Page 6, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, lassiYied I w Save money . . . Pay cash! Phone 676-9228 Cards of Thanks - ore very thankful and grateful lo all our friends and niMUhlrs for their kindness while I wns in the hospital. Thanks for all the beautiful flowers, cards and phone calk A special thank you to Harold. Helen and Bob Ste vens Words can't express our feclinuv Thanks also to Dr. Wnltf and all the hospital staff for their excellent care. May God Rloss you all. MARIE LESLEY A thank you to my neiehhors and friends for the cards and flowers during my recent illness. Also a special thanks to Hr. Wolff, the nurses and hospital staff. .11 I.I ANN HARRISON I would like to thank all my fnends and relatives for the (lowers, cards, and their kind wishes during my recent stay in Pendleton Community Hos pital. TERREL BENGE We wish to thank our friends and neighbors who came to our assistance at the time of mv brothers illness. Special thanks to Dr. Tibbies and the staff of Pioneer Memorial for all the kindnesses shown us. and to Jack Lloyd for making the arrangements for Phil to enter the Veteran's Hospital. MR AND MRS FRF.DSINERIUS I want to thank everyone for 'heir thoiiL'htfulness who gave h'ood in mv name at the blood dr-ivvinj Monday. DIMPLE MINKERS 2 Notices Heppner Lions 1 Club meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 6:45 a.m. Break fast meeting. Wagon Wheel. Cliff Green, Pres. 17tfc WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish. Ph. 567-6065. Itfc NEW RINSE N VAC steam cleans, rinses, and vacuums out dirt leaving carpets pro fessionally clean. Rent at Case Furniture Co. MENTAL HEALTI1 Heppner office hours: Tues. thru Thurs . 8:30 5. 676-9161 Irri gon office hours: Mon. & Fri.. -. 9.2-3357. Closed noon hour. For emergency ph. 676-5032 LECITHIN! Vinegar! B6'. Kelp! Now all four in one capsule, ask for FB6. Mur ray's Pharmacy. 50-1 Op HEPPNER SWIM ASSOC. is having the Spring Rummage Sale; for pickup call: Arbo gas's 676-5058. J Jones. 676-5021. or Biddies. 676-92-17. Pickup will be on Wed. eves, onlv. Itfc. ALCOHOLIC'S Anonymous will meet April 4. 8 30p m.. at the Methodist Church, Hepp ner PH 676-59. 7p 4. Wanted WANTED: Camera tri pod in good condition for 35mm camera. Ph. 676 9228. 54p WANT TO RENT: 10-speed lukes lor week of June 15-21. Coin ai l Pastor Murk Johnson. i!7ii-.V.'t 9c WANTED t'scd 6 yr. size rnh PIN22 7271 or 67C 9M2 7c 7. For Rent Kl RENT: New 3 bedroom house. f.7(i 5.VM 7p FOR RENT: In lone. I bedrm apt; I studio apt. and 12 bedrm apt. 422 7587. Ifc Jr,H I Ar-V Heppner, OR.. Thursday, Apr. 8. Services ALL TYPES OF Backhoe Work SAND & GRAVEL HAI'LINC Wesley Wise ION E. ORE. 42.-7409 9. Livestock A I YEARLING and 2 yr.-old range bulls. Hereford, cross bred Hereford and Simmen tal: cross bred Hereford and Limousin. 83 Ranch. Pilot Rock. 443-6483. 49tfc FOR SALE: Ray gelding, just turned i vrs old: Arabian and Quarter cross: spirited and "d traveler. r7fi-.i.T?S. 8c LAGRANDE Livestock Spe cial Auction: April. 6. horse sale. 1 p.m. Apr. 10, all-breed range bull sale. 1 p m. For more information call Roy Powers. 963-2158 . 8c 10. Farm, Garden FOR SALE: 22 ft. Graham Hoeme chisel plow; hydraulic lift; good condition. Ken Turner. 676-9710. 49tfc F'lR RENT: 4 Hp. garden tiller: R Hp riding tiller. Pettvjnhn's Farm k Builders Supplv.67r.-ll.i7. He 12. Furniture, Appliances BOOKS: We buy. sell and trade. Dean's 2nd Hand Store. 676-5018. 52tfc FOR SALE: 12 ft. diameter round braided rug. brown and gold 676-W12 fiP PI NMFoR SU E: Small ivh eoiivole piano Will sairi-in- to it -sponsible party in .! ;n . a Cash or terms. ANo ii. .,ti wiih automatic rhy h, Ph itcf I 'ii!-.!ii:t-.')7ii7or ,nistor. !KH Commer . i ,1 N E .Salem. Or. 97.108. Be FOR SALE: Miscellaneous household furniture. 676-9498 or 676-9297. 8c . F"i: SXl.E: Motorola ort stereo set. S4.V Ph -:-ti nt P 13. For Sale C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam. Starcraft. Caldwell and Mar lin boats. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. Ph 567 8419. Hermision-McNary Dam Hwy. 9lfc FfiR SALE: Lg evaporative tvpc home cooler: like new. All fi'tmgs. Will coj1 small house or mobilehome. Hju i-i.i22K 7p HLF PRICE SALE: 2 uni form smock tops. sz. 14 $5 ea 'were $10': 1 pr white poly slacks, sz 12. $ iSlOnew); 1 pr white leather wedge ties 8 ' jB. $7 50 15 95 new I. Ph. 676-5344 after 6 pm. 6tfc AMWAY PRODUCTS: 676-5O07 after 6 pm. Call Remove spots and residue left behind from other cleaners. Rent new Rinse N Vac steam cleaner at Coast to-Coast. 7c FOR SALE: 2 13-in. studded snow tires. Perfectly new. almost. $2tica 6T6-9228. 7p SPRING TUNE L P For Your Mowers $14.99 include points. condenser. plug, clean A adjunt carburetor, sharpen blade. Ill RKY.OEKER GOOD Through April 13 PETTYJOHNS S, 1975 ... - ......... Billing or small classttiea acts is e xpe nsive. r.nmnr .-.. . therefore, classified ads will be on a cash in advance hauls, unless customer has a regular commercial account with the Caiette-Times. If so. classifieds will be billed monthly. The alternative is to raise the rates to cover rising costs. Rates remain $1 for the first three lines of ad copy; 50c per line for each line thereafter. Display classified advertising. 11.35 per column inch. Cards of Thanks, classified rate. min. $1.50. t-v . ji . f i..., v An.tnciM fur rmnt not I'pacinnr. mrsuj nuun. reported within 7 days. 14. Automotive Farley TM CLOSES VOU LOOK, TM6 BETTEW WI LOOK ISED CARS: IS75 Buick LaSabre. Drk, ver Fd. l-dr. sdn fully equipped with air I!l72 Buick Electr. loaded 2I.SI7 actual miles I!l7:l Pontine. 4-dr. sdn. fully equipped, air cond. 2H.3HI actual miles I SKD PK Kl PS: iniil Ford 3t ton 4x4 low mileage l7l International 4l' Ion flat bed Hi Ft. bed and stock rack only, good cond. pi.vt Chev. pickup. Practi cally new bed and stock racks, ( lean as a hounds tooth. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC-Bl'ICK FORD CMC TRICKS May and Chase, Heppner Phone 676-91 16 Heppnerites A new or used car In your future? If so contact: Ed Wells at Keith Farley Chrvsler-PIv mouth Inc. The W alking Mans Friend" Pendleton Ph. 278-7:111 Home Phone 27H-0.176 fi l! s; M . K : I'i7 l 1'itito .i-ilixir i '! ,lmut jo nmi miles ")-,l i ; ,ii v i,7ii 'ii.7 Hp y ill S K '72 Iloml.i 1MI-4 I .ondihoii (iiMKi miles. n. m i. .ii- tire and chain. S.VW In e l,7li-'M..V. 7t(c 15. Real Estate SERVICE STATION for lease. Mike Gra . 676-5541 or 676-5W5 6c FOR SALE: Income property, bit in Heppner. with small apt and 12 x 65 trailer house, bo'h rented. Reasonable. 676 yilH 5tfc FOR SALE: New homes. Valley View Estates. 100 per cent financing available. Call Darl Hagey. 676-9121 or 676 5562 tfc FOR SALE: 47 acres. 4 bdrm. home, forced air furn.. wall to wall carpet, several outbuild ings, deep well. OH't 8184 7c 16. Mobile Homes Foil SM.E: l7l Skyline home. I255 Kiev. niobilt lurnai ecarix'ted.uppliunies. ,nr cnndittoner. elec. hookup. .kirttnu and blocking ('.ill Vine Vance. 66-N.u. 7p evenings. WiVi In Morrow County very Mondiy Starrett's Hnnnr Fontfir4rtrl whin SM. Mi M Col! 117 - KIT. MARTIN CoUtctfor Appolntmtnt , r- - -.l..- S-.. & I nauiu.. co 16. Mobile Homes 14x70 ALL-ELECTRIC on pri vate lot in Lexington. Take over contract. 276-0835 or 276-4:188. He Hints Jo C.als try - this idea lo brighten up a wall any where in the house. Take some adjustable shelf standards and brackets, add pie-finished shelving with a touch of imagina tion, and there vou have it! Stop in today, we've got the ingredients" by: ("OI.OHTRYM Special this week Seal-Kotf l atex House Paint $7.50 Gal. White & colors: reg. $.9'i PETTYJOHN'S Farm & Building Supply li7K-!t"i7 iimiiiiiiniimnrmiiiiinimnHnniininil Specialists In Track layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding We handle truck hoists, beds and racks, both factory and custom-built: tractor cabs and gooseneck lpe trailers Air Conditioning B & C Repair Shop J.'.'-7lll: ( I.KOdlll DFUS IONK I22-7I2.1 IlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII- Backhoe Service lii In 'igalioii Ditches Fc;n aling Installation of Septic Tanks .iimI Drain Fields Dirt Hauling I m i ii ni id Unl)l D.ind I K IAKI) PETTYJOHN'S FARM ANO lU'ILDER SUPPLY Heppner I , i itt admitted to I'm .1. . r Mi iiioi Hospital this ...k wire- Nate Mi Hndc. I'. vv l.i is. .leanine I t.nn i ,.m ln-e Vu'.niis. Cora t;.' and .loc ('.nr. all of l, .,,,t r Mane l.ese. Il.ird oi in Kai l Simaid. I.exmg- 'nil ItMiassfd were Aloha De s.., ,oi Heppner. Richard Cox. Irvinjiiin. and Vivian Haves. Heppner MIIF.H White tti'iXpill :i hi e c rop Ited I l r" :i xi nrw crop It.ii l. v l" '" Xpi H floor covri wtort 5324 KttWSTQN lONK-I.KXINGTON CEMETERY M XINTFNANCE DISTRICT NOTICE OF Bl'DOKT IIEAIUNC The public hearing of the budget of the lone-l.exlngton Cemetery Maintenance Dis trict. Morrow County. Oregon, for the fiscal vear IS7.V76. heciiiniiig.luly 1. 1 17., shall be held April I.V 1975. at : p.m.. Pacific Da light Time, at the lone City hull. lone. Morrow County. Oregon, at which time any person may appear to discuss the budget or any part of it. The budget for the fiscal vear I!I7.V7 was prepared hy the cash account ing basis, and is consistent with the accounting basis used during the last two vears. A copv of the budget document may be inspected or obtained between the hours of 9: Ml a m., and l.-:t p.m.. at the offices of Robert B. Abrams. Mtornev at l aw, 271 X. Main Street. Heppner. Oregon. The budget document or any portion of it. may he obtained for $!:y complete or $.75 per sheet at the offices of Robert It. Mtriims, Attorney at I. aw, 271 X. Main Street. Heppner. Oreuoti. The total budget reiuiirmi'iils for the District for I'i7:.-7fi is II.VI!2.:I2 and the District proposes to levy a tax in the amount of Il2.'.'.'t.(!2. For the fiscal vear !7l-"5. the District levied a tax of Xx.ii2K.xn. milking an Increase of St.K.lx.x:' for the next fiscal vear. beginning July I. t"7-V IOVF-1 KXIXC.TOX CFMF.TFRY MAIXT. DISTRICT DFAN III NT. ( huh man Published March 27. April X l'i7V NOTICE OF Pl'BI.IC IIEUtlXO Pursuant to ORS I77.2'. notice If herehv given that public hearings will be held for the purpose of providing nil owners of lands an oppor tiinilv to he heard on matters pertaining to the budgeting of mi vs required tndefrav the cost of fire protection and suppression within the hotin d.n ii s of the Eastern Oregon Fire Protection District and for pilvalelv owned lauds in It.iker, Crook. Deschutes. Oil (.lanl. Ilarnev. Ilwid RUer. Jefferson. Malheur. Morrow. I malilla. I nlon. Wallowa. Masco and M heeler ( oiiiilies within the boundar ies o( the Deschutes. Malheur. Ml and Hood. Ochoco l malilla Wallowa-Whitman Xa- lioual l oiesls. Hearings will be held at the fo I r owing places: West (en I Oregon Division. Tues- dav ni il V I'i7. H:o a.m.. at I he Dalles Division I lead- ipi.uleis. The Dalles. Oregon: West t Oregon Division. Wednesd.iv. April . I!'7'. at hi imi a m.. at Plineville Roofing and Painting New roots. r.Kif coating, built-up rcwifs. .hlnglel oiled and stained. Home, farm and ranch painting. Including elevators and grain storage. 1 :iu vrni s n i i. tiii ux'i.sisl evei. :;jj uninuiiui".) v.;g oooooooooi Sold John,s Auto Wrecking on Riverside Everything must go. No haggling. No honest offer refused on any item. Everything must be cleaned up by June. John Cigar My special thanks to all my friends for their patronage through the years John Ceglla in Public Division Headquarters Prl nevllle, Oregon: Northeast Oregon Division. Friday, April IK. 1975. at 4:it0 p.m.. at laOrande Division head quarters. l.aOrande. Oregon: Fast Central Oregon Division, Thursday. April 17. IS7-V at 2:ini p.m.. at John Day 1)1- Mon Headquarters, John Day. Oregon. Copies of this budget may be Inspected at the Eastern Oregon Fire Protection Dis trict offices at John Day. Pilneville. The Dalles and l.aGrande. Oregon. OREGON' STATE DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY J.E.SCIIROEDER, STATE FORESTER Published March I'i7". April :i. NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS I'nul Srhiehel has been appointed Personal Repre sentative of the Estate of l.eo It llollmke. Deceased, hv the ( in nit Hut I of the Slate of Oreyon for Morrow Connlv. miller No. I7.M. Ml persons having claims against the estate are required to present the same within four months from date of first publication to said Personal Representa tive at the office of his altoroevs at P.O. Box I'l7. Slav ion. Oregon !7:w:i. Your rights mav be affected hv this proceeding and addi tional Information mav be obtained from the records of the Court, the Personal Rep resentative or the allornevs (or I he Personal Representa tive. Dated and first published piil :t. l'i7V I'M l,S( IIIEHEI. Personal Representative HelU Bell Mtornevs at l aw P.O. Box I'i7 Slavlon.OltNMxt Mliiruevs for Personal Itepresentaliv e Published tl il 1. I" and 17. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given pursuant to ORS 2M 101 that a meeting of the Budget Com mittee for Morrow County. Oregon. Slate of Oregon will be held In the County Judge's office on Tuesdav . the lath day of pi il. Pi7.t at It iMi a m. for the purpose of receiving the Budget Message of said Conn Iv for Hie vear ItiT.V'tt. uv person iiihv discuss proposed programi and studv a copv of the budget document with the Budget Committee at that lime. SXDIEPARRISII, Budget Officer Published April .1. I7.i experience mii i n n n n ti Out "1 1 1 Notices MEETING NOTICE The Heppner Mater Control District will hold Its annual meeting at the Bank of Eastern Oregon conference room, Tuesday. April H. at ":: p.m., at which time the budget for the I't7 vear will be reviewed. Any property owner living within the Heppner Water Control District Is eligible to attend the meeting. HOARD OF DIRECTORS: CI.Al DEBl SdIKE, Pres. GENE PIERCE. Ylre-Pres. DONALD BENNETT, member of hoard AI.OSMIN. member of board M MU El. JONES, member of him i d ROSEMXHVBI St llKE. sery-lreas. Published April X V" NOTICE OF FILING XPPI ICATION FOR XllDITION XI.POINTOE DIX EltSHIN Notice Is given herehv that Burl MatlriihuiRiT. Jr.. has filed n application for the npprnvalof an additional point of diversion of water from Butter ( reek. Jerlificale of water light issued to W. J. Waltenhurger mid recorded Hi page 2705. X olume .1. Stale Record of Water Right Certificate, con firms a right to the use of 11 c iihlc- feel per second of water from Butler Creek for the Irrigation of. among other lands, '.'Hi acres In NM'i NE' i and 2:i.o acres In SW ' t NE'..Sec.:i.Tp. I Y. R.27 E.. WM..wllhadateofpi lorll.v of IS'Mi, The points of diversion are located 2Vw ft. S. mid I loo ft. W. and J-'im FI. S. and I7' ft M.. both from the NE corner. Sec. I", and within SW 1 1 SE' i. Sec in. Tp. I Y. R. 27 r ... W M The applicant herein, owner of the lands ahove described, proposes to maintain Hie pi t-sriil points of dlv erslon and establish an additional point of illveislon lobe located 1'i'Hl ft. s. and 2isn ft. XX. from the NE miner of Sec t. being within Hie sw N . R. NE1 1. Sec :l. Tp. I F... M M. XII pel suns Interested aie uotilied heiebv that a hearing will he held at the counts courthouse at Heppner. Ore gon, on Mav I I. I'lT-V at a m. XII objections to the proposed c li.uige. If an there are. will be heard at said time and place. Xnv and all ohjee lions should he prepared in willing, one copv lo he served on Burl X jdeiilmi ger. Jr., Star Route. Echo. Oregon l7s.H. and one copv filed with (be Stale Engineer. Salem. Oregon, together with a $j tiling li e at least in dav s pi lor , . , . r Man h "." Av . to the dale set (or healing. If , . p, p,;j we had I 17 no objections ate filed the t?KHlSKKKlKHaMXHKKN:J4,K!3i Dayton Tires Steel radials, 40,000 mile guaran- I larpment ud to 50 Der R IVX.I t i cent of tread. Tires on hand fit all American and most foreign cars. ROTO TILLER RENTALS Cal's x - - s immhhuhhmmmmmkkhmmmkiihmumhhuhmkmmiimhkiimmmKJ flM IONC. OREGON J'l Spr,ng Cotilllon W I ! DANCE 1 I I TO THE MUSIC OF I j Rod Esselstyn I 1 9pm to lam. I II 1 ll lone U'ginn Hull Jnl 1 X " couple SSSOsingk' Ijjl Vl Midnight Buffet Ml iWvxV xnisorcd by Beta Omega ft fn I VVvV Hiupterof E.S A. fi f application may he approved hv the Slate Engineer without a hearing. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this l !lh dav of March. IV CHRIS I.. M HEELER. Stale Engineer. Published Marc h 2. 27: April :t, l'i7.V M II ItYl VHI NOTK E Pi ople wishing to have their ci nielerv plots taken cure of on an annual basis at Heppner Masonic fc meter should semi in the l paviiient soon, to allow ample lime In get the wink done. I I XIXES. GEORGE. Secrelarv Box lis Heppner. Or. MTS lii Published Xpril " I'l'BLIC NOTICE X public hearing will be held pnl 7 I'lT't. in the lb lloiei I Ih Hall at s on p in The purpose of the hearing will hr lo prepare to make an applic ation for a ( oinmiinily Development Block Grant as outlined in the Housing and ( iiiiimiinilv Development Act of I '17 1. Thr hearing will include an explanation of the Grant Program, to assist rillens attending lo understand the requirements of the program, ami also an explanation on hnw citl'fii will have an oppiirtuiiilv to participate In the development of the Grant application. The ( It.v Cot'iii ll and the c lll;rns attending the hearing will then begin putting to gelhei a Community Develop ment Program. Ctuiimuiillv needs will he determined, and a sliatrgv lor meeting these needs will he developed. Short and long term community oh ec lives will he discussed and considered. ( Illens will he asked to express prefer ences about proposed activi ties, assist in the selec tion of ciiiiiiiiiiiiilv needs priorities, and otherwise assist the City ( ouni'll in prcpailiig Hie Grant application II ItltY SW I EXEY. Mav hi t -. . 1 1 . 1, . it l''7'i in !ll io l"i Id M r. "i" nu .'4 IH IH u II 111 Arco