Page 4, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR, Thursday, Aug. Where1 Early detection, quick sup ressioo. is the purpose of the new fire crew stationed at Opal Meadows in the Heppner District of the Umatilla Na tional Forest. aWV as r :-, . r Two of the fire Ennon Hay den r 1 F&ii??-rrn ooioooooooooooooeooooooeoKoooooowvKooooooooooooc Under the supervision of John Breidenbach, fire man agement technician, the 21 member crew serves several purposes. Equipped with a 5 passenger helicopter for w JOHN BREIDENBACH, fire management technician, discusses the next location for a helipad with pilot Shroch. The copter is setting on the pad at Opal Meadows, headquarters for the fire crew. fighters are shown piling slash at Opal Meadows. On the left is and on the right is Isaiah Burton. ' ' Two squad members are shown piling slash along a logging road. Note the sinks are piled so they lay up and down the hill. This prevents them from rolling down hill when burning. Welcome to the Morrow County Fair The Fair gives us an opportunity to salute the 4-H Clubs & Future Farmers America. They will be displaying the skills and products that mean so much to America and to the world . . . SABRE P. o. $ox US IOAIOMAN, OltOON tIH 14. 1975 e fire? We're tired of mobility the crew members" can be moved to a fire in minutes, either in this district or w herever needed. When not fighting fires, the six-man squad are kept busy piling of FARMS 110 f - v )oooaooooooooooo8oo slash, building helipads or making fuel breaks. At the start of the season the fire crew numbered 25 but due to personality conflicts, dis like for the work and various reasons, the crew now stands at 21. Of this number, five are young ladies. Most of the crew are college students or recent graduates. Regardless of sex, the workload is the same. Four of the women are as capable in the use of a chain saw as are the men. Prior to being stationed at Opal Meadows, the crew was trained in Pendleton in fire fighting methods and working together. They also were familiarized with operations from the helicopter. Each person i furnished shirt, pants, boots, hard hat and pack of other necessary equipment. The packs arc kept in the command tent and in the event of fire would be dropped to the squad as soon as all personnel were at the scene of the fire. The pack contains such items as jacket, first aid kit, and "C" rations to mention a few. The clothing issued is fire i resistant and appears to be one or two sizes too large. The reason for the baggy appear ance is if the clothing should catch fire, loose clothing is easier to remove and there is less chance of serious burns. At all times two canteens are carried by the members of the fire crew. All buildings, vehicles and cook equipment are on lease at the Opal Meadows camp. Mobile homes are used to i house the crew, portable i toilets are available and the , food is furnished by a catering firm from Seattle. Rented panels are used to transport the squads to areas for slash piling. The helicopter is also on lease. '. The crew is on duty at ajl 'times but may have one day'a week off. Their work day . begins at 9 a m. and continues until 6 p m. Breakfast is it 7:45 and most will have a sack lunch at noon followed by ra healthy meal at night. Eaeh day they have a half hour pi physical training, calisthen ics, running, volleyball or some other activity. i Each day the work for the . squads is rotated to break the monotony of some jobs .J One squad will go with the helicop ter to various areas to build helipads. One squad rerrviiijs in camp where they pile f ai nearby and the others w II go to logged over areas lopik slash. J ! Helipads are require to have a cleared area of 300 feet by 500 feet with the actual pad being 25 square feet. The pad fs merely a level spot where the helicopter may safely set down. The pads are marked by rocks painted white. They try to locate pads so no more than three miles separate (hem. Normally an area that is open is preferred. : The helicopter crews are in addition to the three lookouts and 3 guard stations in the district All facilities are in radio contact at all limes and daily flights by detection planes aid in early sighting of fires Those stationed at guard stations are primarily in the prevention end of the service I although road patrols are made bv the rangers. They spend considerable time talk ing to tne putjhc and warning them of the fire dangers. Pay for the fire fighters is Jl 25 per hour with time and a half for over time. In the timber sale contracts the cost of slash piling is included in the price. Piling of slash along the roads is of prime concern as this reduces the hazard of fires from cigarettes or matches. 1ft sr- I . ; , - r ' i f !Ur f , -?f-V r - v,i k r j -ft1 . !.,... r ' -V- tV ft:' ji.X, -V';- I JANICE GILBERT is shown using the chain saw while piling slash. She is only one of the four women w ho are skilled in the use of a saw. At all times while using the saw safety equipment such as goggles are used. On her belt is also a fire extinguisher. DANCE Saturday, August 16 Hardman Community Center Music by the Denims 9 til? Admission $2 Supper will be served fTTl I WHO I g3 DOES IT? HAS IT? ' Service Directory j?i Automotive Floor Covering Insurance Optometrist SHUtltl l I UIKUtol KT. IV. t iMiili lr Sales A Srr kr 'UHK Main UrrniMiMi Building Supplies M t sKMt 1 I.VOl II i;i II lt(.sl Pi'l IKS. Ur le.ilui r lln rn I'mimN TIM l l l I I MltHKO. Tim Mwre, Mr. IIAIUKTIIN I CafeS LOUflgCS I I. SI Ill At.K4 ah: SH ialisl In niixnt di ink and (inr (ihmIi. II. ins lliinki r n;iiVtl llrpiiirr Construction ltlHtllKI) ( ONSTItl CTIOM'O. Hicrrte AKKrrxalr ( rnshrd Kim It Drain Kim k asphull 1'iting Fraaling and(.rdlnK llrrmklnti. Oregon I'hime.';-2I2I Drugs, prescriptions iikiimistovdhk; Krre l'reMTiMHM Mail Sen ire Open I a.m. to 7 p in. (ift for all or cinliin. Snark Bur III Main SI. I'd. M J-3;i Floor Covering Ketmig F1Mimivering Carpt I, draperlet. linoleum counter lop, rrnmlr llle, flooring, taadrles Sales InMallallon' SOS North Id St. MrrmlitM. Orrfo pilin The only fires so far this season have been small snag fires caused by lightning. Many of the crew expressed disappointment that no large fire has required putting their training to use. Since this portion of the district has a XI.VH I MMilt ( IH KIIIM. I .n h-i I iimli'tim. ( rranilr Tiliv Kill h n( uhliiHo I I i t lliinulr IMihIi lii.irunli id I.HI lluuhro I.'.' I liiili-n Wat ;-iiim llipinrr Furniture nousi-oricowm,:;.- Npw K I nrd liiiiiiliiirA ipliiini-r mIIhm ii-d NiH Ur Urali-ri . I'irsl. Ilrrmislmi .'aiT-N'iiai S-r as bi'lorr t on but our i idiir T or trrrtlrm. WII.COX H HMTI KK l ITI lM f.S :j.llrrmKlon Ate. .'ii.T J.'iil llrrmloton Furnace Service Dick's H ItWO.SKRVKK r M-rtke nrarlt all It pes of furnace: Uo sales and M-rtke mi new dealing A air rimrilfltmliiK unit. Chime Z;i;i )l K II VKilKOK K tnisWIIIh I'rndlrlim Insurance DONALD L TONNING lH Ito. M HwmlttM, Onm M7474I - Mom. Ul im FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS Kvenlng ippoJntmf all available g slash lighter tourist load, fire dan gers are primarily from lightning. The crew of mixed men and women works well according to forest officials. The women probably adapt to that way ol life faster than most of the men. This year has been one ol learning according to Brel denback and next year we can benefit from this year's mis takes. Depending upon the fire code for the day. the rules are observed by the fire crew the same as by all timber opera tions. Should the code be C for the day. the saws must be shut off early enough to allow for a three hour watch of the area after the shutdown. Other codes mean different regula tions and time of the watch. The code is determined by weather conditions. NAPKINS for all occasions Gaietle-Tlmes I'rAIH KT Kit t II t ar Mofmil. II ltHt. Mltnit AliltVWT Itt'tH-rul Insurant r HV MOVCH IVSi'RWCK AI.KNtV s;ii-wr llrppnrr Itat Hot re ;-J:wi Turp's Electric Residential - Commercial Robert F.Turpin. Owner PO. Hot 39 Arlington. Or. 97812 Bus 4M 2741 Monuments I iirirrt urate marker t.r.inilr. M.ulilr, Hrnne MIKM V MOHTl HY 21 hiMir phone ;- r c;t-22s s,,, rt In Innr I rin(tn Ili'Pliner. I' ll. Ita 7. Heppner Lsundromatt Physclans-Surgeons DR. L I). TIHBI.KS (Htropal pbytirlaa anil iMr(eM III NalWual Bank BMi. Rei.l7H2l Off.l7t.MH gkrai.da.J()m:s,md. rhyiklai a Kargeoa IIIK.IIurlbMrt. Ilenni: Man. thn Tri., a.m. IJ Mi m. l:Mp m. Ip m. rrl .ti m.-lp m. HrrmlilMi, OR.riM 1 Smokey Stys: TOSSING AWAY JRNIN6 SMOKES ISADM&efiOUS NASir era itatmi. . .rVtftal hmtt flml Peaches UPick 18C lb. Itrd Haven Frrllentfortllring frreilng and ranning tiring runta inert Thomas Orchards KIMHK.KI.Y.OK. HI S. Min ire-l'retlrtVnl t Min(rr Oil I .K M IIMHTZ OpIniiirlrUl Nrvl In llntrl llrppnrr rniranie. i,;ii iii.i llrppnrr Printing ii.n I'K. l I'ltlNTIVi; IMI UAM- IOI'KS Movrsii:s i.ittktimj:s Radiator Service t WtMr its: KISIt)TOH SHtl(K Nmh Islhr limrUiirl totir hartesl rqulpmenl ready hrliHr Ihe ruth tritiM. Sewing Machines ki;:r Salr A Mert ice We repair all make and model (kw.wh ApprotedSlnurr Dealer 21 IS. Main I'rndlrlun 2H 21.'.2 Titfe Insurance MOHKOH t'Ol'XTY AHSTR ACT AM) TITI.K CO. Title Innuranre (Wi.Mpr(rrlMj(. ; WI2 llrppaer CMATIU.A RF.ADY-MIX llpea every weekday, and.Halurdiyiand Kundayi If arc eaiary. Phone 171 MM or