Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 14, 1975, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Page , THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR, Thursday, Aug.
; I l:f!;: ijSJS,
I ; I'-'--' 0 'lOf r' Irvil
Frances Rose Wilson
The Assembly of God boys
and girls camp is in progress
this, week. Aug. 11-15. The
speaker is Dorothy De Alton
and the director is Pastor Bob
Schmoll of Irrigon. Over 100
boys and girls, ages 9 to 13
were expected to attend.
The Eastern Oregon camps
are being held at Meadowood
Springs, between Weston and
Tollgale this year, rather than
at the Blue Mountain Camp
which has been sold since it
proved to be an unsuitable
The Eastern Oregon Youth
Camp will follow on Aug. 18-23
for 8th graders through col
lege age. The Rev. Bill
Carmichael of Springfield. OR
w ill be the speaker and Dale
Edwards of Pendleton is
.Mr. and Mrs. Martin Abkins
of Kennewick surprised Mr.
and Mrs. E.A. Stephens w ith a
visit last Tuesday. They are
former Irrigon residents. On
Wednesday Lucille Coleman
Visited them.
iln vu mj UJo UJ
s i 000.00 cash relwte.
This is not a t.i crt'ilii li s n i .i
payment utter It .i .imm ,i-ii
relKMC. yours it mi .k
Think wh.ii you ioull
S I 5X).0O Hddltioll.d
You can Sci e up to s I n
more on the C.ipp Moment mr
clKMie i-('iil pn e n- lut lions mm
in elleo iie you ti lutf pru lucik " n
the new ;iip Home ou w,nn
A quality home, twill the way you w,tni.
Choose Irorn 7 niodels r.iru tiers
In le els or two stones Prrson.ilie the
plans lo III our t.irniK oor lite sile
vour bud4ei
9155 S tt'im B l
50) 2440?
340) Jftdoft St'tt
Ylkiini. With'Hton 98901
S0 241 3680
Mr. and Mrs. John Brandt
and family left the past week
for a vacation in Canada,
including Vancouver and Vic
toria B C. They plan to spend
three weeks.
Mr and Mrs. Don Adams
and Scott spent a week on the
Oregon Coast vacationing.
Sheryl Partlow spent a week
in Portland and Vancouver.
WA visiting relatives.
Horse show
The Wrangler's Morrow
County Horse Show w ill start 9
a m. Friday and is open to all
residents of Morrow County.
Pre-entry blanks are avail
able at Gardner's Men's Wear
rr may be obtained by calling
Mrs. Dick Sherer. 422-7-128
Entries w ill be accepted at the
Hre show office. Fair
grounds, from 2 8 p in., Wed
nesday. Aug 20 There w ill be
both halter and riding classes
during the all-day event.
I now
s.i inKs
your Capp Representative
send the coupon today!
crpp Homes
rw munenna mooucTt comrrr
14, 1975
LAWAXDA LINDSEY, far right packed in the younger set at the Court Dance
last Saturday night. Here she is pictured singing some of the songs that brought
her popularity. She was accompanied by the musical group Shaniko.
Approximately 450 people attended the dance.
Deadline near
for elk tags
Hunters are reminded that
the deadline for anterless elk
permit and cougar tag appli
cations is rapidly approach
ing. Those who wish to be
considered in the public draw
ing must have their applica
tions in at the Department of
Fish and Wildlife's Portland
office before 5 p.m., Aug. 19.
The drawing to select suc
cessful applicants will begin
at 10 a m. on Aug. 29 at DFW
headquarters. SW 17th and
Alder. Portland.
Only licensed hunters may
apply for elk permits and
application should be made on
the permit application form
which is provided with the
purchase of an elk tag.
Cougar tags are applied for
on the special tag application
card available from license
agents. Season dates, number
of permits and tags available,
area descriptions, and com
plete application instructions
are contained in the game
mammal regulations booklet
available free from license
l lnisli li yotirsell ,iikI s.ivc
W'e ilo tin
do Hie
work irid
more house itiiin sou ihnuuhl
you ( ou
.Hre.il leelintf ol i
M t now for siMX).oo(ish reUiie.
(trder vour I irush II Yrtirsell llous' lv
M pt Hth. t.ike ilelivery ty Ix'- Jist
ind lin.im e kk .iIIv. jiimI you run Hei
vour siomt(i ret kite in cash' nl we
Im.tru e yHir Ivmie. we'll redu e ihr
pru f SlmooiMint miss ihe ( h.iru v
lo moe lntc the new home you want'
j - J EZ3 in 1 1 tin .j l i J Liiiiiini
Bcllevue, Wiihington 98005
Yes. I'm Interested in a $1000.00
cash rebate. Have my Capp Hep
contact me. oit 21 i
N4MF.. .
Q o IwiWini kM ( .
Secretaries hold
July meeting
The Pendleton area Legal
Secretaries' July meeting was
a pot luck picnic in Stillman
Park. Nine members were
Dr. Tamara Vega was guest
speaker. She spoke on the
tremendous task it was to get
all children entering school for
the first time immunized.
Forms are sent home with
the children which the law
requires to be returned and'
most of the parents do not
return them. This entails
more bookwork. letters from
the State and more tax money.
These forms must be re
turned whether or not you
want your child immunized.
These services are performed
for the benefit of the children
and the community in general,
as it keeps outbreaks of
contagious diseases under
control. Anyone having ques
tions is invited tocall Dr Vega
at the Health Department
There was a question and
answer period after which Dr
Vega took the blood pressure
of each member present
The August meeting is
tentatively set for Dorothy
Earl's home.
Siooooo's more.
he.ivv work. ou
interior finishing
s,if even more
Vou i-nd up with
Id utlord. plus ,i
( ornplishmenl
tiiiimiiij .I-Hi l I
1 mm
A farewell coffee hour was
held at the United Church of
Christ Sunday morning fol
lowing the worship service in
honor of Mary Holtz. Mary
will be moving to Seattle,
where she will be working in
the new Federal Way Post
Mrs. Maravene White,
Portland, spent a few days
last week visiting her hus
band, Gordon White.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Martin
and family. Moses Lake, WA,
were recent visitors at the
home of his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Martin. They were
accompanied by Yoka Haya
skida of Tokoyo, Japan, who
will be staying this fall and
winter with the Melvin Martin
Visitors over the weekend at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Crabtree were Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth LaFaive, and Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Qunell of
Tacoma. WA. They were on
their way to Reno.
Mrs. Roy W. Lindstrom
spent several duys in Portland
last week. She met her
daughter Susan Lindstrom
from San Mateo. CA. who is
spending a few days in
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
O'Connor reeently spent some
time in Coos Bay, where Mrs.
O'Connor attended a Post
masters Convention.
Last week Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Martin attended Albany
College reunion, composed of
classes of 1931 through 1937, at
the Lewis and Clark College
on Aug 2. Approximately 118
of Mrs. Martin's classmates
AUGUST 19 thru 22
VUII Ihf llcpprif r Lioni (lub Booth (or
Know C'oriM nd Cotton Candy!
Columbia Basin Iloctric Co-op
Serving Morrow, Gilliam and Wheeler Counties
Heppner Phone 676-9146
attended. They also visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Martin at Lake Oswego, and
Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R A. Horton at
Dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree on
Monday evening were Mr.
Francis Lindsey and son John
of Albuquerque, NM.
CD fiscal
report given
The annual fiscal year
report of Columbia Basin
Electric Coop has been pre
pared and the annual audit
The auditors will be report
ing to the Board of Directors
at the next board meeting.
The annual report showed
assets of the local corporation
had reached $7,517,498 as of
June 30, 1975.
Total annual operating rev
enues for the fiscal year ended
June 30 were $1,325,982 with
margins over expense of
During the fiscal year
$55,551 in patronage credits
were paid in general distribu
tion of the years 1961 2 3 and to
decedent estates. Total taxes
paid were $70,580.
Additions to utility plants
were $730,751 during the fiscal
year and plant retirements
were $61,904.
G-T Want
Ads Pay
Come to flie Morrow County
Highway travel
shows Increase
Traffic volume on most of
Oregon's highways showed an
Increase in vehicular traffic In
May. 1975, compared to May
of 1974, according to the
monthly report compiled by
the Oregon State Highway
A summary of the perma
nent traffic recorder data for
1 rural and urban stale high
ways showed an Increase of
69 per cent In vehicular
traffic in May. 1975. compared
to May of 1974.
The first five months of 1975
showed an Increase of 116 per
cent In vehicular traffic com
pared to the first five months
of 1974.
' i A
V, , i
rK-' r nr y
Jyl Hobbs. an active
member is shown giving
cooking demonstration.
ft l"w.
8 S "
AUGUST 22-24
Enjoy the
Fair Exhibits
Enjoy the
Fastest Rodeo
In the
Smokty Says:
UAvt rvN...JUsr
tth tmba fhral VacalUa
lim atnoM U kaffT tia. . .
Mt flrwt
our youth!
S AttPtirl
! 1116
ii tun mill
1 1 - II -