College to host ski swap BMCCwill hostaskiiwapln Room 121, Morrow Hall on the weekend of Oct. 24 20. In addition to the tale and exchange of clothing and equipment, the meetings will provide opportunities to lign up for the winter term BMCC ski classes and to talk to representatives from Spout Springs and Anthony Lakes about their 1975-76 ski pro grams. Clothing and equipment may be taken to Room M-124 at the college any evening (7-9 p m.) during the week of the swap. Hours of operation will be: 7 10 p.m., Friday, 9 5 pm. Saturday and 1-5 p m. Sunday. For further details contact Bob Larson at the college. Phone 276-1260, Ext. 212. Growing spuds the lazy way Oregon State University vegetable scientist Arden Sheets tried to save energy in his test garden this year, so he perfected a new way to grow potatoes. He called it the lazy man's way. "Lay seed potatoes on top of the ground and cover them rusuiHis's coer CeoaolUlatni H.porl of Condition of" Oragoa of lint too lnlh.Sl.lo of Onion and lora.ti Subaldlariaa at tha cloa. of buatnoa. on t.toobr W, , 19 7) . I, Cmm aa fraa. kufca I I. Ill U TlMMff MIMIM. III IMdlanUaaa ml Mnl rhoft . I. IHWaa mi mUm V . Urnma aaaa-taa I t, OUwIo, af mum mm4 dlOM aMiOo 4. OaW wumwm rt.afc.aia. , Twin aaaa Aiiirs a) feUUI ITaaad (Haaaa Ilia) Ikl I - I (Ma aaaaa . tUmk Ii o. hanritaa. mA tslww. tmd mW HfMMtlll Inmm I 1 1. buMMM III wWOllB M MM40M II tHhm, iaaa iim ml -IHIwr Aa u tutai. juarra lO (lawltaaUMj . ilfaaa bw RMMMfna II ta u Asiiinis ml aaalaUua. umik aa a ml Im l ThMcarf H ! il at UaU Mi II II ii iim mt It. III. .ana ml laaaf mmM aflwlaJ UMHmU-m !.( mt mmimwmM aawla II taw MMri .aaW' av. au. a. total utruau-ra far T4aJ k) Tail M raaaaJ hau M. IKkar M M laaa'Haiilinai 12.S)7.MS.M I af IMa ten aaal aalalaaam M A ii aalaarafca tf IMta ImMIhmb M THTAI. UAHIUTin t. MIHOIUTY INT.KKJIT IK CuNBUUUArKD IUMIUIAKIU IIIIIVII ON 10ANI H ham la mmi AaM Mm a. aaaa UM il Uttaai taaaaaa mm Imm AND SICUaiTIIS M. TOTAL KUKHVIU ON LOANS AMD CI) HITI El CAPITAL ACCOUNTS M Caaui aaaa mm I III.. 1 1 i uly lalaal aa. aaal awaliartly af aoak a M Bajautji amaiaJ. haul riaaa.aal Mali aaaaj pa aa. ... IN. aliaa awlaaaaaj .-,.. Caaaua Mlal mm Sal t.OOQ ) (H. tfa aanaUaaBa. UaaMaaal anaW fcaaaaa laa amma.a.aa mm mtmw aaaol laaania . . f.P9v. I TIITAl. cahtai. ai-wti mt. TUTAL UAaiUTIU. REUHVO. AMD CAPITAL ACCOUNT. MIMOI ANOA I Aaaaiaoa ml mmi inlo laa Mm H aaaaaalaa Aafa awiOin Mtk aaaV aaa t Aaaaaaa af Waal aaaa Mt tlM II a.aa la Mrm aaaaa am aa ala U ai aai a. taaaalaaaaal haw. la iim In I o. Mai awjaiiai a. Mali A Omm... bum al m III Douoaa II aas ui M 1 35 555 X) I j a$a m nonm non non 7 WO 172 F4 290 202 ?6 Bonsi Iff II non it TO 70 )S 22 265 nn p44 iJ2 Ml Ml uo pt 1? SA II Ml EaOC tf 'AJ 150 ta !t2 452 jOSEi 75 7S )A 17 I. Wlthart, Vie. I. O a laa a at III, aai Mm Urruall IA 1AM HI a So, H, LllKUlrca. A. IalJ tl R.H.r.nraawi 11 Huoard Srant a 0.n Pi area ravtaa Aaaa. J , K alaftart a Arthur A. Allan a Xannatti Hal vara D.L. lob aoa Oragnn -. , j Korro. :"'lraV.T," aWafcaaai iilnKI I W Ma. fHh . mmm ttol.r ,,75, mmi I a. all aaMy aaa I ap aaa a. aaaaa ar dl imm q-aaaa aaaal li-S-7? Hol.r h. tbraoa ' Alaaaaaaaaaaaa. ay aaa . , ... . .If , Kmmwm ISaai. MOONLITE SALE SPECIAL All Sale Rack Shoes 2 for 1 prs. W omens 308 prs. Men & Boys 209 prs. Childrens FARMERS ATTENTION Tri-County Seed Cleaning Co. Formrrlv Harold Krwin's Grains Cleaned and Treated Srr big Morrow, I'malilla, Gilliam Counties Faye Prock Hcppncr Plant Ph. 676 9923 Joe Halvorscn Portable Unit Ph. 422-7515 50 Years ago On Monday last the Cecil Hall was again the scene of a beautiful wedding, when Elvin R. Schaffer claimed for his bride Miss Annie C. Hynd, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd, highly res pected residents of the Ceil neighborhood. Andy Rood departed for Portland Sunday morning. He was accompanied by John Kilkenny and George Thom son, The cast for the senior play at lleppner High School in clude: Jim Thompson. Crock et Sprouls. Karl Merritt. John Turner. Nellie Babcock, Vel ma Fell. Irene Lovgren and Margaret Prophet. 20 Years ago Norman Nelson will show pictures of his recent Euro pean trip at the Rhea Creek Grange meeting Mrs. Oma Cox returned last week from a two weeks trip to Virginia and Nebraska The City of Hcppncr will take bids to construct two foot bridges to replace the one on the Baltimore Street to the school and the other known as lover's lane bridge. Mrs Warren Disque and son from Condon are spending a few days with her parents. Mr. and Ms Roy Orwick CORKF.CTION Mr. and Mrs Robert Van Schoiack were married twen ty years ago. not twenty-five. ONE NEWS Eva Hamlett ';iHC 7. TIIK GAZETTE -TIMES. Hcppncr. OH. Thursday. Oct 1. Cut your fireplace wood with with a fine layer of soil. When they sprout, add a band of fertilizer to the row and mulch with a heavy layer of straw. After the plant tops emerge, mulch again with a light layer of lawn clippings," Sheets said. One secret of the growing method is a strip of trickle irrigation tape placed along side the row of sprouted seed potatoes before mulching. The soaker tape waters the plants steadily without wasting wat er. "But the best energy saving bonus comes at harvest time," Sheets said. "All the lazy gardener has to do then is push the mulch and bushes aside and uncover big, beauti ful potatoes." Sheets recommends the me thod for gardeners whose soil is hard and rocky. But it's also a good idea for gardeners who want the fruits of the soil without the toil, he said. Anyone wishing to learn hunt seat equitation is wel come to attend riding sessions at the fairgrounds indoor arena, Sunday, Oct. 19,2 p.m. English tack will be provid ed for those not having any, however, you must furnish your own horse. 4 Her's are welcome. For more informa tion, call Jan I.utsch. 989-8581. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rowell are the parents of a daughter born Sept 29 at the Good Shepherd Hospital, Hermis ton.She weighed 6 lbs , 6' 4 oz., and has been named Ryan Renee. She joins a three-year-old sister, Melissa. Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mansfield, Mr. Bill Rowell, lone and Mrs, Deloris Tunner, Westport. Great grandmother is Mrs. Gladys Drake, lone, Mrs. Adon Hamlett flew to San Francisco, Sunday, Oct. 5, and returned Tuesday even ing. She attended a training session for a study conducted by Temple University, and wijl be working on it for the next couple of months. Mrs, Maravene White is ill in the Bess Kaiser Hospital, 5055 N. Greeley, Portland, OR. She would appreciate hearing from friends in the communi ty Mr. and Mrs. Larry Prock have sold their home to Tom Heimbigner, and have moved into the Alton Yarnell home on SiHnnd SI. until iheir home is finished in Heppner. Mrs Sharon Gelinas. Lisa and Tim, Caldwell, ID, arriv ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. leo Crabtree Friday. The children stayed with the grandparents, and Mrs. Ge linas went to Portland to attend a class reunion. Sunday they had a birthday dinner. for Ixi) Crabtree, and Mrs. Gelin as and children returned to Caldwell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Blanche Scheelar was also a guest at the dinner party. Mr and Mrs Herbert Imel, and Mrs. Delsic Chapel spent Ihe weekend in Bend visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs Fred Martin visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al Brazell and family, Jordan Valley from Tuesday until Thursday. The Fall Council meeting of the Central Pacific Confer ' Vnce of the I'tnted Church of Christ uas held Oct 10 12. Narnpa. ID Dun Bristow. Helen Martin and youth dele gate Harvey Childers were representatives from the lone Church Accompanvmg them were the Rev. and Mrs Bill Graham, and Fred Martin Main points of the meeting were approving Ihe l'J76 budget, and electing a search committee for a new confer ence minister as the present minister. Ir Huennemann is retiring The Condon I'nited Church of Christ invited the 1977 Fall Conference meeting to la' held there I1KII I Fralernilie-al Oregon Slate t'niveiMlv pledued ."-U l Ihe end ol the f.ill term nih period cw pleilgi' include Jerrv Geiitrv. lleppner. Alpha G.iinm.i l;ho. Ch.ulcs MtEl ligott. lone. Alpha Gamma Mm Aimee Marie Halvorsen was born Oct. 12 at the Community Hospital, Pendleton. Her par ents are Mr. and Mrs. Mark Halvorsen, Hermiston. She weighed 9 lbs., V4 oz., and joins a sister. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farley, Heppner, and Mr. and Mrs. lx-wis Halvorsen, lone. CWA of the Willows Grange will hold an all day meeting at the Grange hall, Friday, Oct. 17. Iyouise Keene and Cathy Mortar will be hostesses. Bunchgrass Rebekah Lodge will meet at Ihe home of Mrs. Vera Rietmann, Thursday, Oct. 16. Oct. 30, the Bunchgrass Rebekah Lodge will hold a bazaar and food sale at 1 p.m. and a card party starting at 2 pm. at the Willows Grange Hail. 0nly t1CO OPZ Power Mac 6 Automatic Out finest tuper lightweight 14" bat and chain Automatic bar am) chain oakng Cuts an 8" log in seconds PETTYJOHN'S Farm and Builders Supply - at v i mtw m m m . m . rvi hli. - . .jr .ifirtUV' plastic Kim I iH w W I m TNl nun I IS TOW I I cuuMru I I Of 1 UT1M KTKS You can cut your healing bills by tacking up Warp'a genuine Flex-O-Glass over your screens . . . turn them into winter-tight storm win dows and door . . . winter proot your porch and breezeway this easy way! Sure beats trying to in stall heavy old fashion storm windows and doors it a less expensive, tool EASY TO INSTALL! Cut with" Shears 10.7 miV' araf -T-J For HRf2r Window! v - Jz MM." '1 c t . For i Tack Over Screens FLEX-O-GLASS comes in 28". 36. 48" widths Only A K 6 JVM- aid. For Porcha ft Breezeway At Hardware, Lumber and Building Supply Stores! ... m a-. a- a -a . ..... pioneers in Kiastict WARP BROS. Chicago 60651 For Over 50 Year. FREE CATALOG KAE'S GIFT SHOP Beautiful and unusual items for you and your family. Our guarantee is unconditional and includes every item in our catalog. including all personalized selections. K U S (.11 T MIOl' Hit ( Inn). Dipl. 1 -. tut mtm: rnil mi- (.Ills N.utir. ... . .1iIm-s ( 1! H!l V. ul.iliii; of Divtimlixe . Stale Zip yvvvvlyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvalAAA x v EASTERN OREGON STATE COLLEGE r-l family run Cm mmA x f la Graid, Origoi OCTOBER 24th I 2Sik ladies MOONLITE SALE Sports Coats 13 off Suits 13 off Dress Slacks $8.00 Dress Shoes $6.00 -$W.OO Dress Shirts $5.00 Blou$eS pants $5.00 $4.50 ACTIVITIES Eastern Oregon State College YS Central Washington State College ft Entertainment Arts & Crafts Booths Authentic Bavarian Beer Garden Music Skits & Plays aya)avvivvaitvvitaVVVVVVSA WORK COATS - Regular $16.50 Moonlite Sale PRICE $10.00 0 0 M rinf r-r 1 J VAAYAA WTJWJ MENS UIEflR CD If noannwerrall I arry I'rot k 422 -75fl HEPPNER, OREGON