Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 08, 1975, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Page 3. THE GAZETTE TIMES. Heppner. OR.. Thursday. May 8. 175
What's In
Mature and inlHIiKcnl are
(he key words lo describe your
personality. You have an
abiding love for people Ihal is
reflected in your quick under
standing, gentle tact, and
tolerance of the opinions of
You enjoy talking to people
in the areas of their particular
interest. Any who might seek
your advice find you direct
and honest in what you say.
your advice tempered with
Although you experience
times of emotional exhaustion
because of reacting to every
kind of emotional situation,
you can quickly respond to
encouragement and be cheer
ful once again, even encour
aging others.
You have a fine mind You
can grasp a problem or
concepts quickly and explore
the subjects for facts to
support actions. Further, you
cut through a mass of mater
ial, digest it, sort It out
menially and use it effective
ly. You can separate the super
ficial from the important An
Selected question about handuriliiig will be
answered. Write lo Margaret McNiiir, the .rtle
Tlmes. Ho 337. Ilrppnrr. Ore.. ;:;,
Grace Hixson weds
George G. Kenny
(".race Ellen Hixson. and
George Cordon Kenny were
married at the Kirs! Christun
Church in llermiston on
March 29 The double ring
reremony was performed by
the Rev.' Jack Naff.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fred
rickson. The groom's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Kenny, all of Irrigon.
Wedding music was provid
ed by Denise Henkle, Peggy
Brandt, Lorl Schnell and
Donna Ziemer, friends of the
The bride was given in
marriage by her step father.
Wallace Fredrickson
The bride wore a full length
satin dress with an empire
waist. The high neck and long
sleeves of the bodie were
trimmed with antique rose
lace The full length, three
tiered veil was made by her
sister. Kilty Hixson The bride
carried three while, purple
lipped long stemmed roses
Hie matron of honor was
Mrs Roberta Brooks of
Roardman. a friend of the
This Mother's Day
Elm as
independent soul, you want to
do your own thinking and do
not quite trust others to think
for you.
Diplomacy is an asset in
your lite and enables you lo be
gracious, charming and per
suasive. Should you some
limes feel imposed Uxm
because of your good nature,
you are capable of defending
voum-lf with some dry but
mildly sharp comments.
There are many interests
for you to investigate. Good
judgement and clear thinking
keep these interests in order
and balance You understand
the value of priorities.
Self confident, appreciative
ol culture and beauty, your
handw riting indicates a strong
literary aplilude. Have you
ever considered writing travel
articles dealing with cultural
sighls and sounds, locations
and activities''
Your enthusiasm, high
standards, organizational
iibilitv, and determination
would go with vou in Ihal kind
ol project - adding up to a
winning combination.
bride Kilty Hixson of Pendle
ton the bride's sisler. was her
maid ol honor Each carried a
single while, purple lipped
The best man was Carroll
l.alluopof Irrigon. a Inend of
the griHm I'sliers were (i.irv
h"redrickwn and Dan I Fred
rickson. txiih of Irrigon and
cousins of the groom.
The young couple Imih
allended Riverside High
School. Roardman George
Uiadualed in agronomy from
Oregon Slate I'imcrsitv in
l'i;; Grace will graduate
trout Riverside llih this ear.
They will make their home on
their ranch in Irrigon
HllllKWOttMS (
The last meeting of this
school year lor the Hook
worms will be at the home of
the club president. I.ucy
Peterson. After Tuesday
evening. May I I. the club will
recess until next September.
say it
Heppner AAUW installs
slate of new officers
The Heppner Branch of the
American Association of Uni
versity Women closed out
their year with the installation
of new officers, Saturday, at
the home of Leese Martin in
Out going president Pauline
Rier installed Anne Doherty
as the new president of the
branch. Other officers install
ed were Jeanne Howell, first
vice president in charge of
programs, Pat Edmundson,
second vice president in
charge of membership, Nonda
Sunday, as secretary and
Judy Herni as treasurer.
Justine Wealherford gave a
reHrt to the group about the
slate convention which she
and Judy Herni attended in
The Heppner Branch has
several projects which it will
undertake during the sum
mer. The summer slory hours
will again be conducted at the
Heppner library, chaired by
I'ese Martin. A similar story
hour program will be initiated
in lone by Karen Reck. The
branch voted to buy a rug lo be
used for the lone slory hour
which will be held in the lone
City Hall and View Masters
(or both libraries.
Three Saturday markets are
Soroptimists name
its new officers
Evelyn Sweek, president:
Barbara Paullus, vice
president . Marge Eckman.
treasurer; Avon Melby. re
cording secretary; Eleanor
(ami) . corresNinding secre
tary will head the Heppner
Soroptimists lor l97.V7fi
N'adine O'Brien was elected
a new iHi.ird memler Lenna
Smith was elected regional
representative: Eleanor Gou
ty is her alternate.
I.cnna Smith, who was
cnchairman with Mary Bry
ant for the recent Cancer
(riividc. announced thai the
solicitation by club mctnliers
had brought in more than
SI ooo for cancer research
Itecatise no junior girls al
Heppner High were interested
in attending Girls Slate this
0v4ypY P Buy one-get one free (plus deposrt) ;
Boneless Nabisco
in I h m n . i Chips-Ahoy, Coconut,
POrfl iOft KOOSfS Pecan, Shortbread, 79
j jq9 ii Chocolate Chips
Western Family 2Pkg. ;: Famian's 32 m DiB
j Sliced Bacon PkllleS 63c
Mo,rclrs UaLPks. Nancys 16 oi dressing ji
Sliced Bologna 85c French, 1,000 Isle or
j Danish Delight
ggg; Rg Bars 39-
Celery 4 Slalks sl Hf-C PriilliS 6? j
j cauliflower 491 head 17S :
Asparagus 3 ft. Qu&
Prices Effective May 9-10 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 ! '
planned" for the summer. Sue
Duncan and Martha Doherty
arc co-chair persons for this
event. The Branch also decid
ed to assist with the trans
portation costs of a bus load of
students from Heppner and
lone High Schools who will be
attending a Shakespearean
play, May 14. at Eastern
' Oregon State College in La
Grande. The Branch voted to contri
bute $50 to the named fellow
ship which is being establish
ed in memory or Ardis Hitch
cock. She was past Oregon
division president, and was
killed in a car accident earlier
in the year. Mrs. Hitchcock
was a particular friend of the
Heppner Branch. She visited
the branch during the first
year it was organized and
aided and encouraged the
Heppner Branch in many
ways while she was Division
President .
Outgoing officers include
Pauline Bier assisting in the
installation were Anne Doher
ty. first vice president. Dar
yce Franzen. second vice
president, and Linda Johnson,
Jeannie Howell, discussed
what the Branch would like for
programs for ils new year.
summer, the club voted to
give the M budgeted for 1975
Girls Stale scholarships to the
public library lo be used in the
newly developing childrens'
Court begins
The Morrow County Fair
and Rodeo Court were hosted
by the Arlington Court after
taking part in the parade and
grand entry at Arlington last
Princess Donna Rea who
injured her shoulder was
unable to ride with the court.
However, it is expected that
she will be able to join the
court this Saturday at the
Milton Freewaler Pea Festi
val parade.
' : 1
-d-m A . t . . 1
i - jr1
El. MA HARSHMAM. takes another look as she picks the
name of Rill Privet. Heppner as the winner in this week's
Who's Who contest.
Morrow, Umatilla bus
tour, IVJay 21
Morrow County women are
invited to join a tour May 21
which will take them through
the developing areas of I'ma
lilla and Morrow counties,
with stops and tours through a
number of new operations.
The lour, which is being
arranged by Molly Saul and
Darrell Maxwell. I'matilla
Count Extension Agents, w ill
travel lv bus with a lunch stop
al the Bnai'dman Marina
Morrow County women who
hae pre registered to attend
may Ixiard the bus al llermis
ton al W 4) a m. and will be
returned to llermiston at 4 .to
p in Cost, which includes bus
I. lie and a hoi lunch, is $4 .75
per person
The tour will stop at
.Miiis-Mansvillc plant, two
imtaio processing plants, the
army depot at ordnance, and
other new developments in the
area Many developments
ni.iv In- viewed from the bus.
and Maxwell w ill ride w ilh the
group to point out things of
interest and serve as a tour
guide al the stops.
All interested men and
women are urged Ic pre
regisler al once, as parlicipa
lion is on a "first come" basis.
To sign on for the tour, send
name, address and check or
money order to Molly Saul.
Extension Agent. Box 1107.
Pendleton HTKol It is request
ed that payment be included
with the registration. Final
dale lo register is May 1:1
Kathleen Mahoney Mather.
Santa Barbara. Ca.. is visiting
at the home of her sister and
brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
A C. Ball Mrs. Mather plans
to leave for her home this
Who's Who
MP winner
Bill Privett, Heppner, was
this week's winner in the
Who's Who contest.
He correctly identified
Beecher Emert as the my
stery person and he also had
the correct number of clues.
The clues were as follows:
June 11 (his birthdate);
fisherman Beecher enjoys
fishing): eight left ( he still has
five brothers and three sisters
living of the original 13
children in his family): butch
er (he enjoys cutting meat);
not united (he is single): roar
i he is a member of the Lions
International): and heirless
(he has no children).
The Heppner Cub Scouts
held their regular meeting on
May I. Al this meeting they
did a community service
project by picking up litter
along Willow Creek.
Cubs participating were:
Mark Duval!. Kenneth Goch
nauer. Jay Keithley. David
Green. Sieve Curtis and Rus
sell Brannon.
See our complete line of
I blouses, dresses,
I Sweaters and Pant suits,
as well as our
gift selections
For Mother's
don't say
Show Mom how
Ji m i
f M Mr I
special she really is
with a very special gift.
A beautiful new Bulova. The watch that
combines accuracy, dependability
and fashion.
Our selection is as large as it is lovely, so
you're sure to find the style that suits
her best.
1 imp MC0O4 timin. 17 Itwtll ptciM Strttcft tKil(4. 171
I. lowt, Immt i.p ctM 4 kM Iiom ul 17 imH. US.
C G'Ktfiilly cunt4 tiKtltl Mtck CHonatr txl 21 itwtlt. IN.
Stop in and be convinced that this Is
the year to honor Mom with a Bulova.
Start Ncitni I AM. W I P.M.
rs. r hop
for May 18
This year the Baccalureate
Service for the 1975 graduat
ing class of Heppner High
School will be held as a
separate function rather than
being incorporated into the
commencement exercises.
Baccalureate service will be
held on Sunday evening. May
18. 8 p.m. at St. Patrick's
Catholic Church in Heppner.
The worship service is being
sponsored and planned by the
South Morrow County Mini
sterial Association and will
consist of singing, special
music, and a message to the
graduating seniors given by
one of the local ministers.
A special invitation is ex
tended to the 1975 graduates
and their parents and to the
faculty and the administration
of Heppner High School.
Because this is an important
aspect of "graduation week",
the South Morrow County
Ministerial Association wishes
to extend an invitation to the
Heppner community to parti
cipate in the worship service
on May 18 at St. Patrick's
Catholic Church.
manv other,
f t