Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 23, 1975, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    PnRp 4. THK GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner. Ore., Thursday, Jan.
i'.,J ';?.'- , ' ' '
: . .; V; J . -if : " - -- , '
Sherri Wilson heads
lone Rainbow order
Sherri Wilson, diiughter of
Mr anrl Mrs. Darrel Wilson of
Inne. w a installed as worthy
.nlvivir o( the lone Rainbow
s.enilil No, fw on Jan. 2
Her ihenie for her term of
o!!u-e is. "You'll Never Walk
.Mom Her colors were blue,
ureen and white and her
llovier is the morning glory.
("null Martin was the in
st:illini otiuer Other install
ing olluers were Christina
l.mdstrotn. niarshall: Donna
WiNon l B'nd. recorder.
(';isandra Chapel, chaplain,
and Mrs Linda Prock. musi
cian other
olliccrs installed:
Autograph party for
Siinirdax between 1 and 3
pin . Lexington's teacher
ln'i.Oillird A. Williams, and
Mrs. Williams will be honored
a' an autograph coffee ar
ranged by the Bookworm Club
a the Heppner Public
"Falling Leaves." a collec
tion ol more than 4tt of
... Williams" rhymes, was re
cetrly published and is dedi
ra'ed to his wife. Frances.
Who really meant it when
-he said. For better or for
worse' , . and alter times of
separation during our lives
'oue'hcr has always been nice
to come home to."
Sonieol Williams' writing is
lijlit and amusing: some is
serious These poems were
written between 194:5 and
during the years the author
completed his World War II
N:iv service in the Pacific,
during his 17 years of work at
the Bunker Hill Mining Co. in
Keiloga Ix'lore and after the
war. during the following
years ol campus work which
lead to his leaching in Idaho
and Oregon, and during the
years ol leaching and operal
ini! his small farm at Lexing
ton Williams finished high
M-linol at Lew ision. Idaho, and
attended Leuiston Normal
School He continued training
at Eastern Washington Slate
College at Cheney and at the
l imersily of Kansas at Law rence
His years of leaching
Arlcne Cannon, worthy asso
ciate advisor: Laurie Child
ers. charity: Tanimie Tucker.
hox; Kristi Kdmundson.
fai'h: Cindi Martin, recorder:
Ifcinna Rea. treasurer: Robin
I.eavitt. chaplain: Barbara
leiiie. drill leader: Debbie
Pa'ion. love; Jeaneito Piper,
reliuioii: Susan dray, nature:
Maruarel Kincaid. ininior
lahK: Arietta Aldrich. fideli
n : Lisa Martin, patriotism:
T.i'tita Hams, service: Kim
Vv itibn. cotilidential obser
r. lirenda 1'atton. outer
(1tiseter; Tammy Shinip.
musician: Paula l.indstrom.
ebon director and Darcy Rea.
ehuir menitxT.
have been at Whorley. Kings
ion. and Kellogg in Idaho and
a' Mnltord. Echo. Heppner
and lone and at the I'niversily
of Kansas He presently
teaches the lith grade ai lone.
Mr- Williams, who has also
'au-ht many 'years, is now
teaching a 5th grade at
Heppner Elementary School.
Ifeith ol the Williams are well
known in Morrow County.
Williams is a member of the
Lexington City Council, a
director ol the I'nialilla
Mnrrow School Employees
Federal ('red if I'nion and
president of its hoard of
Sone ol the poems in
"Falling Leaves" have torn
presented to friends and
familv bv the author. A few
have loen previously puhlish-
d m newspaMTs However,
tlits collection, which Mrs.
Williams encouraged her hus
band to have printed, is his
lost Ixuik. which was printed
in Heppner by the (Jazetle
Ttmes Everyone is invited to visit
with Chllord and France
Williams and to enjoy some
Hookworm collee. Williams
will autograph his hooks,
which sell for $2. Only 70 will
in- sold, he said
Tr a Gazette-Times
Classified Ad
ail men's sizes . . .
shorl and long
sleeves . . .
$11 to $1.)
A member of a club composed
of professional and business
executives associated
23, 1975
a winner
. Suannt Jepsen is $27.50
richer this week for having
correctly identified Clifford
(liven as last week's Mystery
Person, and for getting the
correct number of clues.
This week's Mystery Person
winner w ill also receive $27.50.
if the number of clues is also
correct .
I-iisir week's clues: guru
tCivon is a former teacher ;
president of the board la
posihon he holds in the Lion's
Club": big bluff (that's a cliff,
son!i; -oh. rubbish!" (is
what Cliff hauls out of town);
lacking in experience tin other
words, green .
IVIpha Jones and Justine
Weatherford participated in a
telephone nmferrwr rail
niei'ling ol Ihe regional repre
sentatives and directors of Ihe
Eastern Region of the Oregon
Lung Association last Wed
nesday. This pre-arranged meeting
was organized by Regional
Dirii tor Anthony llahcrlach.
l.atJrande. Most ol Ihe 20
nn olv ed answered the roll call
In Everett C Abbot I. Ui
(Jranile. the board chairman.
Mrs Jones parliciatcd Irom
tlie Pendleton home of her
sister, where she was re
eiiporatmg from her second
cataract ocraliou
Tlie Niartl memlM-rs heard
the dim-tors rerl and his
announcement ol Ihe new
(he-oii Lung AsMK'iaiion ex
ee.itivo. Max Mehlhall Tte
group agni-d to hold its
annual meeting at Lalirande
..n Feb to The telephone
conference meeting
ov i i ball an hour
p.imik i:i:(,is
t 1 1 it it t;
IliPimei's I'liblu- Library
m.-a has ;i vauely ol duplicate
i.ik- lot sale, those not
! i tied on the sbelv es
O'liibcate copies ol National
': iilnc Magazines ale
iili'.i'M .lile at 1.1 cents Some
I...' such ;iv )aieibacks.
1,'eadi-i OiL'esI ('oiidellsed
Ikmks and books I r ,-s
lMHil.it au'hois ate also
-,11'n.' lot f i -ents i-ole--..ii
..I i .oei ,okI more mpuhir
i U ing siild iii :.'iceil!s
I'm iiiotiev hum the lMk
-.! is being keit separate
' i other hbrai y incoini-.
-'H b as line money and
.'ni i.iI cont ribiii ions, and il
.i M U used to help i Ik- library
Please him all the time with all the time... one of these new
Caravelle 17 jewel Date and Day watches by Bulova. Tells the
time, the day, and the date. Instantly. Accurately. Automati
cally! Never needs winding. Man-sized watches, rugged, water
resistant, smartly styled and guaranteed by Bulova. A great
gift at a pleasant price. $59.95
Pible study
group formed
Rev Edwin ("tilting of Ihe
I'nited Methodist Church has
lead a Bible study group each
winter in Heppner. Since he
has Ixvn minister at faith the
Echo and Heppner churches
lie conducts classes in each
litis year's study began last
night al the church and will
continue each Wednesday
evening al 7::t o'clock until
Easier wivk. Al the initial
meeting text books were
purchased This year's text is
"Rather Hie Than lave." a
I!t74 work hy William M.
Piekard It is ha.cd on Ihe
Hook ol Job.
Any person interested in
joining in this study is invited
lo come to next Wednesday's
gathering at Ihe home of
Harbara James on Baltimore
street at 7;.tt o'clock Addi
tional hooks will be available.
Each Wednesday evening the
class will moel in a different
l!llt: CREEK
Rhea Creek Crange Com
mittii ol U omens Activities
- met at Ihe home of Mrs. Orian
Wright Wednesday for an
al'einoon meeting
Attending were Mrs. Ray
Orake. Mrs Cleve Van
Srhou k. Mis Glenn Fur reus.
Mrs Hal Sunday. Mrs Roy
liobuisoii. Mrs Harold Wri
ght Mis Robert Stevens,
Mis Elmer Palmer and the
hostess. rs Wright. Com
nniiees. for the year were
announced by the chairman.
Mrs Hubert Stev ens The club
will sew and mend for Ihe
hospital at a sici-ial meeting
Thursday., Ian 21. al Ihe home
I Mrs I ; . i x hrakc
Mr and Mrs Harold Wright
will lie hosts tin Crange on
FW l ami Mrs Rolierl
Stevens will lie hostess for Ihe
t at her home on Feb 2n
i ni:i:i i t ion
M um Jen Sweenev was
mi-iii..ieil in laxi week's
p '! t regarding Ihe Cil ol
(i i.ne increase in water
r iii
The annual revenue from
tin s.ili- ni ah r amouiils In
s in nno jict . ar and it the
, - aie on l eased a dollar
l r l f.. ,i 1 1 1 1 Ihe ailcled revenue
i'lmlil niM.nnt to S7 2on p-r
We si iteil that an increase
i.i s , ma nili would amount
i sUi ooo ()1.r u., e regret
Select your wedding invita
tions at ihe Gazette-Tunes
"Som thing (rem tlx jtwtttrs
iM alwoyi lomtthin? ipaclar
i: ji ; : : .LI . I
MR AND MRS. MIKE SALING recently celebrated
their 2iih wedding anniversary. An oen house was
held at the Salmg residence. Besides friends, present
worotheSaluig'schildren: Fr.and Mrs. Rcnne Harris,
Portland: Mr and Mrs Donald llevener. McMinn
ville; Pain and Michele Siding. Heppner.
Round Steak
Oregon Chief
Slab Bacon ib. $1.19
Green Giant
Hunt 4 pak
Snack Palis 79$
Mission 12 oz.
Egg Noodles 45
Herbal Essence
Both Soap 289
Carnation all flavors
Breahfas? 89$
M Prices effective Jan.
mcav; r-lives viuuu riiudjr, diuiudjr
Butter, Chip Ahoy
Coconut Chocolate Chip
Media maid
'Gift' reviewed for
the Bookworms
The meeting of the Hook
worms was held al Ella
Smith's apartment. Fay Fer
guson presented the evening '
book review on "The Ctfl of
Little Things." by Alice Ann
Ihilchms. a sister of Oregon'
author anil agncuHunil ex
pert. K. H Jacknuui This
nutnbiogKipliienl InHik chroni
cles Hie aulhor's hie from
early years, through her
growing anil student years,
her marriage and many years
as a school teacher.
Mrs llutrhins began tom b
ing in country schools in
Montana for $0 ht month.
She moved lo various schools
Rump Roasfs
No. 1 Fresh
Beef Liver u 690
Kraft 7 oz.
Blue Bell 3pack
20 lbs. No. 2
Yellow Onions 70 ib.
m i r,-;w it
Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288
It'i nice to wt twice
low pricei and S&H
Green Stamps
and was pleased that her
salary advanced $1 each lime
she moved She had amusing
experiences during Ihe y earn
she lived In H"' homes n
school patrons in various
dtsiricls She looked back lo
Hie years when parents read
In liieir children during the
evenings and did not us
"sleep helore TV," The
Ihilchms' last home together
was al Handon. Ore
The group made plans lit
host an autograph parly
hoiioi nig Chllord and Frances
William on Saturday, Jan. 2V
,0 the Heppner Library,
for all iHi iisions
ywwi 1 ' 1' !
n. riu
14 01.
& Cheese
ibs. $1.00
0 1
1 1
Stow Hcun: S A.M. to P.M.
PH. 678-9200
Gardner's Men Wear
f "' LL.f