Page 5. THE GAZETTE TIMES, Heppner. OR., Thursday. June 26, 1975 Fabric Shop Anniversary Sale Friday June 27 thru Jury 5 45 inch cotton blends Sale Price 77 c. per yd. More in store specials. 45 inch denim Sale $1. 19yd. White Poly Double Knit 60 inches wide $1.98 yd. 60 inch Poly double knits Reg. $4.50 sale price $2.66 yd. Reg. $5.98 sale price $3.29 yd. Reg. $6.98 sale price $3.88 yd. 330 SW 11th Open 9-30 -6 pm A mm m . Mermlston wn the Butter creek Hwy.) Ph. 567-6782 Public Notice KJ i , I. ..i. IB I NOTRE OF MAKING th. hudpi iu.ti Cit ot JLMinirtoo Orwii . i, iu ,. ri7. ii.26 tmln(i Jul) I , l'7J n dl.Urd and wman.d btlim-. oil prrp.rcd by Ilia l (id., Amul. f Muditwd Actual a.ii.u.ilii.j b., and 'JCj , it nol cnutlrnl nh llw muunlliif boil utrd duim 1 1. a I.u iu y..n Mj.,i Junitci. If any, and thau .Mr. i un Out buJti .1. mi luiih m n a.urnip.uyma. A tufty uf II Sudani U.unnl may bt tmtild obtain. hatwrni ih houit u(J AH nd 12 H00O alld 1MwliW ,,lii4nt,nC)t,ua ...., ,.1 l-lo .Pljr CouncU .j, h,,dHondv. Jul H ,75 budarl An ptium may apat 10 d.kuu lh budi. o any pari 11I H iiZ. (ihaitntan Uutattutii. Body! Morrow Kuynty I " " ihi SUMMARY Of tAX LIVY AND OIHIR tUUCtf RIOtRt 1$ ttfvy Wilhw 1.1 ttmtiatkut . iry (Ktiwdv f InmiaibHt lry OulHda M limtuixtfi ISaiial lyy) N1 &ub,t tu TOTAL fRilTOMD U VV lt. fca .iiiid lu Awii Tulal Rudarl Haunt',! from tft ? Tulal T.i In ht la.vd Itvm II lOlAt l IX. I r All M'MK 61,030.00 I Ittt .. I sT.I V. 1 i.a&4.oo I 1.339.00 I A.3. IY I -5i .fft V) I ,aiiai MnMBMBlMHHQpBal SUMMARY Uf IMPUItDSIVI M.H.J. V..l I..-,, 1, . lOfAI. INKIHIHtMt aw a. .rf 0 ... . .15,000.00 . U.JlK .00 f VnUair. a. rf j rf )tj iij 1 1 V 0 ' ' 'H,AA..iJO t' 145,000.00 lUNItt NOI KIQURINC AN AD VAlOMM 1AX IO t ItVIIII (CAP TMiJ P,i..,nral SfrvKrt (Iruludti faMll t mill Trf.l M.ltnalt and Wnnai l-.IJ I jiul ItulUt Ixl.l All (Hhff Ku) flit ... f,.lj Hod-I Hr.uiirmrnti Budfr1 Mrhwurt I . .1 IVivwnal llmluikt alt fn'i'V tuUl) total M.l.ti.1. and Sf.l ..l ( il.l (Killai total All Otlirt K.iuitriTMrnlt . Ift.1 H'tdavl Natpiiirfmnlt 1 .1.1 Hudil Kvimi Ul V.a. Pin Wf S.l .a. q Q 0"" yjfl.UU 2a2i.jiS h?--v Q 0 0 Q 0 jMj.i-V .HIH-tXl kftVAV tufCZ I 3f7liuu I 's V.a Ptw at Nl Vrat 1?,- i-uu tV '.Vi! n 0 , ..t.i'l1;c'i t.tlal I. .1.1 tola! Illjl f.'lal T.Mai iSiv.tiftl Vntll llfHludat all fayftdl Coall) M.lvitalt and Smut . . . I aptial Outlay AH Otltr K..iitffmnii . iudatl ftaoHifrmanll , . . feud! MrMtuivat T.tlal t.1.1 I .1.1 I..UI I .UI I. .1.1 I.M.I t M.I I. 1.1 I. .1.1 t.M.I I .1.1 larr.tniM I Wnkft llmludat all PayittH CtMlll M.uitali and Vrvkt (' Outlay All OilKf MrMuttfmftli ... H.tdf.1 HriHiHrtnanll . . . . . . Hodyvl rtrkwuri rVifc.ttn.1 Sirttft llrkludat ad Payitdl Cttalil Mjirit.1 at.d Srnkrt ... I ii'tlal IHillai Ill Dttwf KruitrttMrnll . Hu.l I Kr.uitcitwnli . 8.iJvt Maitiittvt . l-atl Tnn Vl ym.txr- i.,uco iaJ.OAV UiM. ifii.iM I IfilA'.OO 1 1Qt?.V0 . . . ri'Mow rmm m la.l Yra. n N' a eivW4J i li.Lti tl V.a. I" Nrtl V.a IHZZZZZZZ 7..; " 7..'M-.U I 7.u.U) 1 .1 .1 I.I I I Hi f ..I.I ll I .1 .1 I' ..mi.. I Vitk.l llmhtdrt all r.t..U (.Hill M.I. n,l ii.d Vfkn t .., .1.1 Kull.i ll Hi t' H.MM.'MWIlll It .,1-1 H...tnr'wnlt H ..I. ' M......I... mn luyATtMK n rw hm or rmx.nAM tail m INn N 1 1 af " HZZZZZZIZII " i'j7JiA,u.u. ' ' 1 'i47.AV.U) rtlNIM MOT RtQUIIII'tC AN Al VAlOMM TAX TO (i IIVIII) I .1,1 TVivnuwl VKKtl lliklud.l all fjfl.'U tuMI) t .ul ViUnl .i.J Viiml I .1,1 J .ul llull.l li.l.l All IMI..t . T-.I.1't Mc.Mtt.ttitnll . . t.ilil' K.v,i,l ... la.l Ttttt Vftl Nail r IIZZZZZZZZ! .-l.lMU.tX .7a.vavV. 0 i.(A,kwy. a,.V !-, T al.A'.'.JM 1 A.Jtt,'.m tlMli KtO IHIM. till lVV t AS MIVMIHHMUX ID til AMI till l.l.l r. I V't.kt-t llmludat all f.)i.ll (mil) I.1I4I M.I1H.I1 and Sattkat Tulal I ai'tlal (Itill.y . . ... Iiittl All (Iiiki H...ili.mrlll T.ilal R.,iiitviik-Mlt llfKludmrj Ttatilltrt) ... . tulal HruniMt I .pl tai lu h I avd Ad Vabtniti l.l. l Knitttil Ad Val.M,iti tat Hf.ttttad lit ialark tiun.jl.d l.t N..I lu txRctamNl tulal Ad Vil-H'in T. lu Im lH .) Witliitt hiianl ImuiaikMi ley Ouluda ft ri..til I mil I all. Ml .... . a.y (fulmtv A fananl LmmatiiMI tmyl . NiM ihn-il In I ii.iilalt.Ml MavV JL 1 -IM.ill) :i-,0. -9-. jiwoy. 1V4.0U. I Mi OH I'HiM.K tM "".Wt-.-oir Ktv.r v.t't"i.'i6 ju'JU.tAJ. V.J .... ,fUM Judc Paul Jones, right, prescnls a Presidenlial Cerlificale of Appreciation to Clarence Bautnan. Ttie certificate was given to Bauman for 25 years of uncompensated work for the Selective Service System. Heppner City Council holds special meeting , tut th putputt ot rVlillri l (tuMk heating on llul A special meeting of the Heppner Common Council was held Thursday night at City Hall to discuss franchise procedures with Heppner TV. Inc. The franchise committee decided to meet with the city attorney before making their recommendations to the city council. Bob Jones acting as chair man of the council, in the absence of Mayor Sweeney, read a letter to the council from Steve Anderson, city engineer, regarding the re construction of the Morgan Street bridge. Anderson has applied for federal grant in the reconstruction of a new con crete structure to replace the existing bridge. The estimated cost of the new structure is $M.(ioo. with the federal pro gram paying 90 per cent of the cost. The city w ill have to pay the remaining 10 per cent, or $6,400, which has been budget ed for this fiscal year. The council approved the new structure with the stipulation that the plans be submitted and the federal grant money Rites read for Mark Samples Funeral services were held Thursday, June 19, at St. Patrick's Catholic Church for Mark Samples, 66, w ho died in Heppner on Monday, June 16. Mr Samples was born January 19, 1909. at Hamilton, Montana. On March 25, 1934, he was united in marriage to Camilla llebert at Hill City. South Dakota . He was employed by Kinzua Corporation at Kiiuua for many years They came to llcppncr alxiut ten years ago where Mr. Samples was custodian at Heppner High School until his retirement in 1974. He was a member of St. Patrick' Church. ion of the Itosary was held Wednesday evening at St. Patrick's Church. (Ululating at the services were the Hev. John O'Brien and the Hev. Francis A. Heticrt. Fr. Hebert is Mrs. Sample' brother. Sacred selections were pkied by Mis. Claude Busch ke.' Concluding services and vault interment were at Hep pner Masonic Cemetery with Sweeney Mortuary in charge of arrangements. Palllearers were Raymond Heid, Jerry llolloman, Brian Adams. Gene Kopta. Tun Adams and John Kopta. Survivors besides the w iilow Camilla. Heppner, are daughter. Jean Ann Adams, Heppner; two sons, Ralph Samples, Hyattsville, Mary I land, and Gerald Samples of Kiniua; two brothers, Hugh Samples and Forrest Sam ples, both of Central Point, , Oregon; two sisters, Orpha Kopta, Milton Firewater, Or., and Bertha Metz, Keystone, South Dakota; five grand children and numerous nieces and nephews. be available to the city. In other business, the coun cil approved building permits for Jack and Kulh Van Winkle, GtK) Barratt Blvd., for the addition of a carport and a shop to tneir present resi dence. The council also approved construction of a new home for Bene Wyman. 280 s. Chase Street. The council approved the building of an addition to Pioneer Memorial Hospital. Under present law the hospital is required to enclose an existing porch which will be used for storage area. -The council approved a request by the swim club to allow Harve Haskell, swim pool manager to be absent from his duties for five to seven days while the swim team is engaged in competi tive meets outside of Heppner. The approval was granted with the stipulation that all of the safety provisions of the state law be met. namely personnel in charge during his absence have the required certification to meet state requirements. - Chairman Jones read a Idler of resignation from councilman Lerice Martin, effective July I. Mrs. Martin will no longer be a resident of this area. Her husband has accepted a position as forest ranger and are moving to Idleyld Park, Or. - A iM.iice of claim for $,"i0.(KX) has been filed against the governing txydy of the city and all members of the council bv Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collins. TryaCairtte-Tlmri ( Uslflrd Ad Church Directory MKTIIOIMST SS 9 45 a m Worship llam. 1 1 TIIKR SS 9 45 a m. Worship . II am. Children Choir, 9 30 a m CHRISTIAN SS 9 45 am Worship .. II a m Even. Serv 7 30 p m. nazakf.m: SS 10 m Worship II am Even. Serv t p m EPISCOPAL Communion I a m. SS 9 45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Adult Ed 10 a m. ASSEMBLY t)K GOD SS a m Worship H .m. Sun. Eve. service .. . 7:00 Bible Study .... Wed , 7 p.m. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Sabbalh School.... 9 Mam. Worship llam. CATHOLIC Catechism .... Mon. k Wed. Worship: Heppne r, Sun II a.m. Saturday 6 30pm, lone. Sun 8 45 am. Saturday worship, 6. JO p.m., St. Patricks Mil NOI OF CHRIST. Ux- I ft OH SS 9:45 Church 11.00 Sun Eve 7.30 Bible Study. Wed 7:M Sponsored as a community service by LEBUSHSH0P 1 Couple visit new river port Mr. and Mrs. Doug Dubuque and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy attended a special open house and picnic Sunday, June 22, at the Pomeroy Grain Growers, Inc. port along the Snake River. Harlan McCurdy Jr., is the company manager. Along with 300 patrons, the Heppner couples toured the new barge loading facility, the Central Ferry Elevator at the Port of Garfield, which was opened along with the expan sion of slack water navigation on the Snake River. They enjoyed watching the sternwheeler "City of Port land" dock at the new facility and going aboard the Shaver Transportation Company' new, large tug "Idaho" and barge which has a 100,000 bushel capacity and is the largest barge on the Columbia-Snake Rivers. The new port facility has a total storage capacity of 935,000 bushels and is appraised at $1,300,000. SWIM TEAM LOSES The Heppner Swim Team now has 32 members who are practicing twice a day. Although they lost in their meet with Baker last Sunday, Coach Haskell was quoted as saying he was very pleased with the team, as they had only been in the water a week and it has been cold. The next swim meet will be with The Dalles, Monday, June 30, 7 p.m. in Heppner. Land sought for elk An effort to acquire appro ximately 9.000 acres of land in Grant County is underway. Elks Foundation Association, a non profit corporation, is behind the move to acquire the land for elk winter range. At present time the area on the Middle Fork of the John Day River is supporting from 300 to 500 elk each winter. If the land were in public owner ship, wildlife men estimate the carrying capacity could be raised to 1,800 or 2,400 for 42 to 5 months of the winter. It is expected that livestock could still be run on this area. Public ownership would ' guarantee access to over eight miles of excellent trout fish ing. This area of the river is also prime steelhead spawn ing grounds, according to wildlife personnel. The land in question is also being studied by a private group for subdivision. Warren Stewart of Pendleton, presi dent of Elk Foundation Asso ciation, feels a subdivision would help to destroy the elk herd in that area. Select your wedding invita tions at the Gazette-Times cTherete qo place likg ' Ak4 kial tkmJ PENDLETON BRANCH 157 S. Main Earl Moroni. Vice-President & Manager m it "aa i-ir-J--"yrVJ--irVV-'w--yVtJrvxa, WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Automotive SIIKRKELL CHEVROLET. INC. ( miifiletr Sales A Scrticr trd&Main llerniiston Building Supplies SKEl'SFOR ALL VOI R lit II DIM. M 'PPI.IKS. Up feat in f Box sen Paints 11 At- -LCl I I'M Ith: It CO. Tim Mmiie. Mgr. i:ssk Dimmmi I'Tti-t;:':'! PKNDI.KTON Cafes Lounges C XL'S I.Ot (.K& CAFE Sii-i iiilist in mixed drinks and tine foods. -."ail."i Heppner Construction RIURI.K.NI) CONSTRI CTION CO. ( inn i elf Aggregate Crushed It ink Drain Km k asphalt Paing K.taatiii!nri (trading lleriiiistim. Oregon Phone a.; LML'I Drugs, prescriptions IIKHMISTON niti ; Free Prescription Muil Sen ice Open a.m. to I p.m. ( lilts (in- all occasions. Snack Bar II Main St. Ph. .W.7-:io72 Vloor Covering Heating MAR U.IMIR covfkim; Carpel. Linoleum, Ceramic Tile. Kilt hen Cahhiels Free Estimates. Ml Hoi k (iimraiitfrri Mail Hughe Ki Linden :-! IM Heppner Ray's Heating t Refrigeration Oil Burner service Refrigeration Domestic Heating Repairs Gas, Electric & Oil Furnaces All Work Guaranteed 31 19 S.W.Jay Pendleton Ray Avers PIL27S-4I56 Furniture See as before on but our ciiIim- TV or stereo sx stein. WILCOX Fl'KMTl'KE NI PPLINCES . Ilerinislon Ate. .'fi.;-;'.-ii llerniiston JOW'OtSCOWfTSSr-J New & I'sed Furniliire& Appliances Optometrist DR. E. K. SCIIAFFITZ Optometrist Net tn Hotel Heppner entrance. K7K-H Iti.i Heppner Physcians-Surgeons DR. L. D. TIBBI.ES Osteopath physician and surgeon 1st National Bank Blilg. Res. h7li !IJI Off. 6;s-ll. OEItU.D I. JONES.. M.I). Physician and Surgeon I IKE. Hiii Hunt. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs.. 9 a m -I .':.: p.m.; I : :to p.m.- 3 p.m.: Fri..9a.m.-1 p.m. Ilerinislon. Ore. 91K.W Plumbing SMITH'S Plumbing & Supplies Building contractor Free Estimates Licensed & Bonded Rt. 2. Box :.6 Telephone Irrigoti. OR 97814 922-3375 .h..,,INorRe Dealers j Radiator SerricH 2.ini N. First, llerniiston :i.7-ie:ii Furnace Service Dick's Fl RN CE SFK ICE We senile nearly all It pes of tin nat es; also sales and srrt it e mi lie it heating & air ciMiilitinniiig units. Phone ;7;i7l ll( K II SltltOl ( K ;n ; s ;ih IVndli-liiii Insurance 11 RNFIt. VN MMITFR & BRVANT (.enei al Insurance Rt (.(.I F.MIOVCE INSI It NCE At.ENCY i7ti-!ii..'.i Heppner Rat Untie STK-.MM KEMKi FLOOR COVERING Carpel. di MM'rirs. linoleum runnier lops, ceramic tile, floni ing. siindi le Sales k Installation 500 North 1st St. llerniiston, Oregon Turp's Electric Residential Commercial Robert F. Turpin, Owner P.O. Box 39 Arlington, Or. 97812 FUtMFIts: .MFS It DITOK SERMCE Now is the time lo get your h.n test eipiipuient ready hi-tiu e the rush season. Sewing Machines SIXdFK Sales 4, Ser ice We repair all makes anil models t.ltlH. NS Xppiiited Singer De.tlt i .'IIS. Main I'eiiilli-iiin.'Tii-.':::,.' Titte Insurance MoRltoW COIATV M!sl K T NDTI II FI O. 1 ille Insurance Ollicein Peters Blilg. 454 2850 Bus. 454 274 1 Monuments I i-iuelei t gi ate mat kers 1. 1. utile. M.tilile, BriMie SWEENEY MORIl RV 21 hour phone k;h-immw';k-I2.' lsnSeniim ItnieA Lexington Heppner. IVO Boy H7. Ore. k;k '"12 llcppncr y r I Mllll REDV MI Open weekdays M:3a Phone (7ll