Page 6, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, Ore., Thursday, Feb. Court proceedings WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL FUND FOR JANUARY, 1975 Eastern Oregon Motors, sheriffs new car $3,100.00 Multigraph Div. Mach. Mtse 217.00, Elections 72.91 289 91 Murrays, Supplies Assessor 3.25, Planner 2.76 Co. Q. 5.76. Sheriff 21.23 33.00 Gazette-Off. Pub. 109.20. Tax Coll 504.60 Paper 65.30. JP6 sup 15.10 694 20 Standard Oil Co., sheriffs car exp H 06 Wm. J. Knight, current exp 28.94 Sears Roebuck, Assessors sup r 5.31 Hubert Wilson, PM-JP6 sup 2.70 Standard Ins., Ins 69.13 City of Hermiston, jail exp 50 00 Larry Fetsch, sheriffs travel 4.00 American Business Supply, Tax coll. exp 58.20 Mobil, sheriffs car exp 3.40 MCGG. sheriffs comm 44.94 Heppner Auto Parts, sheriffs car exp 87.99 Edutronix Ltd., sheriffs ofse sup 24 00 Sheriff of Umatilla, jail exp 1,620.00 Bobs OK Tire Store, sheriffs car exp 14.95 Byers Avenue Clinic, jail exp 34.50 Herman Winter, DA phone 45.17, secy 152.40, CD 100.00 travel 207.40 504.97 3M Business Products, paper 202.54 Pitnev Bowes. Mach. mtse 34.50 L.D. Tibbies, Med. Exam 100.00 Clerk, Ore. Tax Court. Assessors sup 5 00 Dept. of Agriculture. ' predatory control 3.618.50 Burroughs Corporation, Mach. Mtse 1.369.00 Natl Assoc. of Counties, Co. Ct. Exp 100.00 Turner, Van Marter & Bryant, bonds 390.00 Umatilla Electric, No. end rent . 19.58 Dunham Printing Co., JP6 sup 221.70 Carolyn Davis. Juv. travel 6.64, seminar 20.00 26.64 City of Heppner, Vet. sup 5.00 Pacific NW Bell, current exp 335.48 Dept. of Revenue, Assessors St. mdse 128.54 Leonards Mobile, Assessors field work 8.00 Phillips Petroleum Co., Planner travel 10 93 William A. Holcomb, watermaster 32.25 Ore. St. Emp. Division. Ins 407.99 Ernest Jorgensen. JP5 phone 36.66, sup. 26.00 62 66 Bankers Life, Ins 67.31 BankAmericard. sheriffs car 12.70. travel 14.59, planner 21.45, Co. Ct. 36.91 85.65 Columbia Basin, museum 41.50, courthouse 140.40, sheriffs comm 10.00 191.90 Standard Oil Co., planner travel 8.37, Juv. travel 45.10 53.47 Everett Harshman, Assessors field work 142.90 Pacific NW Bell, sheriffs comm 117.00 Pacific Northwest Life, Sal 34.10 Eva Griffith et al. JP6 jury 116.20 Texaco, sheriffs car exp 4.40 Sears. Assessors ofse sup 8.84 Pacific NW Bell, sheriffs comm 14 50 Grays Repair Shop, sheriffs car exp 10 90 Ore St. Univ. Ext. Ser , 3rd U Co. Agent 4,876.75 Pacific NW Bell, sheriffs comm 5.39 Sears Roebuck. Co. Ct. supplies 171.08 David R. Moon, planner travel 8.15. ofse sup. 1.44 . 9 59 Sadie Parrish. Cir. Ct 15.60 Umatilla Electric. No. end rent 23.98 John Mollahan. trustee, sheriffs car exp 3.00 Standard Oil Co.. sheriffs car exp 13.32 Atlantic Richfield, sheriffs car exp 240.25 Union Oil. chtse fuel 243.00. museum 213.00, sheriff 146.00 6O2.00 Corev. Bvier & Rew. Sp. attorney fund 138 20 Public Welfare. S. food 23.36 Multigraphic. mach mtse 273.00 Blue Cross of Oregon. Sal 236.95. Ins. 390.00 627.55 Bank.A- .ericard. Assessors field work 44.46 Wagon W- eel Cafe, jail 22.70. Co. Ct. 36.15 58.85 BankA r card, sheriffs conv. 66.65, meals & trav 67.55 Umatilla County, watermaster fund 281.00 Central Market, brochures 19.05 Paul W. Jones, Co. Ct. travel 24.71 Don Cole, brochures 6.88 Packer. Scott, museum exp 25.35 Pacific NW Bell, current exp 275.14 Pauline Bier et al. grand jury 79 62 Kilham Stationery, planner sup. 18.74 Heppner Nor Gas. Vet. Sup 43.00 BankAmericard. Planner travel 43.40, Co. Ct. travel 35.40 78.80 First National Bank, Sal 1,673.50 Pacific Mutual Life. Sal 597.73 St. Dept. of Revenue. Sal , 552.90 Pub. Emp. Ret. Board, Sal 793.39. SS 793.39 1,586.78 St. Accident Ins., Ins. 375.01. Sal 53.42 428.43 WARRANTS ISSUED ON GENERAL ROAD FUND FOR JANUARY, 1975 Central Market, material 4.52 4 Gazette Times, misc 20.00 ' General Tire Service, tires 172.50 Woodpecker Truck, repairs 24.10 Heppner Auto Parts, repairs 259.13 Pettyjohns, material 3.52 Heppner Water, misc 3.70 Rentex Service, misc 52.50 General Fire Equip, gas & oil .... 4.90 BankAmerica.d, misc 218.67 Columbia Basin, misc. 64.65, parks 88.99 .' 153.64 Elva Ruhl, materials 700.00 John Hanna. materials , 200.00 Union Oil Co., gas & oil 1,706.75 Heppner Cemetery Maint., park 59.00 Bankers Life. Ins 55.36 Standard Oil. gas & oil 44.16 Standard Ins. Co., Ins 32.35 COWS, gas & oil 39.65 Murrays Drugs, misc 5.99 MCCG. repairs 79.06 Stone Mach.. repairs 3,306.55 St. of Ore. Emp. Div.. Ins 102.04 Ore. Park & Recreation, parks 25.00 Pacific NW Bell, misc 10.74 Standard Oil Co.. gas 181.05 Pacific Northwest Life, Sal 26.60 Clyde Equipment of Ore., repairs 99.96 Kinzua Corp., materials 422.40 Columbia Basin, misc. 37.82, parks 38.00 75.82 Pacific NW Bell, misc 35.27 Blue Cross of Ore., Sal 191.20, Ins. 234.15 425.35 Union Oil Co., gas & oil 1,129.00 BankAmericard, misc 10.15 3M Business Products, misc 71.00 Clyde Equipment, repairs 163.68 First National Bank, Sal 1,084.80 St. Dept. of Revenue, Sal 369.40 Pacific Mutual Life Ins., Sal 361.89 Pub. Emp. Ret. Fund, Sal 583.17, SS 583.17 1,166.34 St. Accident Ins., Sal 21.76, Ins. 832.09 853.85 Labor 7,329.98 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR JANUARY, 1975 Court appointed an airport advisory committee consisting of the following persons : Al Bunch, Steve Peck for 3 year terms, Mel Boyer and Herman Winter for 2 year terms and Pat Cutsforth for a 1 year term. Court approved the Heppner Gazette-Times as the official County Newspaper. mm r 3 I 13, 1975 . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals for the construction of Water System Improvements, Phase 3. ad dressed to The Honorable Mayor and Council. City of Heppner. Oregon, will be received at the office of The City Hall, Heppner, Oregon, until 2:0ft p.m.. on the 17th day of March, 1975. Rids will then be publicly opened and read. The work consists of site improvements and construc tion of a Sjfl.mto gallon reser voir, construction of two booster pump stations, con struction of an automatic control system for these booster pump stations and three of the existing City wells, and repair work on City Reservoirs. Plans and specifications may be examined in the office of the City Recorder. Hepp ner. Oregon, or at the office of Stephen C. Anderson and Associates. Consulting Engi neers. Valley Realty Building, Island City, Oregon. A copy of said Documents may be obtained after February 24th. 1'iT.V at the Engineers Office at P.O. Box 1:101. LaGrande. Oregon. 97X39. for a deposit of twenty-five dollars. Twenty dollars of the deposit will be returned if the Contract Docu ments are returned in good condition within to days after the opening of bids. Ridders must be prrquall fied in compliance with appli cable parts of Chapter 279 of Oregon Revised Statues. Prequalification forms, com pletely filled out. shall be mailed to the office of the Consulting Engineer. P.O. Box i:;ni. LaGrande. Oregon. HTxr.n. five days prior to submitting a bid, Work under this Contract shall be completed within I HO calendar days after receiving written "Notice to Proceed". Dated Feb. 2. 1973. CITY OF HEPPNER. OREGON. By JERRY SWEENEY. MAYOR. Published Feb. 13. I75. The monthly meeting of the Morrow County School board is Monday. Feb. 17. 7:30 p.m., at Heppner High School. jmmmrrramtrafflttrauninMin "WHO'S WHO Where to look for cluei: Clues may be hidden in any ad in this section of 30 merchants whose ads are printed below. When an addi tional ad from one of these sponsoring merchants ap pears elsewhere in the paper, ihey too may have clues hidden in them. Clues will be scattered. There may be from one to five in any ad or none. This is a contest of skill, and we intend to do our best to outwit you! We invite you to do your best to outwit us. KINZUA CORPORATION fOKESTPRODl'CTS for a GROWING AMERICA BANK OF Eastern Orvjcn VOl R HOMETOWN BANK JEWELERS EitabuatMd ISM Mites Tire Service He'd like to know vou better HEPPNER ORE., Cal's Lounge & Cafe IPTOWN EATING. DOWNTOWN Irrigon The 4 H Outdoorsman Club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Chester Wilson, Feb. 8. Junior Leader Dale Brandt moved to change the name of the club from "Pebble Pups." Scott Adams suggested the name "River Rats." The motion carried. A new member, Bart Prouty, attended the meeting for the first time. The club heard an article read concerning the great flood on the Columbia River 7.000 years ago, and how it affected the land. Scott Adams agreed to give a nature story at the next meeting. Jack Brasel has joined the Job Corps, and is leaving Irrigon Jan. 29. He is stationed near Toppenish. Wa. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stephens were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephens, of Portland. Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eppenbach and Jeffrey gathered at their new home Thursday evening for a house warming. It was also a retirement party for Mrs. Earl Isom. Mrs. Eppen bach's mother. Attention Farmers We have the following chemicals for sale now Butyl Ester 6E L.V.'s4and6lbs. Amines-Banvel-Lorox Also a limited amount of Bronate Paul Pettyjohn Co. 422-7254 Contest rules: 1. This is a family fun contest. One entry per person (a family of four could submit four entries). Anyone may enter unless a member of your family is employed by the merchant whose ad is heavily bordered this week tthis applies ONLY during the week this ad is bordered). Em ployes of other sponsoring merchants are eligible. 2. Nothing to buy. Use any slip of paper for entry blank. It is not necessary to be present to win. It is not necessary to be a subscriber to the Gazette Times to enter. (Ol.l.MKIA BASIN "T EI.EtTHIC CO-OP Serving Morrow. Wheeler and Gilliam Counties Itlll? II din mill wmmm-mymmmwm LAfUJmLmmimt Farley Motor Co. f CLOSER YOU LOOK, THE BETTER WE LOOK Court Street Market We smile a lot! Try us. HEPPNER Pettyjohn's fa l (T07 SU..X Everything ,for farm and home HEPPNER Weed program is approved The Morrow County Weed Advisory Committee met Feb. 5 to discuss the county road weed control program for 1975, according to Harold Kerr, extension agent. Members of the Weed Advi sory Committee are Merlin Hughes, Buttercreek; Marcel Jones, Heppner; Rudy Berg strom. 8-Mile; Ralph Beamer, Heppner, and Arnold Hoff man, Boardman. Paul Jones, county judge, and John Jep sen, county spray applicator, also attended. The members approved the purchase of $7,646 of chemi cals for weed control. This amount w ill be used for annual weed control on all the 1180 miles of county roads end will spray about 150 miles with a soil sterilant. The policy followed for the past three or four years is to spray paved roads and seriously Infested gravel roads with a soil sterilant on the road shoulders to prevent the spread of noxious weeds such as sand bur, puncture vine, morning glory, Canada thistle and Russian knapweed. This material lasts about three years. The annual spray program controls Russian thistle and diffused knapweed, as well as other broad leaf weeds. lone, Ore. IN J30BB0B C0UMTY"C0NTBT Cop"w. Otn tnivprlM 4 3. The Mystery Person may be anyone in Morrow County. Clues for his or her identity will be hidden only In ads for sponsoring merchants. If by coincidence the name of the Mystery Person tor other facts about him or her) happens to appear in new items, editorial matter or other places in this news paper, these will not count as clues in this contest. 4. To enter, write down the name you think to be the Mystery Person. Add the total number of clues you can find in ALL the ads of sponsoring merchants in this issue. You V.T WAGON j WHEEL Try dining with ui. There is real friendly difference. HEPPNER Bristow's MARKET fa QUALITY FOODS IONE MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS, INC. MRMia OWNIO AND CONTSOUIO LEXINGTON. OREGON JL, Serving Morrow County ELMA'S Apparel if Fashions for the Ladies Flower Shop n Tins r XX aj rm m mm , The spraying is done under contract with Dobyns Pest Control of lone. The committee recom mended using soil sterilant on the following roads: Little Buttercreek from Pine City to the end of the pavement, the road from Sandhollow to Buttercreek, Wilson Road In Boardman, Baseline Road, Rarclay Road, portions of Sandhollow, Doherty Road, Ella Road, Ione-Boardman Road. Dulzell Road to County Line and Tad Miller to N. Lexington elevator. County residents who have other roads which they feel should be sprayed should contact either the county judge or county extension agent. G-T WANT ADS PAY .School Lunch Menu Heppner High School and Heppner Elementary Mon Feb. 17 Spaghetti and ground beef, french bread, butter, carrot celery sticks, fruit, milk. Tues., Feb. 18-Pina. spin ach, jello fruit salad, frosted graham crackers, milk. Wed . Feb. I9-Beef stew and vegetables, cold toma toes, raisin bread, butter, ice cream slice, milk. Thurs.. Feb, 20-Mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable salad, fruit, rolls, milk. Fri . Feb. 21-Hot dogs and home made bun, baked beans, celery sticks, cherry pie, milk. like to I get co Know gyou. I HEPPNER BRANCH F1R8T NATIONAL BANK Of OREGON AuoOCtt, All rllt rtMrv, do not have to list all these clues, just give the total number of them. Don't forget to add your name and address. Then drop your entry In the box located at the sponsoring merchant whose ad is border ed with a dark border in the ads listed below In this issue. 5. There is no other place ' where entries will be accept ed. Any member of the family may bring In all the entries for that family. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. 0. This week's contest starts when you receive this issue and closes al 5 p.m. Friday of Murrays ON THE MAIN CORNER DRUGS VOIR HOMETOWN PHARMACY HIPPNIR AUTO PARTI Your Home-owned Auto Parts Heppner Nor-Gas , Tanks Appliances RV Equipment HEPPNER ARXtT Where Service Is a Pleasure, V-0 TAVERN Where friends meet ; Pool awl year favorite drtak. LEXINGTON, ORE. Pilots having a box dinner The Umatilla chapter of the Oregon Pilots Association will have a box social dinner around a Valentine theme on Saturday, Feb. 15, at the Lei 'or Buck Room, Round-up Grounds In Pendleton. Social hour will begin at 6:30 p.m., with auctioning of box dinners to start around 7 o'clock. Members and their guests are invited and ladies are encouraged to fix their fanciest box for two as they will be judged and a prize awarded to the most original. Try a Gaiette-Timet Classified Ad mm and you Can You can buy outright low prices You can rent them You can lease them with option to buy You can have them You can have them with bed & hoist You can have them with beet beds You can have them with grain tanks You can have them 80 TRUCKS We have 1973, 1974 We have CMC, Ford, IHC, Chev., Dodge We have gas & diesel twin screws We make up tag axles & belt drives Our Truck Manager has over 20 years experience In leasing and setting up the right truck for the iob. Call, write or come in and see OSCAR POLLARD DAYL GRAVES, Inc. I til IS. nth. Walla Walla. Wa. PONTI AC-BUCK-CMC-MAZDA ' ' ' V Your Family A Farm Transportation Center this week. 7. At that lime (S p.m., Friday) a drawing will be held at the store where entries have been received for this week's coniest. The first entry drawn that correctly identifies the Mystery Person will win $20 in cash. If that entry also lists the correct number of clues hidden in all ads of sponsoring merchants, a bonus of $7.50 will be paid. Whenever this bonus is not won, it will be added to the following week's bonus, which will continue to grow until it is won. ' i 8. Every precaution will be "Everything in Ladier Ready-ioWear" The Lebush Shoppe Rietmsnn's HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS "Your Family Hardware" IONE. OREGON STSU I TURNER Mi BRYANT IINtURANCI i aurm mtm tnun trttl i Cornett Green Peed HEPPNER Feedi-Salt-Garden and mmm!2mSmmmt CAL'S ARCO i Gas-OII-Lubrlcatlon Auto Repair i HEPPNER MEETING SCHEDULED ON FARM APPRAISALS Morrow County Assessor Everett Hurshman has an nounced thai the county board of review will meet Wednes day, Feb, 19, 10 a.m., at the courthouse, The purpose of the meeting, which is open to the public, will be a review of recent farmland sales and the in come and expense factors being utilized by the assessor in the appraisal of farm use land. 4-11 MEETS Anatomy and origins of dogs were studied by eight mem bers of the Dog Obedience 4 H Club at Its meeting Feb. 4. "Super Dogs" was chosen as the club's name. trucks Buy or lease 3 weeks or 3 years cab & chassis only stock & grain combo IN STOCK and 1975 models SU-osm taken to prevent typographi cal errors that might be mistaken for clues, but error-' less typography cannot be guaranteed by anybody. The 'publisher of the Gazette ;Times will be the judge in all questions and his decision is final. Family participation gives you a better chance to win the jackpot. Your wife, husband or some bright -eyed youngster may spot a clue that you miss! Think you can outwit the contest? You can't win If you (don't enter. LEONARD'S Mobil Service Where service It not old-fashioned GONTY'S "SHOES FOR AI.L'JC Heppner Oregon BEECHER'S ' The reason for coming to lone for dinner! On the Highway, IONE OREGON 0 OLDIES but GOODIES .Come In and Browse GARDNER'S MEN'S WEAR "The Store of Personal Service" (76-9218 Watergate ttS Mi DEAN'S A 2ND t fhq HAND v3sl