age 3, THE GAZETTE TIMES, Heppner. OR., Thuriday, Apr. 17, 1975 Lexington '---i77irr " wi ii r i 't TiririrLRrtriti ALUM AX PACIFIC CORPORATION Alumax Pacific Corporation aluminum plant to be cleanest Alumax Pacific Corporation will build the cleanest alumi num reduction plant in the, world at the Port of Umatilla. Intlallalion priced at $300 million, the new unit will be a showcase In the industry, with two pot lines (214 cells each) providing a total yearly pro duction capacity of 187,300 Ions of aluminum Ingot. Const ruction will require a peak of 1800 jobs and the operating plant will employ SALE Hand Tools & Household Items April 1849 at Taylor home, 170 E. Quaid KINZUA YARD SALE March 31 April 18 I Monday through Friday I Hours: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. I All items sold by unit only Kiln Dried Fir & Larch 2x8No2&Btr j2x10No2&Btr 2x8No3Utll 2x10 No 3 Util 2x4No4Econ 2x6No4Econ 2x8No4Econ 2x10No4Econ 2x4No3&Btr 2x6No3&Btr !2x8iMo3&Btr 2x10No3&Btr lx8No4&Btr llx10No4&Btr Kiln Dried Hem, Fir $2x4 NO 3 Util 8', 10', 12' I 14'&16' Plywood Sheathing 1 12" Miscuts t'a"5nop ; For Information Call 1-503-676-9183, Ext. 37 , $ i tDIi' , --, TJO.J ww workers on a 112 million annual payroll. Alumax. through worldwide lesling. ha been able lo announce that the proposed t'malilla operation will sur pass all state and federal pollution controls. All process waier will be recycled and none will be discharged into Ihe Columbia Fluoride emissions will be at less than one pound for every ton of aluminum pro duced Stale of Oregon slan- Price Lengths thousand? 8' & 10' $119.00 8' & 10' 129.00 8', 10', 12' 88.00 14 & 16' 108.00 8', 10', 12' 88.00 14' &16' 108.00 8 Ranlgth 75.00 1 Ranlgth 69.00 Ranlgth 69.00 1 Ranlgth 69.00 6' 69.00 6' 69.00 3 6' 69.00 6' 69.00 6' thru 12' 82.00 14' & 16 90.00 6' thru 12' 89.00 14' & 16' 96.00 I 100.00 120.00; I 1.90 panel! 2.80 panel 4'x8' 1 . 1m. tw :,,:iC I 111 - . .V, ?ll - UMATILLA, DMOON dards allow one pound of fluoride per lon of pr'1"' aluminum. Alumina will arrive in the Nnrihwesl by ship from Aus tralia ll will be sent in enclosed rail cars or barges to port of I'malilla Approxi mately two pounds of alumina will evolve into one pound of pure aluminum after proces sing al Ihe new plant Output will Ih sold or used in Alumax fabricating plants throughout Ihe V S Some will go for export KW-5182 Extra deep 5 cu. ft. capacity tray. Heavy channel legs with shoes, natural hardwood handles, 4.00 x 8 2 ply wheel and tire assembly. $39 00 Member of the & ALUMINUM This is an artists conception of the new Alumax Corporation's aluminum reduction plant proposed for construction at the Port of Umatilla. Scholarship New guidelines for those interested in making applica tion fnrCranls-in-Aid from Ihe Carl Trocdson Educational Fund have Ix-cn announced by ihe scholarship committee. The grant provides funds for graduating seniors and a limited number of college siiulrnis for the purpose of furthering their education. Major changes are an in crease in the amount of Ihe individual scholarships for liradiialing seniors lo $750. This will imil Ihe number of these scholarships available. In i he past year no scholarship HEAVY DUTY WHEELBARROW Reg. $48.95 board 20-inch SOUTHLAND POWER MOWER "Turf Trim." Ideal for smaller lawns. 3 HP, 4 cycle rtcoil tngint. "Easy spin" starter. Throttle on bandla. Extra stout, side discharge deck. One piece "air lift" blade. V J1 S ! J REDUCTION PLANT guidelines exceeded $400 with some as Imv as Sinn. However, a larger number were given. Kligibilily of college stu dents has been clarified lo include only those college students w hi. were granted the scholarship originally upon graduation from high school. Students presently in col lege who have not received a grant as a graduating senior ;ur not eligible lo apply. Application forms are available at eath high school office and at the School District Olfice in Lexington.' MODEL 1202 52 $71 95 Reg. $79.95 wtorrow Three Links Club mel at the home of Mrs. Frarfk Robinson on Thursday afternoon with Ihe chairman Carolyn Howard presiding Further plans were discussed concerning the card party on Friday. Flection of a three-year trustee was held and Delpha Jones was elected Maureen Davis for two years and Ruth Robinson, one year. Door prize was won by Delpha Jones The next meeting will be al the home of Freida Majeske in Heppner. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Venice Hendrickson was called to Portland on Tuesday of last week by Ihe death of her son. Elven Sianley. She' was taken to Portland by her daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Chick of llermislon. Others attending the services were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yocom and family and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Rinehart of L'kiah. Debbie Yocom who is sta tioned with the WAC in Colorado left Sunday morning from Pendleton after being here for the funeral of her uncle. Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Cuts forth. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse and Carl. Mr. and Mrs, CC. Jones. Florence McMillan and Freida Majeske were those from I-xington Crange attending the visita tion night at Rhea Creek. Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. Archie Mun kers have been in Portland this week where Mrs. Mun kers was receiving medical care Mrs. Al Fetsch. Echo, and Mrs William Smethurst of Pendleton spent Thursday evening in Heppner visiting friends and relatives. They attended Ihe Three Links Club card party al the Lexington looF hall on Friday. The Three Links Club Card party in Ixxinglon was well attended on Friday. Those winning prizes at bridge were high. Elsie Cox. low. Mildred Davidson and men's high. I.cslcr Cox. Pinochle high was (z7n27nim THIERS 51081 5 HP Most popular size because it takes on most any chore. . .landscaping, cultivating, weeding, bringing a garden back into shape. Horizontal crankshaft engine. $261"? Reg. 21" Rotary Mower Big push-type rotary mower designed for easy operation. Eesy-pin start. Grass catcher Included. MODEL 56009 Reg. $143.00 isnir y won by Thelma Smethurst and low. Norma Way. Several door prizes were drawn. Traveling was received by Carolyn Rergstrnm and Anna Ball. A luncheon was served al noon with a good crowd in attend ance. Ix'xington Grange will meet Monday. April 21 for their regular meeting. The meeting will start with a spaghetti supper at 6:30 pm. The program will follow under Ihe direction of Delbert Piper. Roy Scouts present will be in charge of the program con sisting of slides of a cross country hike and various other activities. Parents and friends of Ihe scouts are cordially invited lo attend. Ix-I's not forget that the Orange has an active legisla ture committee at Salem. Members are urged to allend and bring any resolutions they wish passed al this time. Members are asked to bring salads and desserts for the spaghetti dinner. HKHKK AIIS MEET The Past Noble Grands Club of San Souci Rebekah Lodge No 33 will be hostess to a salad luncheon on Saturday. April 19. al 12:30 p.m. There will be games following the luncheon. WEEKLY SERIES A glimpse of past history of Ihe Heppner area will be presented each week by Coast to Coast store. This is in conjunction with Ihe upcom ing Bicentennial celebration. The history of this area doesn't go back 200 years, so Ihe flashbacks will be for various periods of lime that records are available for. Items will run under the heading Let's Celebrate America". This is the theme of Coast lo Coast Stores this year according to Dick Sar gent, local store owner. Select your wedding invita tions ai Ihe Gazette-Times 51084 3.5 HP Compact tiller wkh power reverse, just right for small gardens. Bolo tines provide spading action for seed beds. Use also for weeding and light cultivating. Easy to store. $221 00 Y C- Mm Reg $260.00 $290.00 1 $12095 nnr Start refreshed with vacation Everyone needs a break from the ordinary, and Ihe Mini College for Homemakers June 23 27 offers the oppor tunity lo start Ihe summer refreshed, both mentally and phvsically. The Oregon Slate University Extension Service and Ihe Oregon Extension Home makers Council have planned a program thai reflecls the interests and needs of today's homemaker. A wide range of lopics are available, some serious, some fun. Homemakers will reside in Bloss Hall and take meals together in a central dining room. Best of all is the cost, which including room and board is only $45 for Ihe week. Special rates are available for those w ishing to commute, or attend only part time. Registration forms are available at the County Ex tension Office. Heppner. or by calling 676-9W2. Pre registration is requied for any one attending, with due date of May 30 "To be sure of enrollment in classes desired, the sooner you enroll, the better" according to Birdine Tilths. Morrow Extension. "Some classes have limited enrollment." G-T WANT ADS PAY lttXXXXXXXXXXKXXX fgfcet .-. Years Ago in Heppner Youth activities The city council proclaim ed Ihe week of April 13-20 as clean-up week. It was requested thai persons haihnring cows or other siixk within the city, re turn c rubbish and manure in the vicinity of main streil. I CHIT Tl CIMt ITIIill KKXXKKXKKKKKKKKKKKKXI