ti A.K1TK TIMES. I'.i:.- t Mil Schools . . . (Continued from Pge 1) IONE SCHOOLS. IONE Construct shop facilities. cost $10,380 Immediate need Future need Future need if population grows Not needed Remodel present shop into music room, cost W.ooo Immediate need Fut ure need Future need if population grows Not needed HEPPNKK SCHOOLS. HEPPNER Improve playground at Heppnor Elementary, cost $6,000 Immediate neea Future need Future need if population grows Not needed Improve old building, cost $46,000 Immediate need Future need Future need it population grows NOmstruet new shop at high school, cast $128,000 Immediate need Future need Fut ure need if populat ion grows Not needed Kenunlel existing shop, cost $4,000 Immediate need Fut ure need Future need if population grows Not needed Enlarge high school library, cost $4,000 Immediate need Future need Future need il population grows Not needed Add two classrooms to high school, cost $60,000 Immediate need Future need Future need it population grows ... . j .i .oi necaeu ... Keep junior high at present location in the old building, cost Sl.tll.lMHI. Immediate need Future need Future need it populat ion grows No! needed Move the junior high to the senior school building, cost StW.iHHt. Immediate need Fu i ure need Future' need if population grows Not needed Completely remodel the old gym at (he present junior high school, cost S180,IKI . Immediate oeed Fut ure need . Future need if population grow s J Not needed Build a new gym a' whatever the future site of Heppner High School will be: cost $2o".K"0. Immediate need 0 Future need Fu! ure need if populat ion grow s 'jj Not needed D1)ITHNAL OPTIONS Build a centralized shop at Lexington, cost $300,000 Srongly lav or ' ' Eavorwilh reservation '.. ' i ippose IVvelop mobile shops for specialized use. cost $6.ono ea. Strongly favor ?j Favor with reservation o0 llppiise Share stall members between schools Strongly lav or ' Favor wi'h reservation 38 "'lrmotMle or modular buildings for added classroom space Co-t $14. '"! ea Strongly tavor mj Favor with re-en a' ion ? Oppose Build a new comprehensive high school at Lexington, cost Strongly tavor Favor with reservation i)pe Consolidate Heppner and lone High Schools Strongly lav or Favorwith rot-nation Oppose ( , . Build a consolidated county wide 4 year high school, cost Stri'tigly tavor ' F.ivui with rest-nation 3' 10) ( Ippose SWIMMING POOL WILL OPEN JUNE 15, 1975 FREE SWIMMING on OPENING DAY OPENING HOURS: Week days 2-5 p.m. Week-day evenings 7-9 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 1-5 p.m. Closed on Mondays & July 4 Swimming Season ends the last week in August Season tickets on sale at City Hall June 13, 1975 FAMILY TICKET $20.00 ADULT TICKET $10.00 STUDENT TICKET $7.50 Single Tickets on sale at the pool Adults 50c. Children 25 c. Pool available for private parties with arrangements of life-guard Heppner. OK. Thursday. Jibh 66 42 27 17 57 45 24 15 87 37 18 11 108 33 5 3 121 26 4 6 64 61 10 14 62 59 16 21 41 66 23 14 5. W- Mrs Delsie Chapel spent the weekend of May 16 in La Crande with her daughter Cassie Chapel and attended Parent's weekend at Eastern Oregon College. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and Don Rristow spent May IH 17 in Portland attending a two-day meeting of the elected department chairman and committee members of the Central Pacific Conference of the Inited Church of Christ held at the Cedar Hills Church. Adolph Ma rick is a patient at Pioneer Memorial Hospital. Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Bcrl Akers. Jr. and family from Pine Ridge. South Dakota, and Mr. and Mrs Bill Akers and family, IMrtland. spent Memorial Day weekend at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers Sr. Guests over Memorial weekend at the Lewis Halvor sen home were Mrs. Linea Nottage of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halvorsen of Medlord. While here. Henry and Lewis attended a Masonic get together at Sumpter and the women attended the Spray Rodeo, w here Donna Rea and Barbara Palmer were mem bers of .the Heppner Rodeo Court. Others attending the Spray Rodeo were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Palmer and Mr. and Mrs Clell Rea. Mr. Richard Rea of Port land spent Memorial Day weekend w ith his parents. Mr and Mrs. Clell Rea. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin recently returned from a trip which took them to Dallas where they picked up Mrs. Martin's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Horton. They then went to visit Mr. and Mrs. AI Brazell and family, who recently moved from Castle Rock. Wa to the Ray born Ranch near Jordan Valley. On the return trip they circled the Stecns Mountains and visited Malheur Wildlife Refuge, then back to Dallas On the way home they visited with Mr and Mrs. Ralph Martin and her parents. Mr. and Mrs Clayton Smith of Crows Land ing. Ca. in Lake' Oswego Word has been received of !he death of Mrs John 'Hildegard Williams Benson on May l at San Leandro. Ca Mrs Benson taught in the lone school system m the late 2os. leaving in Mr and Mrs Archie Mum kcrs were honored with a dinner a! their home on May i on their 3yth wedding anniversary. Guests attending were. Mr and Mrs Vernon Munkers. Mr and Mrs I-co- 12th Annual lone United Church of Christ AUCTION - BARBECUE June 7 Auction 10 am. ' Dinner 1230 pjn. Willows Grange Hall Adults $3 .... 6 to 12,$1.75 pre.scnooUree Don Wink, Auctioneer Country Store Antiques Fish Pond Snack Shack Arts & Crafts Come Join The Fun THU MUIACI IrOKlOKD IT TOO! BOMI OW0 MM COHHtmm U1Y1CI DANK OF - D Eastern Oregon HtfWH AMJHOTOJt MCMIEl. rtDEIAL VltQlT IHIUHAMC1 COrOlA-0 News From lone nard Munkers. Mrs. Edna Munkers. Mrs. Maureen Da vis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtrce. and Mr. and Mrs Ron Crabtree of Taeoma Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crabtree of Taeoma. Wa. spent several days last week visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree. A wedding shower was held for Cmdi Martin Doherty on May St at the lone Masonic Hall. The tea table was decorated with a large sheet cake and candles in green and yellow and a bridal doll centered the Rift table. Help ing Cindi with her girts were Teena Stefani. Rena Flack. Lisa Martin and Sherri Rod gers. Mrs. Betty Rietmann cut Ihe cake and Mrs. Margery Doherty and Mrs. lone Martin poured the coffee and served the punch. Hostesses were: Mrs. Del La Rue. Mrs. Lew is Halvorsen. Mrs. Ruber! Riet mann. Mrs. Milton Morgan. Mrs. Dorothy Stefani. Mrs Pete Cannon, and Mrs. Robert Peterson. i The CWA of the Willow's Grange all day meeting has been changed from the 20th to Ihe i:ith of June. Members are asked to bring desserts or salads. Hostesses are Delsie (1iacl and Carmen French. The Berl Akers family held a family reunion at Lincoln City on May 31. Members of the family attending were Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers Sr.. lone. " Mr and Mrs Berl Akers. Jr and family of Pine Ridge South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Akers and family of Greshani. Mr and Mrs. Bill Akers and family of Portland, and Mr. and Sirs Rodney Lmnell and family of Arling ton All friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs Clyde Pettyjohn are united to an open house honoring their 2"th wedding anniversary. - It will be held at Erma Ken nicy's. June 8. 1975 be tween two and five in the altcrnoon Dinner guests at the Fred Martin home on Sunday were The Rev Ann Smith, visiting minister at Ihe I nited Church of Christ Sunday morning, and Mrs Winifred Peterson, both of Portland The decendenis of Meno olden, who homesteaded in ihe Fain iew district south of lone m 8K- met for their annual reunion and picnic in Ihe park at Arlington on June I. IM7. Those present repre sented Ihe families of Jessie Olden Henderson. W innie Old en Chrisman. Grant Olden and I .ila Olden McCain- Present were: Mr and Mrs limine Henderson. Hood Ri Home Baked Foods Silent Auction Children's Corner Hand-made Sewing Mew-to-You ver: Mr. Howard Henderson. David and Andy; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Henderson and family from Alicel. Mr. and Mrs Abncr Chrisman, Mossy rock, Wa ; laiis Place. Milton Frecwaler; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Henderson. Summer ville; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ingalls, Adams: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lundeil. Eugene; Mr and Mrs. Ernest Mc Cain'. Heppner; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McCabe and family. Clackamus; Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris and family. Damas cus; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson. Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McCabe and family. Gresham; Mr, and Mrs. Howard Eubanks, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Eubanks and family. Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. Leland MeKinney and familv. Boardman: Mr. and Mrs. Ron Berry. Hermiston; and Mrs. Gladys Snider. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snider and family. Mrs Helen McCabe. Mrs. Ruth McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McCabe and family, lone. Guests were Mrs. Beulah Lundeil and son Wallace, and Jerry Barone. Portland, Ma M McCain' and Melissa Carmichel of Falls City. Wa. and Chrissie Breland of Her miston The Women's Fellowship of Ihe lone Inited Church of Christ met at the Fred Nelson residence on May 29. During the meeting the nine women in attendance cleaned gooseberries that were to be made into pies and jams for Ihe auction which will be held on June 7. They also filled first aid kits that will be sold at the auction, Loree Hubbard was in charge of Ihe program. We will not meet during Ihe summer months hut will resume our meetings in September Get Away From It AIB Real privacy on this 41 acre spread on keck Canyon Hind just oft Rhea Creek IS mi. from llrppnrr. H from lone and 3 front llrrmislon. Four bedroom home with modern furnace and walk-In routrr. Many, many outbuilding, must designed for rhickrn-rgg operation but unable for ar id of purpose. Ram and J-hav garage. Buildings in good shape. I'avrd road and school bus service. This One's rrallv diffrrrnl. IIT.jiHl. (all (buck Norris. HKAI.TOH. rr. k Sun. M and B Investment Co, 2M (.lartvs Ave.. Hermiston. nit a;7-.w: Council . . . (Continue from Page II -Instructed city attorney Holier! Abrams to investigate Ihe possibility of licensing Heppner TV Inc. rather than granting them a franchise. Lic ensing is a new approach and the money collected could be placed in Ihe general fund, said Sweeney. The franchise committee reported they were not in favor of placing a franchise lax on the television company as Ibex were n cooperative The committee fell this would lie another tax imposed upon Ihe people. Sweeney reminded the council that Columbia Basin Electric Cooperative is also a co-op. yet they pay a franchise lax to the city. - Renewed a contract re taining Robert Abrams as city attorney for an 18 month period. Memlx'rs of the com mon council and city em ployees may ask and receive information pertinent to city business only without any charge to the city. If the city attorney has to research any material for Ihe city he will charge for his time - Sweeney read Ordinance m which will increase Ihe city sewer rates. This was the third reading of the ordinance and the council approved Ihe ordinance Harve Haskell, swimming pool manager, notified the city that he has completed his college finals earlier than anticipated. He could open Ihe swimming pool June to. After listening to a report by Ralph Automotive Sllr HKKI M IIKUUH.KT. INC. Complete Sales k Srrv Ice lid 4 Main llrrniislim Building Supplies SKKI SI-1 Ht I I.VOt It M II MM.M I'l'l IKS Wfralurr Kovsrn I'ainls Tl M- VII Mil MIIMHO. Tim MMiie. Mgr. I !.' st: I mm ion .IM..,.'I I'r Mil n Cafes Lounges t t mi ur. S- i.ilisl ill mixed ril inks and fine foods. t.;i,.Vi'i llrppnrr Construction ItlUHINh MiNsTHMTinNCn 4 iimrele ggirg.ilr ( ui-hril limit rain Hm k asphalt 1'aving K avalintf and (.railing llirmislon.nirgmi I'hiMir :a.7-.,i.,t Drugs, prescriptions III IIMISTON lltt (. Trrr I'rescripiion Mail Srrv it e lip. nla in tni p m. (.ills for all m rasliins. Snaik Bar III Main SI. Ph."; W7.' Floor Covering Heating Mill r l imit cm HUM. ( arpcl. I.inolrum. Ceramic Tile, Kitchen Cahlnrl Free Etimle lmk(.iiarnlrrit Malt HuKhrs l.'.'l IndrnWav b.78!HIK llrppnrr KEMI fr'MKIR COVfr'.RINd ( ret, draperies, linoleum rminlrr lops, reramlr tile, doming, sundries Sales Inslallatinn SM North 1st Kl. Hermiston. Oregon Mai tall, slating Ibe pool had , e drained and guide line painted for the w unlearn, the l-ouncl voted against Ihe earlier opening The swim inmg pool P'" Sum,,,y June lattilh free aw.in.n.ng The pool will ,H' t'lo,d lollowing Monday and re open Tuesday June 17 for Ihe season -Kandv Ult ,lu council ii !" felt morally right in rescinding a resolu tion whereby the city would install water mams in sutxliv isions'! He maintained that he had a previous agreement with the city to install water mains in his addition. Accord ing lo reports Ihe city had installed water mains in his addition and recently rescind ed the resolution thai obligat ed the city. After much discussion the council asked the opinion of the city attorney (JAYHES) .mmaammmL. x: s. Main RTJSIMESS IVmllelon. Oregon MACHINES ,WK"'" mc . Kumlturr Tvpewriier. Richard Weliman Calculator orr. Manager (h Registers -op Machines Jerry Haines Adding Machines C o Owner Dictating equipment -M-nn wmmmmmmmmammmmms. WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Rav'f llraling A Krfrigrrallon Oil Burner ierv ice Refrigeration-Domestic Healing Repairs Cat. Electric Oil Furnaces All Work Guaranteed 3IISS W. Jav IVndlelon Ray ver I'll. ITHli Furniture Si c n hi loie nu huv itor mini IV. r slrinisvslrm. UlliOXH HMIl l(K Wll ITI lV Ks .''I U lli-i melon tr. 7-;.'ii lli-rmi-lioi HlXt-0tSC0WT$.: :- New K I srd I in mini r k Vppllaiiirs ulhcii ii-d Vol Kr llralris .'.'mi N. list, llrrniislim a.;s'si Furnace Service Dick's H IIMI f si lll( y. i- s. i ii r iii-.ii Iv ull I pes ol tin ii, mis; also sales anil sin i i new hraliiiK k air i iiiiiliiiuiiiiig mills I'limir .'7S-7I7I IIM kllstltllt ( K sv I ;ih IViiilli inii Insurance 11 It Nfr.lt. N MXRTfr lt -BltVXNT (rneral Insurance III (.(.I fr VlKIM frl INs.1 It N( fr! (.fr.N( V N7k'N..'.i llrppnrr Itav lliivcr S7H-.UNI Maddux Electric and Supply ELECTRIC .U'ONTIUnoR C ommrrrlal Refrlgrratlon HV2MM frossll.Or. Monuments t eiiirli iv giuvr nuiikeis (anile. M.nlile. Iliimr s I I.Nfr.V Mnll ll RV 21 hour plioiir S7K H.IMIIM S7S tl.'S Imi m-i v lug Imiei Lrvlugton lleppiier, IVO. Bo tli.Oi e. on this mailer. Abram noli tied the council thai if Kiev had rescinded the resolution, Ibe city is not hound to install Ins water mams. Abram was not present at the council meeting when the resolution was rescinded by a fixe to one vole of the council Abrams also stated. 'The present council is not bound by iiny action or previous com niitmcnts made by a previous council. Chief of Police Dean Cilman reported his officers had spent ! h,,li 'f department training They have issued citations lo three minor in possession of inlox eating beverages; had handl ed two attempt lo elude the police; had conducted various check on elderly people, (oliiian also reported he had collected S.'HI 04 in parking meter money for Ihe month of May. Optometrist tlt E.K.SCim'HTZ (ipliiHirlrist rl In llolrl llrppnrr rnlramr. Ink Ik llrppnrr Physclans-Surgeons IIH.I.O.TIItBIrS tKlrupalh phvslciaM and tin gron M National Hank Hldg t, t,; .. WI.S7K-W.I I.I It Mil inrS. I'hvoii Ian and Sui grow Ilk lliiilmut. Hours. Mon lino Thin .. da in. I.' tiip m ; imp m ip m : t il . la m I p.m. lleriiiiMiMMMr.i:! Plumbing SMITH'S I'lunibing A Supplies Building contractor r'rre Kllmilr I Ic rnsrd & Bondrd Rl. 1, Bo :. Trlrphonr IrriKiMi. OR 1711 K2-U73 Radiator Service fr iimi- us: MINI sl)lTllH sfriti( fr: Now islhelimrtiiKrl vour li.m rs ritiipmrnl rrady In-1 oi r Ihr rush srason. Sewing Machines SIM.H! Sales Ik Srrvlir Ur repair all m.ikrsaiid miMlrls (.HIM.XNS Xppi ovrd Singer Hralrr .'IIS. Main I'eiidlelon .'7K-!:U.' Title Insurance Mnititnwtnt NT lts R( T Nll TITLE CO. Title Insurance OKI. rlii Ti lers Blilg. 7 eiti Heppner r'T I MUII Lltfr:lV MI Open weekdays rhonel7lIM