Page 8 Classified 1 Save money Cards of Thanks To all my friends and neighbors, many thanks for gifts, flowers, cards, prayer, and all I f it kindnesses extend ed me during my recent illness GLADYS JONES I w ish lo express my situ ere thanks and appreciation to all who sen' flowers, cards and Hilts, and to all who visited me during my recent illness. Special thanks to the doctor and nurses for their kind nesses, and lo Dave and Mary, who took can of mv famih . Jl'DY BUSCHKE We wish to thank Dr. Wolff, the nurses and hospital staff lor their kind care: also the Robckah bd iK Rhea Creek (iraniie. and friends and neighbors for the flowers, cards, and prayers while Eva was in the hospital EVA AND RAY WRIGHT I would like to thank my i'ela'ies ar.d trtends for the cards, flowers, and for the many prayers offered for me while I was in the Veteran's Hospnal m Walla Walla. LARRY COOK We wish to thank everyone who has been so kind and considf. a'e to us in our hour of sorrow. The flowers were beamilu! and your cards and kind words a great comfort. Ti e tood was gratefully re ceived, and our thanks go to all t":' each contribution that w,a n ade to our comfort. The Family of Frank Turner 2. Notices WILL BUY crippled, retired and hsh. spoiled horses. Ph. 567-6065. Rex Eng ine Heppner Lions 1 Club meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdavs of each mouth a' 6:45 a.m. Break fas' meeting. Wagon Wheel. Cliff Green. Fres! 17tfc .MENTAL HEALTH Heppner office hours: Tues.-Fri., 8:3o-5. 676-9161. Irrigon office hours: Mom. 9-4.. 922-3337. Closed noon hour. Closed Thanksgiving Day. RENT New portable RINSE N&VAC tha' steam cleans, rinses and vacuums carpels professionally clean. Case Furniture Co. NOTICE: Disposing of Avon stock, ideal Christmas gifts. Comae Wilma McTinipeny. 676-5394 40-4 lp I HAVE L'NICEF Christmas Gree'mgs for sale. S2.25 per box. Elaine George. 676-9442. 4()-42c 3. Lost & Found FOUND: In vicim'y of Turn's TV Shop: 1 male black puppy and mother. See at Schwarz Ap's.N'o. 6. 41p 5. Work Wanted WORK WANTED: Family man wants year-round ranch job 676-5331. 676-5067. 42p 6. Wanted WANTED TO BUY: Old woodworking fools for collec tion. Marv Peterson. 422-7483. 41c 8. Services ANYONE WANTING Fuller Brush products, please call 676-9749 mornings. Mary Eli nor Snow. 37c 9. Livestock MALLARD Ducks. 2 spring hatch. 989-8482. pair, 41c WEA.NER Pigs Osmin, 676-9707. for sale: Al 41 -42c 10. Farm, Garden FOR SALE: 30 bushels treat ed Wanser seed wheat. Call 676-5321. 39tfc 12. Furniture, Appliances FOR SALE: 3-position re cliner; dark brown Nauga hyde, less than 2 yrs old. 676-9496. 40-42p . . . Pay cash! 12. Furniture, Appliances FOR SALE: One Formica top dining mom fable and four chairs Bruce Botlmell. Ph. 676-9786. 39-4ip NEW FREEZERS: ft. upright. L.E. f;7ti-:!:i. 2 onlv 18 Dick. 41 -42c WATER HEATERS: Now in s'ock. 32 gal. $99.50. Petty john's. 41-42c PRE-FINISHED KITCHEN CABINETS. We install. Free estimates One week delivery. Pettyjohn's. 41 -42c PIANO. Walnut spinel console piano to be picked up and sold m this area. Assume low mo. pts. or cash Also ORGAN wiih automatic rhythm. Phone colled 503-363-5707 or write Adjuster, 388 Commer cial NE, Salem, Or. 97308. 41-42C 13. For Sale C. Kik and Son for Fiherfoam. S'arcrafi. Caldwell and Mar hi! boa's. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. Ph 567 8419. Hermiston-McN'ary Dam Hwy. " 9tfc SELLING private collection of antiques and collectibles. Al s'ore front in Heppner Hotel. 38-4 lc LOSE Weight w ith New Shape Table's and Hvdrex Water Pills a' MURRAY'S DRUG. 45p FOR SALE: TV. s1). Clarence in em be r Bauman. 41p 67H-H41:: FREE- 3 puppies. 3 mo. old. Golde:. Lab-German Shepherd ci'nss. Call Fran Barnett. eve; Mtitis. 422-7529 . 41c 14, Automotive FOR sv-g!( SALE: axle. l'j-ton trailer: Marvin Way. 39-4 ip LEASE OR BUY A NEW BEETLE $160.70 initial payment $68.85 per mo. 3-Year Lease MEL WINTER Volkswagen Hwy. 395 S. PendletM 276-3611 Opes 7 fays week Heppnerites ; l A new or used car in J ' your future? 'I II so contact: ', i; Ed Wells : ; Keith Farley ; ( 'hnsler-Ply mouth Inc. ! ! 'Hie Walking Mans Friend" jtPendlelnn Ph. 27(i-;:ill ! """Mr- Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. TUESDAY SALE Nov. 26, 1974 SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls Commercial Cows Utility cows Canner & Culler Cows Old thin cows 15.00 to 25.40 18.00 to 21.30 15.00 to 19.00 14.00 to 16.50 5.00(0 12.00 COMMENT: Market steady with last week's quotations. Most cattle on the plain side. Office Phone 567-6655 Highway 30, Hermiston Hilling for small classified ads is expensive. Effective Nov. I, therefore, classified ads will be on a cash in advance basis, unless customer has a regular commercial account with the Gaette-Times. If so. classifieds will be billed monthly. The alternative is to raise the rates to cover rising costs. Rates remain $1 for the first three lines of ad copy; 50c per line for each line thereafter. Display classified advertising. $1.35 per column inch. Cards of Thanks, classified rate, min. $1.50. Deadline, Tuesday noon. Not responsible for errors not reported within 7 davs. 14. Automotive Farley THE CLOSER YOU LOOK, THE BETTER WE LOOK WE HAVE 3-1971 models that must go. Check with us on prices as these cars are priced to sell. 2-.Mustang Hatchbacks l-l'iitto I SKI) CARS: ' 1972 i'ontiac 3-seat sta. wgn., auto, trans., air cond., is. lis: actual miles. 1972 Chev 4:dr. hardtop A clean unit. Air Cond. I!7I Pinto 1971 Chev. 4-dr. hardtop Impala. air cond,, power auto, trans. I SKI) PICKUPS: 197:1 ( dev. '.. ton 2-wheel. auto trans. 1972 CMC '.. ton pickup 4x4 easy hitch and elec. brake I tlT I International 'i ton 4x4 low mileage, flat bed. I'lTii Scout, half cab. I'Mi'i Jeppster Commando VYgn 1'HiS Ford 'i ton 4x4 1973 Ford Courrier pickup. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC-BUICK FORD CMC TRICKS .May and Chase, Heppner Phone 676-91 16 15. Real Estate HOUSE FOR SALE: 3bdrms P.- baths, in Heppner. 676-5895. 40-41p CONSERVATOR for property belonging to Helen Louise Ball will sell the old Anna Ball house with lots 3 & 4. block 3. duff's 8th add.. lone. Call Dennis D Doherty. 676-9456 lo make oiler. 40-4 lc FOR SALE: Comfortable 2 bdrm. home, completely fur nished, S12.000. Call Winter & Doherty. 676-9456. 36lfc Within city limits. Approx. 3'r acres, with 109 ft. of frontage on Minor St. Easily accessible for public utilities. Contact Blanche Brown for further information, 33tfc FOR SALE: 2-bedroom home, single bath, lull basement, new roof and paint job. also central healing system. With in city limits, close to school and shopping. Ph. 676-9116. 36tfc FOR SALE: New homes; Valley View Esfales. Call Darl Hagey. 676-9121 or 676-5562. 41tfc FEEDER CATTLE Yearling steers 7-800 pds. Steers 350-500 pds. Yearling Heifers 7-800 pds. Heifers 300-500 pds. 23.80 to 26.00 21.00 to 25.00 20.30 to 23.00 17.00 to 20.80 Don Wink, Mgr. Eve. 567-3111 Everett Snyder, Eve. 567-3170 Sale ring ( Public) 5T454T , I 1 Public Notices ( PUBLIC NOTICE to Advise Citizens They have the opportunity to serve on Citizen Advisory Committees for Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission (a) Membership As staled in ORS 197.16.".. thu program for citizen involve ment shall include, but not he limited to, an officially re cognized citizen advisory committee or committees broadly representative of geo graphic areas and interests related to land use and l.iml use decisions, (b Selection Process Citizen advisory committee members shall be selected by an open, public process. Citizen advisory committee appointees shall receive offi cial notification of their selec tion. Citizen advisory committee appointments shall be well publicized. c Responsibilities The citizen advisory com mittee or committees shall he responsible for assisting the governing body with the development of a program that promotes and enhances public participation in land use planning: assisting in the implementation of the public participation process: making a record of citizen recommen dations to be transmitted to the governing body for public assessment: and evaluating the process for public partici pation being used in laud use planning. The on-going evaluation of the public participation 16. Mobile Homes lOOOOOOOilPOUOOOOt ARROW CHEVROLET Mobile Homes Security traveler Champion Buddy Rex Circle J Horse Trailer 2280 SW Court PI. Pendleton Phone Collect 276-650a Vista Village Mobile Home Sales We're at a new location, across from Wooley's Westside .Motors. Head quarters for West minister and Governor Mobile homes. With ex cellent bank financing. Rusty and Armand will not be undersold! Freight, and set up in Board man area. 41 18 WESTSIDE (across from Wooley's Motors) RUSTY PRIEL 276-43X8 ARMAND WOOLEY 276-1682 Sift I I Roofing and Painting New roofs, roof coating, built up-roofs, shingles oiled and stained. Home, farm, and ranch painting, including elevators and grain storage. 30 years W. m. Call Claude Pettey 5r: j3& We're in Morrow County every Monday Starrett's DecoF Center 'tinftrt" where we Call KIT. MARTIN ColliCtfor 374324 Appolttimtnt Public Notices process shall be based on the criteria herein. A record of the evaluation findings shall be transmitted to the State Citi zens Involvement Advisory Committee. (d Selection date will be December 2. I!l7t 8:00 p.m.. City Hall, Heppner. Oregon !i:x.ti. J.F, Sweeney, Mayor City of Heppner Published Nov. 21, 28, l!174 OREGON (TIUTITCOUKT, MORROW COUNTY Hank of Eastern Oregon, a State Hanking Corporation, Plaintiff vs. Herman .Morris, Defendant NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE NO. 5158 By virtue of an Execution issued out of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the Clth day of Novem ber. 1971, upon a Judgement rendered and entered in said Court on the 30th day of September, 1971. in favor of the Hank of Eastern Oregon, a State Hanking Corporation, plaintiff, and against Herman Morris, defendant, for the sum of S.".75o.oo (l.vooo.oo on first cause of action w itli interest at x1.. per cent from .March 2(1. 1971 1. for the sum of $2.(117.00 as attorneys fees, and the further sunt of $36.30 costs and disbursements and the costs of and upon this Writ, I certify that on the 2oth day of November. 1!I71. 1 levied on all the right, title and interest of the within named defendant in and to the following described real property situated in Morrow County, Oregon, to wil: The West half of the Southwest quarter of Section ;i.". Township 5 North, Range 26. Fast or the Willamette Meridan. Morrow County, Oregon. SUR.IECT TO that certain Mortgage, including the terms and provisions thereof, dated May 2!). 1971. recorded June 3. 1971. in Ps Mortage Hook "M" of Microfilm No. (xx7. given to secure the payment of S.'l.oon.uo. with interest there on and such advances as may he provided therein, executed b Herman M. Morris, and Clara M. Morris, husband and wife, to First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Pen dleton. NOW. THEREFORE, by irlue of said execution and in compliance with the com mands of said Write I will, on Monday, the 3nth day of December, I!I7I, at 10:00 a.m., Pacific Standard Time, at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner, Morrow lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IHIIUI Specialists In Track-layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding We handle truck hoists, beds and racks, both factory and custom-built: tractor cabs and gooseneck type trailers B & C Repair Shop 1 22-7 109 ( I.EOt HII.DERS IONE 122-7 123 Ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I experience 6W m 989-8184, eves. are JCCON.ftrit HERMISTON County, Oregon, sell at public auction, subject to the re demption, to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the right, title and interest which the within named defendant had on the 30th day of September, 1974, the date of the enrolling and docketing of the Judgement herein, or since that date had in and to the above described property or any part thereof to satisfy said Execution, interest, costs ami accruing costs. Date: First November 20, 1971 Publication: Nov. 28, 1971 Last Publication Dec. 19, 1971 John Mollahan, Sheriff. Morrow County, Oregon Published Nov. 28; Dec, 5. 19, 1971 44otfrftaUfMotct Mirths: To Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nichols, lone, a daughter, Carrie Ann, born 11-21-74. She has a sister. Kcllie Lynn Grand pa rents are Mr. and Mrs James B. Ego. Haines, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nichols. Baker. Great grandmother is Mrs. Charles Ego, Vale. Patients admitted to Pio neer Memorial Hospital litis pasi week were Josie Beckner and Howard Crowell. both of lone, and Claire Audieseu, Heppner. Dismissed were Dinah Holt and Dimple Munkers, both of Heppner. Automotive SHERREl.U CHEVROLET, INC. Complete Sales & Service :ird& Main Hermiston Building Supplies SEE IS FOR ALL YOUR HUILD1NG SUPPLIES. We feature Rovsen Paints TUM-A-I.UM I.I'M HER CO. Tim Moore, Mgr. 432 SE Dorion 276-6221 PENDLETON Cafes 'Lounges CAL'S LOUNGE & CAFE FLOWER BY ANY OTHER I NAME 676-5015 Heppner Construction RlVERBENp' 0WCTION Co Concrete Aggregate Crushed Rock Drain Rock Asphalt Paving Excavating and Grading Hermiston, Oregon Phone 567-2124 Drugs, prescriptions HERMISTON DRUG Free Prescription Mail Service Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ' Gifts for all occasions. Snack Bar Main St. Ph. 567-3072 114 Floor Covering Heating M&K FLOOR COVERING Carpet. Linoleum, Ceramic Tile, Kitchen Cabinets. Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Matt Hughes 422 Linden Way 676-9118 Hepprrer KEMIG FLOORCOVERING Carpet, draperies, linoleum,, counter top, ceramic tile, flooring, tuadrief fiattitUiiUllatW 330 S.W. 11th Butter Creek Hwy. Hermiston Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times, Hi Low Perc, Wednesday 65 52 .02 Thtirsdav fi( 46 .08 Fridav 4!t 30 .08 Saturday 51 40 .25 Sunday : 61 45 Monday"' 56 35 .06 Tuesday 42 25 'Heading for Beecher's IONE. OREGON DANCING Live Music Saturday night to the rhythm of the The Road Runners from Arlington From 9-2 a.m. Sunday Specials Honey Buttered Chicken 'fill $2.25 WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Funeral Home SWEENEY FUNERAL HOME Pre-arrange nients. distant re movals. Serving lone, Hepp ner, Lexington. Licensed fun eral directors. 676-9600 Heppner Furniture See us before you buy your color TV or stereo system. WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 254 W. Hermiston Ave. 567-2201 Hermiston New & Used Furniture & Appliances Authorized Norge Dealers 2200 N. First, Hermiston 567-8960 Construction NOW IN HEPPNER! Wm. (Kill) Slathem HUILD1NG CONTRACTOR Residential Commercial -Remodeling Cabinets ANY TYPE CONSTRUCTION Leave word at the Gazette-Times 676-9228 Insurance TURNER, VANMARTER & BRYANT General Insurance 676-9113 Heppner RUGGLES-BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY 676-9625 Heppner Ray Boyce 676-5384 Monuments' Eternal Markers - bronze. granite. Installations. Vases. Cemetary grave markers. SWEENEY MORTUARY Serving lone, Heppner, Lex ington. 676-9600 Heppner, Thursday, Nov. 28, 1974 1 CHAIN PRICES White w heat $.r..07.r) Red wheat $5.1)85 Barley $118.7(1 Try a Ganette-Times Classified Ad A 1 Optometrist DR. E.K. SCHAFFITZ Optometrist Next to Hotel Heppner entrance. 676-9465 Heppner Physcians-Surgeons DR. L.D. TIBBLES Osteopath physician and surgeon. 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 GERALD A. JONES, M.I). Physician and Surgeon, 116 E llurlburt. Hours: Mon.thru Thurs.. 9a.m. -12:30 p.m.; 1:30p.m. -5p.m.; Frl.,9a.m -1 p.m. Hermiston. Ore. 97838 DR. K.D. PETERSON Chiropractic & Naturopathic Physician 893 N. First St. Phone: 567-6277 Hermiston, Ore. 97838 Radiator Service FARMERS! JONES RADIATOR SERVICE Now is the time to get your harvest equipment ready before the rush season. Sewing Machines SINGER Sales & Service We repair all makes & models GROGANS Approved Singer Dealer 243 S. Main Pendleton 276-2352 Title Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office in Peters Bldg. 676-9912 Heppner t UMATILLA READY-MIX Open every weekday, and Saturdays and Sundays if necessary. Phone 676-9406 ' or , 989-8164 t 1