Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 27, 1975, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    Page 7. THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppner, OR. Thursday. Nov. 27. 1975
Spray folki tend to be a bit
accident prone thii week.
Nikki Jo Britiboii hai sustain
ed a badly cut finger, B.J.
Rardin, a broken toe and
Clarence Nelson wai in Bend
Tuesday where he underwent
treatment for a fractured
wrist and a broken knee-cap
when he fell in the basement of
his home. Putting aside the
seriousness of this for a
moment of Joviality, Clar
ence's wife Bernadine, speaks
for honors as (rail-blazer,
having sustained a badly
bruised knee when she fell
over the same thing the day
before, A rolled rug they hope
to be physically able to lay
next Monday.
Mrs. Mick Chapman has
been here from Pilot Rock for
the past week while Mick, who
is employed with Sears has
been putting In a fence at the
Snyder home in Condon. On
Tuesday Mrs. Chapman re
ceived word of the death of her
sister, Teresa Naff in Alaska.
The Naffs were former Spray
Mrs. Larry Brisbois visited
friends And relatives in Day
ton, WA during the week.
The Don Troxell's have
returned from Sandy where
they spent a few days with
their son and family, the
Danny Troxells.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gnltitn
were in Spray Monday. The
Griffiths have recently re
lumed from Kake, AK where
they were associated with a
logging operation and will
make their home near Kim
berly. Gib Griffith continues to
improve at his Kahlcr Basin
home following recent surgery
at Bend. Prior to Gib's hospi
talization he was honor guest
at a surprise going away
party by his 4th grade class
mates and his teacher, Nila
Zickefoose. Entertainment
centered around a football
theme, one of Gib's bigger
Rev. and Mrs. Allen Gor
danler were in Sisters Sunday
afternoon to return their sons,
Jim, Gary and Danny home.
The boys spent the weekend at
Camp Davidson attending a
P K. Retreat. This is specifi
cally for "Preacher's Kids"
and was attended by more
than one hundred from throu
ghout Oregon.
Business visitors at the
county seat on Monday in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Enyart and Laurel Kelsay.
Alice Deitz visited that city on
Tuesday for medical alteration
following several days illness.
June Troxell and Delores
Muniar were in Prineville
bit of Christmas shopping.
Mrs. Munjar reports her
mother, Mrs. Carick much
improved following recent
Mr. and Mrs. Don Culver
were in Tacoma, WA last
week for a visit with their
daughter and family, the Ken
Norris's and son Kenny, Judy
and her family are expected
here for Thanksgiving with
her parents and will vacation
In Reno before their return
The roads are reaching
winter condition and a night
crew consisting of Don Culver
and Bob Petersen started
work this week.
Diane Petersen enjoyed a
dinner at her home Thursday
evening prepared in obser
vance of her eighteenth birth
day. Diane is an honor student
in Spray High's senior class.
The city council held a
meeting Nov. 17 at City Hall
with Mayor Gus Strecker,
Clerk Bernadine Nelson and
Councilmen Clifford Adams,
Ed Tilley and Tuck JAckson
present. Councilman Joe Wor
lein was unable to attend.
It was voted to purchase a
revolving beacon light for
Spray's fire truck.
The government grant was
discussed for resurfacing city
streets: this amount not to
subject to revisal.
A motion made by Gifford
Adams and seconded by Ed
Tilley passed to remove the
automatic switches from the
city pumps. It was opposed by
one member.
Council meetings are held
on the third Monday of each
month and the public is
Jim Bowler played the role
of leading man in an exciting
little drama on Spray's main
thoroughfare Sunday evening
when a motor home, parked
across from Jenkins store,
suddenly started moving. Jim
ran for it and failing to get
aboard reached the wheel and
guided it past the store. It
gained speed and headed for
the Odeil Adams house. Jim
managed to turn it, but toward
his own home and car. And
stopped it (after a two block
sprint) against a small tree
only feet from a front window
of his home where his small
daughter Jamie was watching
the whole procedure with
wide-eyed interest. No ap
plause, no audience for a
standing ovation but Jim has
gained enthusiastic public
esteem for his quick thinking
and unhesitating action in
avoiding what may have been
a real tragedy.
Mrs. Bud Engle
Mike Harris, formerly of
Redding. CA, now of Talent, is
a guest at the W.W. Pember
lon home for visiting and elk
hunting. Mike is co-owner of a
business combining gun sales
and repair at Talent.
Frank McNamee, Canby
and his brother Merle, Grants
Pass, were renewing acquain
tances in Spray this week and
spent Wednesday and Thurs
day at the George Nichols
Jim and Gary Gordanier
and Mark Van Ness accom
panied their coach, Lloyd
Little to Hermiston and Walla
Walla this week where they
attended football games be
tween Pendleton and Hermis
ton, Pacific Universijy and
Walla Walla.
Kathy Jamieson held an
extension meeting at Spray's
Grange Hall Friday. Those in
attendance were advised and
informed on the metric system.
Mrs. Marvin Britt spent
Tuesday and Wednesday in
Hermiston where she visited
her parents, the Albert Schun
ks and assisted them in
keeping medical appoint
ments. The Cliff Van de brakes
returned Sunday from Tule
lake. CA. where they were
guests at the home of Cliff's
sister., the Robert Feilds.
Feilds is manager of Klamath
Basin National Wild Life
Refuge there and the Van de
brakes state it was a delightful
experience, going through the
marshes, viewing (he thou
sands of wild geese and other
Prior to his employment at
Tulelake. Feilds has managed
a buffalo refuge in Montana
and Nebraska.
Lastly, while many are
going in for home improve
ment and decor it is to be
noted that the Robert Waldens
are displaying a new mail box
at their rancn nome. Lacking
words for an adequate des
cription, I suggest you reduce
speed to the required 55 mph
at the Waldens and form your
own conclusions. Eye-catching!
Mr. and Mrs. John Schubert
returned to their home in the
Tri-Cities after spending a
week at the Bill Neal home.
The Schuberts recently re
turned home from a trip to
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pflugrad
returned to their home in
College Place after spending a
week at their Hamilton ranch.
Jeff Terry. Meridan. ID.
spent the weekend at the Phil
Murphy home.
Ronnie Croker. Vancouver,
visited last week at the Jim
Croker. home. The Ronnie
Crokers were the parents of a
son born Aug. 16. Jeffery
Lance who weighed 7 pounds.
13 ounces.
The William Howells have
purchased a new mobile home
which will replace the house
on the present home site.
Gib Griffith. 10. son of the
Don Griffiths is at home from
Bend where he underwent foot
surgery Nov. 12. Talking with
Gib today, he commented he is
"glad it's over", is rapidly
mastering the technique of
crutches and anticipates an
early return to school activities.
Linda and Dick Cole and
little Richard are here from
Bend combining elk hunting
with a visit at the home of
Richard s grandparents, the
Lloy Munjars.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byran
and daughter. Provo. UT
spent the weekend at the home
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Schick.
m mm WArmmm i
CB Radios
Homlite Chain Saws
t Christmas Trees , Cards, Decorations etc.
Ma cram e beads & Cord
Fisher Wood Stoves
Visit our Toyland
cuir u cm.
This is the time to get your ccr reedy for winter with Tires,
Antl-Freeie, Chdns, Batteries, Studs. Check Our Prices.
tat mm us
PhM si ta
7ti14 UI7 14
bum . im
uun nil in
viiii 411 in
17I.II 4141 Ul
Al 71x13 U.U M.9J
U-7li14 43.31 151
RTliM 45.M 2.64
CI 71x14 41.06 MS
KITliM 51.12 3 04
CI7li15 44.06 2.95
K17I15 51.12 3.17
JlTliM 53.65 3.30
l!7!il5 57.05 3.4S
mm oximm. m u m tun
It is now the third month of
school, and the same dog
problem seems to reoccur
every year. The family pet is
following the students to
school. Twenty pets were
counted on the school grounds.
So once again the school is
asking that the canines be left
at home.
Twenty-eight days left until
Christmas and the school
would like to approach the
spirit of Christmas in a
different way. No presents be
given to the teachers. They
will not be giving presents to
the students. Instead, they will
be providing a Walt Disney
film, "Robin Hood".
Schedule of coming events
, are as follows:
Thurs., Dec. 4 Boys bask
" etball. lone here, 2:30 p.m.
Wed. Dec. 10-Dist. Inser
vice for teachers. 1 :30 dismis
sal for students.
Thurs . Dec. II Girls bask
etball at lone. 2.30 p.m.
Sat. Dec. 13-Boys basket
ball at Condon. 130 p.m.
Wed, Dec. 17 Christmas
program for grades 5 8.
Thurs, Dec. 18 Christmas
program for grades K to 4.
Thurs.Dec. 18-Boys bask
etball at Riverside, 1:30 p m.
Tues. Dec. 231:30 dismis
sal for Christmas break.
Mon, Jan 5 school resumes.
Ronny Younce, Canby, has
been visiting relatives in
Spray and is a guest at the
Clarence Nelsons for elk
hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Britt were here from Hermis
ton Saturday, also at the
On Thursday Walter under
went emergency exploratory
surgery at Pendleton's St.
Anthony's Hospital. His con
dition is reportedly satisfactory.
Two local logging truck
drivers escaped without inju
ries when their trucks left the
road on Monday. Dick Lar
son's accident occurred on
Rock Creek out of Hardman
and Ray Peterson's in Stahl
Mrs. Joe Petit has returned
from Bremerton. WA. where
she has been hospitalized for
treatment. She is at home and
recovering satisfactorily but
will return to Bremerton. Nov.
.. 21 for further medical obser-
u vation.
, Jeannie Stirewall and Ruby
"Smith fiave returned from
Stanfield where they were
guests at the home of Mrs.
Slirewalt's granddaughter
and family. Judy and Bobby
Jeannie comments she re
cently received a "twig of
sassafras" from friends in
Missouri. Enticing! I contem
plate dropping in soon for a
spot of tea and a fireside chat.
You can depend on
NH - Aqua - Dry Fertilizer
AC Chemicals Seed
Animal Health Products
Greg Rambo
Bill Wondra
Pick Kelly
ui ra i '
r s s 5 reT! -
V f Jt II v 4.
rrw r n.
ftCOitt 1I. .31
U5i13 .35 y5lbtsft
650x13 -T 1 1 .
700x13 1IM .52 Cp "
wen im m 3r3
win . mi 55 t2U J
. I7ti14 ' if- " .53 I Tmjr
7lil4 g 11 M 51 y I
CTliU 1M1 60 fj;7
E7IU4 .' "11 .71 h .
(71x14 j? 1104 71 :
653x15 1113 -M IXrt
173x15 IIM .70 It WTOrd
173x15 1107 .75 lb:
478x11 1213 i! F
171x15 fits .73 V I
We're In Morrow County
every Monday
Decor Center
floor covering
follrct for
Appoint mrnt
lM N. Firtl
(Gtt more miles from Miles)
Vm iom'l kvt U ft I HnmUloN tr Pfnillrton t rt II.
441 N. Main, Heppner M,"ifc"u
Thursday, December 4, 1975 9:30 A.M.
Southeastern Washington Fairgrounds
Walla Walla
TRUCKS (II W4 for f Wcabtndchm Hvckt Ml V AT MO
rant , p tr . im miiMMM (" cotkI.ikki. iji ltr for
Ml V t t MM , Ml tf r4 JOS ! m n. ho.l.
pH .lormlMgicfllnl(Ondil'n; U CMC ll tfc tot, JK
rno . UV I MM
TWACTOKt ror Ml Htlo mailt. 6KI. JWO hr : IM4
rmll MM D.VWI. ItW C (III C JOO runt rot
lnlrnlMinl I MAY tQUIPMtNT: lM Nmr Holland Mod
Harrow !). ed nf oi rtrt i rwarly MO A C Hay and Corn
Cnnppar wcvfitno attach and on aat nw femvn. rTO hrtifa vpr .
HO 4 1000 rprn rTOail ; JO IVA rTOdriv. tram lwd cHODVri
Oaw S'ar ajmoior. ill jcfio Pr No I momm. vr into
mm; It Jo poo up btio roaovr. Caw J I Hay atari lM
farmhand Ma Accumvlator. hyd & oapplai John Dra lw$
lUiari SNOCOhay Kmkmt. Altaila ormiol, B.tcMa All waamar
ttora waxrar, I'l atwrtad Harrow Carr itau harrowl aodrt
lift Hviar I an) Ik 4' lilt I wM . onau a ryl M Oar,
am) lb IT'lili.haidilr. prnpan raouill COMSiNES Joto Owl
IH. MXI upraai, to K"0, IHC IM. I' haauar. lata Caw trrl
ar opai id Mod Kr) lrKr. awr an fxird wat IMPKMtNtl
nn Daara M 1 hoi torn plow. J D aA I koltom pww: JO bottom
aM pkrw. Ill Caw 0 bottom Cantynnial Mod piowl, J O I bottom
pmw. Otivor J bottom plow 14". CobiadiK, II'. Ill OoMadK. It i
111 J O a. DA I ki, (Xivar ora.n drill. tmia oik. J"i (11 O'var
Train driirt w wo or and vooaihitih. John Daara Mod ran drill,
r. w fcrrtilitar a, Inrarnaltonol w diK drill. HT'i 141 A C
Haw traadart. I' w hihh 4 ttr ala, Ul Caulkmt aw lraor.
0 . DuMvam taw baadart I MH. 10 1 ixto Dot raa 4 bar PTO
driyoi III Cavmma aiiilin. 14 . f drmhand loanw - I iimton MoKD
T "itar i HT CiHtiparltar: aiiina cmiivaior whyd hihh. I 4
Iwmtwarwot. jonn uaara ww rod waadart; I thana toobia btada
sonH 4 w ttuntoa butiar KHOUL USf J 141 Ford. 4
PMwnoor. ra4 Oodoo at pawnor HM6MC Mpatwngar, rabit
anaj . all vary ctaan and m runmno ardar ; raa) aard. 10 pawnoar .
Pt Ul Simpt. iM; Harrrw motort. hydraulW tanitt and KonHr
mw niat andraa tankt. KnOptua 14 V rambird aarinaiar badi
ard KM) oil ahop furnaxa. M 000 TUl and many mmalianaout
lhm too numarow to manlion
TfUMt O Ai I tath or bona. cat Mak Iwantiat
rrarwamanh baftxt ala Ivnrh Ovailabla rHrthawr hwmi
rawKntilily and lib.lily upon aw aid Ot txd lanlignmann
pciaritad wntrl data Ot ala All ltam anovo tocwrad wndar wrirtan
rontrad aa4 Nov N, ton Itami opon far mpaOionajn Doc ) from
m a m 4 pm
It I Aldar
raH WaMo. A "HI
Here's capacity to work
up to 190 acres a day!
490 Dis!( Harrow
Put down your wings and go! This
harrow is for you if you're short of
both time and help. With working
widths up to nearly 33 ft. you can
cover tremendous amounts of ground
per day. Heavy tubular gang bars and
welded frames are Integral for con
centrated strength. Super-strong
gang units, toughest on any line of
harrows, provide years of trouble
free service. Hinged hydraulic wings
float to follow ground contours. Outer
wing wheels adjust hydraulically
from your tractor seat.
Sizes from 20'6" to 32'9" . . . with
275 lbs. of weight per ft. of cut.
18. 20 or 22" crimp center blades,
solid or notched, resist shocks, go
longer without breakage.
Self-leveling. crank-adjusted spring
cushioned hitch helps absorb
shocks, keeps front and rear gangs
Sm us for dta1l$. Eaty flnanc plana avallabb.
New stock of IH Farm toys on hand now ....
Morroiv Countynnri
Grain CrcvjcrLul