I Page 6. THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR., Thursday, Mar. 27, 197S NOTICE OF FILING APPLICATION FOR ADDITION AL POINT OF DIVEKSION Notice Is given hereby that Hurl W'altenhiirger, Jr., has filed an application for the approval of an additional point nl diversion of water from Butter Creek. Certificate of water right issued to W. J. Waltenburger and recorded at page 1703. Volume 3. State Record of Water Right Certificates, con firms a right to the use of 4,95 cubic feet per second of water from Ruder (Yeek for the irrigation of. among other lands. 21.0 acres in MY1 1 NE't and 23. acres in SW'i NE'i.Scc.3.Tp. IN..R.27 E., W.M.. with a date of priority of txw. The points of diversion are located 25IMI ft. S. and Item ft. W. and Vm Ft. S. and 1750 ft. W.. both from the NE corner. Sec. Hi. and v ithin SW' t SE' i, Sec. I. Tp. t N.. R. 27 E.. W.M. The applicant herein, owner of the lands above described, proposes to maintain the present points of div ersion and establish an additional point of diversion to he located I.VMl ft. S. and 210 ft. W . from the NE corner of Sec. 3, being within the SW 1 1 NE'i. Sec. 3. Tp. I Y. R. 27 E.. W.M Ml persons interested are notified hereby that a hearing will be held at the county courthouse at Heppner, Ore gon, on May 13. 1975, at 9:30 a.m. All objections to the proposed change, if any there are. will be heard at said time and place. Any and all objections should he prepared in writing, one copy to be served on Burl W attenhurger, Jr.. Star Route. Echo. Oregon HTs.'fi. and one copy filed with the Slate Engineer. Salem. Oregnn. together with a $3 filing fee at least 10 days prior to the date set for hearing. If no objections are filed the application may be approved hv the State Engineer without a hearing. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this I '.th day of March. 1975. CHRIS WHEELER. Slate Engineer. Published March 2n. 27: April X 1175. INTIIECIRCUTCOIRT OK TIIK STATE OF OREGON FOR THE ( 01 TY OF MORROW Prnhate Dept. No. 173 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Prohate proceedings in the estate of Ella May Adlard. deceased, are now pending in the above entitled court, wherein Dale I con Adlard. the undersigned, has been ap pointed and has qualified as the personal representativ e of said estate. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, in due form and properly verified, within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the undersigned at the following address now designated as the place for the presentation of claims, to-wit: Winter & Doherty. Attorneys at Law. P.O. Bov 5X2. Heppner. Ore gon ;!). DALE LEON ADLARD Personal representative of the estate of the above named decedent. Published 1975 March 13. 20. 27. IN THE CIRCl ITCOI RT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COl'NTY OF MORROW PROBATE DEPT. No. 1753 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Probate proceedings in the estate of N'orah L. Rasmus, deceased, are now pending in the above entitled court, wherein Janet Cecil Stroeber and Melba Cecil, the under- A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for the City of Heppner for the fiscal year 1974-75 will be held in the Council Chambers in City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 7. 1975. Copies of the supplemental budget are available without charge at the office of the City Recorder. The Supplemental Budget may be inspected by interested persons at the office of the City Recorder during regular signed, has been appointed and has qualified as the co-personal representatives of said estate. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, in due form and properly verified, within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the undersigned at the following address now designated as the place for the presentation of claims, to-wit: Winter & Doherty. Attorneys at Law. P.O. Bo 5X2. Heppner, Ore gon. 97X:tK. J ANET CECIL STROEBER MELBA CECIL Co-Personal Representatives of the estate of the above-named decedent Published 1975. March 13, 20, 27 lOVE-I.EXINGTON CEMETERY MITEN( E DISTRICT NOTICE OF Bl'DGET HEARING The public hearing of the budget of the lone-Lexington Cemetery Maintenance Dis trict. Morrow County . Oregon, for the fiscal year 1975-76. beginning July 1. 1975. shall be held pril 15. 1975. at K:HO p.m.. Pacific Daylight Time, at the lone City hall. lone. Morrow County. Oregon, at which time any person may appear to discuss the budget or any part of it. The budget for the fiscal year 1975-76 was prepared by the rash account ing basis, and is consistent with the accounting basis used during the last two years. A copv of the budget document max he inspected or obtained between the hours of 9:30 a.m.. and i:'M p.m.. at the offices of Robert B. Abrams. llorney at Law. 271 Y Main Street. Heppner. Oregon. The budget document or any portion of it. mav be obtained for $2.23 complete or $.75 per sheet at the offices of Robert B. hrams. Attorney at Law. 271 N. Main Street. Heppner. Oregon. The total budget requirements for the District for I973-7S is $13,192.32 and the District proposes to levy a ta in the amount of Il2.2fij.e2. For the fiscal year 1971-75. the District levied a tax of Js.kjs.nm. making an increase of S t.fils S2 for the next fiscal vear. beginning July I. 1975. IONE-1 EXINGTON CEMETERY MAINT. DISTRICT DEAN III NT. Chairman Published March 27. April 3. 1973. RESOLl'TION RE IT RESOLVED, that the Hoard of Directors. Heppner Rural Fire District. Morrow Count v. Oregon hereby set the date of May R. 1975. for an election of 2 directors for the Rural Eire District. RE ITFl RTHER Resolved, that at said election the office of director of Heppner Rural Eire District be filled, term of said position to commence July I. 1975 and expires July I. 1979. BE ITFl RTHER Resolved, that the Election Officer be. and herehv is directed to have published the notices required hv ORS 259.HWI and ORS 239.100 in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper published and of general circulation in such district. Attest: Anna Graham Clerk or Secretary Dick Wilkinson Chairman .Moved by Claude R. Graham Seconded Donald Bennett Resolution Passed. Dated: March 5. 1975 Published March 27, 1975 Notice of Supplemental Budget Hearing Public Notices RESOLl'TION' 1-1975 BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors', Roardman Park & Recreation District, Morrow County, Oregon, hereby set the date of May . 1975. for an election at Greenfield Grange Hall from 2:M p.m. until X:iMl p.m. RE IT Ft RTHER Resolved, that at said election the office of director of Roardman Park & Recreation District be filled, term of said position to commence July I, 1975 and expire July I. 197X. RE IT El RTHER Resolved that the Election Officer be. and hereby Is. directed to have published the notices required hv tilts 259.0,nii and OltS 239. I on in (he Heppner Gazel le, a newspaper published and of general circulation in such district. TTEST: Shirley Ziclinski Clerk or Secretary Harold C. Baker Chairman Moved hv Arthur Allen Seconded by Carroll Donovan Resolution Passed Dated March II. 1975 Published March 27. 1975 RESOI.CTION HE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Heppner Cemetery Maintenance Dis trict. Morrow County . Oregon, herehv set the dale of May 6. 1973. for an election. BE IT Fl RTHER Resolved that at said election the office of director of Heppner Ceme tarv Maintenance District be filled, term of said position to commence .lulv I. 1975 and expire June ::th 197s. RE IT El RTHER Resolved that at said election the 1973-76 Budget of Heppner Cemetery Maintenance District shall be voted upon as to whether it shall exceed the six per cent limitation. I'.E IT Kl'HTIIKIl Resolved that the Election Officer he. and herehv is. directed to have published the notices required hv , OltS 259 nxo and ORS 239. inn in he llrppuer Garctle Times, a newspaper published and of general circulation in smh District. TTEST: Elaine S. George Secretary John . Pfeiffer Chairman Resolution Passed Dated March 12. 1975 Published March 2. 1975 IONE-1. EXINGTON CEMETERY M INTEN NCK DISTRICT NOTICE OF REGl'I.AR DISTRICT ELECTION Notice is hereby given pursuant to ORS 239.iihii to IRS 239. inn thai a regular District election of the lone-l.i-xiiigton Cemetery .Main tenance District of Morrow ( 'utility. Oregon, will beheld in such District and State on the Mil day of May. 1975. between the hours of 2:o p.m., and x-.im p.m.. Pacific Dav light Time, at the following voting places: City Hall, lone. Morrow County. Oregon. City Hall. Lexington, Mor row County. Oregon. At this time there will be submitted to the legal voters of the Cemetery District the question of establishing a tax levy for the fiscal year 1975-76 for the sum of $12,265.62 as submitted by Section II. rticle X'l. of the constitution of the State of Oregon, which fiscal period commences on July 1. 1975. and ends June 30. 1976. Said levy shall be placed upon the 1975-76 assessment rolls and the taxes will be due and payable on November 15, 1975. February 13, 1976. May 15. 1976 and August 15. 1976. The reasons for establishing this lax levy are for the payment of employees sala- office hours. Any person may appear at the public bearing on the supplemental budget and discuss the budget or any part of it. The supplemental budget was published in the Gazette Times on March 20. 1975. MARSHALL LOVGREN, Recorder, City of Heppner, Oregon Published March 20, 27, 1975 ries. supplies and equipment for the operation and main tenance of the cemeteries within the Cemetery District, all as required by the laws of the Slate of Oregon. At this lime there will be an election of one Director of the District pursuant to OILS 2i;.5.lil. said Director will take office Jiilv I, 1973. and serve for a term of three years. The voles will be by ballot upon which will be marked "Tax Levy" t ) yes and "Tax Levy" ( no, and the voter shall cross the parenthesis with an x in it between the "Tax Levy" and the word yes, or between the word "Tax Levy" and the word no, whichever indicates his choice. All voters will vote at lone City Hall, lone, Oregon, or Lexington City Hall, Lex ington. Oregon. Ity the order of the District Board of the lone-Lexington Cemetery Maintenance Dis trict. Dated this 21th day of March. 1973. SIGNED: DEAN III NT. Chairman ROY W. I.INDSTHOM. Director ROBERT RIETM ANN, Director Published 17-21. 1975. March 27. April NOTICE OF ITBI.IC HEARING Pursuant to ORS 177.250. notice if herehv given that public hearings will be held for the purpose of providing all owners of lands an nppor I mi il In he heard on mailers pertaining to the budgeting of niouexs required lodefrav the cosi of fire protection and suppression within the boun daries of the Eastern Oregon Eire Proleclion District and (in privately owned lands in Baker. Crook. Deschutes. Gil liam. Granl. Harney. Hood River. Jefferson. Malheur. Mot rovt. I nialill.i. In ion. Wallowa. Wasco and Wheeler (nun lies within the boundar ies of the Deschutes. Malheur. Ml. Hood. Ochocti I ni.ililla and Wallowa-Whilman Na tional Forests. Hearings will he held at the follnuing places: West Cen tral Oieaim Division. Turn dav. pril X. 1975. 111:00 a m., al The Dalles Division Head quarters. The Dalles. Oregon: West Central Oregon Div is ion. Wednesday, jnil 9. 1975. al Hi no a.m.. al Prinrville Dili-inn Headquarters. I'ri ncville. Oregon: Northeast ilnui.il Division. Eridav. niil is. I75. al I:ini p.m.. at LaGiMixle Division head quarters. I at. ramie, Oregon: East Central Oregon Division. Thursday. April 17. 1975. al 2: 'hi p.m., at John Hay Di isinn Headquarters. John Dav. Oregon. Copies of Ibis budget may be inspected al the Eastern Oregon Eire Protection Dis trict offices at John Dav. Piineville. The Dalles and I aliunde. Oregon. OREGON STATE DEPAHTMENTOF FORESTRY .I.E. SCIIROEDER. ST TE FORESTER Published March 27. April 3. 1975. RESOLl'TION 1-1975 BE IT RESOLVED Uial the Board of Directors, Boardman Rural Eire Protection Dis trict. Morrow County, Oregon, hereby set the date of May 6. 1975. for an election at Greenfield Grange Hall from 2:xi p.m. until X:l p.m. BE ITFl RTHER Resolved, that al said election the office of director of Boardman Rural Eire Protection District be filled, term of said position to commence July I. 1975 and expire June 30, 1979. BE IT El RTHER Resolved that the Election Officer be, and hereby is. directed to have published the notices required by ORS 259.0X0 and ORS 259.11X1 in the Heppner Gaet- le. a newspaper published and of general circulation In such district. ATTEST: Delmer A. Hug Clerk or Secretary Carroll J. Donovan Chairman Moved by C.W. Acock Seconded by Albert Warnock Resolution passed Dated March . 1973 Published March 27. 1973 RESOLUTION S 7S BE IT RESOLVED That the Board of Directors, Roardman Cemetery Mainleiiance Dlst., Morrow County. Oregon, herehv set the date of May 6. 1973. for an election al Greenfield Grange Hall from 2:ixi p.m. until k.ihi p.m. BE ITFl RTHER Resolved, thai al said election the office of director of Roardman Cemetery Maintenance Dis trict he filled, term of said position to commence July I. 1975 and expire .lulv I. 97X. . BE IT Fl RTHER Resolved that the Election Officer be. and hereby is. directed to hav e published the notices required bv ORS 239.ti.mi and ORS 259.im in the Heppner Gaflle. a newspaper publish ed mid of general circulation in such district. IT EST: Shii lev Ziclinski Clerk or Secretary earl Gillespie t hail man Moved hv Hael Miller Seconded bv Ralph K. Skoobn I'c solution Passed 3-n Haled March K. 1973 Published March 27. 1973 NOTICE OF Kl'DGET HE MtlXG NOTIt F. IS HEREBY Given that a public Hireling of the Budget Committee of Heppner Cemetery Maintenance Dis lil.l will be held al ::n N. Main Street. Heppner, Ore "on. al '..'So p.m. on Wednes day. pril 9. 1975. at which lime the Budget Message and Budget Document lor 1975-76 will be presented. Anyone may attend to discuss the hudgel. Copies of the Budget available at K'.o N. Main Street. Haled March 27. 1975. El. VINES. GEORGE. Budget Officer Published March 27. 1975. Rock club hosted by Goniys Mr. and Mrs. E E. Gouty hosicdihe Rock Club March 17 will) nn Irish slew dinner. Mr and Mrs Wayne Kollis. Mrs Alice McCiihe and Mrs. Alvin Johannes were guests of the group. Mr. and Mrs I'ele McMur try. . Mr. and Mrs. Bud Springer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Html and former members Mr mirl Mrs. Wall Edger ;iti ended (he Three Rivers Hook Show al Kennewick. Wa . recently. Highlight of the show was a replica of a member's cabin made of petrified wood slabs, complete in all del ail. even the chopping block and kindling. Mrs. McMurlry brought the scrnpbook thai Mrs. George Miller had kepi. Mrs. Springer wore a necklace of "grave yard plume" lhat Mr. Sprin ger had cut and finished. Discussion was held on the July Sidewalk Sale. Members were asked to keep the date in mind and perhaps have a display. The door prize was a belt buckle mounting a gift to Ihe club from Ihe Rock and Hobby magazine. II was won by Ed Hunl. The next meeling will be April 21 al the Ed Hunl home. Members are to bring desserts and salads. Watch Out for Sol The sun is a very fine fellow in small doses. Too much could lead to skin cancer, says the American Cancer Society. Take precaution while in the sun: use lotions, wide hats and umbrel las. See your physician prompt ly when a sore does not heal. Snowmobile race for cancer fund Thii'ly-eighl snowmohilers recently participated In a att-milt1 ride lo raise money for Ihe Cancer Crusade. The ride started at Blake's ranch. In Politnuis and re turned In Rlake's. At Ihe end of ihe ride Mr. and Mrs. Rob l.anilauer fixed chili for Ihe crowd al Ihe home of Mr, and Mrs. Hud Englorl. To dale $1,200 has bon turned in lo the cancer fund from sponsors of Ihe riders. Winners of Ihe events wore: pokor race. Jan .Stroeber 1st. Judge fiirmichncl 2nd, Archie Rail 2nd. Pal Culsforth and Knsli llaguevvood tied for 3rd ; women's slake: Diane Ball Is'. Marge Malmotl 2nd; men's slake; Dave Mahlxill 1st. Forrest Rinehart 2nd and Archie Rail 3rd; egg race: Dave Mahlxill and Grog PiiM'sctt 1st . Mr. and Mrs. Hhinehart 2nd, Dave Mahlxill ami Greg Puposeu 3rd. Troop Ml is having an awards night Wednesday. April 2. at Ihe Elks Club preceded by a pot luck dinner at 7 pro. All parents and li lends ol scouting are invited. "SV t Automotive SIIEKKEI I.CIIKVKOI.ET. IC. ( omplele Sales & Sen Ice 3rd & Main llcrmiston Buifdtng Supplies SEEtSEOH ALL VOl It Bl II ll;Sl PI'LIES. We feature Hoy sen Paints TIM I I Mil MHEKCO. Tim Moore, Mgr. lr.'SEl)orion2;ti-(i22l I'EMH.ETON Cafes Lounges CAE'S I Ol .K A CAEE Specialist in mixed ill ink and fine foods. Iluli-.'.lll', lleppnrr Construction KIVEItKENU COSSTIU Tiovcn. t oncrrle ggregale Crushed Him k Drain Itock asphalt Paving Excavating and (irading llcrmiston. Oregon Phone SttJ-2121 Drugs, prescriptions hekmistonpkk; Eree Prescription , Mail Serv ice Open !l a.m. to p.m. (iifls for all occasions. Snack Har III! Main St. Ph. 5fi7-:i;2 Floor Covering Heating Mi it ei.ookcovehim; Carpet, Linoleum. Ceramic Tile. Kitchen Cabinets Eree Estimates All Work Guaranteed Mall Hughes 122 Linden Wav liTfi-'MIM Heppner KKMKi ELOOIt COVERING Carpet, draperies, linoleum counter lops, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries Sales & Installation :i:tS.V. 1 1 In Butter Creek llwv. llcrmiston Mo protfosfl on eflCCs . bodgof No public comments were received al a March 19 public hearing on Blue Mountain fnimminlty College' 1975-76 nMrniing budget. Election is scheduled May 6 in I'malilla and Morrow counties. BMCC has no tax base, requiring annual elec tions In provide funds to run the college. The budget, approved last month by Ihe budget commit tee, will require A levy of t.-li;5,.VM lo operate the col -low for the next school year. The rale is expected to be between $1 85 and $195 per xi.txxi true cash value, de luding nn the total Umatilla Morrow county evaluation. Tlio exact true rash value of the tvvo-ontinly district won't ho known for several months. The cost per taxpayer for a s-.ni mm home would run be tween S3" and $ W. BLOODIYJOBILE The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in Heppner Monday, March 31 ElksClub 2to6p.m. WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Maddux Electric and Supply EI.ECTItIC AI.CONTH CTOH Cnnimrrrbl Refrigeration ;iix-2liHiKinua.Ore. Furniture See us before y ou buy j our color TV or stereo v stem. Wll.t OXH HMTl HE MI :ti.im ES MW 7-: llermislon We. '.'HI llernilsloii jWX-laowrnZ-ti New Al serf Furniture & pplianre ulhorird Vorxe Dealers 22hi V. Eirsl. llermislon .Vu-N'HiU Furnace Service Dick's El UN CE SERVICE W e sen ice ileal Iv all I) pes of furnaces; also sales and service on new healiiiK A air ennililiniiinj! units. Phone 27fi-7ll DICK II SI!lt(ll K :!ii;iSW tilth Pendleton Insurance Tl'HNER. VAN MAKTER & BRYANT General Insurance KIM.LES-ROYCE IVSUt AM'K AGENCY i7li-tti2. Heppner Hay Boy ce 7-.VIKI Real Estate JESS MASON Licensed Heal Estate Broker for Kami and Home Service ED III NT. Salesman !H!.Ki;,2 Monuments Cemetery unive markers Granite. Marble. Brone SWEENEY MOHTl'AHY 21 hour phone li7li-NaMlorli7li-!t22i Vls Hen io loncA Lexington Heppner. P.O. Box 7.0i e. In mher business the board wax told thai Brent Horn will retire from Ihe board in Jul Horn. Ihe senior member of, the Ixiard in length of service said he is slopping down to make room for new blood. Two candidates have filed for Horn's position. Pat Dye. Pendleton, and John Hanxoll. HcrmiHtim. Deadline fur filing for the position Is April I. Persons interested In running for Ihe post may contact College President Ron Daniels for information, Kick Out the Quacks Beware of a "sure cure" or "remedy" for any cancer, the American Cancer Society cau tions. This is the language of the quack whose unfounded claims and unproven methods may prevent or delay prompt and proper treatment for cancer. In case of doubt, seek the advice of your local ACS. Optometrist DR. E.K.St II IEEITZ Optometrist Next lo Hotel Heppner entrance, 7!i-lli.l Heppner Physcians-Surgeons DR. I.. I). TIBBI ES Osteopath phvxirian and surgeon 1st National Bank BldK, He. K7H-2I Off. ;-Mil GEK l I) . JONES. M, D. Phy siclan and Surgeon llE. Hui'lhurl. Hours: Moo. thru Thur..a.ni. I.': in p in.: I ::inp.m..S p.m. Erl.. nam.-1 p.m. llermislon. Ore. 7k:m Printing M.I. TYPE OE PRINTING MNII. ENVELOPES MOST SIZES G ZETTE-TIMES Radiator Service EARMEIIS! JONES R DIATOR SERVICE Now is Ihe time tour! your harvest eiiiipment ready he lore Ihe rush season. Sewing Machines SINGER Sales Serv Ice We repair all makes and models GKOGAXS pprov ed Singer Dealer 2i:iS. Main Pendleton J7-2:i33 Title Insurance MORROW COl'NTY ABSTR ACT AND TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office in Peters BldK. Ii7li-MII2 Heppner IMATII.I.A READY-MIX Open every weekday. mid Saturdays and Sundays if necessary. Phone 11711-11 HKi nr WI-KiM