Elrosfio Edythe Brasel Denise Henkle Greta LeBlanc regmnal Ix: f A-. j'i LJ Collanlafe Some of the nation's top bucking horses and bulls will meet the best collegiate cow- boys in the nation May 30, 31 '. and June I when the North ; west Regional Rodeo Finals ; are held tn Pendleton, To be staged at the Mustan- ger Grounds just east of ' fendleton, the rodeo will attract some 100 cowboys and i cowgirls from at least 17 colleges and universities in Oregon, Washington and Ida ho. Oneof the nation's top rodeo slock contractors, Stevens . Brothers of Middleton, Idaho, ' will provide nationally-ranked bucking horses and bulls, ' according to Dean Longgood, ', coach of the Blue Mountain Community College rodeo team. Many of the horses and bulls were selected last year by professional cowboys to l appear in the RCA National I Finals Rodeo in Oklahoma t City, He added. Co sponsored by the BMCC Rodeo Club and Round Up j Lions Club, the rodeo la expected to determine which . collegiate team wins the J northwest championship. J BMCC and Walla Walla Com- munlty College are currently leading the league, each - having won four of the eight ; rwk-os staged to date. "Standings of the two lop , teams art so clone," Longgood said, "that the whole season - rests on the Regional Finals here. Many Individual cham- pionshlps will also be decided here." Longgood added. Points separating contest ants are so close (hat most of the Individual championships are still up for grabs. BMCC ' cowboys who rank high In the c standings are: ; Urry Patterson, Gofxllng, Idaho, ranked 2nd In all ,4 around, 3rd In calf roping and steer roping, and 4th in sleer wrestling. Hlg6 boor Mary Dixon 3 Pamela Hug v. Karen Prooly coivboys rodeo fmols erf Of.lCC Dan Roeser, Caldwell, Idiiho, 2nd in calf roping and 3rd in team roping. Jim Brewer, Pendleton, leading in bull riding and 3rd In bronc riding. Randy Warnock, Baker, 4th In bronc riding and bull riding, 6th In all around Bill Peila. Burns, 4th in calf roping. Wade Kamm, Pendleton, has placed high consistently in the timed events and is expected to place high in the finals. Leading the cowgirls from BMCC is Milne Trowbridge. John Day. She is 2nd In girls' breakaway roping and 4th in barrel racing. Patty and Dana Miller, of Powell Butte, Oregon, have placed in several rodeos to help the women's team to its present ranking in the top five. "No team is dominating the women's competition," Long good said, "and we expect the winning team to be decided at our finals here in Pendleton." Top competitors in the women's teams are Linn-Benton Community College, Al bany, Oregon; Oregon State University. Walla Walla Com munity College, Eastern Ore gon Slate College, and BMCC. Strong competition for the men's team trophies is ex pected from Walla Walla Community College, BMCC, Oregon Slate University, Eastern Oregon State College, and the University of Idaho. Other schools competing in the region are: University of Oregon, Llnfield College, Ore gon College of Education, Central Oregon Community College. Treasure Valley Community College, Oregon Institute of Technology, Washington Slate University, Central Washington Slate Col lege, Eastern Washington Stale College, Wenalchee Val ley College, Big Bend Com 1 I, f , ("Mi i v Susan Doherty Barbara Judd Donald Russell perform munity College. Spokane Community College, Yakima Community College, College of Id.iho, and Lewis & (lark Slate College. Lewiston, Idaho f i . 3 1 ! I J 1 ! ! ' ' ay 30 at 4 pan. ay 31 & June 1 -130 pjn. f i V Michelle Graham Grace (Hixson Kenney Pamela 'htneder at The rodeo will start 4 p.m., Friday. May 3(1. in the Muslanger Grounds. Saturday and Sunday events will start at 1:30 p m. Tickets will be available at the gate xfja& Blue Mountain Community College Northwest Regional Finals ustcngcr Grounds Pcndbton, Oregon Senator Ken Jernsfedf reports on legislation Wiin the 1975 session of the Oregon Legislature adjourns now rests squarely on the shoulders of the Joint Ways and Means Committee, still haggling over the precise details of a state employee salary package. The committee is caught between the Governor's 24 per cent pay increase offer, and the employee request of 17 per cent. In the midst of this, Ways and Means Committee members narrowly approved underfunding the Governor's . proposal to the tune of some $20 million. The recommenda tion to underfund came from legislative leaders, who want the dollars saved to help with other programs and budgets. To make up for the funding shift, vacancies which occur normally in the next two years will not be filled as quickly as they now are, under the ' underfunding proposal. Waiting in the wings for the state employee salary issue to be resolved at the Ways and Means committee table are several other major budgets, including human resources and higher education. How quickly the legislature ad journs depends on the resolu tion of the remaining budgets, and possibly the field burning controversy. Traditionally the legislature has taken a full two weeks to wrap up its business after Ways and Means shuts . down for the session. The field burning contro versy took an abrupt shift last week, with the dissolution of the special field burning committee by House Speaker Phil Lang. His action was based on allegations of a "secret deal" to extend the open burning ban. As a result of a closed-doors meeting of the committee early this month. Now the senate-passed measure. Senate Bill 311. moves to the joint committee on trade and economic deve lopment, on which I serve. Co-chairman Victor Atiyeh has assured committee mem bers that the action on field burning will be prompt, com prehensive and well balanc edleading to speculation that the trade and economic development committee can consider the issue and send it to the house floor for action before the session ends. The question of annual sessions of the legislature came before the senate last week as well, in a measure allowing for odd-year sessions of no more than 130 session days, and even-year sessions of no more than 50 session days. I voted against the measure, because 130 session days converts to nearly six months of legislative work. The dif ference between a "session day" seen in the bill and a "calendar day" (including non working days) is confus ing to many Oregonians. who may see the issue on the ballot next year. 130 session days means over ISO calendar davs more than six months. ! Page That is simply too much. The Senate Consumer and Business Afairs Committee is now considering the house passed medical malpractice bill, House Bill 2647. It is my hope that the committee can work through the bill and get it to the senate floor, to help Oregon avoid the doctor strike plaguing other parts of the nation. The measure is long and involved, with many ramifications, and deserves proper consideration. Let's hope that there is enough time left in the session to allow that consideration. Sen. Ken Jernstedt (IIORIS AND BAND PERFORM A chorus and band concert was held Wednesday night at the Heppner Elementary School auditorium. The pro gram started at 7:30 p.m., with students from the fifth through the eighth grade participating in the choral event. A junior high group also entertained the audience with their rendition of some Dixie Land jazz favorites. VISIT MOTHER Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hill of Coos Bay are visiting at the home of her mother Mrs. A T. Harris. Automotive SIIKRRKI.I. CHEVROLET, INC. Complete Sales A Service 3rd & Main Hermiston Building Supplies SEE I S FOR Al l. VOI R Bl II.DINCSI PPI.IES. We feature Rovsrii Paints Tl'M-A-l.l'M l.l'MBER CO. Tim Moore. Mgr. 1.12 SK I lor ion 27G-C22I PENDLETON Cafes Lounges ai.s i.oi n;e cafe Specialist in mhed drinks and fine foods. Heppner Construction RIVERREND CONSTRI CTION CO. Concrete Aggregate Crushed Rork Drain Rock asphalt Paving Kxratating and Grading Her mislnn. Oregon Phone 57-:i: Drugs, prescriptions HERMISTON DRUG Free Prencriplion Mall Sen ke Open S a.m. to I p.m. t.ifts for all occasions. Snack Rar II I Main St. Ph.Mi-M72 Floor Covering Heating MAR FLOOR COVERING Carpel. Linoleum. Ceramic Tile. Kitchen Cabinet Free Estimates lllNnrkGnaraaletd Mall Hughes IJJ l inden Wa KTS-9IIN Heppner KEMIG FLOOR COVERING Carpel, draperies, linoleum counter top, ceramic lile, fhmring. sundries Sules Installation SMNarthlstSt. HermhilM, OregM 5. THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppner, OR., Thursday, May 29, 1975 Irrfgon news Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and three sons, Boise, Idaho. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson gathered for a reunion last week. They in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Rosemea, Ca., Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson and family. Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rodgers and three children of Cheney. Wa.. Rose Marie Brasel and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson and family, Irrigon. The Julian Trevino family were visitors at the Chester Wilson home on Sunday. They have been working in Dayton, Wa. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warner were Mr. and Mrs. Ponteleis Vron takis and sons of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parke and family, Portland, visited at the home of Mrs. Park's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Stephens. Irrigon. The family visited Parke's mother in Umatilla and helped celebrate her birthday. Mrs. Floyd Mesteth and daughter Rosie. New Boston. Texas are visiting at the home of her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mesteth. McNary. They were WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Ray's Heating & Refrigeration Oil Burner service Refrigeration Domestic Heating Repairs Gas, Electric & Oil Furnaces All Work Guaranteed 31 1 S.W.Jay Pendleton Ray Ayers PH.27C-41SC Furniture See us before ou buy your color TV or slereo stem. WII.COXFlRNlilRE AND APPLIANCES ::l . llrrmKlon Ave. :; ;.HI Hermiston i. rm MregQBCOUSreptl:-! New It I'sed Furniture A Appliaures Authorized Norge Dealers f I2 X First. Hermiston Furnace Service Dick's Fl 'It WCE SERVICE r sen ke nearly all types of turnMre: also sales and sertke on new heating A air rondilioning units. phone ;:s-;i;i HICK II SKROl'CK ::: S l::th Pendleton Insurance Tl RNF.R. VAN MAHTEH A BRYANT (General Insurance no kids Rl Gtil.ES-HoYt E IVSIRAM : AGENCY CS-tnyJ Heppner lta Hoxce I7S-W4 '.laddux Electric and Supply ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Commercial Refrigeration 7RV21M FmiII, Or. Monuments Crmi'lei) urate marker (ruiiite. Marble. Itrwtie Mt FENEV MOHTI' HY II hour phone k;kmm r ;-!.':' soVrini( I mir'. I rxliiKloM ll. ..m r. P.O. lx fti.Ore. here to attend the graduation of her son Mark Mesteth, from Riverside High School. The Irrigon Assembly of God congregation gathered on the banks of the Columbia River at First St. Sunday at 6:30 p.m. for a baptismal service. Pastor Robert Sch moll baptized five persons, Roy Davis, Wallace Fredrick son. Eric Hixson, Sue Pugh. and Irene Smith. Mrs. Ruth McCoy was honored on her 90th birthday with an open house in the Baptist Church basement Sunday. May 25. Over 100 friends and relatives dropped in from 3-5 p.m. to convey birthday greetings. The guests came from LaGrande. Cor vallis. Elgin. Pendleton. Umatilla. Hermiston. Port land. Walla Walla. Richland. Aberdeen. Vancouver, Wa.. and Irrigon. Relatives present included children. grandchildren, great-grandchildren, a sister, and many nieces and neph ews. Mrs. McCoy's daughter. Mrs. Frank Stewart, cut the beautifully-decorated birth day cake and serving the coffee and punch were Mrs. Vernon Stewart. Mrs. Don Eppenbach. .Mrs. Earl Isom and .Mrs. Warren McCoy. The basement was decorated in red and white, with red floral arrangements. Optometrist DR. E. K. SCIIAFFITZ Optometrist Next lo Hotel Heppner entrance. s:6-siii: Heppner Physcians-Surgeons DR. I-D. TIBBI ES Osteopath physician and surgeon 1st National Rank Rldg. KevSTfi-Kia Off.STS-SSIS (.ERAI.DA. JOXFS.M.D. Physician and Surgeon I IS E. Ilurlburt. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs.. a.m. I':::ip.m.: I:3ip.m.-ip.m.: Kri..Sa.m.-l p.m. Hermiston. Ore. 91K.W Plumbing SMITH'S Plumbing A Supplies Building contractor Free Estimates Licensed A Bonded RL 2. Boittf Telephone 922-3375 Irrigon ORK844 Radiator Service FRMERS! JONES RADI TOR SERVICE Now is the lime la get y our hartesl equipment ready before the rush season. Sewing Machines SIM. EH Sales A Sert ke We repair all makes and models GROfiANS pproed Sinner Dealer 2 U.S. Main Pendleton 27S-2U2 Title Insurance MOKHOM COl'NTY ltSTRtT AND TITLE CO. Title Insurance Off wr in PelersKldg. Heppner I'M TII I. READY MIX Open weekdays Phone C7I-MN