Pape 5. THE GAZETTE-TIMES. IU-pprr. OK. Thursd.iv. Oct. 2. I173 fjAYlIES) iiachhee IRC furniture Typewriter Calculators Copy Machines Adding Machine Dictating equipment HermittM Store 241 E. 2nd Suite C Behind Shorty's I'bUni 7 Ph. M7 1731 322. 8. Main , Pendlet4M.OR.27M4l if w -1 Richard Wellman Uwnn-ivUniiKei Jerry Haines Co-Owner v. V.''- 'Vi, yJ,-( lone News 1 V V i Court proceedings GKNERAL FUND WAR HANTS ,1 August. 1975 Moore's Audio.VimwI. H. tH-pt. supplies 54.98 Turner, Van Mrter, Ins 244.00 Standard Ins. Co., Ins 79 88 The Bankers Ufa. Ins W W Sadie I'arrish, Clr. Ct 5860 Larry Fclsch, sheriffs travel meals 8.65 Carolyn Davis. Juv. travel 30.65 NW Law Enforcement, sheriffs oftte sup 87.48 Heppner Garbage Disposal, Cthse sup. . .- 7.00 Harry O'Donnell. Br. of Equil 75.00 W E. Nelson. Br. of Equil 75.00 Farley Moior, sheriffs car exp. Union Oil Co., sheriffs car exp. 741.94 Sheriff of Umatilla, jail exp 75 00 Heppner Auto Parts, sheriffs car exp I 28 Ernest Jorgensen. JP5 phone 31.10. sup. 80 60 111 70 Jack Loyd, vet. rent 20 00, phone .65 20 65 Finier Business Mach., planner sup 90.21 Gazette Times. Jl'6 sup 21.50. tax coll 6 00 Assessor 25.75. Off Pub. 180 40 233 65 Lolls Electric, cthse sup 22 50 Central Market. cthse sup 40 12 Rentes. Services, cthse sup 17.66 Court St. Market. Cir. Ct 2 70 Public Welfare Div., S. Food 20 43 East Oregonian, Off . Pub '2 75 Cily of Heppner, clhse sup ' 75 Miles Tire Service, Assessors field work . 8 25 Dave Arnold, Secy EOIIS. Co. Ct. sup 10 00 Murrays Drug, Planner sup 6 07 Coast lo Coasl. sheriffs ofse sup 6 14 Cthse sup 16 71 ' 22 85 Carol Baker, et. al, Clr Ct. juror 938 84 Wheeler Communications, Sheriffs comm 75 00 Assoc. of Ore. Counties, (ns 130 80 William A. Holcomb. watermasler 41 13 Imperial Hardware, sheriffs car exp 20 24 Dennis Doherty, DA secy 340 00. phone 57 88 tup 13 OS. travel 229 92. cop 13 05 662 62 Murrays Drug. Co. Ct. sup 14 21 Wallace H Wolff. Med. Inv 55 00 Blue Cross of Ore.. Sal 364 05. Ins. 551 25 915.30 Petersons, clhse sup 5 00 Wagon Wheel Cafe, jail 14 35. Co. Ct. exp. S3 40 B. of E. 64 25 132 00 Currtn A Slorie. Sp, Ally fund 55 12 SHS Corporation. II. Dept. Imm. clinic 70 60 Clly of Hermislon. jail exp. ..... 6 00 Dept. of Commerce. Planner sup 15 00 Pacific NW Bell. Sheriffs comm 14 50 Gaieiie Times Off . Pub. 53 60, , Planner sup 6 00 59 60 Pacific NW Bell, sheriffs comm - 5 37 Oregon Stale Univ.. school for appraisers 65 00 Kilhams. supplies Tax coll 23 96, II. depl. 7 71 Co. Ct . 53 39. paper 79 13. assessor 62 87 227 06 Pacific NW Bell, current exp 389.34 Columbia Basin, museum 54 10. clhse power 126 91 181 01 BankAmericard, juv. (ravel 3 20. Planner travel 12 60 J Finier Bus. Mach. H Depl. supplies K 3 Harrv O'Donnell. B of Equil 30 00 Standard Oil Co . Juv travel 81 12 Gazelle Times. Tax Coll. exp 51 60 Cenlro Business forms, Assessors sup 1.086 80 Tax Coll. sup 68 73 ,-,ss-55 Dr. L D. Tibbies. Med. Inv 20 00 Morrells Bus Math. much, mtse 71 75 Zellerbach Pap-r. sheriffs comm 142 00 Robert Abrams. Sp Ally fund 25 Umatilla Co. Juvenile. Juv. detention WJ.oo Pacific NW Bell, sheriffs comm 1 17-00 Pacific NW Life. Sal Slandard Insurance. Ins Assoc. of Ore Co.. Ins Pacific Mutual Life. Sal 819 84 St. Accident Ins. Fund. Sal Firsl National Bank. Sal M Morrow Co. Union. Sal "50 St. Dept. of Revenue. Sal "-3-30 Public Emplovees Ret. Sal 1.123 14. SS 1.123 14 ' -2j Colleen Ployhar. Cir. O. jury 30 24 GENERAL ROAD FUND WARRANTS Slandard Ins. Co . Ins 3 12 The Bankers Life. Ins Renlex Service Corp . supplies Rowand Mach Co. repairs ' Homer Hughes. Comm. exp COWS, gas It oil Coasl lo Coasl. parks 14 32. sup 53 89 MCGG. repairs Wrights Country Store, parks Pettyjohn, parks .96. repairs II 40 " City of Heppner. misc ? Heppner Nor Gas. parks 146 20. gas 127.39 273 59 Heppner Aulo Parts, repairs Murravs Drug, supplies '" Lotu Electric. pf General Tire Servile, tires Wheelers Comm. misc. "" Assoc. of Oregon ttunlies. Ins. Pacific NW BclOfnisc Stone Machines repairs Oregon Culvert Co . materials . Wu Cross oM S-l- Ins 264 60 . Standard Oil. gas A. oil " Vw.M 9m Arrow Transport Co.. frt. on asphalt. 381696 M.H Chevron Asphalt Co.. material , 3.540 00 Pendleton Glass Shop, repairs'. BankAmericard, misc. Slandard Oil Cpg oil ' Columbia Basinl'rt.isc. Ill 78. parks 16 00 127.78 Pacific NW Bell, mlsc Assoc. of Ore Co , Ins .... Pacific NW Life. Sal ;' " Standard Ins., Ins Jt (2 St. Accidenl Ins., Sal. First Nalional Bank. Sal., a. Depl. of Revenue. Sal. ;: M Morrow Co. Employee! Union, Sal Pacific Mutual Life. Sal. . ;"", . Pub, Emp. Ret., ssl. 48711. rJM SS 487.ll '.".'.',379 65 Labor ' r Mrs Irene Swanson return ed 'home Monday. Sept:"' 22 from a three week trip to Edmonton. Canada, where she visited Mr. and Mrs. John Swanson and family. From Edmonton she flew to Auburn. WA. for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Swanson and their daughter Erin. They brought her back to lone and returned to their home in Auburn last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers returned home last Thursday from a two weeks vacation at Pine Ridge. SD. where they visited their son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers. Jr. They were accompanied by Mrs. Rodney Linnell and son. Arlington. The lone Garden Club will meet Oct. 7 instead of Oct. 8. The meeting will be held al the home of Mrs. Delta Huber. The program, to be given by Mrs. Delpha Jones, will be on houseplanls. Anyone interest ed is welcome to attend. "V r- r 1: J ... .... - f f . -- , . ; Y . : Barry Holman, with the ball is stopped by lone's Leroy Rhea and Skye Krebs. IIOSI'ITM. NOTES Palii'iils admitted to I'io neer Memorial Hospital this past week were: Robert llouiie. lone; Venice lien drkkson. Uxinglon; Alia Ed ger. Josephine Jones and Brian Ertz. all of Heppner. Dismissed were. Robert Powers, Fossil. Elvira Irby and Mania Kemp, both of Heppner FATHER Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 111 l ow 80 45 - 1 I 71 74 77 70 73 75 45 39 41 48 40 40 Total precipitation for Sept. vt us 0 Normal precipitation lor Sept. is "3 In Sept. '74 we had 01 . jztr .... I v; . .1 1 K : ; l - i ; 1 I , Jl- ' ' v. . f , ' - ,...' j . v -" ' - v-! L:-"-" ' '"", V - ' ' .-.. 4 Cheerleaders for the Powder Puff derby Monday night were David Allstott and Chris Rauch. Kegler's Korner Bowling season got off lo a good start this week and we w ish to welcome all the new members lo the leagues as well as the new sponsors. Gardner s MeiT Wear and also thank the new proprietors of Central Market for their continued Results of the openers during September are as follows. Peterson's Jewelers took three games from Fiesta Bowl. Coast to Coast won three games from Gardner's and Morrow County (irain Growers and Central Market split their four game series, 2 2 Toast to Coast bowled a 2.4Jt to take high team series, while Central Market had a high team game of 885 Individual high game went lo Inelia Canton. Peterson S with a iw; Phyllis Cole. MCGG had a high individual series with a ' S. ,,1 9. Central MarkW.took 4 games from Peterson s. Coasl lo Coasl look 4 games IromFiesla Bowl and MCGG 2',. Gardner's 1' . . . . . MCGG had the high learn series with a 2.M and a high '''Cifuiual'hiKManH. was by Phyllis Cole of the MCGG. Ii. Mary Kennim. Central Market look individual hiuh series with a 4JI , . Sent IC Coast lo Coast lost 4 games to Peterson s. Centra Market won 4 games fiom Gardner's, and Fiesta Bowl lost 4 names lo MCGG Monow Couniv Grain Growers U-al the previous weeks high team series wi.h a Peterson's had the h'ghleam B inie with a 911 Inelia Canton. Peterson s walked off with the hiKh series when she rolled a 525. and she also won the jmhudoal high game with a 219 Phyllis Cole MCGG. also bowled up a storm with a high game of 191 and a 523 series Sept 21 Peterson's look 3 games from Gardner s. Coast lo Cms! 3 games lo MCGG and Central Market look 4 uames hum Fiesta Bowl. feudal Market won the honors (or high series and high team game -2.601. and un 889 .... , Harriet Evans. Central Market rolled a 199 for individual hiuh name, and Millie Hanna. sub lor Peterson s had a 481 and Phvlhs Cole had high honors with a 191 game. Present standing of the teams are as follows: .:' f, I ..... i A Bicentennial Design for your Business! Kevin McCabe! Heppner Pony, is tackled by an unidentified lone Junior Card, last Thursday. The Cards won the game by an 8 0 score. MMHMMMNNNMMNI Celebrate America's 200th Birthday. Getting involved is easy Just use our especially designed Bicen tennial stationery package of regular envelopes, window envelopes, and letterheads. Let it 'be known yeni' v are proud to be an . ; American Businessman! mMMnuiiwwiiiiiwumwuiiiiMimwwitiiii iMAiwig DRAPES Cleaned and Dec-folded ir! Pendleton 1 VOUR AUTHORIZED MAIL WELL ENVELOPE DEALER Gazette-Times P.O. Box 337 Heppner, OR 97836 676-9228 676-9492 Samples Available BlMIIMIMIIIMMIIMIM'WWM'''''''''''1'11'"1'11"11"" iinmiMiMllimiiHniHmiif Team Central Market MCGG IVIersons Ciwsl lo Coast Gardner's Eli's! a Bowl Won It IT: 10 8 :l' 1 Ust 2 4'. 6 8 12'.-15 Exclusively At The Town Shop AS AH I PENTAX Brand Nw Psntax Modal KM Now Bayonot Mount Nw Smaller Six Now Instant On Motor New Wide Open Average Metering . o Updated Version off The World's Most Popular 33 MM SCR : I SP0TMATIC F HONEYWELL PEWAX Complete with fast 12 lens, super mutti coated takumar Ions, nnd Honeywell F Strobe. Excellent Values in Stereo, TV 6 Appliance Depts. For 27 Years "Tfie Depandables" Pay Less Income Tax with . . . Individual Retirement Account Tables below show examples of $1500, set aside annually. I17SJ0O WITH IRA I114.S0S 171777 WITHOUT IRA S93ZS I II II S65JW0 I 1 - - muui m - M3.8S3 S411S4 SZ7.88S Just mix f1 fn Mil n n 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1. ii..ontrnnt!nitnuscomDoundinQ ceriTficates 1 Call or Slop by - How! s First Federal ' Savings i i h .iin iswu 4enriiTirM . .. 1 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION . " ' HlSMiM nuuuoosoi)onnnnff-i wwwwwws 36 I.W. Court Fond ton 370-1121 KB404000000000OOOe4