Page 8, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Classified Save money . . . Pay cash! Phone 676-9228 Cards of Thanks Sam and I would like to thank our friends and rela tives for the cards, flowers, phono rails and gifts while he was in St. Anthony's Hospital. Special thanks to our friends in Hardman who were so good to mo w hile Sam was gone. We don't know what we would do without thorn. They are all wonderful. SAM AND DEBBIE MCDAMEL Many thanks to those who worked to make this year's March of Dimes a success in mircounfv. 51c DONNA BERGSTROM. County Chairman. I would like to take this way of thanking my friends for the cards, letters, hopes, prayers and acts of kindness during my recent illness. Special thanks to the doctors and the entire staff of Pioneer Mem orial Hospital for the excellent care I received. 5lp DON HOUGH . We too wish to thank our relatives and friends for their words of sympathy, flowers and food at the time of passing of our brother and uncle. MR & MRS. ARTHUR DALZELL MK. 4 MRS. JIM DROBNY MR 4 MRS. CLYDE CRAWFORD 2. Notices Heppner Lions ' Club meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 6:45 a.m. Break fast meeting. Wagon Wheel. Cliff Green. Pres. 17ttc WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish. Ph. 567-6065. ltfc MENTAL HEALTH Heppner oilier hours: aTues. thru Thur.. 8:30-5. 676-9161. Irri sjnii oifke hours: Mon. 4 Fri.. M. 922-3357. Closed noon hour. Fur emergency ph. 676-5032. NOW you can steam clean carpets the professional way at a fraction of the cost with RINSE-N-VAC. Rent at Case FurintureCo. 20c LOSE weight safe. fast, easy with the Diadax plan reduce fluids with Fluidex. Murray's Pharmacy. 50-6p LECITHIN! Vinegar! B6! Kelp! Now all four in one capsule, ask for FB6-K Mur ray's Pharmacy. 50-10p 6. Wanted WANTED: Camera tri pod in good condition for 35mm camera Ph 676-9228. 54p 7. For Rent FOR RENT: In lone. 1 bedrm apt: 1 studio apt. and 1-2 bedrm apt. 422-7587. tfc ROOMS for rent. $60 mo. Inquire at the Heppner Hotel. 52c 8. Services ALL TYPES OF Backhoe Work SAND It GRAVEL HAULIV Wesley Wise I0E. ORE. 422-740 Northwestern Livestock Com. Co.i NO MARKET REPORT THIS WEEK Office Phone 5674655 Highway 30. Hermiston Heppner, Ore., Thursday, Feb. Livestock FOR SALE: Alfalfa hay. good quality second cutting. Have truck, will haul. Box 437, Irrigon .922-3-181. 51p A I YEARLING and 2 yr.-old range bulls. Hereford, cross bred Hereford and Simmen tal: cross-bred Hereford and Limousin. 83 Ranch, Pilot Rock. 443-6483. 49tfc FOR SALE: 1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa hay. Jim Bloodsworth. 676-9706. 51c TOP QUALITY registered Hereford bulls for sale. Call 481-4151 eves, or weekends. C. W Acock 4 Son, Boardman. 51-52C BONNEY'S SPECIAL Spring B'Nanza Quarter Horse Sale-3 big days. Feb. 14. 15. IS Friday. Saturday, Sun day 10 a m. each day. Also grade horses 4 other breeds of registered horses. Open Con signment. "A really good market for all types of Horses." Northwestern Live stock Comm. Co. Hwy 80N. Westland Rd. Exit. Hermis ton. Oregon. For Info, call Omer Bonney. Auctioneer 4 Horse Sale Mgr.. Ph. 503-567-5722 Hermiston. Ore. 51c 10. Farm, Garden FOR. SALE: 22 ft. Graham Hoeme chisel plow: hydraulic lift: good condition. Ken Turner. 6769710. 49tfc 12. Furniture, Appliances FOR SALE: One single box spring, mattress and frame. S70. 676-5534. 51c 13. For Sale C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam, S'arcrafi. Caldwell and Mar lin boais. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. Ph 567 8419. Hermiston-McNary Dam Hwy. 9(fc FOR SALE: Indies Italian ski boots. 9 narrow: never worn. $15. in key manual Underwood adding machine. $20 Norene's Vet. Hosp. 676-9656 51c FOR SALE: TV hookup. $75. it-K.":;i or see John Hill at the mill. 3 to 11 shirt. 5lc 14. Automotive Heppnerites A new or used car in your future? If so contact: Ed Weils at Keith Farley Chrysler-Plymouth Inc. -The W alking Mans Friend Pendleton Ph. 276-7341 Home Phone 276-0576 1973 DODGE. ',- ton pickup, adventure sport. AT. PS. PB. good tires, good condition. $2.900. 676-9754. 51p FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1973 Ford ' ton two-wheel drive pickup. 360 engine A T. low mileage. Ph 676-5520. 51c G-T Want Ads Pay Don Wink. Mgr. Eve. 567-3111 Everett Snyder. Eve. 567-3170 Sale ring! Public) 567-8708 . 6. 1975 Rilling for small classified ads Is expensive. Effective Nov, I, therefore, classified ads will be on a cash in advance basis, unless customer has a regular commercial account with the Ciaietle-Ttmes. If so. classifieds will be billed monthly. The alternative is to raise the rates to cover rising costs. Rates remain II for the first three lines of ad copy; 50c per line for each line thereafter. Display classified advertising, 91.35 per column Inch. Cards of Thanks, classified rale, min, 11.50. Deadline, Tuesday noon. Not responsible for errors not reported within T days. 14. Automotive Farley TX CLOSER YOU LOOK, THE BETTER WC LOOK Ford Motor Company Announces a "No Nonsense" Customer cash rebate program during Jan. J8 lo Feb. St. !H73 Rebates from S.'IMI tol.MMI USED CARS: I'i72 Ponliar Catalina. 4 dr. sedan, all power 4 air cond. ftT.' Ititick Electra. loaded 21. XI7 actual miles. 11)72 Ponliar 3-seat sta. wgn.. aulo. trans,, air cond. actual miles. I'lTI Chev. 4-dr. hardtop Impala. air rood., power aulo. trans. I SKI) PICKUPS: I '172 t.MC ij tnn pickup 4 X 4 eas hitch and elec. brake I'lTI Intel 11.1lion.1l tl', ton flat bed m; Scout, half cab I'H.'i .leppster Commando Wgn I'Mis Ford M Ion ll in Ft. bed and slock rack only, good cond. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC-BLICK FORD CMC TRUCKS May and Chase, Heppner Phone 67S-S1 IS 15. Real Estate FOR SALE: 2-bedrMm home, single bail), full basement, new rHif and paint job. also cen'ral healing system. With in ci'y limits, close to school and shopping. Ph. 676-9116. 361 fe FOR SALE: New homes. Valley View Estates. 100 per cent financing available. Call Dai I Hagey. 676-9121 or 676 5562. 431 fc FOR SALE: 2 houses on N. Chase Si . Contact Jim Cason. 676-9956. 52p CORNER LOT. Quaid and Elder, served by city water and sewer. 676-9436 ror further details 52c 2-BDRM. HOUSE. Workshop. SVUm Call 2H6-693-153I alter 4 p 111 . Mon thru Fri. Ask for Terry. 53c FOR SALE: 5-hdrm. house: c;irpel and drapes. Ig. kit. w. dishwasher: separate dining rni: Franklin fireplace: gar aye: partial bsmt: fenced b.ick yd: newly painted & roofed. 676-5W2. tfc Hi M Prec. Wednesday 30 13 Thursday 25 13 Friday 32 13 Saturday 41 18 Sunday 36 23 Monday 40 19 Tuesday 40 26 .02 Traces of snow on Monday and Tuesdav. WiVt In Morrow County very Mondty Starrett's Decor Center'"" when wt vTtf Call 378324 KIT.UARTJN . CoHtctAr JSuiSti AnrxMmtnt HERMISTON rr 16. Mobile Homes VISTA VILLAGE Mobile Home Sales Repossession 1974 GOVERNOR I26H tipoul All-Gas Take over payments on approved credit. 4118 WESTSIDE (across from Wooley'i Motors) RUSTY PRIEL 276-4388 ARMANO WOOLEY 276-1682 ARROW CHEVROLET Mobile Homes Security Traveler Champion Buddy Rex Circle J Horse Trailer 2280 SW Court PI. Pendleton Phone Collect 276-6S0S PMMNMMMtKN iiiiiiiiinntnrntmtniiiuuatiimmiatfli Specialists In " Track-layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding We handle truck hoists, beds and racks, both factory and custom-built: tractor cabs and gooseneck ly pe trailers Air Conditioning B & C Repair Shop 122-7 ton CLEOCHII.DERS IONE 422-1123 notimttiHiiitwiffluiiiuiiiiiiiiimiim Hints h- Jo A sink trick to finish or re-linish woods, applv VARATIIANK with a cheese-cloth II will not bubble and w ill dry faster See us Tor all your finish products. Special, this week Thermo Rite Glass Fireplace Screen 41"x29" Reg. $160 $120 PETTYJOHN'S Farm & Building Supply 676-!lt.'7 WHEAT PRICES White tl. Ift Feb. 3.92 July & Aug. $1.12 Feb. 1 211. -VI Red Burlev floor covtrlng art J to mr U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Portland, Oregon LAND EXCHANGE NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given thai Klniia Corporation has made application under the Act of March 2l. I!I22, as amended (16 U.S.C. m. m) to ex rhange the following describ ed lands on the Umatilla National Forest: W illamette Meridian T. 6S., It, 2tE. (Wheeler County): Section 27, Lots 3 and 4: Section 28. E',SE'i, T. 6S R. 2KE. v I Morrow County : Section II, W'jSE'i: Section 36, E'j. NW'iNW'i.SE'iNW'i, SW'i T. 6S It. 27K. (Morrow County): Section 1. N'jSW'i; Section !). NW'i; Section 26. W'jNW'i. NW'i SW'i: Sec lion 27. NE'i NE'i, SW' 1 SW'i, SE'iSK'i. Section 28. SF'iSF.'i; Section 33. E'j NK'i. SK'.: Section 31. N' NE'i. SE'iNE'i T. 7S R. 2IE. (Wheeler Comity I: Section 2. SW'i NE'i. N'jSE'i. SE'iSE'i T. 7S K. 2.1E. (Wheeler Cotinlv :Seclion I, Lots 3 and I. S', NW'i. SE'i SW'i. E', SE't: Section 2. Lot I. SK' 1 NE' 1. N'jSW' i.SK' 1 : Section II. N'jNE'i. E'jSK'i: Sec tion 12. K'jNW'i. SW'iNW'i. W '.SW'i: Section II. N'jN',; Section 1.1. NE'i NK'i. S'j NK'i. NK'iSK'i! Section 16. All: Section 17. SW'iNE't SK'iNW'i. K'jSW'i. S', SK'i: Section IK. Lot !. SK' 1 NW'i. S'jXK'i. K',SW'i. NW'iSK'i. S'jSK'i: Section l. N'.AE'i. NK'i NW'i. NK'iSK'i; Section 20. K' NK'i. NK'i NW'i containing 1.621.29 acres, more or less, for National Forest laud in the Umatilla National Forest described as follows: Willamette Meridian T. 5 S., It. 2KK. (Morrow (omits 1: Section 31. Lot 3, NK'iSW'i T. S.. It. 2::K. (Wheeler (otinly): Section 2D. SW'i NK'i. NW'iSK'i: Section 31. SW'i SK'i T. S S.. It. 2IK. (Wheeler ( oiiulv I: Section 13. E'jSE' 1: Section 21. l ot 4: Section 23. SK'i: Section 2. lot 1. SK'i SW 1 , . S' ..SK' 1 ; Sect ion 30. Lot 1. SK'i: Section 31. NK'i. NK'iSK'i: Section 32. l ots I. 2. 3. and I T. B S.. It. 2.1E. (Morrow County): Section is. NW'i NK'i. Lot I; Sect inn IX NK'i NWS: Section 2. S,SW'i. SW'i SK'i: Secllon 27. SK'i SW'i: Section 28. S'jSK'i: Section "l.SW, NW'i. NW'i SW',: Section 311. l ot l'. SK'i SW'i: Section 31. NK'iNW'i: Section 31. NK'iNW'i T. (i S.. It. 2 K. (Morrow touulvi: Section I. SW'i SW'i: Section J. SU'iNK'i: Section 8. NW' iNW' 1: Sri (ion . SK'i NK'i: Section 13. N'.SW'i. SK'iSW',: Section 1 ft. lot i: Section :. SK'i NK'i T. 7 S.. It. 23K. (Wheeler Couut l: Seclion 2. Lot 2: Seclion 3. NW'iSK'i: Section !. SK'iSW'i; Seclion 17. N'j NK'i: Section 31. Lot I. NK'i SK'i. SW'i SK'i T. 7 S.. It. 2IK. (Wheeler found I: Section 3. Lots 3 and I. SK' iSW' 1 ; Section 27. SW' 1 NWS: Seclion 28. SK'i NK'i containing 2.("i7.3l acres, more or less. Persons claiming said prop erties or hating valid objec tions to Hie proposed exchange must file their claims or objections with the Regional Forester. U. S. Forest Service. P.t). Box 31123. Portland. Oregon II72H8. within 3(1 days afler dale of the first publica tion of this notice. Published Jan. 23. 3(1; Feb. 8. 13, 1975. INTIIKCIRCUITCOLHTOF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY No. Sir First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Pendle ton, a Corporation, Plaintiff v. J-Mar Construction Co., an Oregon Corporation; Ben L. Trollier; James R. Marlon; Marlene Trottier; Joyce A. Marion; Pendleton Grain Growers, . Inc.. an Oregon corporation; Richard D. Sar gent and Lynnea A. Sargent, husband and wife, doing business as Coast to Coast; Roise Cascade, Inc., a cor poration; Umatilla Ready Mix. Inc., an Oregon corpora- Public lion: Miller Supply , Inc., a Washington corporation; In land Empire Hank, an Oregon corporation; and M & H Investment Company. Inc., an Oregon corporation: Defendants Hy virtue of an execution issued out of the above entitled court In the subject cause on January 13. t7.V pursuant to a judgement unci a decree rendered and entered on .lunotirt II. !I73, hi favor of the plaintiff and against J-Mar ( onstriicliou Co.. an Oregon corporation, Ken L, Trottier. James It. Marlon, Marlene Trottier ami Joyce A. Marlon, defendants, wherein it was decreed Hint a certain mort gage held by plaintiff be foreclosed and that the real propei I subject to the mort gage lien be sold, which execution com manned me to sell that real property to saiisfx a judgment against said mimed defendants in the sum of S.':i.!Ni(i.2ii. together with Inleresl thereon at the rate of 7 ' t per cent per annum from June I, IH7I. until paid; plus the further sum of tl.'.'H) as reasonable attorney fees; and for plaintiff's routs and disbursements herein in the sum of S.'CI si', and Ihe costs of this Will. I will on Monday, February 21. IH73. at l:3 p 111.. 11I the front door of the ( nmily Courthouse In Hepp ner. loir oh County . Oregon, sell nl public auction, subject In redemption mh prm Ided by law, 11 ml siihecl lo priorities of junior lieiiholilers as established. he highest biilder for cash, all the itileiesi the aboe named ilrtendaiils had on March II. l'iT:t. the dale of the mortgage, and all Ihe Inleresl which Ihe ilc fi iiil.inls had thereafter in Hie following described real properly : lol . Illock 3. of Has-siniisseii-l oil ddilimi II. to the il of Heppner, Morrow ( 'iiimly . Hit Hon. Dated this 2lrd day of 1 1M0.11 . i'i;v JOHN MOI I AIIW Nhei ilf nl Mori oh ( oitnt v, ' Oregon Published Jan. 2:1. :i: Feb (i. I t. IN THE ( Hit 1 ITCOl ItTOF THE ST TK OF OREGON KOIt MORROW COUNTY NO I K EOF SHERIFF'S I OK IIKW. PROPERTY No. :i:i7 liisi Kederal Savings and I nan ssocialion of Prndle Ion. a Corporation. Plaintiff v. J-Mar Consirurtfon Co., an Oregon Corporation: Ken L. TroOier: James R, Marion: Marlene Trollier; Joyce A. Marion; Pendleton Grain (rowers. Inc.. an Oregon corpora I ion: Richard D. Sar gent and Lynnea A. Sargent, husband and wife, doing business us Coast lo Coast: lloise Cascade. Inc., a cor pora I ton: Umatilla Ready Mix. Inc.. an Oregon corpora tion: Miller Supply. Inc.. a Washington corporation: In land Kmpire Rank, an Oregon corporation: and M & B In vest itienl Company, Inc.. an Oregon corporation; Defendants Its virtue of an execution issued out of the a bove entitled court in the subject cause on January 13. III7S, pumuant to a judgment and a decree ren dered and entered on January II. HI73. In favor of the plaintiff and against J-Mar Construction Co.. an Oregon corporation, Ben L. Trottier, James R. Marion, Marlene Trottier and Joyce A. Marion, defendants, wherein it was decreed that a certain mort gage held by plaintiff be foreclosed and that the real property subject to the mort gage lien be sold, which execution commanded me to sell that real property to satisfy a judgment against said named defendants In the sum of 30,(16K4S, together with interest thereon at the rale of 7 per cent per annum from June 1, 1974, until paid; plus the further sum of 12,000 as reasonable attorneys fees; and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein in the sum of $288.20 and the costs of this Writ. I will on Monday, February 24, 197S, at 2:00 p.m. at the front door of the County Courthouse In Heppner, Mor row County, Oregon, sell at f Notices public auction subject to redemption as provided by law. mid subject to priorities of Junior llenholders as estab lished, lo the highest bidder for cash, nil Ihe Inleresl the above named defendants had on March 27. I73, Ihe dale of Ihe mortgage, and all Ihe Inleresl which Ihe defendants had thereafter In Ihe following described real properly: Lot 7. Work ,1. of Rassmus-sen-l oll Addition II lo the City of Heppner. Morrow County , Oregon, Dated this 23rd day of January. Itli.1. JOIINMOI.I.AIIAN Sheriff of Morrow County , Oregon Published Jan. 23. 3: Feb. 8. 13. IH73 OREGON CIRCUIT COURT. Molt HOW COUNTY PltOR TK DEPARTMENT NO. 1 7 IK NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In Ihe Mailer of the Kstate of MUDV ItltlTT. Deceased NOTICE IS Hereby Given thai Ihe undersigned has been appointed personal repre sentative ol (he above estate. Ml persons having claims nualiist the estate are requir ed In present them to the undersigned personal repre sentative al Ihe offices of Robert It. Abrams. 271 N. Main Street. Heppner. Oregon i;s:tii, w H hln four months after Hie dalr of first publication of Ibis notice. IHTHl and first published Ibis 2;irrl day of January. IH73. LOUISE BRITT, Personal Itepi esenlallv r. Xddress: Spray . Oregon S7H7I Published Jan. Feb. . 173. J3. 3D; IN THE ( HICUITCOURT OF THE ST VTK OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MOM HOW PHOll VTK DEPT. NO, I7W NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Prnhiite proceedings in Ihe estate of Wale C. Crawford, deceased, are now pending in Ihe above entitled court, wherein Hollo W. Crawford. Ihe undersixned. has been appointed and has qualified as Ihe personal representative of said rslate. Ml persons hav lug claims against said estate hereby are required to present Ihem. in due form and properly xeriflrd. within four months afler the dalr of the first publication of this notice, us staled below, lo Ihe under signed al thr following add ress now designated as the place for the presentation of claims, lo-wil: It olio W. ( rawford. P.O. 3(3. lone. Ore. 7ni:i. HOLLO (ItAWKOHD. Personal Representative of Ihe estate of Ihe above named decedent. Published Feb. .I3. 20. ID7.V H WNE, OREGON Dance Live music by the Depot II lone American Legion Hall Sat., Feb. 8, 9-2 a.m. Dancing, food and cocktails Free smorgasbord at midnight 3.50 person (I. D. required) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS - I.; i Estate of I Ima McDiinlel, Deceased Notice is hereby given thai Ihe undersigned has been appointed personal repre sentative of the above estate, All persons having claims iignlust the estate are requir ed to present Ihe same within four months from this dalr al the office of II. D. Isaminger, Vlloruey nl Law. 223 S.E, livers Avenue. Pendleton, Oregon H7KMI. All persons whose rights may he affected by this proceeding may obtain addi tional Information from Ihe records of Ihe court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated and first published this 23rd day of January, IA1.V DEI.VINMcDNTEL. Personal Representative Rome 2. Box US E Pendleton. Oregon S7KHI Published Jan. 23. ,'IU: Feb. . IM7.V IN THKCIRCUITCOURTOF THE ST TE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Estate of; Herman G. Robersnn, Deceased Probate proceedings In Ihe eslale of Herman G. Ruber son, deceased, are now pend liiit In Ihe above-entitled (onil. wherein Patrick C, (.jillaither. the undrrsigned. has been appointed and has qualified as Ihe personal representative of said estate. Ml persons having claims attains) said estate hereby are required to present (hem. in due form and properly veri fied, within four months after the dale nl Ihe first publication of this notice, as staled below, lo Ihe undersigned at (be following address now desig nated as the place for the presentation of claims, lo-wil: (Hik e of Donald G. Morrison. Mlornrv t law, 242 Fast Main, llermislon. Orrgon. PVTRK KC.GU LAGIIKR, Personal Representative of the estate of Ihe ahov e named decedent. DON M.O G. MORRISON, Vlloi nev for eslale of ihe above named decrdeul. Published Jan. 23. 3d: Keh. . IS7.V Patients admitted to Pio neer Memorial Hospital this pjisi week were: Mary Christie, Kmiherly: Thelma Epping. Lexington: Christo pher, Crystal and Craig Funk, lone; Christina Corwin, Pat rick Doherly and Don Green up, all of Heppner. Discharged were Marly Buschke and Anna Rathe. Heppner; Dareene Meyer and lo Hollsike. lone; Gurney Pyne, Dayton. Ore. 7.00 couple1