Page 5. THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppner. OR., Thursday, Apr. 24. 1975 X if K K X X X X X X Court proceedings GENERAL FUND WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL FUND FOR MARCH. 1 97 J Paul W. Joneg, Juv. foster care $5 55 Paul W. Jones, Co. Ct. exp , 28 21 Sadie Parrish, Petty Cash, Co. Ct. 1.75, Cir Ct. 16.75, Juv. 160, pontage 1.40 24 50 L D, Tibbies. Med. Exam . . . . . , . , , . . 10 00 Thomas Ditton, Sp. Attorney fund . , . 72 00 Coast to Coast, Assessors sup . .79 Multigraphics Div., Assessors sup 28 75 Albert R. Otte, Mach. mtse , , , 19 50 Ernest Jorgensen, JP5, phone 38.03, Sup 87.15 ". '. 125 18 Carolyn Davis, Juv. travel , , 19 g Dewey West, Indigent fund 25 00 Umatilla Sheriff, jail exp $15 00 Heppner Auto Parts, sheriffs car 189 Dunham Printing, clerks sup ..,. 25 90 City of Heppner, Vet. Sup 500 Umatilla Sheriff, Juv. Care 37.50 ' Vashli Geneva Didier et al, JP5 jury 64.18 Dennis Doherty, DA phone 48.61, Secy 152.40, CD 100 00 sup 72.50. mileage 25.40 , 396.91 Murray Drug, planners sup 1 14 First National, Planner travel . 500 (Vntral Market, Co. Ct. Sup 1.60 Gazelle-Times, Assessors 117.50, Off. Pub 148.00 . . .'. . , 265.05 Kilham Stationery. Plunner sup. 57.80, Assessors sup, 190.75 254,55 Rankers Life. Ins 67.74 Columbia Basin, Museum 46.30, cthse 181.94 228.24 Murray Drug, sheriffs ofse sup 9.75 Wagon Wheel Cafe, jail 10 55, Co, Ct. 28 45 39 00 Pitney Bowes, mach, mtse 34.50 City of IfermlRlon, jail exp 72 00 Cake Co., sheriffs ofse sup 67.94 MCGG, sheriffs car exp. 43.92 Gazette Times, Tax Coll. exp 70.70 William A. Iloleomb. watermaster 112.52 Pacific NW Bell, sheriffs comm 117.00 Bills Body Shop, sheriffs car exp 12.00 Standard Oil, sheriffs 7 81, Juv. 20 97. Planner 42 98 , 71.75 Fulleton. sheriff 80 18, Assessor 17 SO, Juv. 68 00, Planner 17 50 ita.u Credit Bureau, Co. CI 36.00 Hichard Mahar, sheriffs car , ., J65 Lois Allyn. Planners travel 10. 40 Gazette Times. Off. Pub. 18 00, Planners 32,15 50.15 Roger Rook DA, sheriffs ofs 20 42 City of Heppner, Off. Pub -,11.95 Dept. of Revenue, Assessors St. mdse 52.41 Pacific NW Life, Sal , 37.90 Blue Cross, Sal 264.80. Ins. 428 40 , 693 20 Sadie Parrish, Cir. CI ..'23.48 Stale Accident, Sal. 55 12. Ins. 435 83 , . . , 490 95 Pacific Mutual, Sal ,: 633.18 First National, Sal 1.801.00 St Dept of Revenue. Sal 590.70 public Employees Re. Sal. 860.65, SS 860 65 1,721.30 W Utlt TS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND FOR MARCH I97J Warren H. McCoy, Comm. Exp 55.64 Homer Hughes, Comm. Exp 30.98 Riverbem! Construction, material 246 60 MCGG, repairs 77 57 Farley Motor, repairs 4 44 Dobyns Pest, weed chemicals 1.216 00 City of Heppner, misc. 6 30 Stone Math repairs 63 80 John t'eglia, repairs . 3 00 Gaette Times, misc. 52 45 Cornell Green, material 23 98 Pettyjohns, materials 321.10 Heppner Auto, repairs ... .... 437.59 Rentex Service, misc 28 96 Bnstows. parks 12 29 Bankers Life, Ins 55.36 Standard Oil. gas oil II 02 COWS, gas & oil 6 00 General Tire, tires 822 36 Bill's Body Shop, repairs 5.30 Columbia Basin, misc 86.70 Standard Oil. gas & oil 12 66 Pacific NW Life. Sal 29.10 Blue Cross. Sill. 191.20. Ins. 232 05 423 23 Stale Accident. Sal 21 12. Ins. 807 60 828.72 Public Employees, Sal. 560 94. SS. 560 94 1,121.88 Slate Dept of Revenue. Sal. 375 50, First National, Sal. 1,053 40 Pacific Mutual. Sal 285 62 Labor 7.070 83 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR MARCH. IJS Court signed an Order of transfer for Motor License Fund. Resolution signed in the Matter of Appointment of Tax Collector. Dayton Steel radlals, 40,000 mile guaran tee. Free replacement up to SO per cent of tread. Tires on hand fit all American and most foreign cars. ROTO-TILLER RENTALS CaPs Arco IxKKMMXKMMMNNKKMMXXKttHIMXNKHMWttXHNIUIXKXNiji WATER WELL DRILLING 1 K Mw. f H Modam Iqulpmant 11 A Ouarantwd aW Won. 4 V Uogwd. I'pananoad ' 1 II ail US NOW 76-7706 h hhi utaun Mix no okaana IB Vm jirtno nallace Well Drilling i it i i Tires i X 8 S a $ -A- Vou K Can w Mtan- .v $ IIEI'HSKH tcVi Ii The Eastern Oregon State College band and choir enter tained grades 1 through 12 with an hour -long concert on Wednesday morning April 16. Miss Cassie Chapel, daughter of Mrs. Delsie Chapel is a member of the group. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Riet mann are the proud parents of a son born April 21 in The Dalles Hospital. He weighed 7 lbs, 9 oz. and has been named Edmond Wayne. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs, David Kietmann and Mrs. Karrie Smith of The Dalles. Mrs. Ida Coleman returned Sunday, April 13 from a three-week vacation. She spent Easter and spring vaca tion with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ekstrom and family in Seattle, Wa., and then spent a week in Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Crawford and family. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson returned home Wed nesday from Portland. Ken neth Turner of Heppner drove them home. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doherty last week, were Mrs Doherly's parents, Mr. and Mrs Bryon Bradshaw of Albany, Alex Hasli and Mr. and Mrs. George Playfair. Mrs. Play fair is a daughter of Mr, Hasti and lives in a small village close to Edinburgh, Scotland. They are visiting friends and relatives in the United States. Most of their visit was spent seeing interesting sites in Morrow and Umatilla Coun ties, The American Legion held their regular meeting on April 15, There will be a work day on the hall. May 3. 8 a m. All Legionnaires are requested to turn out to help, and bring hydraulic Jacks and shovels. Anyone in the community wishing to work, their help will be appreciated The object Is to put a new foundation under the hall. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew M. Vincent Jr of Portland spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heimbigner. Delsie Chapel. Ida Coleman, giiBMUiuBunfflHutmiiniiiiuiim Where to look fur clues: Clues may be hidden in any ad in this section of 30 merchants whose ads are pruned below. When an addi tional ad from one of these sponsoring merchants ap pears elsewhere in the paper, they loo may have clues hidden in (hem. Clues will be scattered There may be from one to five in any ador none. This is a contest of skill, and we intend lo do our best to ouiwil you! We invite you lo do your best lo ouiwil us. KINZUA CORPORATION fiWKSTI'ltOIUeTs fur a UtoWINt. IMFHICl X rtlHIIIIMimilMllnMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIlfclllllMMIIIMIIIIIIIIHIIMim I k ( rZCi . i & 6. nAMK est 2- I r5L is; I HiP . i i uJZastern Uniycn YOl R HOMETOWN RINK 4 JEWELERS tlUDUantd Id Miles Tire Service we like lym TT to kmm vou kfllrr ORE. Lounge & Cafe ORG I3617S Ruby Roberts and Vida Heli ker from Bunchgrass Rebe kah Lodge attended the lunch eon in Heppner Saturday given by the members of San Souci Lodge in honor of neighboring lodges. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan spent last Thursday in Salem, where they attended the swearing in of the new Director of Agriculture. In the Governor's ceremonial office. Governor Straub swore in Leonard Kunzman as the Director of Agriculture. Mil ton Morgan was recently appointed to the State Board of Directors. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Swan son and family of Auburn, Wa . are visiting at the home . of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson. Mrs. Sam patienti in St pilal. Crawford is a Anthony's Hos- The mothers of the high school varsity basketball team are requested to meet in thecafetorium at 1 p.m., April 28 This will be before the Mother's Tea. Mrs, Ida Coleman enter tained the members of the former bingo club at her home Monday afternoone. Two items to remember are: the clothing drive at the United Church of Christ. April 24 and the Garden Club plant sale on April 30. The American Legion Auxi liary has selected Terry McElligott and Lori Berg strom as this years delegates to Girls State in Salem. June 15-21. Catherine McElligott is an alternate. The delegates are selected by a commiltee from the NOTICE The Morrow County Sheriff s Search and Rescue Posse would like It to be known by all residents of Morrow Count) that we are NOT connected in any way to the Sheriffs Posse Coniiliatus. The S&H Posse was organized to assist local law enforcement officials and residents of Morrow County and their neighbors in locating lost or injured persons or In anv other wax we can. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS M.C.S.S. & R. POSSE I 0'S WHO Cunlest rules: 1. This is ' a family fun coniesi. One entry per person ia family of four could submit four entries). Anyone may enter unless a member of your family is employed by the merchant whose ad is heavily bordered llns week Uhis applies ONLY during the week tins ad is bordered!. Em ployes of other sponsoring merchants are eligible. 2. Nothing lo buy. Use any slipol paper for entry blank It is not necessary lo be present lo win. It is not necessary lo be a subscriber lo the Gazette Times lo enter. Sen iiik Morrow . Wheeler andGilhani Counties If Tfty noiitii i NORTH MUN Emu n tun mini Farley Motor Co. Jhe closer YOU LOOK. THE BETTER WiLOOKI Court Street Market We smile a lot! Try us IIEPI'NER "VMS 5 aTJ f7moNI 1 FI.EI TRIC I o,P ill r I B S niirir.inmr I iriimr IMHHI jlOIIIIMIIIIOIMHHIHHIlllMHIIIIimHMIMHIIlJimilSIIIMMOIIIHIOHMIIIIIIHIIIIIMIIIIHMMMimtnOMHm Pettyjohn's wl Err thing f for farm Vi. V and dome Mr J . Auxiliary on the basis of letters written by the girls stating why they would like to attend Girls State. Terry McElligott has been a member of 4 H for 5 years, a varsity cheerleader, member of GAA and National Honor Society, participates in vol leyball, basketball and track. She sings in the Catholic Church Choir. Terry is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McElligott. Lori Bergstrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Berg strom, has been active in 4 II for 9 years. She is a member of GAA and participates in volleyball. Lori is a member of Valby Lutheran Church. Catherine McElligott is a member of GAA, and National Honor Society. She partici pates in volleyball, basketball and track. She is Junior Class President, on the staff of the Cardinal Spirit and a member of the Catholic Church. Cath erine is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Dick McElligott. Sunday. April 27, Dr. Martin Goslin will be guest speaker at the United Church of Christ morning service. He will be speaking on the 1776 campaign to aid six black colleges that are related to this denomina tion through the American Mission Association. American Legion Post No. 95 will hold a special meeting April 28, 8 p.m. for the purpose of selecting delegates to Boys State. Election of officers will be held also. All members are urged to attend 1 IN MORROW C0UNTYT0MTEST Coo.rnhi l'S Or OEM InlerpnvM HillH AM r.gnts rrtffvfd 3. The Mystery Person may Ik- anyone in Morrow County. Clues for bis or her identity will be hidden only n ads for sponsoring merchants. If by coincidence the name of the Mystery Person (or other facs about him or heri h.ipiens to appear in news iiems. editorial mailer or ti'lier places in this news paper, these will not count as clues in this conieU. I To enter, write down the name you think lo lie the Mystery Person. Add the total number of clues you c.iifind in ALL the ads of sponsoring merchants in this issue. You I WAGON WHEEL Tn (tilling with us. Thrif'sa irjl fi inxth difteirmr. IIEITUR Bristow's 1 i wmkivci (H u ITY HMIS IONE I MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS mc MIMfl OWN 10 A NO COMTROUID LEXINGTON. OREGON. Sm inn Morrow County MMMIIHIIHIIIIMIMMtmWIIUIMIINIIltSlllMIHmHIMMIIIIHIIWIIIWIMMIIIIWMMIItWIfllllWIIIIIMIIII ELMA'S Apparel Fashions for the Ladies Flower Shop DO lm l.m Lwn Wi Rescue unit elects officers Ed Baker, Lexington, was elected captain of the Search and Rescue Posse for 1975-76. Remaining offices filled were Ed Yeoman, Heppner, 1st Lt.; Don Isom, Heppner, 2nd Lt.; Ray Boyce, Heppner, 2nd Lt. Board of control members elected were Stan Cox, Hepp ner; Ken Nelson. Lexington and Rod Flug, Boardman. Sheriff John Mollahan holds a continuing chair on the board of control. NEW CONSTRUCTION WORK BEGINS Bids will be received by the Oregon Transportation Com mission on Thurs,. May 8 in Salem for seven projects eslirnated to cost $7,000,000. Highway Division officials estimate lhal the construction work will provide employment npMrlunily for about 950 Oregonians. I.ocal project involves pro duction of crushed aggregates on the Cecil Rock Production Project located about 4 5 miles north of Cecil on the Heppner Highway lOre. 7-1). Completion time is set for August 15. 1975. smimHmmiiiiiiiiiMnHiiiiitifflt I 10 NE GARDEN CLUB I Annual Plant Sale I Plants Perennials Annuals Berries Cactus Chrysanthemums Geraniums Bulbs 1 TIMS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY YOUR HOME-OWNED 5 SERVICE BANK OF I jEastem Oregon HEPPNER IONE ARLINGTON MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSUR ANCE CORPOR ATION k.n.., aillllllimmmiimilllllllllimiMiiiiiiiinHmiimii do not have lo list all these clues, just give the total number of them. Don't forget loadd your name and address. Then drop your entry in the Ixx located at the sponsoring merchant whose ad is border ed with a dark border in the ads listed below in this issue. 5. There is no other place where entries will be accept ed. Any member of the family may bring in all the entries for Ilia' family. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. 6. This week's contest starts when you receive this issue and closes al 5 p.m. Friday of Murrays (IN THE MAIN CORNER DRUGS ic Yll it HOMETOWN I'll KM CY HtNrp I HIPPNIR f AUTO PARTS out lliiine-iiHiird ulu Parts I Heppner Nor-Gas Tanks Anplianers KY Equipmrnt IIEITNIR Where Sen Ice Is I'leasore V-G TAVERN, 'TTfll r i ! Lexington Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wil liams spent Mon.. April 21, at Lewis and Clark State College, Lewiston, Id. Mr. Williams is a 1937 graduate of this school They attended the dedica tion of the Edward V. Wil liams Student Union Building. The building was named for Mr. Williams' brother, who was lost on a boating excur sion on the Snake River. Other family members pre sent were two brothers. Mayor Leonard Williams, Lewiston, Kenneth Williams, who tea ches at Ritzville, Wa., and a sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don Blair, Lewiston. Also present and taking part in the ceremonies were Gov ernor Andrus and other state dignitaries from Boise. " The board of directors of the Lillian C. Turner Foundation will meet May 3, to discuss loan grants for higher educa tion. These grants have a low interest rate and are available to high school students, vet erans, or others wishing to further their education. The money will be granted at the discretion of the board. High school students may obtain applications at their schools. Other applicants lone Legion Hall Wednesday, April 30 10a.m. Pie and coffee served all day tins week. 7 At that time (3 p.m.. Friday i a draw ing w ill be held at the store where entries have been received for this week's contest. The first entry drawn thai correctly identifies the Mystery Person will win 20 in cash. If that entry also lis's the correct number of clues hidden in all ads of sponsoring merchants, a bonus of $7 50 will be paid. Whenever this bonus is not won, it will be added to the following week's bonus, which will continue lo grow until it is won. 8. Every precaution will be 7& "Eer'hiiig in Ladies Read, iii-Wear" The Lebush i Shoppe Rietmann's f I HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS "Your Eaniih Hardware" IONE. ORFCflM VJfUX lialMMMHtHHMHIHIHIIIIIHIIIHHHIHIIHIHIUHI I I .1 TURNER l.lfiVAN MARIEU VltimNT INSUNCI MUMMUMMMMIMMiainMM Cornett Green i Peed IIEI'PNER Feeds Sill (.irdcn and flrnf,1M s,p, x ftrinjr Siinplifs CAL'SARCO should write to the board stating their needs and rea sons for applying. Applications may be sent to William J. VanWinkle or Delpha Jones, Lexington. Or. Sen. Packwood 's new address Anvone wishing to contact Sen. Bob Packwood hhould note his new address and telephone number. His address now is: room 1317. Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.. Washington. D C. 20510. Telephone '202) 224-3244. Shermer serving jail sentence David Shermer. Heppner, appeared in Justice Court April 17. on charges of criminal mischief and negotiating a bad check. He was sentenced by Justice of the Peace Charles O'Con nor, to 90 days in the Umatilla County jail or a fine of $405. Shermer is presently serv ing his sentence in the Umatilla County jail. to 4p.m. Country Store Special gift items Jams and Jellies Rhubarb Homemade goodies Terrarium supplies BANK AS A COMMUNITY taken In prevent typographi cal errors that might be mis'aken for clues, but error less typography cannot be guaranteed by anybody. The publisher of ' the Gazette Times will be the judge in all questions and his decision is final. Family participation gives you a bet'er chance to win the jackpot. Your wife, husband or some bright-eyed youngster may spot a clue that you miss! Think you can outwit the con'est? You can't win if you don i enter. Mobil BOB'S Mobil Service I Where senile is ::: mil ulit-idshiiMird :: IIIHIIMIIIHtllMltHWWtlMltmilHIIIIIIIIIIIIH-:- GONTY'S i; "SIIOEM OK l " S (MobilJ RED I vying y llenpnrr OrriiiMi :k IMIIimiMMMIMMMMMIIHIMmttimtlHH wHEADIVFoK KEECIIER'S Ttie reason for coming to lone for dinner' On the Highway IONE OREGON OLDIES but GOODIES Come in and Browse GARDNER'S MEN'S W EAR "The Store of Personal Service'' I I 1 DEAN'S fi 2ND J.J HAND g I KM I'l'TOWX KATIMS. Where Iriendt meet Pool and tour Ittorlir drink. IEXiS(iTON.OKE. (at OiM iibriraiion Aula Repair IIH'FNJR 676 9218 Heppner S MHNTO HEI'I'NER I ;:s!W:sSssXsx ,'s;.xSs;..v.;.,-.;s'Wx-: