Page 10, THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Classified Save money . . . Pay cash! Phone 676-9228 Cards of Thanks CLASSIFIEDS We are grateful to our friends and relatives for the flowers, cards and other expressions of sympathy ex tended us following the pass ing of our mother last week. It is heartwarming to know that you have thought of us during this sad time. Thank you, everyone. The sons of Daisy Charlton Harold, Merle and John Becket and their families I wish to thank all my friends for the cards, visits, flowers, gifts and other acts of kindness during my stay at St. Anthony's Hospital and since my return home. TERESA HUGHES 2. Notices Heppner Lions ' Club meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 6:45 a.m. Break fast meeting. Wagon Wheel. Cliff Green, Pres. 17tf LOSE WEIGHT Safe. fast, easy with the Diadax plan Reduce fluids with Fluidex. Murray Pharmacy. NEW RINSE-N-VAC Steim cleaner prolongs carpet life by keeping them cleaner longer! Rent at Case Furniture Co. WILL BUY crippled, retired, and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish. Ph. 567-6065. ltfc FOR BETTER HEALTH use Natural Health Foods. Vita mins. Minerals. Formulat. Write for prices and informa tion. Condon Distributing Co.. Box m. Condon Or. 97823. MENTAL HEALTH: Hepp ner. Tues. thru Fri. 8:30-5, 676-9161. Irrigon. Mon & Fri.. 922-3357. Emergency, 676-5032. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous will meet Fridays. 8:30 p.m., Methodist Church. Gale and Church Streets. Heppner. or Ph 676-5528. LOSE WEIGHT With New Shape Tablets and Hydrex Water Pill. At Murray Drug. 13p AVON CALLING: 2 establish ed territories available now. Call immediately. 276-2091. 14c 4. Help Wanted METER READER: perma nent Job, on contract basis. Furnish own transportation. We will train you. Requires about ' of ea. months time to perform meter reading re quirements. Contact Norm at 676-9146, Columbia Basin Ele ctric Co-op. tfc 5. Work Wanted TREES trimmed and topped, 676-9257. 6. Wanted BABYSITTER Wanted, my home, Mon. thru Thurs., 5-11 pm.. Friday 4-11 p.m., 676 5586 or 678-5551. Ref. req. tfc SET- 7. For Rent FOR RENT: In lone. I bedrm apt: 1 studio apt. and 1-2 bedrm apt. 422-7587. "tfc FOR RENT: a bdrm. apt. with heat, water and garbage furnished. No children or pet. $135 mo. 676-9189. tfc I. Services ALL TYPES OFl " Oackhoe Work SAND GMVELHAt'UM Wesley Wise, IONE. OR F 4M-74 t Heppner, OR., Thursday. 9. Livestock A-I YEARLING and 2 yr.-old range bulls. Hereford, cross bred Hereford and Simmen tal; cross-bred Hereford and Limousin. 83 Ranch, Pilot Rock. 443-6483. 49tfc 12. Furniture, Appliances BOOKS: We buy. sell and, trade. Dean's 2nd Hand Store.. 676-5018. 52tfc FOR SALE: Miscellaneous household furniture. 676-9498 nrfi7fi-!297. 8c FOR SALE: Propane 30" range. Elmer Steers. 676-9437. 15p FOR SALE: 1 stered rocking 676-5516. beige uphol chair. $35. 14c Kimball, Lowrey and Thomas organs. Huit's Gallery, Hotel Heppner Building. 13. For Sale C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam, Siarcraft, Caldwell and Mar tin boa's. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. Ph 567 8419. Hermision-McNary Dam Hwy. 9tfc AMWAY PRODUCTS: Call 67fi-.wn7 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE: Lb. evaporative tvpo home cooler: like new. All fi'iinav Will cool small hntiw or mnbilehnme. $150. Oi tv 7p FOR SALE: 2 13-in. studded nmv tiros. Perfectly new. iin! m.i r"fit228. "p FOR SALE: 12" radial arm saw mounted on trailer. Rea sonable. Bill Stathem. Gen. Del. Lexington. 13-16p LADIES 120 bass accordian; Coronet. 24 white. 17 black keys. 3 treble: 2 base changes. Case, music, and instruction books included. $150. Also Wards cabinet sewing mach ine, straight stitch, reverses. No attachments. $75. 422-7102. !3c FOR SALE: 2 new studded 12" snow tires & rims; 1 new reg. 12" tire & rim: G E. portable refrig . like new: l pr. Head Killy 800 skis. exc. cond.: ski boots. Humanics. size 10M. 676-5080. 13c FOR SALE: Electric adding machine. $39 95. Pettyjohns. 13c NEW Rinse-N-Vac steam cleans, rinses and vacuums out dirt leaving carpets pro fessionally clean. Rent at Coast to-Coa st. FOR SALE: 5 horse Sea King outboard motor: used saddle; a brown naughahyde recliner and an armchair. 676-9203. 1 1c 14. Automotive Specialists In Track-la) r Tractor Rrpalr Aatomotit e W elding Me handle truck hoists, beds and racks, both factory and custom-built: tractor cabt an gooseneck type trailer Air Conditioning B&c Reoair Shop 422-7409 CLEO GUILDERS IONE 422-7423 m yeeeeWeeeeVWeWfr t Heppnerites I A new or vied car In your future? If contact: Ed Wells Keith Farlev ChryslerPlymMitli Inc. The Walking Mans Friend" I PendWonj J'h. 176-7JUI niomt Phone 27-S7l , at May 15. 1975 Billing for small classified adt it expensive. Effective Nov. 1, therefor, classified adt will be m a cash In advance basis, unless customer nat a regular commercial account with the Ga if tie-Times. If so. classifieds will be billed monthly. The alternative It lo raise the ratet to cover rising coats. Ratet remain It for the first three linet of ad copy; 50c per line for each line thereafter. Display classified advertising, f i.JS per column inch. Cards of Thankt, classified rate, min. It.M. Deadline. Tuesday noon. Not responsible for errort not reported within T dayt. 14. Automotive FOR SALE: 1974 Kawasaki 100 cc Enduro; 1100 miles, good condition. Call Larry Anderson, 676-5079. tfc FOR SALE: Complete set of saddle gas tanks & lines for small Datsun, Love, or Cou rier pickup. 422-7460 after 6 pm. 13c 2 HORSE TRAILER, home made, $300. 1942 Ford Univer sal 4 wh. dr.; gd. cond. $500. 9R9-8434. 14c Farley ncaoacRvouiooK. TW tfTTW wf lOOK nmm USED CARS: 1975 Buick LaSabre. t Dri er Ed.) 4-dr. tdn fully equipped with air 1975 Pontiac, full power, tlx way teat, air cond., 1297 actual miles 1973 Pontiac, 4-dr. tdn, fully equipped, air cond. 26.301 actual miles. USED PICKUPS: 1974 Che v. J ton pickup. Power ttee ring. auto. tram, tape deck. I.48S actual mllet 1973 Maida pickup, like new, 4-spd. and radio 1973 International pickup cyl. 4-spd., 12.29$ actual mile. No, rftircd 1971 International 4x4 . ton nat bed 16 Ft bed and stock rack only, good cond. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC-BUICK FORD CMC TRUCKS May and Chase, Heppner Phone f 76-91 1( 15. Real Estate Ft lit SALE : Income property, bit in lli-ppncr. with small apt. find 12 x 63 trailer house. I'h rented Reasonable. 676 VHH 5tfc FOR SALE: New homes, Valley View Estates 100 per cent financing available. Call Darl Hagey. 6769121 or 676 5502 43tfc FOR SALE : 5 bdrm house on 2 lots. Asbestos tiding, tplit shake roof. Good fire-place, basement. 676-9786 or 676-9405. FOR SALE: Duplex, close in I15O0 down. 676 9605 mornings. 13p Roofing and Ven roofs, roof coaling, built-up roofs, shingles oiled and stained. Home, farm and ranch painting, including eletator and grain storage. 3veartepertenre (all Claude Pettey 9H9-SIM. eves. Witi In Morrow County tvtry Kcndsy Stsrrett's jg Decor Center'""1" whtn v i Call KIIUAKTIS CoHtcifor Appolntmtnt rm aaM to, J xyrMij ft t f tsSZZitY 374324 16. Mobile Homes FOR SALE: New 28 ft. x 68 ft. mobile home, on 1.45 acres with private well. Fenced, plus sheds and landscaping. 676-5074 after 5:30 p.m. for appt. athsn f'fff. Hi Low Prec. Wednesday 65 35 Thursday 67 41 Friday 73 41 Saturday 81 48 Sunday 65 45 Monday 71 37 Tuesday 80 40 .01 .15 Admitted to Pioneer Mem orial Hospital this past week were: Earl Morgan. lone; Kenneth Morris. Heppner; and Mary Edna Munkers. Lexington. Dismissed were Diane An derson. Heppner. Bessie Ransdell. Portland. John Swenson, Monument, and Henrv Robinson. lone. WHEAT White 3.34 3.22 new crop 3.33 3.22 new crop ins. oo K1..W new crop Red Barlev Trv a tlaelte-Tlmes Unified d Backhoe Service lliti Ini.ili'in Kill ties I t.i.ilmH ol Septic T.t ii iiiiil li. i in I ii liU t.i.nrl. Dirt ll.iiiliiiii f.xiteriem ell liill)l hji.dl l( i;w:i PETTYJOHN'S FARM AND BUILDER SUPPLY Heppner j0P Graduates: If you are going to spin your wheels, see Miles for tires NEW HOURS: Monday through Friday 8-6 p.m. Miles Tire Service Painting tauasm 1 Pufc!!e Notice PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice It hereby given that on Monday, May I. 175. at It a.m. the Board of Equalisa tion of the County of Morrow, Oregon, will meet at the County Court House, Heppner, Oregon, to publicly examine the assessment rolls for laid County of Morrow, for the year I97S and to correct all errort in valuation, descrip tions, or qualities of land, lots or other property assessed by the assessor. The ratio between assessed and true cash value adopted by the Board of Equalisation pursuant lo ORS 309.028 is 100 per cent. It shall be the duty of the persons interested to appear at the time and place appoint ed. Petitions for adjustment of assessments must be filed with the Board of Equaliiatlon not later than the Monday of the week following the first week that the Board Is in session. EVERETT HARSHMAN. Assessor, County of Morrow, Oregon Published April 21. May I. 8, You're the one who makes it, right? And you should be the one who saves it. But are you? When you buy United States Savings Bonds through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work, your money saves itself. Automatically. A little is taken out of each paycheck to set aside to buy Bonds. You never even see it, so it's safe from the enemy. Make peace with your money. Buy United States Savings Bonds where you work or bank. Paw t ton Bar M laawaal ahaa haJ m Miwr4v al aan i in Im imt tsmL afcuaa aj a, all,, .a S-M. owl I Nfuifl 4 fararoa ar. pm .4. a Whaa, MM Mt -! M Bn trmai n. .wtejart fc IUW laral MM and tad, U. MMf to I awil r Thke inmerica. Join the Payroll Savuijy Plan. To fill large holes in platter or sheetrork before paint ing, dip the edges of steel wool or a scouring pad In sparkling paste and press Into place. Allow to dry and finish filling with the sparkling paste. Sand and paint. We have all your painting needs In stock Special this week Shaker town Paint Sale Buy 4 gallons, get one FREE! pmYJOHirs rare & BaUdirtf Jicppjy i;ttm - iianmiai waoooooooooooQooooooqt I Hints by Jo I Life iirferesftig for students Oregon State University' first students to .loin a student faculty exchange pro gram with Lincoln College in New Zealand have one word for their new life: Busy. All five are agriculture students at OSU. In January, they left Corvallis for Christ church, arriving in time to do work on farms and get settled before the school term began March 3. In a recent letter to James Oldfield. head of the OSU Department of Animal Sci ence who helped set up the exchange program, Clinton Krebs, a junior in agricultural economics from lone, said the OSU students were finding their classes extremely inter esting. All five are enrolled In husbandry classes including crop, pasture and sheep pro duction and farm manage ment but all are taking other subjects. Many courses at Lincoln College encompass a broader range of disciplines than do courses at OSU and the students said they are being exposed to training in com munications, entomology, microbiology, soils and agri cultural engineering. They Courthouse notes It seem County Judge Paul W. Jones ha picked up a new nickname since he was called on to perform three marriage within one week Some of the courthouse employees have begun to reler to him a "Marrying Sam." The Planning Commission Chairman. Dorri L. Grave, has set It next meeting for Tuesday evening. May 20, a the usual meeting date. The 4th Monday I a holiday. County Juvenile Director Davis has attended several conferences this month One concerned with correction in Salem and another on child utilise at Wall Wall The County Board of Equal ization will hear tax appeal cases next Monday. May 19 Veterans may correct records The Vi'leiiins Administra tion tixlas reminded veterans of their null! lo re(iiest cumvlion of what lliey feel are errors or injustices in their military records. Application must be sub mitted to the branch in which the veteran sened. but VA can provide the necessary Department of Defense form. DD 149. "Application for Cor rection of Military or Naval Record." It was pointed out that while some errors may seem insig nificant, correction of others could prove important, result ing in eligibility for VA and other benefits. Generally, veterans are ex pected to file requests for correction within three years, but this deadline may be waived in interest of justice. Application may be filed by the veteran, survivor, or legal representative. Mothers take part In church service Seven mother took part in last Sunday' worship service at the United Methodist Church. May II wa a special Sunday in four way. Beside being Mother' Day, it wa Christian Home Sunday; the church observed International Woman' Year, and It wa the day for the monthly mission' report. Rev. Cutting' lermon wa "Women's Right". Barbara James, Sylvia MrDaniel, Ella Smith, Louise Wood and Justine W'eatherford led part of the liturgy. Dorlt Cutting gave the monthly mission report. A utual, Pauline Miller preiided at the organ and h prepared special pottlude. U t namil all in imo . I , spend 28 30 hour a week In lecture classes and take field trips. The student have recom mended that their uccessor for the program be selected earlier so they can adjust their fall term schedule to fil more smoothly Into subjects taught in New Zealand. In addition to their itudie. the Oregonian are eelng New Zealand. During the May 9-25 holiday they will tour North Island and some hope for a short visit to Australia. The four male tudent play basketball in city league and two Krebs and Dale KM lingsworth. a junior in agri cultural engineering from Fossil-are playing rugby. New Zealand national game. It is hoped that the first New Zealand contingent of students will arrive on the OSU campus in September, The five OSU students will complete their final examinations Nov, 8 and plan to return to Oregon by Christmas. At the midpoint of their first term at Lincoln College, would they recom mend the exchange program? The answer: "Anyone who doe come is definitely in for worthwhile experience." The board could order tome changes Person who wsnl to appeal need to file petition with the County Clerk who then may arrange the time for them lo appear at the hearing. One county employee who I alwavt busy, and I especially busy In the spring and summer, I County Park Director Everett Keithley. He ha flower blooming In front and behind the courthouse alreadv. OltKfiOV HIGHWAY JOBS Bids will be received by the Oregon Transportation Com mission on Thursday. May 29 In Salem for teven project estimated to cost S9.3O0.000 Highway Division official estimate that the construction work w ill pro ide employment opportunity for about 1. 160 Oregonians. Morrow and Umatilla Coun-, lies This project involves 35 7 miles of intermittent guard rail insinuations to improve existing guardrail and bar riers on the Irrigon Junction Washington State Line Section of the Columbia River High way 1 1 80N1. located 30 mile eust of Arlington. Completion time is 223 calendar days. mm Mixed Doubles Bowling Tournament for Merita Lou Evans .lay 17-18 4 Cncs $1000 Sponsored by Alpha Theta Sorority For Information call Betty Heath Rita Harris This ad sponsored by (Brain (3f,i70i,0i Savings bond safes are up U.S. Savings Ronds sales In Oregon for the past three months of the year set an all-lime pence-lime record for the state. Through Ihe first three months, Oregonians purchas ed $10,576,062 worth of bonds. This is an Increase of $1,650,000 over the like period of 1974. which was a record year. Currently. Oregon rank Number i in the nation in per capita sales of U.S. Savings Bonds. The Oregon Savings Bond office says there is no single reason for Ihe stimulated sales. More employers are Installing the Payroll Savings Plan for their people than ever before, but at the same time, the over-the-counter sales In the banks and financial Insti tutions are enjoying similar growth. Probably, Ihe major contri buting factor to the stimulated activity is that Oregonians are becoming aware of the fact that the 6 per cent interest rale does not tell Ihe whole Savings Bonds story. Because of the tax advantage ol Savings Bonds being exempt from state and local taxes, plus Ihe privilege of deferring payment of tax on accumulat ed Interest for federal ii purposes until bondt are redeemed, the income on Savings Bond it greatly enhanced. Thi advantage, plus the total security of Savings Bond, make them attractive at an investment. Write about tornado Mr, and Mr. Terrel Benge received a letter from hi daughter. Mr. George Mc Donald of Omaha. Nebraska, telling of the damage caused there by the recent tornado. Information from Ihe letter, dated May 9. follow. The tornado hit a 2.000 tq blxk area. It was 6 blocks wide. 5.226 people are home less. 35.000 are without elec tricity, 700 hornet demolished, over 1.000 hornet damaged and over 100 businesses damaged or demolished. Two schooli were complete l demolished, six others were closed because of broken window and roof damage. The National Guard is in force and expected lo be there tliiounh this week Streets are closed and curfews are being enforced. The Siil vat ion Army and Red Cross, civic ;uiion. and volunteer are all helping Box Town, motels and apartments opened their doors lo the homeless. Three persons were killed It it believed thai (he early warning taxed many lives 676-9208 989-8430 676-5023 676-5086