DES31E WETZELL U OF ORE tl E V.' SPAPER L I 3 EUGENE OR 9 7 4 0 3 RODEO Top cowboys are due in Heppner this weekend to compete in the Morrow County Rodeo. The rodeo will feature three RCA approved shows. Saturday shows begin at 1:15 and 7:15 p.m. Sunday's afternoon performance will be held at 1:15. Contestants will compete in bareback, saddle bronc and bull riding, calf roping, steer wrestling and team roping. Cow boys will add their entry fees, ranging from $20 to $30 a man, to bring the total purse to near $11,000. 1975 county fair figures show growth The niimtxT of commercial fair The ground have never ... i . . - i .11 I I, ...I ...,,... Tl,.. I.,.,l, exhibitors has increased, nil rnmmunily booth apace is filled; individual entries are up in number although the actual number has not been lot j led at this lime. Li Curtis. Morrow County Fair Hoard Secretary, says the board and fair committee are very pleased with the response from the county this year. She points out that the number of commercial txxilhs this year is more than double last year I number Fair goers are remarking at the quality of the displays. Kach department has done a special Job of decorating in line with the Bicentennial theme Many of the exhibits also stress this year s 2m) year theme County Extension Agent Harold Kerr remarks enthusi astically that "this is a great New conservationist for Morrow County Hob Adelman will assume the duties of district conser vationist for Morrow County on September 1.V Adelman replaces Dave Franen who has held the position for a little more than two years Franen will fill the same position for Harney County and will move to Hums oxer the Labor Day weekend Franen ' training has been more in the field of range management and his duties in Harney County will center around this area of work 5 LJ DOB ADF.I.MAN THE Vol. 92, No. 27 looked better.' The buildings are all in good shape. The staff iiff be el- and work crews are to commended for their excel lent work " Other random comment include. "I like that music outside and inside- it really sounds like a fair this year," "Look at the kids with tialloons that is the carnival look '" "All the red white-und-blue looks super' " "This feels like a reallv successful fair." H"HHI I. IMIM TUF HM.IVN l .. .' Heppner High School foot ball players are minded to check out their football gear Friday. Aug 22. from 9 12 a m and I 4 p in The first piaclicc Mill be held Monday. Aug 2.V Sam Adelman ts presently soil conservationist at Tangent in Linn County He has been there lor the past two years. I'rior to going to Tangent he worked two years at The dalles He is a graduate of OSt' where he majored in agricul lure engineering and techno logy He graduated in 1'aml spent the next two years with the Army Adelman has a wile Chris and a I year old son 1 PARAD Tophands sometimes compete in 150 or more rodeos annually and win upwards of $30,000. Reigning world champion all around cowboy Tom Ferguson won nearly $67,000 in the arena last year, plus another $20,000 in bonus money. Fergu son, of Miami, OK, also reigns as world calf roper. Stock contractors for the RCA shows is Stevens Bros. Rodeo Inc. of Middleton, ID. The Morrow County Rodeo will feature local cowboys performing in several GAZJ 3 "4"- V'" " Pi- i: pg , k.' " 1 I c" " 1, "H i r I History of fair given at Lions meeting Heppner Lions held their regular meeting at the fair grounds on Tuesday morning and enjoyed breakfast from the 4 II Snack Shack The meeting was held at that location to supNirt the 4 II and fair opening Twenty attended in the brisk morning air (luesi sH-aker for the morn ing was Floyd Jones, a long lime memfier of the Morrow County Fair Hoard Jones told the group the fair had its beginning in and w as held where the library and mus eum are now located It was held the third week in Septem ber as harvest was usually over by that time. Entries at the first fair included such items as home cured meats, canned fruits and vegetables Most of the exhibits were home made or home grown. Several of the larger producers of sheep and cattle exhibited In all there were about 2(H) entries and no premiums were paid and only a few ribbons were awarded The exhibitors paid a small entrance fee and admission was charged as this was the only financial support for the fair. Entertainment Included such activities as a tug of war, fool races, horse shoes and a baseball game. In 1915 some horse events were added to the fair. An arena was made by parking the cars, wagons, hacks and buggies in circle. The horses were brought Into the circle, aiuiMinl, saddled and then would be ridden. Some rode until the time was up. others rode until the horse quit iMicking If the horse should ,U.L Heppner, OR, I n 1 1 in. ii . mi. .. im. wimmunin in i iiiiii un umi. j-uiiwirv v, -v - i. A - j ) i '1 ' ' " I 1 t .... J it' -V . ; i j A,J. ' j ... 1 MOlUtOW CotNTVS FA I H AND KoDKO COCHT From the left. June McLean. H.irli.ira Palmer. Queen Mickey Hoskins. Donna Kea and Mary Ann Proctor lucik oul ol the arena the l ider gol oil the best he could I'llii through I'M'l there was no lair held because ol Wmld War I In Pi-1ithc lair resinned with an addition ol a c.irnnal In I'lJI saw the addition ol boxing and wrestling matches that pitted local talent .ii;,iiiisI the carnival pro s In this year more rodooevenN were added and the site ol the horse events was moved to where Kiiuii.i xr J r t j ; , ' HiiM) .IIIJ IL iru events. Trophies and prizes will be awarded to the top performers in each event. The Wranglers Horse Show will run all day Friday, Aug. 22 at the fairgrounds with a starting time of 9 a.m. Saturday morning at 10 a.m. the street parade will get under way with a variety of riding units, floats and individual participants. Nine rodeo queens and their courts are scheduled to appear in the parade along with a stagecoach driven by John Hoskins. Several organizations have entered floats and Oregon High School Aug. 21, 1975 Mill is now located The arena made m the same manner il was in the past years The uevl year some impor tant changes were made The Ian was still held at the bin ai y site with more and lieltci exhibits The rodeo was moved lo what is now the lair grounds location The land was donated to the city by C W. McNamer The arena uontinued on Page 2' JONKS For school use No decisions on mobile homesite A variance permit request ed by the School District, allowing them to place a mobile home on school prop erty, was tabled Monday night at a special meeting of the Common Council The issue was referred lo the City Planning Commission Sujcnn!end4f;t of Schnnls. Mall Doherty. requested plac ing the mobile home on the Heppner High School property staling the following reasons there is an increase in valid.ilism on the school property . especially glass iwcak.ige. with the shortage ol homo in i he Heppner area this would also creale a place lo live tor one ot the new teachers Hcasons lor referring the issue lo the Planning Com mission are although the mobile home would be on School District properly, the mobile home would Ik- owned b an individual, rather than the School District, three Idlers ot piolesl Iri'lli adja cent properly owners had been received by the City pioii-simg the mobile home Alter the adiaccnt proM-rty owner had liccn contacted. Idlers ol protest were receiv ed by Hie i lly stating they fell the mobile home in the area would lessen their property value Alter the adjacent property owners, had Ikvii contacted, letter ol piolesl were receiv ed by the City slating they felt the mobile home in the area would lessen their property values ll was pointed out that a commercial building now ex ists within the residential area At the time of the hearing lor the commercial building although it met with objections from residents in the area, the objections were overruled and the commercial building was constructed I'rior to tabling the request. Doherty was asked if the school district could locale the mobile home on another site where il could nut be seen by the objecting property own ers. Doherty replied. "This is the most suitable location on the 3 acre site that can be served by both sewer and water. "If the site has to be changed we would not have sewer and water facilities without added expenses, mak ing the site economically unfeasible." In some areas Wasting has lobe done prior to the installation of the sewer line Councilman Mills asked for an explanation for notifying property owners within a Jox) ft area According to the present standards the MO feet Is not from the building site but rather from the exterior property line A portion of the school district property is within the K WD Rodeo Queen Reta Ericksen will be in attendance. Probably the oldest partici pant will be Ethel Lehman, 83, from Echo. Participants will share in the nearly $475 of parade prizes. Dances will follow the Friday and Saturday night rodeo performances. Music for the dances will be provided by The Muddy Creekers and feature local singer, Sandy Matheny. Queen Mickey Hoskins and her court will reign over the activities. 15c city limits while the remain ing portion is in the county List year the school district asked to be annexed into the city The city refused on the Imsi that it could not furnish adequate police protection to I be school because of the lack ot police olficers S.nee that time the city has acquired two more police ofliccr and while die city cannot promise the school district 24 hour protec tion it was suggested that ierh.qs the school district re-apply tor annexation This was laken under advisement by Siqicrmtcndent Doherty He aKo remarked. "School property require 24 hour surveillance at all time He pointed out that team mem ber have had their cars ainlalied while they were playing hall game away Irom liiitne In lieu ot the compexily ol ihi situation the common council moved and unani mouslv approved the follow mi; motion in the future all (Kinuts requiring either conditional Use permit or a variance shall U- relerred to the City Planning Commission tut their approval In other business Ihe council tt anted llene Wy man a day extension on her building ' pel nut at Stmlh Chase St Approved an alteration per mit lor Lirry Anderson .Vsi No Flder to place a Inunda tion and insulate his existing siriH lure lielcrred a renewal for a variance application, on the MvFwen property lo the Planning Commission for their decision Approved five liquor re newal applications. Central Maiket. Court St Market. Jt; Thomson. Jim Rogers, and Hon and Olivia Palmer Award winning booth The Grand Sweepstakes ribbon for community booths was awarded to the Heppner Garden Clubs entry that features a mixed flower ar rangement m the style of 177 and a modern arrangement ala 1976 Other winners included youth organuations-lst Heppner Future Farmers of America. 2nd. Assembly of God Youth . 3rd. Merry Mixert 4 11 Morrow County Cow Bel les won 1st for farm organiia bons and Morrow Soil and Water District was 2nd The large group of com munity service and social organizations saw its blue ribbon go lo the Heppner Garden Club. 2nd place went to the Heppner American Legion Auxiliary; 3rd place was awarded ihe lone Garden Hub Accepted the recommenda tion ol Div ision of Highways to have preliminary plans drawn lor the construction of a new ln-idge at Morgan St. The cost to the city for the plans amount to $1.1(18 or 22 per cent ot the total cost The State will pay the remaining 78 per cent Thi is a preliminary engineering survey ; however, i' I the opinion of the engineer that the Slate will accept the plans once they are complet es! The next scheduled meeting ol ihe Heppner Common Council will be held Tuesday. Sept 2. lHsvause of the Labor Day holiday As prev imi.sly reported Ihe City ol Heppner had plans ol installing their own gas tank lor city vehicles However, the city was contacted by gasoline distributor in Ihe area who agreed to sell the city the g.iM.liue at a dicount The council voted to accept tin- g,i at a discount rather than spend the money putting in the necessary tank and related equipment llnltsF MH FHIUW The Morrow County Wrang ler' llote Show will be held at the fan grounds. Friday. Aug 22 Ttie halter classes will start at H a m with the perform ance show beginning at 1pm Anyone wishing to enter the horse show is asked to contact Mis Dick SJierer. 422 T42S Merchant have donated prize to he awarded to winners ol the events Ml Wranglers planning to participate in the Saturday morning parade are asked to nice! at Beckel Equipment wearing white shirts, dark (suits and a hat First for church organic lions went to the Seventh-day Advent ist Church. 2nd was won by the Heppner Christian Church Prtirs for commercial booths went to Oregon State Forestry Department. First; Kiniua Corporation, First; Morrow County Chamber of Commerce. First. Arte Dec orating System. Second, Actually each orgamtation was winner as each was awarded 110 for entering Mary Lindsay. Lexington, a fair volunteer with many years of service, was the superintendent of this divi sion Fair records show that In 1973 ther wrt 11 community bonihs; in 1974 only 13, and this year there were 20 carefully arranged booths. AW