . Beerhers Grand Opening , ii..vm County Planning Comm. Courthouse Mon,, Morrow County District Meeting. Lexington Americas Legion Aui , Christmas Food Sale. Heppoer Hotel lobby Traveling Bake Sale, lone ....... Frt. Dec. 12 .Sat .Dec. 13.1pm Dec. 14, J. 30 pm. Mon., Dec. IS, 7 30 . , Dee. II. 10 am. Fri , Dec. It, 10 30 arnr C '""T' 'riC y ftm t r r'f t i i Courg Is-Being afraid yet ptahiotf on. Heppner School Dec 13 tomato soup, toas ted cheese sandwich, salad, frenrk cream pudding, milk Dec. IS tuna noodles, but ter peas, cabbage salad, rolls, butter. io. milk Dec ! beans, handy dan dy salad, com bread, jrlly, frosted cake Dec 17 school i choice Dec. tg-Cokiruat Christmas c&nner. smokehouse ham, cre amed potatoes, root cellar salad, appie pup! on. butter. miik rolli. err 11 rJLi - loiaoo Mm Hrpfrr Itrsarb nitST NATION Ai BANC Or OXtGON 51 Sw si m m US )SV EATERS New arrivals Collage, hooded Garland with slacks to match Inner Vision with slacks to match Jr. sizes 614 Also new arrival of Collectables r 1 1 and lit Donavan-Galvani J Slacks, jackets and long skirts, beautiful plaids, pastel colors Ladies sizes p i . A': t Phone 676-9426 7 1 2 Friday. Dec. 19 Men Only 7-9 p.m. Refreshments B00 HEsTHFR Hi law Prre. Wednesday (4 42 Thursday 60 30 23 Friday 34 23 Saturday 43 29 07 Sunday 4 23 23 Monday 45 1 Tuesday it 37 Day Care Space Available At Heppner Child Development Center for children 6 weeks to 10 years Open 6:30 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. Monday through Friday RATES: Fall day. (aver I brs.l I child II. 2 rbildrea M Half diy. (andrr I arti I child ti. 2 rhildrea S3 FiaiftrUf aM available tkraagh mmanlty Coordinated faildCareUCCoaacU) ( eatjrt Monica Koiiin al 47-t2t4 or 422-71(2 TrS MEMU r KPONWJRFD BY YOl R HOME-flHNED SANK M A (OMMIMTVMRVKK BAKOF jZastern Oreaon HKFPNER-WhE-AHUVCTOS Mf.MSFR, fEDFRAL DEPOSIT INStRA.VCE CORPORATION WORTH THE GIVING! J Treasured memorieo begin with sensitive thoughts. When those) thoughts are of rings, the excitement of selection to a thrilling expen ence to cfiemh. the language of love 676-9200 fij CRISC0 i T! T S f 10- 11 ft (S) 1 J3.99 I . PEPSI-COLA P-- Prlncella Yams 40 79C C9C JiS Cresent Nut Walnuts 4 59C $1.09 plus deposit fc. Family pack ZpJf pork chops 4&6 $1.39 Cascade dishwasher soap 65 $1.69 Nalley's Chill Con Carne hot or reg. 40. $1.29 Country Style Spare Ribs $1.29 i r. if CAOBAGEt l a-i "-" t .J -.' GRAPES red or white 29C Emm Marblehead squash 80 MARKET Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 Prices effective Dec. 1213 i. i;? I;' Is l,i I i: I; E i I I,' i