Page 4. THE GAZETTE TIMES, Heppner, OR., Thursday, July U, 1975 A hi Japan for 3 area girls u Three Morrow County teen age girls are packing, study ing Japanese language and bracing themselves for five weeks of Japanese diet. They leave Seattle July 25 for a five-week visit with host families in Japan under the 4 H and LABO programs that encourage an exchange of youth with other countries. Making the trip are: Alice Abrams, 13. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abrams, Heppner. She is a junior high school student. Her host family lives in Nagasaki. Cathy Palmer, 15, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Palmer, Eightmile. She attends Heppner High School. Her host family lives in Marugame. Janette Piper, 13, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Piper, Lexington. She is a junior high school student. She will be living with a family in Kofu. The girls leave Seattle by Northwest Orient Air Lines with about 175 other 4 Hers from Washington, Idaho, Montana and Utah. They will spend the first two days of their visit in Tokyo taking orientation instruction, which includes 9 hours with the language. They have already been issued special diction aries for the trip. The girls applied for the trip last October. They will be limited to 66 pounds of luggage (preferably 44 pounds), will take $30 in currency to be exchanged upon landing. Their other funds will be carried in travelers' checks. Because prices are so high in Japan it is not anticipated that the girls will do much shop ping. Chaperones for the trip include Kathryn Ash of Co quille, John and Lynne Breese the is a biology teacher and Mrs. Breese works with the American Field Service) and Kim Yada, a 1975 graduate of Oregon State University. The girls are scheduled to return home from Japan on Aug. 28. - i ' ! re? . r If '-- f m.1 J T f ..' - MR. AND MRS. EDDIE Cl'NDERSON . . . celebrated their silver wedding anniversary Saturday. A reception in their honor was given by their sons. David and Doug, at the Elks Lodge. The Gunersons left Monday for a week's vacation in Hawaii. Both are graduates of Heppner High School and were married in Heppner, July 21, 1950. He is employed by Kinzua Corporation. Bev is a bookkeeper at Murray Drugs. SPORTSWEAR ! Several new styles 'i. l A F I and colors of dis- ;lLl&ft Jm Vv tint-live pants have I'-'i AI Wr just arrived. ' ' J Back to school clothes jwjl 'A are arriving daily. ; ;V J l They'll make you glad i n to be back in school! "VJ j jj Gardner's Men's Wear Heppner Ph. 676-9218 i I 4 clearance of summer fabrics Friday & Saturday Only, J Illy 25 -26 To make room for new Fall fabrics! All Polyester doubleknlts 2.00 sq.yd. CASE FURNITURE iniiii fes .lia Rodeo Time is near For the younger performers' we have a new supply of Jeans, sizes I to 18 and Western Shirts sizes 818 $6.95 BlueChambray Shirts sizes 4 18 nOUSE'fflSHIONfr Saturday Market scheduled lone will be the scene of the next Associated University Women's Saturday Market. The market is scheduled for the lone City Park on Satur day. Aug. 2. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Anyone having crafts, bak ed goods, jams and jellies, garden produce, etc., are encouraged to sell their items. Garden produce should be in ample supply by this time and any gardener who has an oversupply is asked to bring the surplus to the Saturday .Market and make some profit from his garden, says Liz Curtis. AAl'W members will again have a bake sale. Anyone wishing further in formation is asked to call Karen Beck in lone at 422-7526. Princess (Continued from Page I) this summer. Next fall she will be missed at lone High School. Barbara was captain of the volleyball team and played center on the girl's basketball team. During her high school years she as secretary treasurer of the National Honor Society. the Girl's Athletic Assn. and the junior class She enjoys music' as much "as sports activities. Barbara was a member of the "swing choir." a select group of 10 singers who sing music especially wrillen for "swing choirs". She was also a member of the chorus. Outside of school hours and ranch work. Barbara found time to participate in 4-H projtt-ls. She had projects in skiing, leatherrratl. clothing and horsemanship She has been the junior leader for the horse club in lone. Saturday mghl is Barbara's night She invites even one to come out to the fairgrounds and dame to the music of Jack- J ana Daley to wed Kevin Dick Miss Jana Daley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Joe Daley. Pendleton, will lie married lo Kein Dick, son ol Mr. and Mrs I.E Dick. Heppner. on Aug 2 The wedding will lake place al the Peace loitheran Church in Pendleton, at 7 pm The reception will be al the "Lei 'er Buck Room" al the Pendleton Hound t p grounds. Friends and relatives are muted lo attend Cathy Palmer. 'Decorate Your Duds' program Saturday A program of interest to girls planning to participate in the 4 11 Style Show at the( Mornm County Fair is plan ned for Saturday. July 26. 1 30 p m .at the elementary school in Heppner. Girls will be given instruc tion and assistance on model- r ing by Cheri Carlson assisted (' l Kay Bergstrom Both Cheri. and Kay are . former 4 11 members who excelled in style revues, and both are home economics majors at (in-gon State University. A bonus feature of the training session will be a sHt ial session b Cheri Smith ol Pendleton Sew and Sew. She uill present a program on creative ways to 'ikforale Your Duds " The special program will include ideas on embroidery, trims, recycling, denims, paint on fabric, appli iiic and all other ways lo adding personal louche to clothing and home furnishing. u well as a look ahead at l.i-liion and fabrics for fall nr.iivitv ltO M1KTS Till HS)Y The regular July meeting ol the public library board is set for tonight at o'clock al Ihe library. This fourth Thursday-of each month meeting is open to Ihe public. Randall Peterson is board chairman; Pauline Winter, secretary -treasurer; Rita Wolff. ftb Jones. Ed Strulh ers and Myrna Johnson, members; and Justine Wea Iherford. librarian. CAL'S CAFE AND LOUNGE will be closed all day, Sunday, July 27 3rd ANNUAL PICNIC All employees, guests and friends are Invited CUTSFORTH PARK Free food and beverages for young and old. Free ice cream for the kids Games faces norsehoesfun for everyone. (If you plan to attend bring either a salad or dessert) THE FUN STARTS WHEN YOU GET THERE 4 Alice Abrams and Janette Piper All interested are invited to corneal m lo at tend the Decorate Your Duds" pro gram. Included also in the pro gram will be information concerning fair events, plans for the 4-H Style Show, and related information by Fran rine Evans, chairman. 4 11 Style Revue Committee. All 411 girls, their mother and leaders are invited lo attend the special pre fair training event. Church services in park Members ol the United Methodist Churches of Echo and Heppner meet together al Culsforth Park last Sunday. The Rev. Edwin Culling conducted morning worship at II o'clock and the group shared a picnic dinner after ward Mardel James. Heppner. retried on her experiences during a week at Ihe Metho dist Camp on Wallowa Lake. She told of the program thai aided young campers in their understanding of "conflict and cooperation." She described a frightening experience they had in the flood which brought tons of water and many rocks across a road they were using Rev. and Mrs. Cutting were part of the camp staff. will visit Japan. Godins are moving (o Rev. Forest Godin. his wife. Carol, their three daughters and son are leaving Heppner this week for Roseville. Mi Bev. Godin has been pastor of The Church of the Naiarene here for three years Carol has worked with the "Good News Club" for young children for two and one-half years The will drive East. Forest in a loaded U Haul van and Carol in Ihe family car. Al Roseville. a suburb of Detroit. Forest will serve as associate pastor of The Church of The Naarene. Mrs Godin says. "We are vwr to leave some good friends here, but we are responding lo a call." She says she does not think the church in Heppner has decided yet on a new pastor. Marion reunion atCutsforth A family reunion was held Sunday. July 11. al Culsforth Park honoring Mrs. Joe Ma lum Present were Mrs. Ma lion 'i five children: Mrs. Celia Malleson. Heppner; Mr. and Mrs Rod Blogell. Philomath; Mr. and Mrs Gib Olp. Heppner: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mahon. Joseph; and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Helgett. Lebanon. Also present were 14 grand children. 35 great grandchild ren and 4 great great grandchildren. Michigan H Ip pi p pj n H I N ! M I H Si" MR. A MRS. Marianne Chaney is wed in Beaverton Marianne Chaney, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Huber, Heppner. was recently mar ried lo John Brams. Delroil, In the Chapel of Cedar Hills Community Church. Beaver ton. Or. The bride was attended by her sister. Lucille Huber, and the groom by his brother. Jim Brams. Detroit, in an informal ceremony witnessed by family and close friends. A dinner at ihe Columbia Edgewaier Country Hub followed Ihe ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Brams have returned from a trip to Ihe Eastern United Slates and Europe and are now at home at 13160 SW'. Glenn Ct., Beaverton, Both Marianne and John are HWI. STORY HOUR is mommy mohmm; Monday will be Ihe last day children 4 through 8 will have lo attend the summer story hours conducted al Ihe Hepp ner Library by Ihe Association of University Women. Rita Wolff will be Ihe story teller for Ihe 10 a in session Linda Bier and Annette Hagey will assist WW H VHY Mr and Mrs Gene Wallace. Port Hueneme. CA . are parents of a daughter, born July 5 Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bergstrom. Heppner. and Mrs Walter Roberts of Conewango Valley. NY. mmmimmmiimtiitiKMtMttj' p i frdl Caravelle by Bulova 1 PI ! $ I (i 1 p) ! pi . 1 M 5 pi I pi 1 p , I p I H I pi jim 2 IMI tOUmil . (nft4 cut U " to-M ', U ftwtlt. CMom fifliili $41 II 4tMJ Urn Hflt m loldtsn tl M U i a i fih-a r J5- JOHN BRAMS accountants, employed by the Arthur Young accounting firm In Portland. Fall Fashions pants v tons Vkp,,p Summer Pants Special xOj $7.95 Lebush Shoppe Celebrate living 365davsaear Flowers do it s- fi7ft4R Pi PJ Pi PJ pj pj 14 N L'l i'l M ft I') M N i 1 t4 0 $4 pi H V E'i 7 ltN Ruit f A.M. to m irr main it. nrrwsa May & Main St Heppner Ph. 676-9432