Page 5. THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, Ore., Thursday, Mar. 13, 1975 I0NE BvEVAIIAMLETT 122-7557 Alwml 75 people al (ended the nien house al the parsonage Sunday afternoon, March 9, given hy Rev, and Mrs. Bill Arthur. In appreclallon of (he fellowship they have had In the church and community In the piiHl fmir years. Miiry. Mill and their fouler daughter. Rnsclla. will he moving l Condon around the first of April. Rev. Arlhur will hocntw pallor of (he United Church of Christ In Condon. They invite anyone in Ihe area to drop In and nee them when in Condon. Melissa and Mary Pal McKlligoll were visiting their parents, Mr. and Mm. Dick MrKllignll. Inst week. The Uiils are attending Carroll College In Helena, Mont. Cuming home wilh Ihem for the vacation were school males Dinnna Morgan, Heidi Haddock and Steve Glrrondla, . all of Montana, w ho went on lo Cortland lo visit his sister. Mr and Mrs. Frank Lundell ol Milwaukee were recenl visitors al Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs ('It'll Ilea l.undell went riiihl hack and Kulh Lundell spent last week with her sister and oihcr relatives and re turned home Sunday. Mr, and Mrs Caul Petty john recently returned from a Inplo I .as Vegas, New, where thev attended ihe Intermoun lain Oil Marketers Conven tion The main speaker for 'he cum mi ion w as EkGov. Ron alii Itcngan of California. Mr and Mrs Hay Turner of WfsiNiri spent pari of last week Osiiing her mother. Mrs Gladys Drake, and olher relatives: Monty Turner and Mr anil Mrs Mike Rowrll and daughter Mrs. Jim Swanson spent Ihe weekend in Medford visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Circle. She returned Sunday and her parents accompanied her home for a lew dav's v isit s Joel Peterson vvas honored wiili a surprise birthday dinner given by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Inn Peterson, al their ranch home. March 5. Other gliesls besides his In hi her Caul were Mike War ren. Jim Kiner, Mike, Paul and Chai he McKlligoll. Kick Peterson, Aaron Klinger and Turn llanilelt Charlie McKlligotl. Tom llanilelt and Kick Peterson went to Baker Thursday lo see the netiing rounds of Ihe Slate II Basketball Tournament. Jerry Snow and Joe McElli itiiti from Eugene spent Ihe weekend here. Jerry came up to help her grandmother. Mrs, Harvey Smith, celebrate her birthday, and Joe visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dick McKlligotl, and family. Mrs, Pal' Thornton of Al bany is v isiiing al the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Matthews. Deniee Mall hews from Echo was also home for Ihe weekend, Hum hgrass Kebekah l.odge mei al the home of Mrs. Dav id Hietmann Thursday. The next meeting will be March 20 al Ihe home of Mrs. Berl Akers. Mrs, Harriet Bolman re turned lo her home in Seattle Saturday after visiting wilh her mother. Mrs. Vida Heli ker, and attending memorial services for her brother, Donald Heliker. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McElli gott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don McElligolt and family. Attention We have the following chemicals for sale now Butyl Ester 6E L.V.'s4and6lbs. Amines-Banvel-Lorox Also a limited amount of Bronate Paul Pettyjohn Co. 4227254 lone, Ore. NEWS and Mr. and Mm. Dick McKlllgolt and family left for Portland Monday to attend Ihe funeral for Ihelr uncle. Leo II. Holhoke. al St. Cecilia Calho llc Church. Tuesday, at Bea verton, Concluding services and vault interment were at Ml. Calvary Cemetery In Portland. The CWA of the Willows Grange Is sponsoring al St. Patrick's dinner at the hall on March lit. I lo 3 p.m. There will be a choice of ham or chicken. On Friday, March 14, there will tie a 4-li style show at 7:30 p ni. In Ihe lone Cafclorlum. Everyone is Invited lo attend. The Cardinal Club will meel Thursday, March 13. 7:30 p m.. in Ihe lone Cafelorium. The speaker will tie from Ihe ' Hoard for Action for Ihe Handicapped, and the topic is "Everyone Has Ihe Right to Develop His Potential lo Ihe Fullest," There also will be a mock 'trial hy Mrs. Doherty's lunior high English class. ' Saturday. March 15. Ihe GAA Is sponsoring a Sadie Hawkins dance In Ihe cafe teria. :3o lo 12 p.m. Kathleen Marie McElligott. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McKlligotl, lone, is listed on ihe University of Portland's fall semester honor roll. The university's registrar's office announced that 4211 students achieved this academic honor: 107 students earned perfect grade point averages. Miss McKlllgolt is a sopho more enrolled in the School of Nursing at Ihe University of Portland. Julie K. Zinter. lone, medi cal radiologic technology stu dent at Oregon Institute of Technology. Klamath Falls, is on Ihe dean's honor lisl for the fall term. SHEItltl WILSON. BKTTV CHOCK Fit WINNER Sherri Wilson has been named lone High School 1174 75 Hetty Crocker Family leader of Tomorrow, Sherri wfin Ihe honor by competing with olher seniors in the whiten knowledge and atti tude examination on live. 3. She is now eligible for slate and national honors and will receive a Mcially designed award from General .Mills, Inc . sxmsir of Ihe annual educational scholarship pro mam. ORDINAL ( I I II TO HEAR TM K OV IIWDICAITEtl The Cardinal Club will meel at 7::t() March 13. al Ihe lone Cafelorium. There will be a speaker from Ihe "Action for llandi capied " Topic of the speech is. "Everyone has Ihe right to develop Ihe full potential." The rest of the program w ill be devoted lo a mock trial by Anne Doherty's English classes. Maynard Jackson Slrulhers Jr.. Lexington and Joylene Faye Derrick. Pendleton, were married Feb. 25 by Justice of Ihe Peace Charles O'Connor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larrv Felsch, lone. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ek strom. Boring, Ore. are parents of a daughter, Codi I,ee, born Feb. 28. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekslrom, lone, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank fYmk, Eagle Creek, Ore. Codi Lee joins a sister, Shawn. Farmers OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCjg 1 joints'" irvi' i J loxfngton Holly Rebekah Lodge met March 6 for Its regular meeting. The group favored preservation of that portion of the old Oregon Trail in (he southern part of the bombing range, and also of Well's Springs, a county bicentennial project. Guest for the evening was Ruth Bergstrom, Heppner, chairman of District 20 con vention in Heppner, June 20. Plans were made for partici pation in Ihe convention. Ruth Robinson, Lexington, is vice chairman. Practice was held on drap ing Ihe charter, 11 was announced that the 3 Links Club will meet at the home of Delpha Jones on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Albany, former Lexington residents, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Robinson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wagen blast and sons. Odessa, Wa., were visitors at the home of his mother, Mrs. Lee Wagen blasi. over the weekend. Erin Klinger was sworn into the U. S. Navy al Boise. Idaho, last weekend. He will leave for training in June. Mr, and Mrs. Armin Wihlon. Redmond, former Lexington residents, visited wilh Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and other friends in Ihe area Sunday. Mrs, lee Wagenblast, accompanied by Mrs. Randall Martin. Pilot Rock, were Portland visitors several days last week. While they they al tended Ihe Mcleod Hayes wedding. Also going lo the wedding from Lexington were Mr and Mrs. George Kruger. Mr. and Mrs. William J. VanWinkle were in Portland on husiness last Thursday. WIK TXSTING PARTY IS POSTPONED TheSnroplimisl Club's wine lasting parly scheduled for March 22 has been postponed until April 12. according to Barbara Paullus. The ev cnl w ill be held al the Elks Club, but Mrs. Paullus said one does nol have lo be an Elk in order lo attend this evenl. poV iiiifw' tr 4 I I g 1 4 ft. DALE ADLARD picks another lone winner in the Who's Who Guessing Game. 9) w I.OHI PltOCK. Hi. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Crock, lone, receives her $20 check for identifying Wlva Hcclulolt as last week's Mystery Person. She missed Hie number of clues, so this week's winner stands in win a total of $:!." by making the identification and listing ibe proper number of clues. Last week's clues: rancher, ret., pioneer, painted house. moving, teacher ret., no children c'' First Federal Savings MaiW mimumtm ni AND lOAN ASSOCIATION f MNN MU .y - '.Vi Is Irrigon In inlermural sports at A. C. Houghton School the Bucks came in first place in boys volleyball with 5 wins, 1 loss; Celtics. 2nd place, 4 wins, 2 losses: Sonics, 2 wins, 4 losses: Blazers, 1 win, 5 losses. In girls basketball the scores kept changing with a 3-way tie for a while with the Rockets, Stars and Comets. The Rockets went up to first place wilh a 2-0 win over the Comets, wilh the Stars in 3rd place followed by the Meteors. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Brazil of Hermiston. formerly of Cali fornia are the new owners of Ihe Complete Food Store that has been operated by Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Christiansen. Mr. and Mrs. William Kin dell, who took possession of Ihe Riverview Trailer Court a year ago. have moved to irrigon from The Dalles, w here he has been engaged as a building contractor. C. J Jancura of Seattle and Jay Berry of Vancouver. Wa.. were visitors of relatives in Irrigon last week. Mrs. Al Partlow traveled with them to Seattle to visit her daughter, Sherrv. a student at Seattle Automotive SIIFKKFI.I. CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sales & Serv ice 3rd & Main Hermiston Buildinx Supplies SKEl'SFOK Al l. VOI R lit II.DINti SI'PPI.IES. We feat lire Boy sen Paints TIM A I .I'M l.l.MHF.IUO. Tim Moore. Mgr. I:',: SK Oorion 2fi-fi21 PKIH.Ef6 Cafes Lounges ( AI. SI.Ol .VOK&CAEE Specialist in mixed drinks and fine foods. Hans Itrinkrr liTli-.iiil.i Heppner Construction HIVF.HBEM) ( ONSTKl t TION CO. Concrete Aggregate Crushed Rock Drain Rock asphalt Paving Excavating and Grading llei mislon. Oregon Phone 5HT-2I24 Drugs, prescriptions HERMISTON DRl'G Free Prescription Mail Service Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Gifts for all occasions. Snack Bar I Main St. Ph. 567-3072 Floor Covering Heating .M&R FLOOR COVERING Carpet, Linoleum, Ceramic Tile, Kitchen Cabinets Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Matt Hughes 422 Linden Way tiTfi-9118 Heppner KEM1G FLOOR COVERING Carpet, draperies, linoleum counter tops, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries Sales & Installation 330 S.W. 1 1 th Butter Creek Hwy. Hermiston Family disappears, merchants unhappy Heppner 's traditional "milk of human kindness" is curdled I his week. Each year Heppner mer chants donate money and gifts to Ihe parents of Ihe firsl baby born in Morrow County each New Year. The 1975 winners were twins born to a Ixing lon couple. The parents collected the gifts, and many merchants and townsmen began trading with the father, who recently leased the Chevron Station in Ixinglon. They wanted to help out w ith the new business venture and thus aid the new (wins. The station proprietor re sponded in kind by patronizing local business firms. Then it happened. Friday the father came to Heppner and cashed the station's receipts. The same day. Ihe mother made pur Roofing and Painting i :ji New roofs, roof coating, built-up roofs, shingles oiled and stained. Home, farm and ranch painting, including rrvntnr and grain storage. 3 y ears Call (laude Pettev 989-81X4. eves. m WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory THIS SPACE FOR RENT $8.00 mo. Furniture See us before you buy your color TV or slereosvstem. WII.COXKIRMURE AND APPLIANCES 2."l . Hermiston Ave. ."HiT-.'-OI Hermiston w)twscouifTsm-M i New & I'sed Furniture & Appliances Authorized N'orge Dealers 2,'ini N. First. Hermiston 5fi7-X!Mi0 Furnace Service Dick's FI RNACE SERVICE We service nearly all types pf furnaces; also sales and service on new heating & air conditioning units. Phone 276-7174 DICK HASBROICK ::n:;sV l.lth Pendleton Insurance Tl'R.NER, VAN MARTER & BRYANT General Insurance RIGGLES-BOYCE INSIRANCE AGENCY 676-9625 Heppner Ray Boyce 676-5384 Real Estate JESS MASON Licensed Real Estate Broker for Farm and Home Service ED HINT. Salesman 9X9-8452 Monuments Cemetery grave markers Granite, Marble, Bronze SW EENEY MORTUARY 24 hour phone 676-IM or 676-9226 Also Serving lone & Lexington Heppner, P.O. Box 97. Ore. chases of clothing for the children, paying for Ihem by check. The couple returned to lxinglon. The next morning nil their belongings had been removed from the station and their trailer home. They were nowhere lo be found. Monday, those checks bounced. The Paul Harrahs came to Heppner last July from Tacnma. Wa. He worked for Kinzua Corporation until Dec ember, when he left to manage the gas station at I-xinglon. The Oregon Motor Vehicles Division reported Friday that ,58 per cent of the 501 drivers and passengers killed in traffic crashes last year were not wearing seat belts at Ihe time they were killed. Probably more than that were not wearing their hats. experience Optometrist DR. E. K. SCHAFFITZ Optometrist Next lo Hotel Heppner entrance. 676-9165 Heppner Physctans-Surgeona DR. I- D. TIBBI.ES Osteopath phy sician and surgeon 1st National Bank BIdg. Res. S76-92IO Off. 676-9616 GER ALD A. JONES. M. D. Physician and Surgeon 116 E. Ilurlburt. Hours: Mon. thru Thins.. 9 a.m. I.'::ai p.m.; I::J6 p.m.-5 p.m.; Kri.,9a.m.-I p.m. Hermiston. Ore. 97838 Printing ALL TYPE OF PRINTING MANILA ENVELOPES MOST SIZES GAZETTE-TIMES Radiator Service FARMERS! JONES RADIATOR SERVICE Now is the time to get your harv est equipment ready before the rush season. Sewing Machines SINGER Sales & Service We repair all makes and models GROGANS Approved Singer Dealer 2 US. Main Pendleton 276-2332 Title Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTR ACT AN D TITLE CO. Title Insurance Off ice in Peters BIdg. 676-9912 Heppner UMATILLA READY-MIX Open every weekday, and Saturdays and Sundays if necessary. Phone 676-9406 989-8164 oooooooooooetooc