Page 8, THE GAZETTE TIMES. V VSi J Beef cattle field day The annual Oregon State University beef cattle progeny testing field day program will he Friday. April 25 at the OSU Hermiston Station The program will begin at 10 a m with a tour of pens of cattle sent by breeders from several states for detailed feeding, growth and. even tually, carcass records. This information will be used as a guide in breeding programs. The tour will be conducted bv Extension agents Gordon Cook. Bill Farrell. Ralph Hart. Mike Howell and Lyn don Nicholson. Ten year forecast for CB A ten year financial forecast of all phases of operation has been approved by the Board of Directors of Columbia Basin Flet lric Cooperative, at their meeting April 3. In 1972 a somewhat similar forecast was made. In com parison to the earlier fore cast: the long term debt (in 198P will be approximately 1 25 million less for the new operations budget just approved Projected margins from the operation are fore cast at $3,144,378 in the current plan compared to $2,238,837 in the earlier fore cast The financial forecast has st a total plant value of $10,949,306 for 1984 and shows $2,080,320 in revenues for 1984. Only one rate increase is now projected for the member consumers during the 10 year period, and that in 1980. Invitational Youth Field Sat, April 19 Morrow County Fairgrounds Sponsored by Heppner Lions Club Sol rrlirrd Judging Contests Demonstrations Tractor Driving Exhibits Booths and many other events Open to all 4-H clubs and FFA chapters in Eastern Oregon Public urged to attend and view the work of these youth. No charge Lunch will be served ThU ad ponorrd public trrvirr by: Columbia Basin Elocfric Co-op fcrvtol Utrm. tWrkf u4 GUtea fMtk 5 Heppner. OR., Thursday, Xpr. Oregon State University's annual beef cattle progeny testing field day program will be Friday, April 25 at the OSU Hermiston Station. The program of nutrition, breeding, feed and pasture research will begin at 10 a.m. with a tour of pens of cattle sent by breeders from several states for detailed feeding, growth and carcass records. The progeny test program is directed by Al Ralston, pro fessor of animal nutrition, and Tom Davidson, acting super intendent of the OSU Colum bia Basin Agricultural Re search Center. Davidson will discuss the progeny testing program and preside at the morning session. Ken Kil lingsworlh. Wheeler County Extension Agent, will be in charge of the herd bull display. James Oldfield. head of the OSU Department of Animal Science, will be chairman of the afternoon session. Ralston will discuss nutritional beef cattle research. Other speakers will include geneticist Bob DeBaca. Garst Company of Coon Rapids. Iowa: Frank High, president of the Idaho Cattle Feeders Association and manager of Albertson Land and Cattle Company. Nyssa; and Wilton Heinemann. Washington State University professor of ani mal science. Their topics will be feedlot economy and irri gated pasture and beef breed ing 4 BIRTHS Mr and Mrs Larry A Anderson. Heppner. are the parents of a daughter. Candy Michelle. 8 pounds, one-half ounce, born April 7. at Community Hospital. Pendle ton. Or. She has a 2 year old sister. Brandy Marie. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Andrew G. Anderson. Heppner and Mr. and Mrs Robert R Cossitt. Echo Great grandparents are Mrs, Emma Logan. Marion. Kentucky, and Mr and Mrs William B. Tinsley. Indian apolis. Indiana. Day 17, 1S"5 April 25 The annual program w ill be sionsire d bv the OSU Animal Science Department. Colum bia Basin Agricultural Re search Center. Oregon Exten sion Service and the Umatilla ;itllemen's Association. Eldon McFerrin dies in Washington Memorial services were held Saturday. April 12. 11 a m for Eldon McFerrin. 71. of Otis. Orchards. Wa. Mr McFerrin died April 9. in Spokane. Wa He was born April 15. 10 to William and Nellie McFerrin al Myrtle Creek. Or .and was a long-lime resident of Mor row County. Interment was at Riverside Cemetery. Spokane. Survivors include the widow. Eleanor, Otis Orchards. Wa . a son. Roy. of Guam, three daughters. Al berta Thiesen. Evelyn Koch and Linda Thompson, all of Washingion. three sisters. Elma Hiatt. Richland. Wa.. n Wright. Heppner. Zella Davidson. Pomona. Ca . num erous grandchildren, great grandchildren. nieces and neohews. . Sears For your 4 years of patronage we would like to offer you our biggest appliance savings opportunity ever! 3 DAY SALE! APRIL 17, 18 & 19 Free Coffee SAVE $20 to$10O on many and Cookies Sears appliances in the store! X X A X X X X X X X X Ajfh thp nurrha;e of a new washer, film iiiw fwi or Microwave A family purchasing all three appliances will receive all three gifts. EVERY APPLIANCE IN THE STORE REDUCED Owned and operated by Jack VanWinkle Heppner, Oregon OSU studies wind power Oregon State University will intensify its wind power "site prospecting" along the Ore gon Coast and down the Columbia Gorge in coming months. The work is aimed at determining whether wean Gorge w inds can be used as a cheap and clean source of supplemental electric power. The grant for this year's research totals $0.000. ac cording to Or. E Wendell Hewson. chairman of the OSU Department of Atmospheric Sciences and leader of the university team of scientists workmg'on wind power possi bilities Others come from the rvpnrtmenls of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and the School of Oceano graphy. Average w imfs need to be in the 12 to 25 knot range to have electric power generating possibilities. Hewson points out. Wind frequency, turbul ence and icing are factors also. t Two sets of instruments are being maintained at Yaquina Head, described by Hew son as "a very good location. The winds jut relatively strong all year and I here is freedom from icing " The Columbia Gorge re mains "a gixxl bet for wind (xiwer developments," says Hewson, because power from wind-driven aerogeneralors in that area could be fed easily into nearby electric power networks. Wind power gen erators might Im less con spieious also ' Visual pollu tion" is a concern in future tteneralion placement on the eoiisl. Hewson added. Turbulence and icing may he biuger problems in the Gorue. however, it was noted Hoih complicate aerogenera lor operations Coastal and uorue winds bolh peak when power demand docs during the wmer The most promising gorge sile el investigated is on the Washington side of Ihe Col umbia liner jusl slightly northeast of The Dalles. Or . Hewson reMrted Wind in struments Ihere are mounted war an FM radio station transmitter some .t.tXN) feel almve the river HE XT While $.!.; Xpril. May :l..Y!' . Iir t"P I'nl pril. Mat ::..:;' new crop l!:n lr IIIS. .VI Xiiril. Mat ic Come Celebrate Our 4 th mm - . . - - oven, you will receive free any one of the following : Polaroid Camera valued at $19.33 71 piece dinner set by Melamine valued at $32.50 55 piece stainless steei service for 8 valued at $38.97 it J I 'awwp' JIM JF.PSE.N. IONE. picks the name of John McCab. Heppner as the winner of the Who's Who Contest. McCabe had the correct name of the mystery person and the correct number of clues to win $27.50 (or his efforts. Correct name earns $27.50 Jim Jepsen. lone, picked the name of John McCain' as the lucky w inner in the Who's Who Cnntesl McCalic had the correct number of clues and is the winner of $27.50 for guessing Linns Carlson as Ihe mystery person The clues are as follows Handler iCarlsou farms near (inoschel i v . Stale Conser- al iimisl . i ( 'a i Kofi w as chosen Conservation Man of Ihe Year in : 4 II leader, i Carlson uas aclue in 4 H for many ears; Swede, iCarlsou is a Swede and approrialelv nick named' . Father of the Near, he was chosen Father of Ihe Year in PITH1. Feb. fi is his hnthd.ite In a (..irlle-1 iines ( l.mMfieil il drver - ' i absolutely. I Authorized Sears CATALOG SALES MERCHANT j ' J Automotive SIIFUHKI I ( IIFVKOI.K.T. IM. ( iiinplelr Salr & Srr iff !i(ll.iin HrritiMon Building Supplies M Ft SKOK I.I YOlK III II )iSl ITI.IFS. Wr friiliiir Huysrn 'inl Tl M I I Ml IMHFHtO. Tim MiHirr. Mr. IL'sKHoiMinlTii-ft-'-'l n:ni fti Cafes Lounges Spet ialisl in mixed drink and fine IimkIv i,;i".ii'. Heppner Construction IIUHtltKMI ( ONSIIU TI . ( iMieirle srritle ( rushed Hmi Di uin Kmk itsphall I'axliiK F-linnrtirilinK iTiiiision.Orf(n 'honr.W7ii:M Drugs, prescriptions IIKItMISTON IHU (i Free I'reM rlulion Mail Srr Ier Open in. (lit p.m. (.ilUdimllmrakioni. Snat k Hur IM MiiinSI. I'h. sk;-:mi72 Floor Covering Heating MA II H (MlH( (IVKHI(i ( iirpi'l. l.iiHilruin. ('rmmlr Tile. Klli hrn( ahinrU Krrf Kftliinulm All Hmk (iuumnlrrd Mall HiiKhm I.'.' I.lndrn Wav lluli 'III llrppnrr KKMIiH.M)H(OVHIIIN(i ( arprl. drap-rlf. linolnim i iiuiiler liipi, rrramir tllr, fliKiriiiK. (iinitrir Snli- Inslttlludon .liiiH.W.IlthlliiUrrCrrfk llwi. llrrmMtin r i qnmmnmnnmtuimnumttmnutHmnMtnnmnmnnnmmnH i uayion i irus i 2 Steel radials, 40,000 mile guaran- 3 tee. Free replacement up to 50 per tt a v t ceni wi ireau. inc vi - - American and most foreign cars. ROTO-TILLER RENTALS Cars Arco lllMmltllllKlllt,,,,,,,,",,M,,,,, Attention Farmers We have the following chemicals for sale now Butyl Ester 6E L.v.'s4and6lbs. Amlncs-BanvelLorox Alsoa limited amount of Bronate Paul Pettyjohn Co. 422-7254 lone, Ore. iuoooooooh wjoooooo WHO DOES IT? .HAS IT? Service Directory Maddux Electric and Supply KIK THK Al .t'ONTKWTOH Cnmmrrrlal Krfrlfti'ralloa -Mv;nm I- oil. Or. Furniture Ser lis br (il f ou but our ' rulor T oritlfrroktitrm. MI.( OX H'KMTl'KK WI) !'IM I N( r S I'll . HrrniMon f. T .'.'III HrritiMon HOUH-WSCWfTV;, Nrw i I krrf r iiiniluiri Xpplivncri iilhiii ieH Smf Dalrr 2.mi V first. HrrniMon Furnace Service Dick's H IIWOI SKHMO: r serl e nrrl all of luniiuro: al" alr and si i iT on nrw hrallnK & air IMIllililllll( llliili. i''TK ;in )l( KIIXSIIKOK K M I S l llh I'rnHlrlon Insurance TYHNKH. VAV MAHTr R 1 BHVAVT (.rnrral Iniurancr iti (.(.i ks novo: lsrHANr:,(iK(V fiTK'Mii.-, llrppnrr lta Hour THIS SPACE FOR RENT $8.00 mo. Monuments ritH'lt-rt rmr maikrr (iruuilr, Mm lilr. Ilrnnf KWKKNK.Y MOIITl'AHV 21 hour phoiir ;k !MMHinr;it-n:':'il MsiSerlnK lHirt l.rxliiKlnn llrppnrr. I'.O, HT.Orr. r rr nn nann Til Ml! n n n n it Optometrist ) K. K M MXrUTZ UptmiirlrM rllollolrl llrppnrr rnlrmirr. (.Tt. Hi.'. llrppnrr Physcians-Surgeons DIM.. 0 TIHKI KS IKImpiilh phM-ian and uiK'n IslVwIinnulHiinkllldK HrvM H.'IH Dlf. ;! I.HIVI II JONr S. D rhtsitUnaiidSuiitron III. r'. Ilurlhurl. Hour: Mini llnu Thin.. a m -l.' lp in ; ; ip in - Jp m. r rl., Sa in I p in llellllisliill. di r. HTH.tll Printing l I.TH'K OM'HINTIM. MWII XKWHOI'rS nMMKS ( ZKT1 K-TIMKS Radiator Service. .IOrMtiTOK SKIUK V. Niiw MhrlinirliiKrl our hai rs riiiipnirnl rrd hrdtrr Ihr rush raon. Sewing Machines SIM. Kit Siilr Srr h t . Mrrrptilrall nitfkr and nindrN (.IKK.VNS pprmrd Mnrr Dralrr 2l:l S. Main I'rndlrlnn ITKM"-! Title Insurance MOHItnW ('Ol'NTY IISTH( T WDTITI r.TO. Tillr liisurini r Offlrr InlVIrn HldK. llrppnrr I ITII I HKADY-MIX Open ftrrt wrrkda. uudKHlurdaand Sundu If nrcr.arv. I'himri; -HIM or s t Phone 676-9106 J iMIIMIIMM""'"""'M''''MM'M''M' Phone 676-9106 i"