Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 11, 1975, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    Page 7. THE GAZETTE TIMES, Heppner. OR, Thursday, Sept. H,'isr75
(Contlnaed from Pift I) "
with melons over a 100 yard
' course. The melons were
spaced every 3 feet, so a total
of too melons hadto be loaded
Into a truck. A penalty of three
seconds was assessed the
winning team for each melon
dropped and for each melon
broken in the attempt to load
The Waldhl's set the course
time of 3:43.4 minutes, how
ever, their penalties made
their official time, 3:58 4.
A watermelon eating con
test was held, first for the
juniors then for the seniors.
John Zembliska won the
Junior division contest. The
senior division was open to all
high school students and
older; however, Arley Ham
ilton emerged as the winner.
Two members of the Harvest
Court took an active part in
the senior contest; Melanie
Hayner and Lorl Schncll.
While neither of the girls
finished in the running they
put on a fine show for the
Time trials for the hydro
plane races were held Satur
day afternoon with the finals
scheduled for Sunday,
ior:z navG
Eva Hamlett
Patients admitted to Pio
neer Memorial Hospital this
past week were: Maynard
Serfeldt. Lexington; Oscar
Hole. Condon: and Susan
Kiddle. Heppner,
Patients dismissed were:
Douglas Marquardl. Lexing
ton: Clifford Green, Danonne
Nelson, Wayne Wilgers, Taw
nya Johns and Gladys Jones,
all of Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree,
Mrs. Blanche Scheelar and
Timmy Gelinas drove to
Baker, Aug. 31 to meet Mrs.
Sharon Gelinas, who took
Timmy back to his home in
Caldwell, ID. Mr. and Mrs.
Bud Teeters, Caldwell, ID
accompanied Mrs. Gelinas to
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McCabe
and family recently returned
from a vacation In Montana.
While they were gone Kevin '
McCabe stayed at the home of
his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Crabtree.
Jim McCabe returned to his
home in Moscow, ID, Aug. 25.
There is a vacancy on the
lone City Council due to the
resignation of Mrs. Mary
Hold. Anyone interested in
serving on the council is asked
to contact Mrs. Ernst or Bob
Roland Farrens, nephew of
Mrs. Delsie Chapel passed
away in Portland at the age of
55, Saturday, Sept. 6. Mr.
Farrens was raised in Hard
man, the son of Walter and
Ella Farrens.
Mrs. Joyce Darst, Spring
field, was a visitor at the home
of her brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Carlson and family this
past week.
Mrs. Helen Everson, Port
land, spent the weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Mary Holt. Seattle,
WA, spent the weekend here
visiting her daughter, Carol
and other relatives in the
area. She enjoys Seattle very
much, but has been quite busy
taking some additional train
ing in her new Job at the
Federal Way Post Office.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy W.
Lindstrom, and Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Mortensen, Palm Spr
ings, CA, spent several days
last week at Wallowa Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Arends,
Vancouver, WA, is visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Adon Hamlett and
The American Legion and
Auxiliary held a family picnic
at the lone City Park, Sunday,
Sept. 7. A short business
meeting was held following
the dinner.
Rick Peterson and Tom
Hamlett returned home Sun
day evening after a 10-day
vacation at Lewis Creek, B.C.
On their return they visited in
Vancouver, Victoria, B.C..
Bremerton and Seattle, WA.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mun
kers are moving to Salem.
Their new address is 2232 42nd
Ave.SE.. Sp. 771, Salem, OR
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Munkers are moving to the
coming hero
Heppner Lions are sponsor
ing professional wrestlers on
Sunday, Sept. 21. The matches
will be held at the Heppner
High School Gym at 3:30 p.m.
This is the third match that
the Lions have sponsored and
each one has featured differ
ent wrestlers. This time the
main event will feature two
women, Susan Green and
Paulla Kaye.
The second main event will
be a tag team match between
the team of Johnny Eagle and
Rick Hunter versus Bull
Ramos and Mali Suzuki.
Two preliminary matches
will complete the card. Ad
vance tickets are on sale at
Coast to Coast Store.
Tes Co
EOIISA is explained
Many persons do not under
stand the nationwide health
planning and funding act of
1974 County Health Nurse Pat
Wright has prepared an ex
planation of the Eastern
Oregon Health Service Areas.
The National Planning and
Resources Development Act
of 1974 is Public Law 93 641
June 1975, several Eastern
Oregon ciliea concerned
about health care concluded it
was necessary to form
EOIISA -The Eastern Oregon
Health Service Area If health
planning, issuance of certifi
cates of need, and the funding
of health services are to
continue. The law terminates
Dec. 31. 1975. and the present
health planning and certifi
cate of need agencies with it,
placing the responsibilities
with Health Service Areas.
The law does not provide any
start up funds for those
wishing to organize an MSA
Gov. Straub, as federal re
quirements provide, has de
signated three USA's for
Oregon. Morrow County is
included in Area III, which
consists of Baker, Crook.
Deschutes. Gilliam. Grant,
Harney, Hood River. Jeffer
son. Klamath, Lake. Malheur,
Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla.
I'nion. Wallowa. Wasco and
Wheeler Counties and four
Indian Tribes. Warm Springs,
Umatilla. Klamath and
Burns Piute.
The purpose of EOIISA.
envisioned by the steering
committee. Includes Judge
Paul Jones and Pat Wright,
Health Nurse, is not to create
a super agency to replace
local government and local
comprehensive health plann
ing organizations. It is to place
staff authorized by Public
Law 93-461 at the disposal of
local agencies to help them
and to carry out the require
ments of the law.
The membership of a USA's
governing body shall consist
of 40 per cent providers
(medical professionals) and
60 per cent consumers (lay
persons I thus permitting con
sumers of health services
strong voice in determining
health priorities.
In order to qualify as USA,
10 priorities of health service
muM be aihirestftl ana
resolved. These prioritized
problems are:
I. The provision of primary
care services for medically
underserved populations, es
pecially those which are rural
or economically depressed.
I. The development of
multi-Institutional systems for
coordination or consolidation
of Institutional health services
(to cut over I ping and dupli
cation). 3. The development of
medical group practices, hea
lth maintenance organi
sations, and other organized
systems for providing health
4. The training and increas
ed utilization of physician
5 The development of
multi-institutional arrange
ments for sharing of support
services necessary to all
health institutions.
6 The promotion of activi
ties to achieve needed im
provements in the quality of
health services. - .
7. The development of
health service institutions of
the capacity to provide var
ious levels of care (including
intensive care and extended
caret on a geographically
integrated basis.
8. The promotion of activi
ties for the prevention of
disease, including studies of
nutrition and environmental
factors affecting health and
the provision of preventive
health care services.
9. The adoption of uniform
cost accounting, simplified
reimbursement, and utiliza
tion reporting systems and
improved management pro
cedures for health service
institut ions.
10 The development of
effective methods of educat
ing the general public con
cerning proper personal (in
cluding preventive) health
care and methods for effective
use of available health services.
The Welfare worker from
the Heppner Office will be in
Irrigon at the County Office
every Wednesday except the
4th Wednesday of each month
from 9:30 a m. to 12:30 p.m.
The Heppner Welfare Office
will be closed on Wednesdays.
Applications will be taken
and questions answered about
public assistance and food
G. Griffith dies
Glen B Griffith. 71. Condon,
died in Madras. OK.Sept. 7.
He was born in Geneva, NE.
July 18. 1904. He was an active
member of the Church of the
Latter Day Saints. Condon.
He is survived by his widow,
Valha Griffith. Condon: two
daughters Glenna Sainsbury.
Yakima. WA, and Jean Far
nsworth. Boise. ID: three sons
Gary. Condon. Mike. North
Bend and Doug. Vashnn. WA:
two sisters. Opal Thomas,
Portland. OR. and Pearl Luch.
Sacramento. CA; a brother
Dick. Kaki. AK; 20 grand
children, and 1 great-grandchild
Funeral services were held
in Condon Wednesday with
interment at Haystack Ceme
tery. Spray.
A tooth decay preventive
program will be conducted in
the elementary schools of the
county. Health Nurse Pat
Wright announced. Children
from kindergarten through
the sixth grade will receive a
toothbrush and be taught how
to brush their leeth properly.
Instructions will include the
proper home care of ones
Mrs. Wright states in recent
years various methods have
been used in school popula
tions to achieve a healthier
dentition. It is know when
florides are applied to newly
erupted teeth it can signifi
cantly increase their resist
ance to decay. Many studies
and observations in class
rooms have shown that weekly
rinses with a .2 per cent
sodium floride solution can be
helpful. This has been demon
strated in a 5 year study in two
Portland schools where tooth
decay was reduced up to 50
per cent.
A weekly fluoride mouth
rinse will be conducted in
Morrow Schools. This will help
make the children's teeth
more resistant to decay. Only
children with a signed per
mission form from their
parents will rinse weekly with
the fluoride. Permission
forms will be sent to parents in
the near future.
The health nurse stales that
this program is not a substi
tute for tooth brushing at
home, fluoridation of public
water or fluorides prescribed
by one's dentist or physician
or for the topical fluorides to
children's teeth by a dentist.
Nash's trlrv Ision sen lee
nun Hill be in (be lirppnrr
airj on a regular basis.
tail :;;.; wij
for appointment.
( ul. Wrapped Dr lit ered
sac. lb. C7 97C
Heppner Lions
Women Wrestlers
Sunday, Sept. 21 3:30 p.m.
Heppner High School Gym
Advance tickets on sale
at Coast to Coast Store
Sponsored By
Columbia Basin
Electric Co-op
"Serving 3010 square miles in Morrow, Gilliam,
Wheeler, Umatilla Counties"
Heppner, Oregon
1 1 Tilt KW
Childirtt Choir
Even Sen .
Even. Serv
Kible Study
Adult Kd.
Worth Ip
9 45 a in
. II am
9 45 a m
II am
f 30 a in
9 45 a m
II am
3D pm
10 am
11 am
I pm
13 a.m.
43 a.m.
II: M a.m.
SS I 45 m
Worship II I m
Sun Eve. service .7 00
Bible Study Wed. 7 pm.
Sabbiih School .... 1 30a m.
Worship II am.
Catechism ... Man A Wed.
Heppner. Sun II I m.
Saturday iXpm.
lone, Sun I 43 am.
Saturday worship, 1.30 p m.,
Si. ritricU
( lit Kill OP C HRIST. Lei-
SS 143
Church 1100
Sun Eve 7 30
Bible Study. Wed. ... 7 30
Sponsored as I community .
service by
The Heppner Lions Second
Annual Golf Tournament will
be held at Willow Creek
Country Gub this Sunday.
Tee-off time Is 8:30 a.m. for
the qualifying round. This first
round will be followed by two
rounds of medal play with four
flights. Trophies will be
awarded for the first three
places in each flight. Proceeds
of the tournament will be used
for Lions sight conservation
activities. Contact Neil Parks
for entry forms.
A two-ball team. Dave
Harrison and Gary Hunt,
scored a fifth place finish in
the Big Circle Golf Tourna
ment at Willow Run Golf
Course, Boardman. Sunday.
Dave also won the tourna
ment's best putter award.
In men's play at Willow
Creek. Sunday, John Ed
mundson took low gross. Ed
Struthers won low net, Fran
cis Doner ty had least putts.
Charlie Rawlins blasted the
long drive and Harry McCaul
ley was most accurate with
the shot closest to the pin on
number four. Judge Carmi
cheal was in charge. This
completed regular Sunday
morning play for the men for
this season.
Bobette Angel
Bobette Angell. 6. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Angell.
Heppner. was seriously injur
ed in a bicycle accident
Thursday evening. Sept. 4.
She was taken to Pioneer
Memorial Hospital and later
transferred to St. Anthony's
Hospital. Pendleton, where
she underwent major surgery.
At last report she is doinr
well and her parents expect lu
bring her home soon.
The men's medal play
tournament is scheduled for
Sunday. Sept. 28. Ron Jones is
taking entries for this event.
Family barbecues are
scheduled for Sept. 14 and 28.
with starting time at 3 p.m.
following the Lions and Men's
Medal Tournaments. A to I
have salads and J to Z have
desserts on both days.
The final inter -club play day
of the season will be held at
Echo on Sept. 2) for men and
women. Dave Harrison is in
charge of the arrangements.
The men's team match play
and individual match play
tournaments are reaching
their final rounds. We'll have
results to report in next
week's column.
Prospective new club mem
bers are encouraged to con
tact Conley Lanham. 676-5890.
for membership information.
There are many fine, warm
fall days of golfing left this
ill Sunday Special Vft
V Chicken Fried Steak I j
Honey Buttered Chicken I
ill I Beecher's is now open 7 days I J
a week. fljj
WW Wec,oseat 10p.m. fAondayJl
Advertisement For Proposals
The State Housing Division is seeking proposals for the construction or rehabilitation 01
mult (family housing projects for lower income persons, .ppror4 projects Hill receive
permanent financing and HI D Section S leased housing assistance payments through the
M ision.
The l)iv ision is an equal opportunity lender: and all housing constructed or rehabilitated
must be rented without regard to race, creed, religion, sex or national origin of the potential
I 'reformer will be given to those proposals for rehabilitation and those which indicate an
iitlrnt to mavimie the use of local labor and local subcontractors. The locations and
numbers of units in the local area for which the Division is seeking proposals are listed
Grant County
Morrow County
Umatilla County
Number of Units
To receive a developer's packet whkh includes all necessary forms and explanatory
material, write or call the Housing Division. Department of Commerce. Labor and
Industries Huilding. Salem. Oregon 97310: telephone 378-4343.
Until today, you've had a major problem. You
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A quality home, with plans you can persona Ike.
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No need to wait any longer! Now you can turn your
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